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You shall not pass!!


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Sorry guys: Of course, in a phantasy game everything is completely free to imagination.




"Consistency" is a crucial binding element even for the most ridiculous fabrications.


And you have some points of violation introduced with A18. Even in the magnitude of decades.

With those, you will not pass (TM Gandalf).


<recipe name="farmPlotBlockPlayer" count="1" craft_time="2"><!-- original: craft_time="20" -->
<ingredient name="resourceWood" count="4"/>
<ingredient name="foodRottingFlesh" count="8"/>					<!-- original: 10; adaptiert an Zombiebنr -->
<ingredient name="resourcePotassiumNitratePowder" count="8"/>	<!-- original: 25; adaptiert an farmPlotBlock-Zerlegung (original: 4) / orePotassiumNitrate (50) -->
<ingredient name="resourceClayLump" count="8"/>					<!-- original: 100; adaptiert an terrDirt (16) -->
Die Ressourcen, die in das Produkt reingehen, dürfen schon rein volumenmنكig nicht
eine Zehnerpotenz mehr als einen Block laut typischen verwandten Rezepten ergeben!
Das foodRottingFlesh ist original das anderthalbfache eines Zombiebنren. Und somit ohne jede sonstige Zutat bereits reichlich zwei Blِcke wert.
Korrigiert (der Zombiebنr bekommt deutlich mehr Fleisch auf die Rippen (24)!) reicht es immer noch für reichlich ein Drittel Kubikmeter Füllung (8).
Dann bleiben für Erde und Potassium noch zwei Drittel.
Die Erde nimmt 50% des Kubikmeters ein (8, nicht 100!).
Bleibt für den Dünger ein Sechstel (50/6 = 8, nicht 25).

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And now explain the logic of having zombies ingame - or moving around stuff that weighs tons...


Its a balancing question and you think the amounts to create farming plots are too much - well maybe. But iam used to 10 pieces of rotten flesh, did they already nerf that ?


PS: A large amount of people in the forum will not receive your message in the quote, cause its german.

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Well: Of course even quantitative relations are freely adjustable. That's out of question.


But "consistency" - which is a crucial prerequisite for fun, because of the way the brain works in rewarding brain work: you become "happy" when your expectations of a scene correspond to the outcome of that scene, you become bored in case of the contrary - requires closely related quantitative relations to actually behave as closely related.


When you look through the xmls, you may notice a ridiculous mismatch of resources around dirt and fertile dirt alias farm plots and other resources involved with the latter - regarding creation and destruction.


Maybe it's personally dependent - but my brain goes berserk when it sees such discrepancies. Maybe i am not the only one.


Because i assume that the funpimps in their innermost kernel still stick to the term "fun" in their name, i take the opportunity to point to that obstacle against actual establishment of fun.

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Oo, I know! All we need to do, is make the Zombie Bears a little smaller. Just a little. Something like rabbit sized. With a little red bow tie? Please? That would be sooo cute ..


And make everyone terrified whenever they see a rabbit in the wild as a bonus.. :)


For consistency, right? :)

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They haven’t changed their name yet to:

The Fun-For-White-Gandalf Pimps

—so they can’t be called to the carpet for not providing it for you....


Oh, well: Not necessary. As you can see, i happily provide myself with corrections.


The thread is purely meant for public discussion, which MIGHT (or not, of course) be interesting for the one or the other member of the funpimps.


If - obviously - the public forum is not at all meant for public discussions, you could easily bury this thread in the forgotten realms by simply not responding.


...Well: You notice the discrepancies even in social behavior, do you?


Maybe it would be best to simply let exactly those people, who are actually interested in this discussion, execute this discussion, while people that hold it for completely useless crap simply take their noses out of it? At least it could be helpful for the funpimps IF one of them WOULD be interested, because it would spare him to ignore the tons of bickering surrounding the few useful thoughts buried under them.


But who am i to judge?!

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The term "Fun" is VERY subjective and open to interpretation, as Roland and this forum has taught me while I was held down and beaten with a raw iron headed sharp stick to my legs.


See you are right. I bet that was not fun for you but those who beat you down sure as hell thought it was a lot of fun lol. :)

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Maybe it would be best to simply let exactly those people, who are actually interested in this discussion, execute this discussion, while people that hold it for completely useless crap simply take their noses out of it? At least it could be helpful for the funpimps IF one of them WOULD be interested, because it would spare him to ignore the tons of bickering surrounding the few useful thoughts buried under them.


But who am i to judge?!


I hope you will never be in the position to judge free speech.

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