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Does anyone miss not being able to recycle zombies?


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Things started to lag back then when you had too many lying around. And there was a problem with the timer for dissappearing only running when the player was near the corpse. At least that was said when this still was a thing.


There is enough bones and rotting flesh without this and the missing loot is in every tiny house. Small house with 3 zombies now have a shotgun messiah crate, a reinforced chest and 3 piles of ammo or medical, i really don´t see how we still need corpses.

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Things started to lag back then when you had too many lying around. And there was a problem with the timer for dissappearing only running when the player was near the corpse. At least that was said when this still was a thing.


I see. Well, I know their rep isn't the best... but don't you think that you should assume that all features are intended to be bug free? If we based our opinions on whether or not a feature should exist because of bugs it had/has/might have in the future, there wouldn't even be a game to play right now.


You are right about the resources... however, the reason why there is enough elsewhere is because they had to do something after removing the corpses... or there wouldn't be enough, obviously. Just as obviously, if this feature ever did come back, they would then balance things and reduce those resources found elsewhere.

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That wasn´t a bug. It was just how things worked. Bad wording from me. Making the timer count constantly would need a hell of a machine to run smoothly.


That would be bad coding. It would be better to maintain a single array in memory with timestamps like how all survival games with food decay do it. It would already be sorted by timestamp as objects are added to it. Then you just need one single timer for the whole game that is asleep most of the time.

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That wasn´t a bug. It was just how things worked. Bad wording from me. Making the timer count constantly would need a hell of a machine to run smoothly.


I can assure you it does not. My game's zombie corpses exist for 300 seconds and then poof. If I get to them in time, I can get a couple of bones and flesh from them. If I can't be bothered, they self-clean. Even on horde night, the game does not lag. I play on a 2015-era Asus laptop with a Core i5, 8GB RAM, and a GTX 960M (2GB I think?).


I'm not trying to tell you to stop not liking what I like, only that if you did want to harvest some stuff from the corpses, it works fine. Not talking about loot (the loot bags handle that) and not talking about the old gore-blocks that zombies used to decay to. Just direct harvesting of the fallen zombie.


The downside (?) is that farm plots aren't really an issue for us because we can get 1-2 flesh from every Z we kill. Even after balancing the roadkill, I'm pretty sure we're harvesting more-than-expected flesh and bones.

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I see. Well, I know their rep isn't the best... but don't you think that you should assume that all features are intended to be bug free? If we based our opinions on whether or not a feature should exist because of bugs it had/has/might have in the future, there wouldn't even be a game to play right now.


You are right about the resources... however, the reason why there is enough elsewhere is because they had to do something after removing the corpses... or there wouldn't be enough, obviously. Just as obviously, if this feature ever did come back, they would then balance things and reduce those resources found elsewhere.


not really. i hated cleaning up after zombies. just like Chicago

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I miss seeing the morning after the night before huge pile of corpses but it did get a little old after while, i think the thing i miss most about it was easy access to clothing on the go, if i was in snow biome but forgot warm clothes you could kill a lumberjack or 2 and usually get somehting warm from them which was nice. Id like to see different tier loot bag drops likeeee green 10% chance amber 5% red 1% with red giving best loot. but they did it for performance as well i think so adding more bags kinda defeats the point

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I used to lay out as many spike traps as I could to intentionally create the most bodies at the end of horde night, just for the bones. Main weapon was always exploding bolts. Tons of splash damage and no block damage. Required hundreds of duct tape per week. A18 has enough bones laying about I guess. But in pre-A17, brass was very rare. You did not waste thousands of bullets at anytime. When the hordes were 300+ nights with cops exploding everywhere, you balanced your resources. A18 with its pinata loot fest you get to spray and pray all week long.


It really only took 5 minutes to chop up the bodies with a machette, and they needed to removed if they were in the way of repairs. And the bodies used to spawn screamers, so it has hygiene.


I miss the reason why bones were impartant more than I miss the bodies themselves.

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Then why did you?

RipClaw states that they disappeared on their own.


And it caused massive lag. That´s why. Does´nt matter to me if it is because of bad coding or not. Also you want your base surrounded by corpses all the time? The timer for decay did not run when you were not around.

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And it caused massive lag. That´s why. Does´nt matter to me if it is because of bad coding or not. Also you want your base surrounded by corpses all the time? The timer for decay did not run when you were not around.


I want to believe either one of you, but I can't believe both you. Either they disappeared or they didn't. Either they caused lag for everybody not on a potato or they didn't. Unless someone wants to load up A16.4 and record the issues and can somehow prove that there was no room for improvement, I can only base my thoughts on the subject using the way I imagine it should work.

Either way, like I said, we shouldn't base our like or dislike of a feature because it had bugs when the feature existed. Again I say, we wouldn't have this game, or any game for that matter, if we went with thoughts like that.


I do not want my base surrounded by corpses all the time. Well, maybe I would if the graphics were better and they served some kind of purpose to the gameplay or added challenge like the very old stackable gore blocks. I do not want lag either (although I know for certain lag wouldn't be a problem for me... it never was once in this game for me.)

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They did dissappear. The timer on the corpse only counted down when you were near it tough, neither of us is wrong. I am out now, they won´t come back and that´s good. I am usually all for immersion, wich those loot bags surely don´t provide, but i still prefer that way.

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I am playing A16 right now. They take roughly 2 in-game days to despawn by themselves.


They serve a purpose in that left alone, large piles will attract screamers.


Dog corpses are the same in both alphas, they remain for longer than A18 corpse despawn, but despawn faster than A16 corpses.


A16 did not have tons of gore blocks everywhere, your glue was entirely dependant on corpses.


You clean what you want in A16. So say you have a horde structure not part of your main base, the corpses would despawn by the 7th day if your lazy. You would not be near it enough to trigger the screamer spawn.


I have cleared recently cleared over a hundred corpses with an axe in only 2 in-game hours. That equates to 5 minutes IRL. Axe is not efficient for harvesting, but if you are doing it simply to clear them and not the bones, then yeah. Again, if you want bones in A16, this is pretty much your only resource.

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