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Wasteland Challenge


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I challenge you all to a permadeath run in an all wasteland map!

Figured it'd be fun to do since A19 is coming, and we're mostly at home a lot nowadays with the virus. I'm on day 7 and have seen about 10 zombie bears (killed 4), feral wights, radiated vultures, and about 100,000 regular vultures. Think I've killed about 50 - 60 zombies so far, they just don't stop lol. I made sure there were a couple of rivers for water, and the map is packed with spread-out cities (lots of end-game POIs to check out). Forewarning: it's rough; I was surrounded by a couple of zombie bears, dogs, and zombies at the first trader I went to and on the first night, I had to sneak past a feral wight and a few other ferals (rock throwing ftw). I just noticed when uploading there may be some snow at the far north, that's banned for the challenge =p

If you see an ocean, that's the radiated zone. Post your difficulty/days survived! No shame in doing it on the normal or lower difficulty, I only bumped mine up one from the default (though I have 16 count blood moons).


The map uses no custom stuff, generated using the awesome Nitrogen tool. Have fun!

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A issue with this is where to get clay? Its vital for anything to do with the forge. Devs also need to put default difficulty back to nomad as well, as the one below it lets the player do 25% more dmg and take 25% less or so.

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The default difficulty was adjusted to the way it is now on purpose and with full knowledge about the dmg modifiers. It is no oversight.

In addition to the points you made, gamestage advances more slowly and zombie rage occurs less often. All known and factored in to the decision.

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1 hour ago, Roland said:

The default difficulty was adjusted to the way it is now on purpose and with full knowledge about the dmg modifiers. It is no oversight.

In addition to the points you made, gamestage advances more slowly and zombie rage occurs less often. All known and factored in to the decision.

Never been a fan of that rage mechanic, would be nice if there was a option in the modded options section to enable/disable zombie rage, along the lines of how you can choose walk/run/sprint for ferals and non ferals and bloodmoon speed etc. Mind you, even if I am not a fan I tend to play the game way the devs intended for the most part, so I leave everything except difficulty default, I usually play on warrior or higher as the ones below are just too boring and to low risk. Especially the new default, Nomad was easy once you got some experience playing the game, that new default one is even eaiser. Never seen a point to lowering it below nomad for the default though, I wonder what prompted the decision to do that.

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Well if it makes you feel any better Joel has said that he considers Nomad default for anyone who isn't a first time player. The default was adjusted because first time players were finding Nomad too difficult and instead of turning down the difficulty to play "easy" they were just uninstalling and panning the game. Now, there are a lot more new players who are having a better first experience with the game playing default and some probably turn the difficulty up a notch or two and feel pretty good about themselves.


Also....I checked and there is a layer of soil below all the destroyed stone so clay is possible :)

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5 hours ago, Roland said:

Well if it makes you feel any better Joel has said that he considers Nomad default for anyone who isn't a first time player. The default was adjusted because first time players were finding Nomad too difficult and instead of turning down the difficulty to play "easy" they were just uninstalling and panning the game. Now, there are a lot more new players who are having a better first experience with the game playing default and some probably turn the difficulty up a notch or two and feel pretty good about themselves.


Also....I checked and there is a layer of soil below all the destroyed stone so clay is possible :)

Ahh, yeah that sounds like a very good reason to lower the default since that was happening. Its a mental thing, most people don't like to play on "easy mode", so just switch the default and they none the wiser.

Never knew there was a layer of soil under the destroyed stone in wasteland, it has been a LONG time since i've ever dug down in there, just isin't really a reason to.

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5 hours ago, Scyris said:


Never knew there was a layer of soil under the destroyed stone in wasteland, it has been a LONG time since i've ever dug down in there, just isin't really a reason to.

Isn't the wasteland the only biome with diamond nodes? Not a huge draw, but it would make mining more profitable, although much more harrowing as enemies would be a constant threat.

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12 hours ago, Scyris said:

A issue with this is where to get clay? Its vital for anything to do with the forge. Devs also need to put default difficulty back to nomad as well, as the one below it lets the player do 25% more dmg and take 25% less or so.

Clay is 2 blocks below the surface topsoil in the wastelands. It's everywhere (I confirmed this on the first day because that would suck lol). I gots plenty of clay and resources -- there's enough to help you last.


24 minutes ago, Synvastian said:

Isn't the wasteland the only biome with diamond nodes? Not a huge draw, but it would make mining more profitable, although much more harrowing as enemies would be a constant threat.

Yeah you're under constant attack for sure. I did it just for a fun challenge lol.

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2 hours ago, Synvastian said:

Isn't the wasteland the only biome with diamond nodes? Not a huge draw, but it would make mining more profitable, although much more harrowing as enemies would be a constant threat.

there is a book that give you the possibilities to mine silver, gold and diamondswhen you mine 

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Welp, I decided to do the night 7 horde drunk. Wasn't my best decision lol.


When I logged in -- I had plans to lay spikes and close the easiest path to me on the roof off -- but I logged on to a zombie bear growing near my house. Looked for it and turns out there were two zombie bears hugging my walls. Started to deal with them and a wandering horde joined the party, followed by vultures and a dog pack. 


I had about 5 in game minutes before horde started. I did well until about 2AM, when a pack broke in. Alcohol convinced me I didn't need to make that emergency run to grab my meds, and I decided I could jump off that roof safely. Turns out alcohol messes with depth perception, and I shift-ran off the roof and landed on a hill on a decline. CRUNCH. Leg broke. 


I fought to my last bullet and went down punching zombies in the face.

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The dropbox has a generated map that's all wasteland (although I think there's snow way up north). It's a completely random spawn, but you shouldn't be TOO far from a trader. Pretty hard to not find cities, too, I spread them out a bit.

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Thanks. Where do I save this file? If I save it in the game folder it throws error and requires restarting the game.


Edit: Nevermind. I saved it under C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves and then created a new game. Spawning on Wasteland alright. 

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20 hours ago, Hollowprime said:

Thanks. Where do I save this file? If I save it in the game folder it throws error and requires restarting the game.


Edit: Nevermind. I saved it under C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves and then created a new game. Spawning on Wasteland alright. 

You're welcome. Yeah there's a generated worlds folder you can put maps into; once you have one in there, you can use that one for multiple saved games, just select when making the new game. 


Good luck! It's a blast having the challenge + constant threat lol (to me anyway I'm crazy)

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6 hours ago, Jugginator said:

You're welcome. Yeah there's a generated worlds folder you can put maps into; once you have one in there, you can use that one for multiple saved games, just select when making the new game. 


Good luck! It's a blast having the challenge + constant threat lol (to me anyway I'm crazy)

I tried playing it at the default settings in warrior difficulty.

I found a very useful trench cheesing strategy for zombies . Apparently the zombies hate to walk more than 2 blocks deep so I trench all walls except one made up bridge and barricade that bridge only. Works extremely well even on bloodmoon (tried it on another map though). 


I then decided to frame block walk all the way to the nearest iron ore then died miserably trying to fight off zombies with a sawed off shotgun because I couldn't reach zombies with my stun baton . I didn't realise how bad the melee range was until I had to play wasteland.


Not sure I'm going to restart though because I like base building. I think I'll even increase the experience gain to 300%. The wasteland contains a lot of zombies and a lot of zombie dogs and snakes so I'll never run out of farm plot material and boiled meat :D

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Ok so here's some really useful info I found out about wasteland. Snakes can be detected with just level 1 perk of animal perk and they are plentiful . When harvested with knives they contain 10 meat which equals to two boiled meat recipes which require 1 level of cook perk.


However, I feel like the trader is breaking the immersion and actually makes the game way easier. I'm think I'll increase the loot chance of the zombies from 2% to something like 6%. So even if I eventually loot everything in the game, the zombies will have to provide the loot necessary to increase the base size. I will also increase the plane drops from 7 day intervals to 1 or 2 day intervals.

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I admire the tenacity, but personally I think I'd rather stab myself in the balls than play an all wasteland map.  I hate going into that biome for any reason and if I don't have to, I just avoid it.  I just find the entire area to be...annoying.  But some people like that sort of thing.  There's certainly nothing wrong with that.  But I think the closest I would ever do might be an all desert or all frozen biome challenge. 


Also, there's no oil shale in the wasteland.  But I guess that's okay since walking is probably the best way to get around there.

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On 5/5/2020 at 6:40 PM, Hollowprime said:

I tried playing it at the default settings in warrior difficulty.

I found a very useful trench cheesing strategy for zombies . Apparently the zombies hate to walk more than 2 blocks deep so I trench all walls except one made up bridge and barricade that bridge only. Works extremely well even on bloodmoon (tried it on another map though). 


I then decided to frame block walk all the way to the nearest iron ore then died miserably trying to fight off zombies with a sawed off shotgun because I couldn't reach zombies with my stun baton . I didn't realise how bad the melee range was until I had to play wasteland.


Not sure I'm going to restart though because I like base building. I think I'll even increase the experience gain to 300%. The wasteland contains a lot of zombies and a lot of zombie dogs and snakes so I'll never run out of farm plot material and boiled meat :D

Sounds like what I did, except I lowered the 24 hour time a bit and jacked up XP gain for a rush into the end game challenge. Prob what caused my death, that blood moon was insane for a day 7 one. It really caught me by surprise lol. Melee range for the sledge and more-so the spear is best; I really love the spear for that throw / pokepoke combat.  Between swarms of vultures, zombie dogs and snakes there's no shortage of those mats lol.

On 5/8/2020 at 10:28 AM, Kyonshi said:

Sounds like a real interesting challenge. I wanna try all single biome maps beside the easier forest one.


As for the wasteland, can you still find all types of ore (beside oil shale of course)?

I do believe so; I found iron, lead, nitrate and coal in my run in the little area I made my presence.

On 5/8/2020 at 5:03 PM, Hollowprime said:

Just remember that bears can clip through rotated doors. I just had one eat my face. I'm not restarting this one...

Yeah... lmao... that DOES benefit sometimes, like when I had 2 bears attacking the trader I was in. Can poke melee at their heads=

On 5/9/2020 at 10:30 PM, Theodryck said:

I admire the tenacity, but personally I think I'd rather stab myself in the balls than play an all wasteland map.  I hate going into that biome for any reason and if I don't have to, I just avoid it.  I just find the entire area to be...annoying.  But some people like that sort of thing.  There's certainly nothing wrong with that.  But I think the closest I would ever do might be an all desert or all frozen biome challenge. 


Also, there's no oil shale in the wasteland.  But I guess that's okay since walking is probably the best way to get around there.

I feel you. I am one of those psycho people hah. No oil is a bit of an issue, but not that bad considering I don't really need a car (and tbh gas never is an issue without shale for me). I find lots of oil in loot. I can always make an all something else biome map if you want/don't wish to setup Nitrogen. Takes me a couple of minutes to make a map and put it on dropbox.

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