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Blunderbuss thought/buff?


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What if... We allowed blunderbuss to load 2 shots at the cost of spread and some damage? (Both fired at once)
Or in reverse, load 2 shots as extra powder for more range/damage?

Black powder weapons (Which is what I think this is mimiced as) can actually do similar things. You can add more powder for penetration and range, albeit the accuracy is reduced.
You can also add larger balls for more impact power.

How about a little blunderbuss love if its going to be a staple weapon instead of a scraped object now? :D

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Indeed, there is definitely room for an addition to ammo/weapons from Blunderbuss to Shotgun. Over under black powder rifle comes to mind. A bit harder to code than a double barrel shotgun (which I haven't taken the time to figure out how both barrels fire at once, random?, I have rarely used it preferring to sneak attack with a bow and pistil early game.)



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My understanding is that the real blunderbusses used any random crap as ammo. so instead of blunder buss ammo, it just used one gunpowder and : a stone, a seed, or scrap metal; then it would be a more interesting weapon. You would have 4 ammo choices: one of the mentioned three or a "random" choice where it just randomly pulled something from that list. 

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46 minutes ago, Gazz said:

The BB ammo had multiple recipes like that once upon a time.


No one ever used any other than the stone one...


Not going to re-introduce recipes that we know no one is going to use. =P

That was when you found better things than the blunderbuss at day one. People would surely use them in A19. Not really a fair comparison as people now actually use the blunderbuss a lot  right now while back then it was more of a curiosity you used for fun once in a while.

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I think the blunderbuss could do with an alternate ammo type that causes bleeding and maybe does slightly more damage, it existed in a mod that I believe is now outdated. I would also like it if we got some T0 (or T1? IDK what the blunderbuss is considered) other firearms, like maybe a makeshift bolt action rifle and a flintlock pistol.

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