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What have you done with this new A18?


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OMG! What did they do with this new update? The game looks awful. The icons look awful, the buildings and vehicles look awful, even the zombies look awful (not in a good way either). This is a giant step backwards IMO. Whoever came up with this crap should be burned at the stake and then fired. I know they won't fix it either cuz they must be drinking and/or doing drugs to think this is somehow better. It looks like a very poorly drawn cartoon now. You guys need to go to rehab or something.


Well, another game ruined by "progress". Sad. So Sad.

Guess I'll have to disable updates and go back to A17, when it was a good looking game.

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I haven't noticed anything looking particularly worse than previous updates. In fact, I like some of the new icons (though some seem like rather odd choices)

Graphics aside, I like A18's gameplay far more than I did A17. I wouldn't go back if you paid me.

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I don't really notice much different in terms of gameplay tbh, other than there are far too few zombies (and so progression is slower), and melee combat is more janky than before, not as precise or fluid. Other than that, feels exactly like A17 so far. Only on day 5 so who knows?


Graphically though it looks better - other than roads. Roads look garbage for me and weirdly lo-res, but everything else looks great.

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I don't really notice much different in terms of gameplay tbh, other than there are far too few zombies (and so progression is slower), and melee combat is more janky than before, not as precise or fluid. Other than that, feels exactly like A17 so far. Only on day 5 so who knows?


Graphically though it looks better - other than roads. Roads look garbage for me and weirdly lo-res, but everything else looks great.


My problem was largely in how skills and tool/weapon quality had changed. It makes more sense now (though I still kinda prefer the older ways, but eh) and I found it completely intolerable in A17

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Really guys? You like the new graphics? They look so bad though. The cars and stuff looks like Sesame St. stuff. They don't even look real. Are you guys even adults?...lol. Sorry, had to ask. I like cars and buildings that look like the real thing. Like the jars of water looked way better than whatever it is they got now. And the wood icons look like they stole it from Mist Survival.

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Really guys? You like the new graphics? They look so bad though. The cars and stuff looks like Sesame St. stuff. They don't even look real. Are you guys even adults?...lol. Sorry, had to ask. I like cars and buildings that look like the real thing. Like the jars of water looked way better than whatever it is they got now. And the wood icons look like they stole it from Mist Survival.


is this a troll account or?..

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Really guys? You like the new graphics? They look so bad though. The cars and stuff looks like Sesame St. stuff. They don't even look real. Are you guys even adults?...lol. Sorry, had to ask. I like cars and buildings that look like the real thing. Like the jars of water looked way better than whatever it is they got now. And the wood icons look like they stole it from Mist Survival.


Perhaps it's because I'm an adult...I dunno, like, I can appreciate hyper-realistic graphics, but maybe I've just been burnt by too many AAA "games" that are all look and no play.

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No I'm not a troll...lol ?


I'm being totally honest here. I meant no offense by asking if you guys were adults, there are a lot of kids that play video games and their tastes are of course different than what you would expect from an adult. That is why I asked.

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I've been playing this game for several years now and it seems to be going in a direction of being more desirable to kids to me. Like some of the trader's language was silenced a lot of times and it seemed like it was meant to cover up some of the profanity. They also changed one of them to a female, but kept a male voice in A17, weird. It's like they are trying to clean up the game and make it more PC or something.


But that was really a lot of the game's charm. It was edgy and now it seems to be loosing that attraction to me.

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I've been playing this game for several years now and it seems to be going in a direction of being more desirable to kids to me. Like some of the trader's language was silenced a lot of times and it seemed like it was meant to cover up some of the profanity. They also changed one of them to a female, but kept a male voice in A17, weird. It's like they are trying to clean up the game and make it more PC or something.


But that was really a lot of the game's charm. It was edgy and now it seems to be loosing that attraction to me.


They added a stripper zombie abit ago which I don't see how that would be seen as for kids. And the male voice for the female trader was a glitch or oversight. I haven't had much time yet with a18 but I did see the new cars and comparing them to the old ones I just don't see how they look more for kids.

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OK, give me a little time here, i'm installing the different versions for comparison.


In the mean time, here is the wood icon from Mist Survival as i was talking about earlier. Does it not bear a striking resemblance to the new one in 7D2D, other than color.



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Whatever man. You guys are like sheep who blindly follow the crowd. I posted my OPINION and you wanna call me a troll. I stated it was my opinion but you can't seem to let people have their own opinions. I think the icons look awful but you guys can't even agree on that. So your opinions don't matter to me either.


End of discussion.

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Really guys? You like the new graphics? They look so bad though. The cars and stuff looks like Sesame St. stuff. They don't even look real. Are you guys even adults?...lol. Sorry, had to ask. I like cars and buildings that look like the real thing. Like the jars of water looked way better than whatever it is they got now. And the wood icons look like they stole it from Mist Survival.


Uhh, what game are you playing? Are you sure you didn't accidentally download A10 by accident?


Whatever man. You guys are like sheep who blindly follow the crowd. I posted my OPINION and you wanna call me a troll. I stated it was my opinion but you can't seem to let people have their own opinions. I think the icons look awful but you guys can't even agree on that. So your opinions don't matter to me either.


End of discussion.


Dude you posted such a radical opinion on a board where people almost universally agree that it's a graphical improvement. Of course you're going to be accused of trolling, I'm not sure if you're being legitimate myself.


Also I like how the moment people started criticizing you for your brutal opinion you immediately call them sheep, shift the blame to them for not being able to compromise on such brutal opinions, then cower behind the shield of "It's just my opinion!" And to finish it off you say our opinions don't matter to you because we disagree with yours. It's so incredibly ironic because you accused us of being children ourselves not too long ago.


Listen it's fine if you think the game looks worse but we're not sheep for disagreeing with you. You are using flat-earth tactics.

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OMG! What did they do with this new update? The game looks awful. The icons look awful, the buildings and vehicles look awful, even the zombies look awful (not in a good way either). This is a giant step backwards IMO. Whoever came up with this crap should be burned at the stake and then fired. I know they won't fix it either cuz they must be drinking and/or doing drugs to think this is somehow better. It looks like a very poorly drawn cartoon now. You guys need to go to rehab or something.


Well, another game ruined by "progress". Sad. So Sad.

Guess I'll have to disable updates and go back to A17, when it was a good looking game.


So don't play it. Move along, troll...

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Given that he began very aggressively and not asking questions including why or how but just being insulting to TFP and then against people who disagreed I'm going with intentionally trolling. He could have handled how he posted in a much more constructive manner if he wasn't also wanting to try and trigger folks. So whether it is true or not for him that his graphics look worse now than before that doesn't change how he is choosing to post.


There is zero reason to rant during the experimental. Simply report things that don't seem right and ask questions to get clarification on whether something is intended or a work in progress and nobody will have a problem with the fact that the feedback is negative. Get aggressive and shrill and I will ban you until experimental is over. We don't need the drama of kids who can't handle experimental.


Adults and kids that can act in an adult fashion are desired.

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Given that he began very aggressively and not asking questions including why or how but just being insulting to TFP and then against people who disagreed I'm going with intentionally trolling. He could have handled how he posted in a much more constructive manner if he wasn't also wanting to try and trigger folks. So whether it is true or not for him that his graphics look worse now than before that doesn't change how he is choosing to post.


There is zero reason to rant during the experimental. Simply report things that don't seem right and ask questions to get clarification on whether something is intended or a work in progress and nobody will have a problem with the fact that the feedback is negative. Get aggressive and shrill and I will ban you until experimental is over. We don't need the drama of kids who can't handle experimental.


Adults and kids that can act in an adult fashion are desired.


like, for real it feels very much like a replay of jack earlier... hmm...

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