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FPS Drop


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Lowering UMA Texture Quality from high to low dropped frame rate to 5. Changing it back to high kept it at 5. It's making my entire system slow and even my typing cursor is slow. DON'T TOUCH UMA TEXTURE QUALITY!


EDIT: Had to reboot. Went back and tried to change UMA again but this time no FPS drop. So the mystery remains.

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Changing reflection quality from Ultra+ to off made no difference in FPS. Seems strange.


EDIT: Same thing with Reflected Shadows. No change in FPS when set to No.


EDIT: Texture Quality from Full to 1/8 took FPS from 22 to 31.


EDIT: After putting settings back to max I'm getting 5 FPS again with slow mouse cursor. I'm getting the rendering warning only when I load up the seed. Haven't seen warning since I've been messing with video settings. No other warnings. Seems like the Calling Animator warning happens when you change video settings.


No idea what's going on and can't pinpoint issue with video settings since the FPS drop happens when changing random settings.

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Yeah, I've lowered every graphics setting, most things are OFF untirely, reolution down to 1024, but frames still mostly below 30 the majority of the time. I'm also on a Ryzen card in case that proves to be the common denominator.

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For me, I'm having a HUGE drop in FPS that appears to be entirely linked to texture quality. Running textures at quarter quality I'm at 50-60FPS, anything over that, instant drop to single digit FPS unless I stare straight down at the ground. If I stare at the ground, FPS goes back to the mid 50s.

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Fataal has advised to go into the console and type:


gfx dt


This will toggle Distant Terrain On or Off. Feedback so far is that it helps heaps.

Being a toggle, simply go into console again (F1) and type the same command again to turn DT back on again whenever you wish.

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Fataal has advised to go into the console and type:


gfx dt


This will toggle Distant Terrain On or Off. Feedback so far is that it helps heaps.

Being a toggle, simply go into console again (F1) and type the same command again to turn DT back on again whenever you wish.


Effective band-aid until the issue is fixed. Thanks for sharing.

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I just tested on my old comp ( 16GB RAM, gtx 970, intel xeon E3.1231 3,50 ghz ).


Resolution 1920x1080, Textures half, water on high, LOD 50, AA on, trees medium!, ... Playing at steady 50-70 FPS. Play with your settings or just lower resolution to 1366x768 and you should see a big improvement.

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I just tested on my old comp ( 16GB RAM, gtx 970, intel xeon E3.1231 3,50 ghz ).


Resolution 1920x1080, Textures half, water on high, LOD 50, AA on, trees medium!, ... Playing at steady 50-70 FPS. Play with your settings or just lower resolution to 1366x768 and you should see a big improvement.


It's the textures on "Half" that's giving you that good boost. You should be able to run the trees on "High" - game will look a lot better and it will likely do very little the performance on that card.

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It's the textures on "Half" that's giving you that good boost. You should be able to run the trees on "High" - game will look a lot better and it will likely do very little the performance on that card.


Could be, I just tested on old machine to see if there really is such a problem with FPS as so many forum posts are saying. Though I might help out to someone sharing specs and settings.


I play on a new machine, with all on max, except reflections on low and shadows reflections off, trees high and I am getting 70 - 100 fps. There might be few fps drops to 40s here and than, but so far so good - turned streaming textures ON as Madmole suggested, where I get bit lower over fps, but steady all the time at around 60 - 70 FPS without any FPS spikes ( indoors FPS can go 100+ even ). Awesome graphic in A18 so far.

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the new texture of alpha 18 made game unplayable for me. i used to play alpha 17 with 20+ FPS, and now i don't even get 5. i lowered all the quality settings to lowest possible, changed resolution, and closed any processes hindering pc performance and still didn't get 10 FPS. only when indoors do i get semi decent FPS for my mediocre pc.

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I was getting 70+ fps in A17 on this laptop, but performance in A18 is terrible. Even with everything turned off, quarter textures, and distant terrain off, the game is barely playable. The weird thing is that changing many of the settings, including texture size, doesn't help or hurt much.


I have a Ryzen laptop with a Radeon GPU, perhaps the game is poorly optimized for AMD users?

Someone else suggested the issue is that LoD is broken, which may explain why changing most settings doesn't affect performance.

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