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resolved, the SMG is better than the .44mag


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Just got the schematic and I got the drum schematic yesterday. Unless I use all my steel making the SMG, all I'll need is the silencer.


I could get the .44 mag schematics and it is a lot more damage, nearly as much fun. I almost have a full business suit, pants and shoes, but I don't have any of the perks to use it.


It does more damage but it's slower it only has five rounds or is it six? I've forgotten in all this excitement

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I hope they are working on some better mods for the magnum.  Kind of feels left out.  As for which one is better,  I'll have to look in to that.  Might come down to damage dealt vs how much ammo you have available.  If you have enough ammo to just spray and pray then a lower damage is less of a concern.  If you are low on each kind of ammo I would say that the higher damage output would come out on top.  

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12 hours ago, Sjustus548 said:

I hope they are working on some better mods for the magnum.  Kind of feels left out.  As for which one is better,  I'll have to look in to that.  Might come down to damage dealt vs how much ammo you have available.  If you have enough ammo to just spray and pray then a lower damage is less of a concern.  If you are low on each kind of ammo I would say that the higher damage output would come out on top.  

We usually play with a house rule that we do not melt dukes for brass, as the game gets a bit boring if you can mass-produce ammunition trivilializing all content. Under such conditions the .44 ammo is the best bang per brass (the most damage per brass spent). 

In comparison 9mm can be silenced but it is very wasteful in regards of brass consumption as you get approx half the damage out of it per brass spent. So I would say there are scenarios where one is better than the other. 

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the SMG and magnum aren't really "one is better than the other" for me, the SMG continues being useful for the entire game as a bullet hose (and is more useful for doing stuff out outside of blood moons) while the magnums are substantially better for taking out tougher zombies and for quickly dropping small groups.

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