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Inventory FULLY DELETED on 2/3 characters in long standing game?!


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How is this acceptable? We have been playing this game for months and both our characters got a full inventory delete and random starting position with a reset of the tutorial.


You can't call yourself a video game company if you can't wrap your head around a SAVE.

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A couple of things - We have found trying to add some client-side modlets mid-game since A19...has been problematic. We pulled them and characters stabilized. Also, backup your game saves directory regularly. It is easy to roll back a character to a working state...if you have a backup. It takes me about five minutes and I don't even have to shutdown the server. Simply rollback their character file and they are back in business. We backup hourly and can roll back 20 versions. This is also important if your main.ttw file ever gets corrupted due to a rude crash. Often, when the server comes back up after a crash, it corrupts the primary file and ends up setting everything to day 1 or simply garbles the world (trees disappear, etc). Rolling back that file is an easy fix.

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1 hour ago, Jugginator said:

You opted into an experimental build of an alpha version, and there are dozens of locations telling you that saves are not safe in between updates in experimental and you should expect to have to wipe every build.

I didn't opt into anything I spent 8 bucks on a game. Fanboying helps NOTHING in alpha stage btw.

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1 hour ago, Ratbird said:

I didn't opt into anything

So this was Alpha 18? What does it say in the upper right corner of the screen when you play?


When your characters were reset and inventory deleted was it after simply dying and respawning or did your game experience a crash due to a power outage or some other reason?


There is a fix:


Hit F1 and type: giveselfxp 10000


Repeat typing that as many times as you need to in order to regain the levels you lost

You can change the number bigger or smaller to level up faster or slower.


Hit F1 and type: cm

Then exit the console by pressing ESC.

Open your menu and click on the lightbulb icon on the far right.

Give yourself back whatever you feel is fair that you lost.

Repeat the first two steps to disable the creative menu again.



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4 hours ago, Ratbird said:

How is this acceptable? We have been playing this game for months and both our characters got a full inventory delete and random starting position with a reset of the tutorial.


You can't call yourself a video game company if you can't wrap your head around a SAVE.

instead of raging you shoudl give us some information.


What version are you playing? 18.4? or did you go opt into the experimental version of the game called A19?

Did you do an update that suddenly caused this? 


Did the game crash? Did your computer suddenly crash?

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11 hours ago, Ratbird said:

I didn't opt into anything I spent 8 bucks on a game. Fanboying helps NOTHING in alpha stage btw.

No, you spent eight bucks on an incomplete, early release title. I believe, even the Steam page for this game says that it is EARLY ACCESS. Do you not understand what those words mean?

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13 hours ago, Ratbird said:

I didn't opt into anything I spent 8 bucks on a game. Fanboying helps NOTHING in alpha stage btw.

Did you actually want help or did you just come to whine? I've actually gave you specific help to regain your character and would be glad to give you more advice if you actually want some. Not sure if you truly want any help. Let us know if you want/need further advice please. 

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I am playing PS4 version.


Nothing crashed we simply didn't play the file for about a week and it deleted everyone's progress except for the host.

Feel free to point to anywhere that this game says 'early access's or 'testing'. All I see is 'released 2016' and a $40 pricetag.IMG_20200820_205501.thumb.jpg.e5576ce2623cb4d64874cc6de0ed98d0.jpg


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7 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

You're posting a well known console bug in the PC section of the forum. Also why you're getting told it's an early access title. You're in the wrong area of the forum. On PC it IS early access.... Post where you should and you'll get more relevant replies.



Moved to the correct section.

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1 hour ago, JCrook1028 said:

You're posting a well known console bug in the PC section of the forum. Also why you're getting told it's an early access title. You're in the wrong area of the forum. On PC it IS early access.... Post where you should and you'll get more relevant replies.

How long has this been a *known* bug?

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If you were on Xbox, you'd be experiencing the dreaded MD5 error that seems to be very common.


As for PS4, it's been a very rare experience on my end. In fact after 2 years, only twice have I seen a bug happen to that extreme.


1st time was with my friend. His character completely reset. I was the host to that game. Thankfully I'm a hoarder, so replacing tools and weapons wasn't a problem. His skills however...


The 2nd time, it happened to me, but I could've prevented it and didnt. I went to my mini bike I had just been driving, and it wouldn't let me get back on. Like a dumbass, I simply quit and reloaded. Everything in my toolbar vanished. Something told me to store it away, but, lesson learned.


Console is buggy at times. I've had my mini bike for no reason be completely broken and smoking after parking it and walking away. I've also had it a few times simply vanish and sink into the ground. To which I had to dig back up. It's annoying, but it's why I always have repair kits in my storage on the bike.


If you're new to the game, before you freak out, also note that building has its own mechanic. You can't simply build any which way and have it be stable without support. 


It's unfortunate you got hit by that bug. I completely sympathize with you on that. But the game really is fun, and despite its limitations and whatnot, I never regretted the many hours I've spent on it. 


If you need any help/info, feel free to swing back in here or on reddits ps4 thread, and I'll attempt to help if I can.

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58 minutes ago, Jysen said:

If you were on Xbox, you'd be experiencing the dreaded MD5 error that seems to be very common.


As for PS4, it's been a very rare experience on my end. In fact after 2 years, only twice have I seen a bug happen to that extreme.


1st time was with my friend. His character completely reset. I was the host to that game. Thankfully I'm a hoarder, so replacing tools and weapons wasn't a problem. His skills however...


The 2nd time, it happened to me, but I could've prevented it and didnt. I went to my mini bike I had just been driving, and it wouldn't let me get back on. Like a dumbass, I simply quit and reloaded. Everything in my toolbar vanished. Something told me to store it away, but, lesson learned.


Console is buggy at times. I've had my mini bike for no reason be completely broken and smoking after parking it and walking away. I've also had it a few times simply vanish and sink into the ground. To which I had to dig back up. It's annoying, but it's why I always have repair kits in my storage on the bike.


If you're new to the game, before you freak out, also note that building has its own mechanic. You can't simply build any which way and have it be stable without support. 


It's unfortunate you got hit by that bug. I completely sympathize with you on that. But the game really is fun, and despite its limitations and whatnot, I never regretted the many hours I've spent on it. 


If you need any help/info, feel free to swing back in here or on reddits ps4 thread, and I'll attempt to help if I can.

Pretty much the same here.  Have had it on the PS4 since shortly after release, and play almost primarily local split-screen.  Upgrading the internal disk to a SSHD or SSD helps a lot.

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8 hours ago, Ratbird said:

How exactly would upgrading the hard drive to solid state stop online multiplayer save files from corrupting after weeks of inactivity?

This is a voxel game that is saving and storing data in measures of Gigabytes. 95% of the games you play have save data less than 150 Megabytes. It's a stark difference. In addition to this, we aren't making periodic saves of a small data set every 10-15 minutes when you hit a checkpoint. As you are exploring and playing, your character data, and the data from the world is constantly being read and updated for changes that occur.

By having a drive with exponentially faster read/write speeds, you decrease the chances of a hiccup due to the system being unable to keep up with the data flow.


There are other factors as well that will affect your devices performance, heat is one of the biggest ones. If you don't have proper airflow the console will heat up pretty quick. As they heat up, the CPU and GPU are under-clocked to reduce strain and prevent critical hardware failure. This slows down the devices ability to manage data, which can lead to corruption. It's not like the console hardware really keeps up with the minimum required specs for the game to operate either.  I cover this in detail in the Sticky thread, though it does get a little bit technical.

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19 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

Pretty much the same here.  Have had it on the PS4 since shortly after release, and play almost primarily local split-screen.  Upgrading the internal disk to a SSHD or SSD helps a lot.

I just have a 4TB external HD lol. Here to hoping the PS5 will help it run smoother...


There are some methods a person can do to limit bad things like crashes that I found out myself.


Main thing was never have anything else running/suspended when playing this game. It really pushes the console to its limit. I always left YouTube in a suspended state. When the game started crashing early on, learned really quickly to close it out before playing lol.


I also got into the habit of also relaunching the game when starting, never simply coming back the next day to it being suspended.


Of course there are a multitude of various bugs/glitches that can occur, modern lights come to my mind immediately (thought my original 1st game was corrupted until I realized it was the amount of lights I crafted). But some are completely unavoidable.


Though, out of like 2 years now, those two incidents in my experience wasn't enough to avoid the game in my opinion. How I wish Telltale didn't screw us over at the end, that's neither here or there anymore though. But I'm still happy with the game we have. In truth, aside from what that last update most likely would've given us, (so close to paint I want to cry at the thought lol, and the obvious new POIs and expanded Navezgane) the game didn't need anything further. 


Despite the glitches, honestly, I'd seriously debate that console (Or simply A16 on PC) has the superior version of the original concept of the game compared to what it's evolved into now. 

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4 minutes ago, Jysen said:

I just have a 4TB external HD lol. Here to hoping the PS5 will help it run smoother...

External drive = bad. 

4TB platter drive = much worse


If you're running the game from that it's amazing that it functions.  No offense to your setup, that works just peachy for most games.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This just happened AGAIN and it's definitely not a hardware issue 


The save file writes the host's inventory  perfectly fine and deletes all of the visitors. The game is simply not writing visitors information on it or even attempting to. As soon as you leave the file alone for 5+ days everything is gone, visitor inventories and levels are clearly stored on the server and deleted regularly.


It makes this game unplayable long-term with friends and quite frankly I would never have spent a cent on it had I known this.

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