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Did the trader jobs/quests increase in distance for A20?


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I have been playing A20 experimental since it was released and liking it for the most part so far. But there is something I noticed. I always hated having to travel greater distances to POI's for the trader quests/jobs. And with "greater distances" I mean over 2 km.
But with Alpha 20, it seems they actually increased the distance a job can spawn at. So at one point all my tier 4 jobs were ranging betweem 6,5 km up to 8,4 km away. Even the tier 3 jobs were all at least 2 km removed from me. 

Is it possible to put a max to the distance a trader can spawn quests, because traveling over 8 km for a job seems ridiculous to me... that or give you the option to reset the jobs traders are offering.

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Actually they lowered the distances. Haven´t seen more than 1km when doing T1-T4. T5 is a different story for me though as there is only a few T5´s on the whole map. (and not even all of them, this needs to be fixed. Can´t be that hard to make sure all T5´s spawn on a random map) 

You gotta be really unlucky with the POI´s on your map generation.


You can reset the trader jobs. Go into debug mode by opening the console with F1, type dm and press enter, exit the console with F1. Now you should have the options to reset quests and trader inventory when you talk to the trader.

Edited by pApA^LeGBa (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Brabbelbeest said:

I have been playing A20 experimental since it was released and liking it for the most part so far. But there is something I noticed. I always hated having to travel greater distances to POI's for the trader quests/jobs. And with "greater distances" I mean over 2 km.
But with Alpha 20, it seems they actually increased the distance a job can spawn at. So at one point all my tier 4 jobs were ranging betweem 6,5 km up to 8,4 km away. Even the tier 3 jobs were all at least 2 km removed from me. 

Is it possible to put a max to the distance a trader can spawn quests, because traveling over 8 km for a job seems ridiculous to me... that or give you the option to reset the jobs traders are offering.

It highly depends on the world. I've gotten some 50m away, and others 1.4km away from the same trader.


If you're still early on, make a new seed that you'll like

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8.4km away should only be possible if you're pretty close to the edge of the map, too.  Sounds like you have a trader down in a corner, in a small town without big POIs.  The reason its making you go so far is because it needs to find 5 POIs of each appropriate tier, and those are probably the closest.


If you can find a trader near the center of the map, preferably one in a major city, it'll give you much better options.

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I'd imagine it depends on the map since certain POIs are tied to certain tiers. On the small pregen from trader Jen the t4 quests are mostly 2-3 km away.  The night quests even lower tier seemed to be mostly off in the snow (far north). I imagine the t5 quests will be the same and I might just need to relocate to Joel, who is at the edge of the wasteland.

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Tnx for the responses. I checked a few things. The map I am using is "Pregen10k" and its size is 10240. I am reasonable close to the middle of the map. Just as a test I accepted and canceled all the tier 4 quests and did a lower tier quest that was a bit closer (still over 2km). That did reset all the higher tier quests, but regrettable they still/again were all pretty far away (the closest job was 2,8 km and the most distant one was 8,8 km).

Perhaps it's inherent to the map I'm using due to the large size, or perhaps I'm just unlucky. But for me it seems logical if the FunPimps would put a maximum distance on these jobs. I have two smaller towns in close proximity to the town I'm staying at. Even with smaller towns, there should be enough Tier 4 locations to choose from I would recon...

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How about rather than limiting the distance from a trader the quest can be, weighting it so that closer PoI's of the appropriate tier are more likely to be chosen at the lower tiers. As you move up to higher tier quests then the balance starts to shift to sending you places that are farther away. Maybe add an incentive to travel those long distances by increasing the reward based on the distance. It'd make a logical sort of sense as well, since the trader would offer little reward for running an errand that is just a block or two away, but asking you to cross the map and kill a hundred zombies would be a much bigger ask. As it is I've been passing up on tier 5 quests because they seem to have been tuned into death traps that take more than a game day to complete and the rewards aren't noticeably better than running a tier 3-4, especially considering how fast you can knock out those easier quests. Hell I can complete a clear and fetch T3-4 in 5-10 real life minutes using melee for all but the hairiest spots. I like to have questing days where I just focus on busting out all of them that I can since I max out daring adventurer and get double item rewards.

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Shorter travel distances is why I went with the smallest map for a change.

1km is really not far at all, especially once you get motorized transport but in this game it feels far for some reason.

4 km is like "Do I really want to be bothered?"

I still miss the old Minecraft style unlimited generated on the fly maps, but then the game had a much different style then, and I understand that it was canned for performance reasons.

Find the t5 pois and closest trader, hope it isn't @%$# Rekt and base next to them. Profit!

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 So far, In the Random World that I created, I have had "most" of the trader missions to be a nice reasonable distance,  ranging from 136m to 670m, when doing the Tier 1 and Tier2 missions.  I did have one pop up in the missions offered that listed as being 4.6 km away,  but that was just one,  which I obviously didn't opt to choose. Maybe once I have a motorcycle and want to expand My "areas discovered"  I will take one of the longer missions if another gets offered,  but right now,  I'm on Day 32 and still making smaller treks trying to locate the other biomes.   Poppa needs some oilshale!!!!

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