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NPCMod and Addons


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24 minutes ago, SenpaiThatIngnoresYou said:

I see that red "duplicate physics body" line in the startup console

I've been trying to add as many "new zeds" and the NPC packs as I can.  My guess is that a lot of modders have been copy-pasting XML from some older? "physicsbodies.xml" mods so they're all using the same "physics bodies" in some places. 


My suggestion: Everyone? needs to update their physicsbodies.xml file so every entry is unique for their mod. For example, several mods outside the NPC packs have this physicsbody entry:


<body name="guppyCreatureSlug">


I'm not sure how easy it would be to change this in the NPC mod to "NPCguppyCreatureSlug" or similar for the NPC mods, but if nothing else I feel all the other non-NPC mods need to make sure their physicsbodies are uniquely named.  If this can't be done (I'm really unfamiliar with entities and how these are linked), then the "solution" I've used is to leave the NPC mod's physicsbodies entries alone (as it generally loads first and tehr's a lot of these mods), and then to remove all of the same named entries in other mods physicsbodies.xml.  For example: If another mod was using the "guppyCreatureSlug" physics body in their mod, I simply delete the entire entry as its already being loaded by the NPC mod since it usually loads first


FYI; doing this (and a little bit of finagling with some things), I'm able to get all these mods to all load together. I'm not sure what physicsbodies files I had to change though! but the load order is a bit important so I had to rename some toplevel mod folders

- *All* the current NPC mods, and secondary/expansion mods. No renaming of mod names needed

- "Zulk" entity (renamed the mod 0-Zulk so it loads right after the 0- NPC mods)

- errNulls zeds, + the errNulls snufkins add on (all renamed 0-a-[modname] so they load BEFORE the 0- NPC mods).  Because this mod changes a lot of entity groups (removes and puts them back) it has to load first.

- Khains behemoth (renamed 0-[modname] so its loads BEFORE the 0- NPC mods)

- Khains Hornet (no renaming of the mod)

- Sorcery (no renaming of the mod)

- Spherii A Better Life (no renaming of the mod)

- Stalliondens Pets (no renaming of the mod)

- IceBurg animal overhaul (no renaming of the mod)

- my "Rabbit of Cerbannog" (no renaming of the mod)


I wanted to get Robeletos zeds in, but I'm seeing seeing some discussion about maybe getting it integrated/compatible into errNulls zed pack so I'm waiting.

I also wanted to see if i could cram "The Wasteland" in there but usually there's a lot of other changes to consider.

In theory, since Darkness Falls is compatible with Sorcery, I could cram DF in there too.


But honestly, much like the "Vehicle Madness" mod, I AM FOREVER loading all NPC mods *no matter what* and any mod not compatible with it that I can't easily figure out how to change to work, gets quickly removed from my games as I'm not dropping NPC packs as they're awesome.







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10 minutes ago, doughphunghus said:

I've been trying to add as many "new zeds" and the NPC packs as I can.  My guess is that a lot of modders have been copy-pasting XML from some older? "physicsbodies.xml" mods so they're all using the same "physics bodies" in some places. 


My suggestion: Everyone? needs to update their physicsbodies.xml file so every entry is unique for their mod. For example, several mods outside the NPC packs have this physicsbody entry:


<body name="guppyCreatureSlug">




I will cleanup the NPCCore Physicsbodies.xml and remove the unused guppyslug and a few others that were just in there for testing.   If folks are going to copyPasta stuff out of the core then they should rename whatever they remove to avoid conflicts.

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Pushed an Experimental version of the NPCCore, link is below the stable release link on the first page.


This version has many stability patches, as well as several new features.


  • Adds new UI features, including a showing your NPCs like party members so you can track their health when they are distant.
  • Hired NPCs now drop a player like backpack on death, so if you have your followers carry stuff for you you wont lose all that on death.
  • Deployable turrets now target hostile animals
  • Added a "Guard Here" command, which commands the NPC to assume your exact position and direction when assigned.   Great for setting ranged NPCs on POI walls.  If they move from this position they should return to it.
  • Many engine features added, like controlling dialog and command options based on available AI packages
  • NPCs will try to avoid traps and mines, and will not be damaged by those.
  • NPCs wont be damaged if they walk onto campfires
  • Ranged package was given further optimizations
  • Reloading and burst firing improved
  • NPCs no longer get stuck in swimming animation when leaving water.  Only fixed on the NPCCore models until expansion packs update its Unity Controller.
  • NPCs now turn and face properly in most if not all situations.
  • General stability fixes

Probably even more but those are some of the highlights.  This requires the very latest SCore, so be sure to update that as well.




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A small update to the 2-NPCXSpiderPack-ColonyExpansion to bring them into pretty much all areas. They have been added to a few selective 'abandoned' vanilla POIs (renamed to keep vanilla ones safe) which can't be quested, a couple of questable versions, and one sample version which serves as a spider monument. This ensures they can be encountered all over the world at various degrees.



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5 minutes ago, Hayran said:



I cant speak with NPC on Experimental Release


That is intended.   The Baker is currently set up using the default "no chat" template.   Since that is causing confusion, I might need to make him interactable.

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2 hours ago, xyth said:


That is intended.   The Baker is currently set up using the default "no chat" template.   Since that is causing confusion, I might need to make him interactable.

The baker is good guy, then need back lol.


Bug: If you dismiss a contracted NPC, he continues show for you the healtbat/life and gps/map position of the last dismiss NPC.

PS: The SwatCaptain don't looks like a zombie hehe (it`s from 1-ZombiezPack) it`s possible disable?



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On 2/2/2022 at 9:29 PM, Hayran said:

PS: The SwatCaptain don't looks like a zombie hehe (it`s from 1-ZombiezPack) it`s possible disable?


It's a matter of narrative. He may not look like a zombie, but he's infected, he just haven't fully turned into a zombie yet, but he's still dangerous.


If you really want to, you can disable it by either removing or commenting out its line in entitygroups.xml, but I would advise to avoid that method, and instead create your custom patch that will apply after this mod, because every update to the said mod will overwrite your changes that you've made manually...

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There are a nice variety of Bandit type entities in the Add On packs, and it seemed fitting to create a Bandit Settlement out in the Wilderness which can be RWG'd to any Biome. This settlement is just getting some detail and will then be populated for play testing. The dynamics are very different when setting up a POI for ranged hostiles. ^^


Out in the snow Biome.



And the darker Wasteland/Burnt Forest.



And thanks to @MichaelL. for allowing O.D Hugh Manatie Dirigible POI to become a main feature of the compound.





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Just testing a mixed group of Bandits with some only melee, some only range, and others mixed. Getting the balance is fun and a run through with a 1:4 ratio for ranged felt comfortable. That may well change though as the NPC Mod continues to add more sophistication.


Without sharing too much, so it doesn't ruin player's own run throughs, the muzzle flashes are awesome and still runs silky smooth.



And the Bandits do not hesitate to keep you out of their territory. And with the random spawning, you just never know who is coming to greet you first.



Plenty of fun with the NPC Mod Add On characters.



And this will just add another layer to Vanilla default game play.


We'll have our regular Zombies going up in Game Stage for Fetch, Clear, and Power Up, as well as the chance to do all of that with the NPC Mod Add On characters. And with NPC interaction comes the chance to expand with NPC Mod specific Quests. What Vanilla has provided so very well with A20, can be integrated and expanded.

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2 hours ago, Artemisia said:

Hi. SCore: (0-SCore) cannot be downloaded via DownGit.(Including minhaskamal.github.io, yehonal.github.io) Adding .zip file directly as before will avoid confusion and will be more useful.

I added a more reliable download link, and an alternative method.



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12 hours ago, arramus said:

Just testing a mixed group of Bandits with some only melee, some only range, and others mixed. Getting the balance is fun and a run through with a 1:4 ratio for ranged felt comfortable. That may well change though as the NPC Mod continues to add more sophistication.


Without sharing too much, so it doesn't ruin player's own run throughs, the muzzle flashes are awesome and still runs silky smooth.



And the Bandits do not hesitate to keep you out of their territory. And with the random spawning, you just never know who is coming to greet you first.



Plenty of fun with the NPC Mod Add On characters.



And this will just add another layer to Vanilla default game play.


We'll have our regular Zombies going up in Game Stage for Fetch, Clear, and Power Up, as well as the chance to do all of that with the NPC Mod Add On characters. And with NPC interaction comes the chance to expand with NPC Mod specific Quests. What Vanilla has provided so very well with A20, can be integrated and expanded.

I had a non hostile gina from the raider gurlz pack living with me for a bit. I am not sure if they seek out player bedrolls or if this just showed up, but it was a nice organic playing experience. I found myself modifying my base ( the destroyed urgent care office) so that she can move more freely and shoot at zombies, and she took care of aggroed night zombies and screamers for me. Really changed the game up and it's a shame it's not a vanilla feature


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20 minutes ago, SenpaiThatIngnoresYou said:

I had a non hostile gina from the raider gurlz pack living with me for a bit. I am not sure if they seek out player bedrolls or if this just showed up, but it was a nice organic playing experience. I found myself modifying my base ( the destroyed urgent care office) so that she can move more freely and shoot at zombies, and she took care of aggroed night zombies and screamers for me. Really changed the game up and it's a shame it's not a vanilla feature



Thanks, We are just getting started.  


What we struggle the most with is near zero feedback on features and functionality.  We really need to know what folks like, whats broken, whats really needed.  

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2 hours ago, xyth said:


Thanks, We are just getting started.  


What we struggle the most with is near zero feedback on features and functionality.  We really need to know what folks like, whats broken, whats really needed.  

What I Like:


Hirable NPC help, at least the ones with guns

Setting the NPC to guard on top of my horde base



Custom zombies



Whats Broken:


Baker was hirable and he was good, then for no apprent reason he was made not hirable, and now he is useless...why keep him in the mod at all in that case? This one kinda really irked me, and you said you MIGHT change it back, but nothing was done...


NPCs can get in your way, you should be able to noclip right thru them just like other actual players, I mentioned this one before..

NPCs can kill you even in Godmode, although you don't die until you turn off Godmode, you can't do anything once you reach that state

If my friend hires an NPC, then leaves the server but I am still there, I can "steal" his hired NPC by hiring it myself

NPCs in follow mode are wandering too far away and getting themselves killed, I mentioned this one before also...

Too much spam in server console make it difficult to find the root cause of a problem, specifically all the "Locks" related console spam- I am not using locks, adavanced locks is not enabled, yet it still keeps telling me it won't work because the locks plugin isnt loaded, well duh..why keep telling me?



Whats Really Needed:


An easily configurable option to enable/disable specific NPCs or Zombies from each "Pack", and by easy I am not referring to editing entitygroups.xml because that is NOT easy

All NPCs which are not hirable should be hostile like Harley, instead of just a waste of CPU (looking at you Baker!)



My opinion:


0-SCore should make releases when changes are made that affect the NPCs, there have been MANY updates to SCore since the last official release on Github, why aren't more releases being published?


Some of the fixes are CRITICAL to proper NPC operation, but the average person doesnt know they can download the source code and use it that way, they just look at releases and see the newest release is 28 days ago and think they are good to go.


If you say you accept feedback in this thread, but do nothing to address the feedback given, people will stop giving feedback IMHO

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Expecting changes simply because you give feedback is kind of silly. 


SCore is changing constantly but until it is tested it usually isn't released to the masses. Same with NPCmod updates. 


And I don't think every NPC should be hireable at all. Not everyone would be willing to help you no matter how much you'd pay them. Look at them as others just trying to make it on their own. Certainly not a waste of CPU. 


And what is easier than commenting out an entity in xml? What do you want, an entirely new menu or something? It would be that or making each entity it's own mod, and that's asking more than you probably realize. Making a few small changes to the xml is not hard. So either learn that or deal with whatever entities you dont like. 

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A few of these are possibly new bugs, thanks.  The baker is already converted; that and many other bug fixes are in our beta testers hands.  We are working on some issues you did not mention that warrant greater use of our time.  Sorry we are not updating as fast as you might like but last time I checked we were not getting paid to do this nor is anyone being charged to use it.  But I do value the input.  For that I thank you. 

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1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

Expecting changes simply because you give feedback is kind of silly...

Not expecting so much as salivating...perhaps I need to mention again HOW TOTALLY F'IN AWESOME THIS IS!!!


I personally appreciate everything all mod authors are doing, I know it is not expressed as often as should be, but what can you do?


Feedback is historically generally negative in nature, thats just how it works I guess



And I don't think every NPC should be hireable at all. Not everyone would be willing to help you no matter how much you'd pay them. Look at them as others just trying to make it on their own. Certainly not a waste of CPU.

Not that they ALL need to be hirable, but like I said, if they're not hirable, and they're not hostile, what is the point of them?


At the very least they should not look at you like expecting you to talk to them when there is litereally nothing you can do to intereact with them

1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

Making a few small changes to the xml is not hard. So either learn that or deal with whatever entities you dont like. 

Not hard for you, not hard for me...not anymore after a LOT of time spent learning and trying new things with xml modding


Learned it, dealt with it, but there should be an easy way for my noobie steam friend to turn on or off a specific NPC or zed in his own single player game...


Just sayin'

25 minutes ago, xyth said:

Sorry we are not updating as fast as you might like but last time I checked we were not getting paid to do this nor is anyone being charged to use it.

Again, thanks for all you do, I defintely do not want to come off as unappreciative, I am just very direct


Not really looking for more frequent updates, but if something done in SCore affects something in NPCCore, then it should be released thats all im saying about updates


I check both githubs multiple times daily making sure nothing new is here :)

25 minutes ago, xyth said:

I do value the input.  For that I thank you.

You're welcome!


And again thanks to everyone involved in this, it's the most fun since enZombies!

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I have a bit of an affinity for the baker since my first encounter with him back in A19. I was trying out the various zombie/creature/NPC mods for the first time and using khzmusik's factions and suite of tweaks. It was the first night of a rough start so I was just crouching in an emptied house POI and trying to quietly wait out the night since there was some rather creepy unknown things roaming with all of the various mods. I hear the footsteps and snarls of what must've been a roaming horde walking by and begin to, thankfully, fade into the distance. Right then the very distinct sound of my front door opening shocks me back into alertness and I panic a bit. "What can open doors?!" I thought to myself. I was crouched in the kitchen corner so I couldn't see the door but I was squatting and staring towards the hall where who or whatever came in would have to appear. First thing I see is a gloved hand just creeping slowly into view. I was pretty panicked at this point and really curious. Panic was relieved and bemusement set in as that distinct hat materialized from the shadows. The visitor stood in the light staring at me cheerfully. For the first time in my single player experience a fellow survivor found temporary safety in my crumbling temporary base. We quietly waited out the night and he left shortly after dawn. Though our paths never crossed again I realized just how much NPCs can add to the goofy immersion of the game at that moment. For me its not about hiring them or killing them that makes me so love the mod, its the feeling of life the world gains from having them just going about their business and fighting the good fight to stay alive in a cruel zombie apocalypse.

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4 hours ago, ate0ate said:

its the feeling of life the world gains from having them just going about their business and fighting the good fight to stay alive in a cruel zombie apocalypse.

Yes, this observation really stands out. Regardless of the player's World, they are just doing their thing and paths will periodically cross for better or worse.

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