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Potentially grief exploits with the new shape menu. (may not be a bug)


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As of now, this is what I call a "budget gate of Gondor" (see attached picture). I'm wondering if the shape menu blocks will all get health re-balances as my railings that are V2 corners along with the regular rails all have the exact same amount of health as regular blocks.


On one side if it doesn't get re-balanced, it allows POI designers to use whatever blocks they want without worrying about health. On the other side, people like me who are horde base designers MAY abuse this to make horde bases that allow us to shoot wherever we so desire. Without blocks obscuring our vision and allowing us to shoot out of railings or bars without hindrances.


I personally wouldn't mind either way as I don't abuse horde base designs, however I can't speak for everyone else. I'm not sure how badly this can affect PvP if hardcore players design bases in such ways that THEY can shoot out and no one can shoot in. Just something to consider, otherwise the health of blocks doesn't affect me or my bases as I don't like cheesing. I don't consider this a bug, as much as a design flaw.









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Am I missing something if I characterize the issue as "iron bars got a massive upgrade to match the HP of steel"? I'm sure there are some new designs that would've been uglier with the old blocks, but is there a big functional difference hiding somewhere?

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6 minutes ago, theFlu said:

Am I missing something if I characterize the issue as "iron bars got a massive upgrade to match the HP of steel"? I'm sure there are some new designs that would've been uglier with the old blocks, but is there a big functional difference hiding somewhere?

If I design the entire base to be made of rails/bars or anything that can be shot through. Then I can hit zombies no matter where they are. I won't have the threat of them beating down walls either as I can only assume steel rails have the same health as a steel block. That's the only concern I have.


I don't mind if it stays the same or gets changed, I just wanted to present it to everyone as it would make any base in PvP a mechanic-breaking mess. Not that I play PvP, I heavily avoid it.

Edited by Darklegend222 (see edit history)
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Yeh, ok, that's what I thought - basically you could've built a base wholly out of iron bars in A19 as well, but they were a little on the weak side, now they're steel.


It is an advantage for sure, but time will tell if the hordes will suffer for it - it's not like we haven't had the zeds either electrocuted or banging on steel walls or just running loops, with a good line of sight for each case.

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I am little baffled here, i dont really understand what it the problem. And PvP is something what i dont consider, mostly exclude.


So from pure PvE standpoint. 

Even without those railing, most zombies attack by hitting things. So 3-4 blocks high, they dont hit you anyway. And you are in safe position to shoot them.

Cops and Birds spew that acid/puke what damage and melt things. And goes trough bars, railings etc.

So railing, bars, or solid blocks, everything is same as in A19?

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The problem is probably best seen with the new shape that is identical to how the wood frame looked like previously. You can freely shoot through it and stand on it, but it has the same hitpoints as a fully filled block. I used it already to make excellent platforms for shooting down on zombies, but they could easily be used for walls as well. Walls that are as sturdy as filled blocks and with a two block thick wall and a shotgun at that range you are in an excellent position against all melee zombies



Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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As someone whos dabbled in PVP, some of it occurs in either underground trap bases, but more so in open world.  It's just easier to one shot someone who's looting than chasing them into their fortress.  PVP bases are built with an entirely different set of ideas in mind.  They create narrow fields of fire, extra walls and supports, breaking lines of sight,  internal turrets and traps, and complicated redundant airlock systems.  Hence, hunting players in the wild being more lucrative.


I'm not understanding the logic here.  If you're worried about PVPers theoretically shooting at you while inside a perfectly see-through-shoot-through base, why would you even build it?




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I prefer my bases so I can melee to conserve ammo so rails don't help me much. However, anything you can shoot through means you can still take range damage from anything else. Besides the cops and vultures that spit there's also the new special that lobs acid. I also believe that there are more special attacks to come to keep players tactics changing.

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