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I got a mission to the Dead Chicken


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I've posted before how downright weird this society is. You have daycare centers next to titty bars next to dog bars next to bear bars. Dog bars and bear bars? I'm not surprised this society died in some sort of horrific apocalypse.


So then I find this bar full of chickens. WTF? Seriously WTF?


The Dead Chicken was full of live chickens.The two chickens that seemed stuck in the bathroom I left alone. I was a little creeped out and didn't want to eat them anyway. Why were they just standing there? Chickens just don't stand anywhere. Not even when they're pooping. My uncle had a farm with lots of chickens. It's odd what a kid picks up on.


I went to the basement and found this cage full of chickens. They looked okay yet I felt sorry for them stuck in that cage. I had plenty of meat. You practice long enough with the simple bow and rabbits and chickens aren't that difficult to whack. They are way more difficult if I'm drinking rum and coke. Then I just run up and hit them with my club.  But today I wasn't drinking any and shot lots of chickens and rabbits. 


I jump into the cage and start beating one of the wire fences to let them out. The chickens ran from the other side of the pen to my side directly under my stone axe. I tried moving. It didn't do any good. My ax was the magnet and they were the steel. Why they do that?


Needless to say I've got all the meat and feathers I need.

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I like that POI. We already had a bear cage. Chickens was only a matter of time. The only thing missing is their natural aggression in-game. It would be hilarious to take eggs from a nest and get attacked by a chicken for it. I admit I have a problem with wildlife running into my weapons all the time too.

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1 hour ago, Urban Blackbear said:

I like that POI. We already had a bear cage. Chickens was only a matter of time. The only thing missing is their natural aggression in-game. It would be hilarious to take eggs from a nest and get attacked by a chicken for it. I admit I have a problem with wildlife running into my weapons all the time too.


It's like they, they demand that you kill them.  Coyotes, and wolves do naturally of course, but I've lost track of how many rabbits and chickens that just dive under my motorcycles tires.  On an interesting note, I ran over a chicken with my 4x4 earlier today, and saw it running down the road no worse of wear.  Sort of like guinea hens do in real life.

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It's the Dead Rooster, not dead chicken, but I know the PoI you are talking about.


I have used it as a home base (not a horde base) in the last 3 of my playthoughs. Not intentionally, it just happened to be in a good location three times in a row. It's excellent as, as you've noted, it comes with its own supply of food, it's build of brick, has a very large basement which seems to be lit every time, and a great balcony above.


All in all, it would make a great horde base too.

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