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NPCMod and Addons


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All of the raider npc's have a spot on accuracy that will get you every time and some times you won't be able to see them but can see you even if you're sneaking up on a roof top and they can see the top of your head and shoot you from great distances too.

The @%$#s with rocket launchers are a pain in the backside too but you can pretty much sidestep those unlike the ones with guns and arrows.

Edited by swmeek (see edit history)
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On 9/1/2022 at 12:12 PM, Ru Melin said:

Hy, did you see the red Raider Girl with the pistol? I found her in my city when I am surching for some food. She looks 90 degree away from me, but she has a strange periphere sight. She see me and shot on me without moving to me and she hits me 🙂  


We had to make lots of compromises for the A20 NPCs.  Balancing sight vs sound detection is tricky.  Likely you were heard and the NPC failed to rotate to you before firing.  Hopefully with A21 bandit code we will be able to do more.

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19 hours ago, xyth said:


We had to make lots of compromises for the A20 NPCs.  Balancing sight vs sound detection is tricky.  Likely you were heard and the NPC failed to rotate to you before firing.  Hopefully with A21 bandit code we will be able to do more.

Usually I'm sneaking on top of a roof and they still pick me off so hopefully it will get fixed in A21.

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On 9/3/2022 at 12:11 PM, swmeek said:

Usually I'm sneaking on top of a roof and they still pick me off so hopefully it will get fixed in A21.

Stealth isnt working as well as we would like, but some modders swap in zombie EAI for bandits and others use the UAI built into this mod for bandits.  If your using this mod, then breaking LOS will stop them firing.  Stealth alone wont make you invisible.  You can make the bandits less accurate with minor XML edits


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On 8/28/2022 at 11:38 PM, KronGaming said:


Yes, vanilla setup works just fine (I should have mentioned that already, my bad!).  I also wiped all saves to test vanilla, then wiped all saves to test just the NPCMod, and then just SCore.


I've noticed, and that's a bit strange, since I'm pretty sure a large portion of hosted servers are all Linux-based.  Or maybe they no longer are (I haven't gotten a hosted server for... too many years, because I just ended up building my own).

Score Version: suggests a potential fix for stack error on Linux (for Fire Manager), but I'm not sure if you had the chance to test this recently. It seems to have been added about 5-6 days ago and the current version has moved to

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2 hours ago, swmeek said:

I know stealth is pretty much a joke in this game but yeah the LOS does work until I peek out again and their super perception skills see me again ! LOL

Adding this in entityclasses.xml for Oakraven Modpack and NMM has given a much greater stealthing capability as it calms down the sleeper volumes a lot.

Toggling it directly from 'true' to 'false' in 0-XNPCCore has the same effect if you've loaded up just the Add-Ons. khzmusik has also released a mod for this specific purpose in his thread.


    <!-- NPC Mod Tweaks -->    
    <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class/property[@name='SleeperInstantAwake']/@value">false</set>


Out in the open in the Biomes though... Ya, players are fair game.

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As a quick method, visit the entitygroups.xml for the XNPCCore or Addon where the NPC can be found and change its prob value to 0 to remove its chance to spawn.
If it is something you would just like to see a lot less of, reduce the prob value to something lower; for example from 0.05 to 0.01.

On 9/10/2022 at 11:34 PM, paul cornwall said:

I would really love it if a group of u modderz could do an animal modlet too loving all your other modlets by the way

I believe @pipermac released some modlets for the NPC community to use, including an animal pack. I am sure I saw a post about it a month or so ago.

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I have a question. I am using a couple mods by Arramus and Oakraven (Bee Hives and Hydroponics) and have run into a problem. According to what I was told the elements from the mods are spawned as entities (snakes). I am using enZombies and NPCMod (with multiple add on packs) so I am venturing a guess that the zombie spawning is preventing the snakes from entering the world thus not allowing the elements for the aforementioned mods. Is there a way I can increase the number of snake spawns in world, if so, what would I need to do. Thanks in advance for any help on this. ;)

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5 minutes ago, KailJ said:

I have a question. I am using a couple mods by Arramus and Oakraven (Bee Hives and Hydroponics) and have run into a problem. According to what I was told the elements from the mods are spawned as entities (snakes). I am using enZombies and NPCMod (with multiple add on packs) so I am venturing a guess that the zombie spawning is preventing the snakes from entering the world thus not allowing the elements for the aforementioned mods. Is there a way I can increase the number of snake spawns in world, if so, what would I need to do. Thanks in advance for any help on this. ;)

Here are some instructions for something you can test:


1. Go to BeeHives > Config / entitygroups.xml
Change all 3 animalBeeStump prob="0.1" to prob="0.25".


2. Go to HydroponicUndergroundFarming > Config / entitygroups.xml

Change all Mushrooms and Wildplants from prob="0.1" to prob="0.25".

Change DesertPlants to:

        <entity name="animalWildPepper" prob="0.25"/>
        <entity name="animalWildPineapple" prob="0.3"/>
        <entity name="animalWildTomato" prob="0.2"/>


With enZombies and the NPC Add on packs there is a lot of competition for spawning.

This increased probability values should see an immediate impact on the frequency you see them.

If not, add an extra 0.05 to their prob values. Finding a balance can take time.
In addition, there are also some hardcoding irregularities to contend with; list order favoritism, load order, double spawning, and whatever else is going on. The DesertPlants were spawning Tomatoes at a very high rate compared to Pineapples even though they had exactly the same spawning chance. This offset helped to stabilise things.

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2 minutes ago, arramus said:

Here are some instructions for something you can test:


1. Go to BeeHives > Config / entitygroups.xml
Change all 3 animalBeeStump prob="0.1" to prob="0.25".


2. Go to HydroponicUndergroundFarming > Config / entitygroups.xml

Change all Mushrooms and Wildplants from prob="0.1" to prob="0.25".

Change DesertPlants to:

        <entity name="animalWildPepper" prob="0.25"/>
        <entity name="animalWildPineapple" prob="0.3"/>
        <entity name="animalWildTomato" prob="0.2"/>


With enZombies and the NPC Add on packs there is a lot of competition for spawning.

This increased probability values should see an immediate impact on the frequency you see them.

If not, add an extra 0.05 to their prob values. Finding a balance can take time.
In addition, there are also some hardcoding irregularities to contend with; list order favoritism, load order, double spawning, and whatever else is going on. The DesertPlants were spawning Tomatoes at a very high rate compared to Pineapples even though they had exactly the same spawning chance. This offset helped to stabilise things.

Awesome, I will do the editing to the XMLs in the morning (since it is 3am here) lol. Thanks for the quick response too. I can hardly wait to see what you have up all your sleeves for 21. :D

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Ok, I don't know what up, but I currently have everything set to 0.99 and only a couple pop up here and there, and still Zero bee logs. I see zombies dropping over dead for no reason, but they just lay there until they disappear. Is it possible that something is causing the snake entity to spawn in at an exceptionally low rate thus effecting the mod from having the 'materials' to create the logs and plants and such? I am clueless about all this....obviously. LOL


Two full day/night search results will all prob="0.99"

Red Mushroom = 0
Puff Ball Mushroom = 4
Purple Mushroom = 0
Wild Cap Mushroom = 0
Lion Mushroom = 2
Fire Fly Stump = 1
Wild Jalapeno = 1
Wild Turnip = 4
Wild Eggplant = 0
Wild Strawberry = 1
Wild Pepper = 1
Wild Pineapple = 3
Wild Tomato = 0
Bee Stump = 0
Bee Stump 2 = 0
Bee Stump 3 = 0

To bad you can't use Bird nests instead of snakes, there are hundreds (if not thousands) of those all over the place. LOL

Let me know if there is something else I can try. I really want to use the mods as we really enjoy them.

Edited by KailJ
Added results of 2 full day search (see edit history)
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Hy, I have a question. In a video I can se that we can hire the NPC baker charakter. But in my game using a lot of NPC mods from your side I cannot hire them. He is a friendly NPC but not to hire. Is it right? Or is there a way to hire them?


Furthermore when I say to a soldier stay here where you are standing and the i go into a car or port me self to anather location on the map as admin, than often times this soldier is following me and spawn on my side. I think this is a bug or?


Best regards

Are the 1-khzmusik_Civilians by Khzmusik mod to hire too?

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On 9/20/2022 at 4:00 PM, KailJ said:

Ok, I don't know what up, but I currently have everything set to 0.99 and only a couple pop up here and there, and still Zero bee logs. I see zombies dropping over dead for no reason, but they just lay there until they disappear. Is it possible that something is causing the snake entity to spawn in at an exceptionally low rate thus effecting the mod from having the 'materials' to create the logs and plants and such? I am clueless about all this....obviously. LOL


Two full day/night search results will all prob="0.99"

Red Mushroom = 0
Puff Ball Mushroom = 4
Purple Mushroom = 0
Wild Cap Mushroom = 0
Lion Mushroom = 2
Fire Fly Stump = 1
Wild Jalapeno = 1
Wild Turnip = 4
Wild Eggplant = 0
Wild Strawberry = 1
Wild Pepper = 1
Wild Pineapple = 3
Wild Tomato = 0
Bee Stump = 0
Bee Stump 2 = 0
Bee Stump 3 = 0

To bad you can't use Bird nests instead of snakes, there are hundreds (if not thousands) of those all over the place. LOL

Let me know if there is something else I can try. I really want to use the mods as we really enjoy them.

Rename the mods from oak to start with a z. That should allow them to bypass the spawning changes from enzombies if that's the conflict. 

It removes many entitygroups and then adds them back at specific probabilities. So any mods that add to said entitygroups before it are now no longer on the list. As well it adjusts the entitygroups called on by the spawning.xml so the intended amounts of said plant spawning entities will not spawn potentially if their spawning entries have changed. 


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On 9/21/2022 at 11:42 AM, Ru Melin said:


Are the 1-khzmusik_Civilians by Khzmusik mod to hire too?


You should be able to hire my civilians. If you can't, that is a bug. But, if you also can't hire the Baker character, that also might be a bug.


When you try to hire the Baker, what exactly happens? If you don't have enough Dukes, you'll go through the whole hiring process (open the "Hire" dialog, click confirm) but at the end it will show a tooltip message saying "You cannot afford me. I want (X) Dukes." It's easy to miss the tooltip message.

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Does this mod work on 20.5? I tried loading Score and XNPCcore on my dedi server with no other mods and the server stalled at creating and entering a lobby. I had no errors on the console.


EAC is off

Game files validated with no errors

Starting a new game

I deleted all old save games and worlds.


I was using Score and XNPC core


I have a feeling that they are only for 20.6?

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The newest versions won't work for 20.5. Well, SCore might, but you'll need to run a 20.5 version of NPCcore, or edit the changes into your 20.6 version. The main thing will be the onSelfRangedBurstShotStart which was changed in 20.6. You'd need to change those back to onSelfRangedBurstShot.


Any reason you aren't just running 20.6?

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On 9/24/2022 at 8:14 PM, khzmusik said:


You should be able to hire my civilians. If you can't, that is a bug. But, if you also can't hire the Baker character, that also might be a bug.


When you try to hire the Baker, what exactly happens? If you don't have enough Dukes, you'll go through the whole hiring process (open the "Hire" dialog, click confirm) but at the end it will show a tooltip message saying "You cannot afford me. I want (X) Dukes." It's easy to miss the tooltip message.

Pretty sure the baker default character that spawns is the nonhireable survivor type.

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11 hours ago, bdubyah said:

The newest versions won't work for 20.5. Well, SCore might, but you'll need to run a 20.5 version of NPCcore, or edit the changes into your 20.6 version. The main thing will be the onSelfRangedBurstShotStart which was changed in 20.6. You'd need to change those back to onSelfRangedBurstShot.


Any reason you aren't just running 20.6?

We have some other mods that don't work in 20.6 that we don't want to drop.

Assuming I can find older versions, would I also need older versions of the packs as well?

Edited by sandpaper600
Additional question (see edit history)
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On 9/27/2022 at 5:31 AM, sandpaper600 said:

Assuming I can find older versions, would I also need older versions of the packs as well?


You probably do not need older versions of the packs. The new trigger is used in buffs.xml, and I don't think there are any NPC Packs that modify buffs. (Or not those buffs, anyway.)


On 9/26/2022 at 6:36 PM, magejosh said:

Pretty sure the baker default character that spawns is the nonhireable survivor type.


Maybe he used to be, but I looked in the latest NPC Core, and the Baker descends from the "npcAdvanced" templates which should be hireable.

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