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It is just me, or the new auger sound is incredibly annoying?


It is just me, or the new auger sound is incredibly annoying?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Auger sound is better?

    • The old sound is better and less annoying.
    • The new sound is better and less annoying.

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I found the new auger sound very annyoing! Is that TFP trying to turn me deaf? I cant mine and talk with my friends in Discord at same time cause the new auger sound is very irritating and loud. If I want mine and talk in Discord I need turn the game sound OFF and some of my friends do the same as me.

Everytime I mine with my auger, I feel like I am inside a old cowboy movie. Because the sound of the auger hiting the rocks, reminds me the sound of a ricochet.


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I have even asked in the modding forums for help in creating a mod to make it like it was in A18.


I understand that in A18 the Auger "hit sounds" never played.  So now the Auger has the Startup, Idle, and End sounds, plus it has hit sounds for different things - Dirt, Wood, Stone and Iron.


I can kind of bear the sound it makes when hitting dirt - it is just loud.  The other three is load and obnoxious.  So I want to un-fix whatever was fixed to make it make that noise!



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Well....to be fair...we don't use the auger in the game for the purpose shown in the video...lol


(But I'm all for toning down the sound)

Someone should experiment in rl by swiping an auger against a stone face and see what sounds we get. For science.

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Why not keep it like we had it in A18? That was perfect. Like this you need to mute the sound of the game. Modding can´t be the answer to this tbh. The chainsaw sounds like a wet sponge on metal. It squeaks. And a chainsaw doesn´t sound like this when used on wood, not even close. I can confirm that from RL experience. 


Maybe you should note that you are ironic with your experiment. That could end VERY bad easily. And we are on the internet, you never know when people take things seriously.  @Roland


On that note, i alway get kinda nervous when using the chainsaw in game. If you do it like that in RL, it will go directly in your face. To fast to react.

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Hi everyone


The only solution I have found for the annoying noise (pew, pew, pew and pum, pump, pum, haha) is to increase the damage to blocks to a maximum of 600 with the auger and the saw, so when you mine or cut trees you break almost instantly or instantly.
The saw makes the same noise of the auger when mining stone, earth and mineral (I don't know why it has that).


Besides I made 2 mods:
1-serves for noise against stone, metal and earth (leaves a muffled sound).
2-serves for stealth when mining or cutting.


They can only be installed in motorTools, the ironbreaker, bunkerbuster and gravedigger mods cannot be installed, because one of my mods has the element damage of all three, but it can still be edited to avoid incompatibility.


The only noise that is still heard is when you turn on the tool, but it can be removed.

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11 hours ago, Roland said:

Well....to be fair...we don't use the auger in the game for the purpose shown in the video...lol


(But I'm all for toning down the sound)

Someone should experiment in rl by swiping an auger against a stone face and see what sounds we get. For science.

Well they could always add in an actual Jackhammer for stones if that is necesseary.

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12 hours ago, Roland said:

Well....to be fair...we don't use the auger in the game for the purpose shown in the video...lol


(But I'm all for toning down the sound)

Someone should experiment in rl by swiping an auger against a stone face and see what sounds we get. For science.

In A-18 I can play, mine with my auger and talk with my friends in discord.

In A-19 or I mine with my auger or I talk with my friends, unless I turn the game sounds off, and it is not cool playing without any sound in a post apocalyptic world filled with zombies...

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Another solution is not to use the auger and the saw.
Add more damage to the pick, the shovel and increase the harvest count as the auger and the saw have, because I do not think they will fix it, if they do it well for them.

Fewer people will be deaf.

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  • 1 month later...

Was digging around for this post since I remember seeing around back in the day... I got a mod up and running. I can confirm that the Auger/Chainsaw are using the "On Bullet Hit" sound effects and thats what I modify in my mods. Sadly, this means it does affect your bullets that objects as well, but its not like you hear it most of the time since you are so far away... 

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