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How to gain extra skill points


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I see. Is there a way to add a singular skill point as a reward from certain quests from editing the xml files?


Edit: Nvm found it . It's on quest ' <!-- Basic Survival 8 - Build a Campfire/> --> '


I suppose I'll copy the <reward type="SkillPoints" value="1" chainreward="true"/>


somewhere and see if it works.

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heck, for me i'd just like an extra one every 5 levels, or maybe 2 every 8th day (reward for horde night survival)


I would like to see a server option to change the number of skill points gained per level.


To be honest I think all of those are nice ideas . Might add a reward for having horde day every few days instead of every Monday.


But if you want a skill point per level just change it from progression.xml

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Hi guys,


This may not be exactly what you are looking for, perhaps you want a bonus for doing tasks, but maybe what Gazz was referring to is that it is possible to edit an xml file to change how many points you get per level. I cant remember exactly which file to edit and which line, but somebody will be able to help you in the mods forum. My personal option is to just increase experience gained in the start menu to quicken up points gained as I feel leveling up is a bit slow for my enjoyment.

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keep in mind you can't get 1.2 skill points per level. Your options are 0 per level, 1 per level, 2 per level, etc. No fractions...no bonus point every Xth level. I can tell you right now that 2 skill points per level is pretty crazy. The beginning of the game feels pretty good...you get some of those early skills nice and quick, but once you get to around level 40-50, you'll feel like a superman, and it only gets more ridiculous from there.


I've been going into quests.xml and changing the skill points for the tutorial quest from 4 to 12. It feels wrong that we start out sucking at EVERYTHING, with no knowledge of anything. They've pushed an RPG feel, but in almost every RPG, when you create your character, you pick a base set of skills/attributes/talents/abilities/whatever-you-want-to-call-it. Getting 12 skill points at game start helps me to snag a few levels in whatever attribute I want to get started in right away, rather than spending my 4 in master chef, miner69er, healing factor, and my first weapon every game.

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That's what makes this game so amazing, at least for me. I can play it exactly the way I am comfortable playing (weenie zombie) and have a great time. You can play it exactly the way you wish to play it (super macho masochistic raar), and have fun, as well! So many variables are available for the player to change that it makes for a wonderful experience for just about anyone. The only stumbling block, as far as I can see, is in that learning area before you realize that you can change all that to fit your personal play style.


Love this game...

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Since the code doesn't allow it to be done "naturally", I wonder if you could create a "passive" quest that gave you extra skill points when reaching levels that are multiples of 5 or such?


I've always toyed with the idea of making the "Crazy Jake" quests...and only those quests...give 1 skill point upon completion.


Currently those quests suck, due to the implementation of most of them requiring just as much travel and time as a normal quest, for 60% of the dukes of a level 1 quest and no item reward....give them 1 skill point? Suddenly I'll be as excited to find one of them as I am when I find a treasure map...I might even bother trying to complete the "kill the wabbit" or "nail some chicks" ones.

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