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Fog or storm?


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Fog would increase frame rates, so I definitely like that... especially if you see fog every early morning just as the sun rises and you're leaving your base... can't really see where all the zombies are, etc... Storms are cool, add to stealth when that gets implemented and adds a really nice and dramatic scenario when outside. +1 from me on both ideas. But I assume that is already on their to do list.
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this was the $300k kickstarter stretch goal, already being implemented [URL="http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/7daystodie/7-days-to-die-zombie-survival-game"]http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/7daystodie/7-days-to-die-zombie-survival-game[/URL]
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This is one of the features I am looking most forward to. Can't wait to stand in the rain with lighting and thunder overhead with lowered visibility due to rain and fog. CAN. NOT. WAIT! And snow. Wanna track deer and zombie herds by tracks in the snow wearing snow camo carrying a silenced sniper rifle.
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[QUOTE=Scroowd;2809]yeah weather effect will be awesome, curious to see what the fun pimps will put in the game[/QUOTE] I hope they add everything, from rain storms to snow storms and everything in between, all the seasons and different seasonal day light times.
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[QUOTE=damys;2742]what about the fog or storm? especially in the night .. it would be nice to have a feeling of insecurity and terror .. especially when there are around monsters and zombies.[/QUOTE] I agree it would be cool if there thick fog in the night that you doesnt see the zombies and it has a nice dark feeling.
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I want to have the weather effect the difficulty on a very real level. I hope for those occasional nights where the weather is so bad that you have no choice but to stay in to survive the night. Very big fan of wilderness survival and backwoods hiking. So i guess thats where my high desires for this particular feature come from.
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[QUOTE=Reese;2820]I want to have the weather effect the difficulty on a very real level. I hope for those occasional nights where the weather is so bad that you have no choice but to stay in to survive the night. [/QUOTE] That would definitely make for an interesting storm... high winds where debris gets blown around with the risk of getting killed or severely damaged by it, risk of lightning strike if in a tall building or something... I love it even more.
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[QUOTE=Stignos;2811]I hope they add everything, from rain storms to snow storms and everything in between, all the seasons and different seasonal day light times.[/QUOTE] oh yeah that would be very awesome, really love snowy areas! would be awesome to see it at some point
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  • 4 years later...
[QUOTE=nemo888;829355]Radiation storms that force the player to take shelter would be great (like in Stalker)[/QUOTE] I would only accept that if they were limited to the wasteland biome. Or even better, a radiated biome.
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Honestly, I've been thinking it would be nice to mod (or have an option to anyway) to make it to where certain weeks were radioactive storms or the like to force you to remain in a base or house to make things a little harder. Would make for interesting end-game.
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There was a release where fog was deemed too much so they toned it down. I loved the early morning fog or witching hour fog as zombies would just emerge suddenly and was almost scary! It also brought sounds to the forefront; you could hear 'em but not see 'em.
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