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Day 1, 9:52


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To be fair, that is a pretty small sample size you got going there, but even so...


Pretty sure in the last 50 working stiff crates I have found zero chainsaws. (Which you wont be able to use much until you get gas and repair kits going)


You got some metal (nice find)

a nearly broke wrench (which you cant repair yet),

some ammo (which you cant use yet)

a t1 battery (not worth its lead content, which you cant smelt or hook up to anything yet),

cooking pots (which cook basically nothing until you add perk or schematics),

And Military Armor parts? (good for about 150 dukes? aka 2-3 canned food) or save for way down the road, when you possibly might need them, maybe.


I mean ya, its good loot for just starting, but OP find? naw just lucky chainsaw and actually not that game changing for you.


As far as removing all that stuff from crafting I cant tell if that is sarcasm or what. If we were to believe that this is a normal looting find, the only thing that should be removed is more loot.

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To be fair, that is a pretty small sample size you got going there, but even so...


Pretty sure in the last 50 working stiff crates I have found zero chainsaws. (Which you wont be able to use much until you get gas and repair kits going)


You got some metal (nice find)

a nearly broke wrench (which you cant repair yet),

some ammo (which you cant use yet)

a t1 battery (not worth its lead content, which you cant smelt or hook up to anything yet),

cooking pots (which cook basically nothing until you add perk or schematics),

And Military Armor parts? (good for about 150 dukes? aka 2-3 canned food) or save for way down the road, when you possibly might need them, maybe.


I mean ya, its good loot for just starting, but OP find? naw just lucky chainsaw and actually not that game changing for you.


As far as removing all that stuff from crafting I cant tell if that is sarcasm or what. If we were to believe that this is a normal looting find, the only thing that should be removed is more loot.


The key part is not the actual usefulness of that. It's about the amount, and even quality of loot, we get in 7 minutes of playing. It's not that Im already set up or anything, its that if you get that in 7 minutes, imagine in 2 hours. Actually, I did the tutorial and killed 3 zombies before looting, so its about 4 minutes of looting.


And ofc the sample is small, its just another example. Every game throws loot at us. And Im not even complaining, altho I think it should be lowered, Im laughing at the few players spamming "crafting is too easy, looting is so risky and hard and deserves to be more rewarding, lets remove such an important and fun part of the game" (bc assembling parts is not crafting, its looting with an extra click).

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Looting is still too hard.




Needed to play for almost 10 minutes to get this




Too slow. To compensate please, remove wrenches, ammunition, mods, and more things from crafting options. Crafters just want easymode.


Congrats, now you are able to last 4 seconds during horde night(assuming you'll find actual gun to use that ammo as it only clogs your inventory now), can sell the parts for some dukes as you can't craft that armor, have completely no use at all for the battery for next 20-30 hours, have absolutely nothing you could use steel on for at least 10 hours and forged iron is pretty common, you know, so you're not forced to get int for forge anymore early game.


So out of all these items you've marked, you have use exclusively for 2.


Oh and wrenches are pretty common, literally in every 2nd house POI kitchen sink, so no idea why you're highlighting them.

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Congrats, now you are able to last 4 seconds during horde night(assuming you'll find actual gun to use that ammo as it only clogs your inventory now), can sell the parts for some dukes as you can't craft that armor, have completely no use at all for the battery for next 20-30 hours, have absolutely nothing you could use steel on for at least 10 hours and forged iron is pretty common, you know, so you're not forced to get int for forge anymore early game.


So out of all these items you've marked, you have use exclusively for 2.


Oh and wrenches are pretty common, literally in every 2nd house POI kitchen sink, so no idea why you're highlighting them.


already answered that


The key part is not the actual usefulness of that. It's about the amount, and even quality of loot, we get in 7 minutes of playing. It's not that Im already set up or anything, its that if you get that in 7 minutes, imagine in 2 hours. Actually, I did the tutorial and killed 3 zombies before looting, so its about 4 minutes of looting.
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already answered that


You got loot that's 80% useless for you at that stage, its literally filler trash at this point and you're painting it like santa personally came and left his bag for you.


Also, have you missed the patch notes and all the discussions, where it was highlighted hundreds of times that ammo will be easier to get in A18, so using anything that isn't a shotgun or bow is actually viable and sustainable?


And if that's still a problem for you, why won't you reduce loot abundance?

There are all the options you'd ever need, use them.

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You got loot that's 80% useless for you at that stage, its literally filler trash at this point and you're painting it like santa personally came and left his bag for you.


You alway answer ignoring what the other guy said. It's not about the usefulness of it at level 1, it's about stuff that should be "hard" to get appearing already at level 1. Example, yes, those steel bars are useless for me at level 1, but that wasnt my point. It's that crafting "is too easy" yet we need levels, perk points invested, time spent gathering and processing, to get steel bars. But at 7 minutes of "hard" looting I already have some. Same with ammo.


Also, have you missed the patch notes and all the discussions, where it was highlighted hundreds of times that ammo will be easier to get in A18, so using anything that isn't a shotgun or bow is actually viable and sustainable?


Well, totally disagree with that. You always use the argument of others wanting the game too easy. Well I think we shouldnt get fireweapons until later. And much less ammo so early. Guess it's you wanting the game too easy. (not really, just using the same stupid argument as you to show how easily it can be thrown)


And if that's still a problem for you, why won't you reduce loot abundance?

There are all the options you'd ever need, use them.


While I think the loot is too high and should be reduced, I know it is already in process. The point was to show how easy looting was, bc of the stupid crafting is easy argument. It takes longer and requires more investment to get stuff crafting than looting, and they go and remove crafting above QL3

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This thread is just garbage.


1) Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal. Start 10,000 games and note what you've looted in the 1st ten minutes. That MIGHT be worth a thread. This is lazy and pointless.


2) Crafting and looting don't have to be enemies, nor do the players that prefer one or the other. Trying to set them against each other with this kind of rhetoric is unnecessarily inflammatory and should be censured by the mods.


3) The loot isn't even impressive. The most useful thing you found was a trash wrench.

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1) Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal. Start 10,000 games and note what you've looted in the 1st ten minutes. That MIGHT be worth a thread. This is lazy and pointless.



With that argument, any desire, suggestion or complain about the game is anecdotal until you play 10k games in each version. It's not just 1 game, it's just the latest Ive started.


2) Crafting and looting don't have to be enemies, nor do the players that prefer one or the other. Trying to set them against each other with this kind of rhetoric is unnecessarily inflammatory and should be censured by the mods.


I totally agree with you, bc I like doing both. The problem, it's they have removed crafting above QL3, not looting, Im not asking to remove higher quality items from the lootpool.



3) The loot isn't even impressive. The most useful thing you found was a trash wrench.


Answered already 3 times, but here I go again. It is not to show how useful it is at level 1. It is to show how easily you get stuff looting even the first 7 minutes of the game, while they nerf crafting bc its supposedly too easy.

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This thread is just garbage.


1) Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal. Start 10,000 games and note what you've looted in the 1st ten minutes. That MIGHT be worth a thread. This is lazy and pointless.


2) Crafting and looting don't have to be enemies, nor do the players that prefer one or the other. Trying to set them against each other with this kind of rhetoric is unnecessarily inflammatory and should be censured by the mods.


3) The loot isn't even impressive. The most useful thing you found was a trash wrench.




Maybe garbage to you but it is general discussion and they have every right to make a topic and talk about it. You are in no place to say what one can talk about and what one can't. This topic didn't break any of the forum rules. So if you don't like a topic do what I do and ignore it. Nobody is making you post in that topic.




Anyway on topic the people I play on a server with started a new world yesterday. We I finished all the task besides goin to trader and did them one after the other as soon as I spawned in. Had my stone spear and killed 3 or 4 zombies and one already dropped a bag. Looked inside and had a steel fire axe. It was only a lvl 1 but less then 10 or so minutes in game already had steel tool. So yeah it might be lvl 1 and not all that but a steel lvl 1 will go along way at that stage of the game.

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You alway answer ignoring what the other guy said. It's not about the usefulness of it at level 1, it's about stuff that should be "hard" to get appearing already at level 1. Example, yes, those steel bars are useless for me at level 1, but that wasnt my point. It's that crafting "is too easy" yet we need levels, perk points invested, time spent gathering and processing, to get steel bars. But at 7 minutes of "hard" looting I already have some. Same with ammo.

And what exactly should be "hard" to get again? T2 weapons and ammo for them are very common.

And cool, you have "some" things in quantitiy you can literally do nothing but clog your bag/chest. I still can't see what are you ranting about here. Are you even aware of all the new sources of forged iron and steel bars in A18? Finding some in a loot is hardly impressive, plus how about you start complaining when you accumulate 100 of steel and hundreds of ammo in first 2-3 days?


Do you honestly think a single lucky roll or two is indicative of loot?

From raw loot, in 20 hours of playing I have found maybe 40 steel bars, is that OP for you too? Do you think you don't need crucible, forges and to mine if you can get 40 steel bars in 20 hours? Give me a break.




Well, totally disagree with that. You always use the argument of others wanting the game too easy. Well I think we shouldnt get fireweapons until later. And much less ammo so early. Guess it's you wanting the game too easy. (not really, just using the same stupid argument as you to show how easily it can be thrown)

You might have missed it, but since A18 players other then crafting are supposed to be viable, that means scavenging for weapons and ammo should also be viable - mining and crafting ammo still gives you incomparably more, you are simply not forced into doing it if you want to get anywhere. Firearms and weapon balance overall also changed massively, which you seem to ignore constantly, its no longer A17 problems, we have A18 now, things changed, it would be nice if you've noticed that already.




While I think the loot is too high and should be reduced, I know it is already in process. The point was to show how easy looting was, bc of the stupid crafting is easy argument. It takes longer and requires more investment to get stuff crafting than looting, and they go and remove crafting above QL3

So lower your loot settings.

If I think game is too easy, I rise difficulty and increase horde night spawns.

If I think game gives too much loot, I lower abundance.


Lower your abundance of loot to 25% and viola! Your beloved crafting playstyle if the only viable one again, because you'll never find enough to supply your basic needs.


And no, we aren't going to get less loot, we're going to have T6 loot being more rare and hard to get.


Lastly, looting puts you at exposure, mining and crafting doesn't. Stop using the argument that "looting is easy" because its extremely dumb one. Within 10 minutes I can get enough resources to craft iron tools in high quantity when I have a working forge nearby. Show me how you loot all the tools and T2 melee weapons in 10 minutes reliably.


All of it because you don't seem to understand how RANDOM loot works.

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Remember previous versions where you did everything in your power not to shoot your gun for the first 20 hours+? because ammo and still looking for them calipers


At least there is just one thread about loot atm, instead of 5 "Calipers/beakers dont exist!" threads.

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Looting is still too hard.




Needed to play for almost 10 minutes to get this




Too slow. To compensate please, remove wrenches, ammunition, mods, and more things from crafting options. Crafters just want easymode.


Yeah I hate how you end up looting so much useless crap on day 1.


None of that matters you see. If your screenshot had shown 3 Iron Pipes, a ton of tinned food and a dozen Bottles of Water then yeah, that's OP loot on day 1.



It´s disgusting how many ammo and guns you get on day one. Also the early forge is a joke. TFP constantly cried how people just stand on top of a base on hordenight and now it is easier than ever to get a concrete base on day 14 with tons of ammo. WTF?


In multiplayer, and on high difficulty setting, a concrete base would be torn apart on day 14. Just saying.

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Lower your abundance of loot to 25% and viola! Your beloved crafting playstyle if the only viable one again, because you'll never find enough to supply your basic needs.


Really? Im not sure beeing able to craft QL3 items again instead of assembling parts is tied to that option. Or maybe you havent read the 3 or 4 times Ive explained that already in this topic.

But dont worry, you are not the only one not reading. I see 2 or 3 other posts saying again: that the loot I got is not useful on level 1, like I havent explained it 5 times already.

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"voila" :) (for once a fault isn't in one of my posts ...) - "il viola" means "he raped".

That said, totally agree with your arguments.


Hmm, that might have slightly changed context of some of my posts in the past :D

Really? Im not sure beeing able to craft QL3 items again instead of assembling parts is tied to that option. Or maybe you havent read the 3 or 4 times Ive explained that already in this topic.

But dont worry, you are not the only one not reading. I see 2 or 3 other posts saying again: that the loot I got is not useful on level 1, like I havent explained it 5 times already.

Which iron tool require parts at any quality again?

Some change I've missed again you'd like to share?


Or are you just generally salty that end game items are gated behind end game that involves activities like visiting trader and buying from him parts/tools directly, doing quests or just looting?


With how abundant weapons are, parts aren't even an argument.

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Really? Im not sure beeing able to craft QL3 items again instead of assembling parts is tied to that option. Or maybe you havent read the 3 or 4 times Ive explained that already in this topic.

But dont worry, you are not the only one not reading. I see 2 or 3 other posts saying again: that the loot I got is not useful on level 1, like I havent explained it 5 times already.


You know it is still crafting right?


How do you craft a stone axe? You go out into the world and you collect grass, stones, and wood. Then you click craft.

How do you craft steel tools? You go out in the world and collect duct tape, steel, wood, and steel tool parts. Then you click craft.


They are both assembling parts too, one is parts of stone axe, the other parts of the steel tools


It doesnt matter what the ingredients are... It is still crafting...

What its not is ez crafting where no effort is involved like a stone axe.


Saying they "took away crafting QL3" is simply hyperbole, trying to blow it up into an issue that doesnt exist.

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Don't know why maybe rng but I was having a tough time finding that wrench in my current play through. I spent about 2 days looking for it and finally found it as a quest reward.


I even unlocked salvage operations so I could craft it but never had any mechanical parts to build it and the trader wasn't selling any.


Its day 7 in my game now and I've found a total of 1 wrench so far from looting multiple kitchens.

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