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Booby Traps at the BoobyTrap - Seriously WTF


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I just got killed by a booby trap in the vending machine at the booby trap.

It looked normal, opened normally, I pressed to buy an item and then it exploded and killed me.

On one level kinda funny, but I play perma death and was really enjoying this run through. We really dont need this kind of death when dealing with wildlife early game is hard enough!

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There's a mine sitting right in front of the vending machine outside. I don't think it has anything to do with clicking "buy", rather a small delay on the mine and a quick eager shopper :)


Thanks for info, though I am a bit disappointed to hear that because the idea of a being killed by a boobytrap at the boobytrap did make me laugh.

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I was there yesterday, didn´t see any mine. Was diappointed tbh, that place used to be fun trying to lure the zombies over the mines. Didn´t check the vending machine because i was already full packed.


Yeah I wish zombies weren't psychic about traps its kinda stupid, and goes against all zombie lore like ever. Irritates me when I surrpunded my base with spikes to stop screamers and they just walk around them.. other than the 2 at the entrance I have to put there since its the only ones they actually WILL step on as its in the only path inside.


One of my fave new a18 things though Is that urban combat book that makes it so the player never sets off landmines by walking/running on them. You still need to be careful as they are aoe damage and if a zombie sets one off near you.. Rip.

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It´s almost like TFP does want the we build underground. I mean a hatch far away from your base with a tunnel and the base covered fully in spikes on the surface is the only way to get them into the spikes. Well that and the usual ramp. Wich i find ugly af. Always use a tunnel entrance, no matter if my base is above or underground.

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