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A19 NPCs DMT Mod


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I just pushed a new version that enable longbows on the controller. Based on my testing this version and the prior one they almost never miss, where previous versions they seldom hit. You likely have an older build. Post your CC and NPC versions when you see errors if possible. Thanks!


My current versions are


0-SphereIICore v18.4.1.33

Xyth NPCs v2.253

0-CreaturePackHumans v1.173


I spawned a farmer with SMG just to see if this latest version improved anything in this regard and he wasn't too good at hitting the targets, also he takes a while to aim, like if he was also limited with that delay you mentioned in case of bandits.


Also, I noticed that NPCs act weird sometimes. When they get into a fight, they may get stuck in slow walk animation that makes them act just like zombies with their hands up when they chase their prey. I wanted to take a screenshot, but it's not visible too well since it's just one image, it would be better seen on the video, but I guess it's enough for now. If you do need to see it on the video, please let me know and I will try to record it.


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I just tested using the versions you lists, all current, and I don't see the behaviors your seeing, nor do any of the mods testers see what your reporting. Try removing all mods (ALL) from your mods folder before doing a new build, validate your game files and retest. Sometimes DMT will not remove old modlet folders, like if the modlet changed names.

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I just tested using the versions you lists, all current, and I don't see the behaviors your seeing, nor do any of the mods testers see what your reporting. Try removing all mods (ALL) from your mods folder before doing a new build, validate your game files and retest. Sometimes DMT will not remove old modlet folders, like if the modlet changed names.


All the base game files were valid, because it was a recently updated version copied from Steam library, but just in case I verified all the files again manually and created a clean copy to test this. I will let you know the result. Honestly my mod list is pretty long so it might be some other mod causing this problem which I never realized until now, but I really have no idea what kind of mod could cause something like this. Could it be War3zuk Alpha 18 Stable AIO? It's a pretty huge overhaul and I had to remove its UMA zombies because they practically replaced all vanilla zombies and I was never getting new zombies from creature pack and I also had that bleeding buff problem which is now fixed, but this mod doesn't use any DMT functionality so I have no idea what kind of conflicts there could be. Other mods are just smaller game enhancements that shouldn't affect NPCs.

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Ok, so in this clean copy I only have the following mods installed:






SphereII NPC Dialog Windows

Xyth NPCs


All mods are the latest versions downloaded manually one by one through Mod Launcher.


The problem that NPCs and human characters get stuck in that weird slow walk zombie-like animation seems to be gone, but NPCs are still taking a long time to shoot. I could understand that crossbow and hunting rifle would take them a while to reload, but with SMGs and AK-47, they should have no problem to shred through the whole horde, but what's happening instead is that they shoot like 1 - 3 bullets and then they basically wait until the zombies come close to them and they start hitting them instead of shooting. Obviously when this happens with a horde of zombies, they have no chance to survive, but then again they have SMG or AK-47, so the fight should end much differently.

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@ issues. First, we are dealing with the built in code for the most part. The rate of fire is determined by that code, and right now its maxed. They could fire more rounds per shot, the bullets could do more damage, which would carve though hordes. They would also insta kill players who dont have good faction with them. People dont like getting instakilled from 60+ yards away. So until we test more I lowered the bullet damage and capped bursts to 3 rounds. Feel free to increase either to suit your taste.

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@ issues. First, we are dealing with the built in code for the most part. The rate of fire is determined by that code, and right now its maxed. They could fire more rounds per shot, the bullets could do more damage, which would carve though hordes. They would also insta kill players who dont have good faction with them. People dont like getting instakilled from 60+ yards away. So until we test more I lowered the bullet damage and capped bursts to 3 rounds. Feel free to increase either to suit your taste.


Ok, where are these values stored?

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I am confused. I opened items.xml of DMT NPCs and it contains


NPCs pull thier weapons and character meshes from CreaturePack Humans. The 2 items in the NPC modlet are legacy items for darkstars old characters.



Pushed new version of NPC Modlet, refactored the xml, adjusted spawn rates and added lots of new weapon variants.

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Notice: I deleted the XythNPC modlet and replaced it with 1-NPCPackHumans. Be sure to manually delete the old NPC modlet to avoid dupes.


I renamed it for 2 reasons. First, it's now a CommunityPack, and no longer my modlet. 2nd, the 1- prefix will make for a more predicable base as it loads right after the 0-Creaturepacks and 0-Sphereiithings. Now mods like TS and DF can load those and extend them without worrying about collisions between those dependencies.


In this new version DarkStarDragon added his new NPCs. Enjoy.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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Hey devolver, i redid ghost and hunter they are being added by xyth today along with the 5 soldiers i did for creaturepack :fat:


Hey Dark! Thanks for great news! How about your other NPCs like that funny drunk guy? It would be hilarious to see him back, drunk as ever, maybe with a revolver, shotgun, rifle, knife, baseball bat or any other weapon really, heck how funny it would be to see him throwing some molotovs, kicking some zombie asses! :wink-new:

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Well, first I thought we must wait for Xyth to update his mod because as you mentioned, it is yet to be added by Xyth, but then he came here and said that your new NPCs are added in this new version which made me believe it's already updated, so I downloaded the latest version, only to find out that the NPC mod itself has all the new references, but the Creature Pack Humans has not been updated with the new files yet, so I guess it would break the game if I used the latest NPC mod without the actual resource files that are required for the mod to run correctly.


EDIT: And no, NPC mod itself does not have the resources directory anymore, so no resources there.

Edited by mr.devolver (see edit history)
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Updated the controller used by the NPCs. This version adds a new idle animation when you talk to the NPCs. If it works well, i can add multiple new idle anims to that point. Also, if you missed it, the NPCs reload weapons now.


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Hey Xyth. I'm having trouble compiling this mod in DMT. Specifically it's with the Humans Creature Pack. Here's the log.


Running BackupFiles
Backup dll found: C:\DMT/Backups/SP/18.4b4/Assembly-CSharp.dll
Running DeployDlls
Deploying DLLs
Running LocalisationPatch
PatchFile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-CreaturePackHumans/Config/Localization.txt

Unhandled Exception: System.Exception: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-CreaturePackHumans/Config/Localization.txt' Row index mismatch on line: 43. Expected 6 but got 7
at LocalisationTable.ReadFromStream(BinaryReader br, String path)
at LocalisationTable.Load(String path)
at DMT.Tasks.LocalisationPatch.PatchTextFile(PatchDat a data, String sourcePath, String destPath, String patchFilePath)
at DMT.Tasks.LocalisationPatch.Patch(PatchData data)
at DMT.PatchData.Patch()
at DMTViewer.Program.Main(String[] args)

process exited with error code -532462766


I used Notepad++ to check line 43 of the indicated Localisation.txt file.


qc_FoolsGold,items,Item,New,FoolsGold Quest,,,,,


There's no glaring error, like a missing comma or quotation mark, and I haven't edited the localisation.txt file at all. I'm using the newest versions of all of the mods.

Edited by dahkdm
Mistaken Error. Moved the localisation.txt file away and back and didn't refresh mods. (see edit history)
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Hey Xyth. I'm having trouble compiling this mod in DMT. Specifically it's with the Humans Creature Pack. Here's the log.


Running BackupFiles
Backup dll found: C:\DMT/Backups/SP/18.4b4/Assembly-CSharp.dll
Running DeployDlls
Deploying DLLs
Running LocalisationPatch
PatchFile: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-CreaturePackHumans/Config/Localization.txt

Unhandled Exception: System.Exception: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-CreaturePackHumans/Config/Localization.txt' Row index mismatch on line: 43. Expected 6 but got 7
at LocalisationTable.ReadFromStream(BinaryReader br, String path)
at LocalisationTable.Load(String path)
at DMT.Tasks.LocalisationPatch.PatchTextFile(PatchDat a data, String sourcePath, String destPath, String patchFilePath)
at DMT.Tasks.LocalisationPatch.Patch(PatchData data)
at DMT.PatchData.Patch()
at DMTViewer.Program.Main(String[] args)

process exited with error code -532462766


I used Notepad++ to check line 43 of the indicated Localisation.txt file.


qc_FoolsGold,items,Item,New,FoolsGold Quest,,,,,


There's no glaring error, like a missing comma or quotation mark, and I haven't edited the localisation.txt file at all. I'm using the newest versions of all of the mods.


I'd update your version of DMT. It hasn't handled localization in a long time.

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