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A19 NPCs DMT Mod


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All true, but both Sphereii and I started at near zero almost 2 years ago, with no understanding of the game design or modding. yet here we are. I taught myself xml, then Unity, with no background in programming or either of those. Sphereii knows how to code in C#, but had no knowledge of how the game worked. Thousands of modding hours later, we have some clue now how to mod. So pick a day and start experimenting!


But how would you experiment if you don't know how to tell the game "do this", "do that". I mean, C# seems close enough to what I used to work with, but even if I was good at C#, I still have zero knowledge of the internal functionality of the game, so even if I knew the language, there are still some magic words that I have no idea about and the game just wouldn't understand me. :p

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But how would you experiment if you don't know how to tell the game "do this", "do that". I mean, C# seems close enough to what I used to work with, but even if I was good at C#, I still have zero knowledge of the internal functionality of the game, so even if I knew the language, there are still some magic words that I have no idea about and the game just wouldn't understand me. :p


yea, i just learned how to import npcs a few weeks ago was brutal to learn but had a good coach lol


still havin some probs with some of my npcs but gettin help to sort em


take this guy for example, he loves to shoot low now where he was shootin up 45 degrees before


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New update available.


SDX_EAITask, EntityAliveSDX, aXUi_Dialog updated.


Fixes include:


- Stay Command available regardless of Guard AI Task

- NPCs will walk away from you a bit if you get too close, letting you get out of tight jams

- EyeHeight exposed to XML for aiming

- NPCs will now teleport to you if they lose track of you.

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New update available.


SDX_EAITask, EntityAliveSDX, aXUi_Dialog updated.


Fixes include:


- Stay Command available regardless of Guard AI Task

- NPCs will walk away from you a bit if you get too close, letting you get out of tight jams

- EyeHeight exposed to XML for aiming

- NPCs will now teleport to you if they lose track of you.


Dang bro, nice work again and again!

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New update available.


SDX_EAITask, EntityAliveSDX, aXUi_Dialog updated.


Fixes include:


- Stay Command available regardless of Guard AI Task

- NPCs will walk away from you a bit if you get too close, letting you get out of tight jams

- EyeHeight exposed to XML for aiming

- NPCs will now teleport to you if they lose track of you.


Testing before going to bed, thank you for the update!


Teleport seems to work pretty well and believe it or not, it actually starts to feel like Skyrim or Fallout companions and I do mean that in very positive way! I haven't noticed anything wrong about the teleport, it feels natural. I mean, you can give him freedom to go wherever he wants, because he will eventually get to you once you get far away and that's pretty cool. You know, he wandered off into a hill and I kept moving the opposite way on the road. Soon I met a snow zombie, but I had no weapons, just a torch and of course that zombie started to move towards me wanting to attack me and then... out of sudden Mickey D, my old friend, the baker guy showed up from behind me and went straight ahead to that zombie and attacked him even before he reached me, so overall now they actually seem to care about their leader lol, that's more like it! :p


Of course, there are still some small funny issues here and there, but they are surely nothing you couldn't handle. This is probably unrelated to the update, but I just noticed NPCBaker was trying to break the door into a POI I wanted him to help me loot and when I came close behind him, I noticed the door was unlocked lol it was funny. :p But I do believe they used to be able to open unlocked doors?

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Testing before going to bed, thank you for the update!


Teleport seems to work pretty well and believe it or not, it actually starts to feel like Skyrim or Fallout companions and I do mean that in very positive way! I haven't noticed anything wrong about the teleport, it feels natural. I mean, you can give him freedom to go wherever he wants, because he will eventually get to you once you get far away and that's pretty cool. You know, he wandered off into a hill and I kept moving the opposite way on the road. Soon I met a snow zombie, but I had no weapons, just a torch and of course that zombie started to move towards me wanting to attack me and then... out of sudden Mickey D, my old friend, the baker guy showed up from behind me and went straight ahead to that zombie and attacked him even before he reached me, so overall now they actually seem to care about their leader lol, that's more like it! :p


Of course, there are still some small funny issues here and there, but they are surely nothing you couldn't handle. This is probably unrelated to the update, but I just noticed NPCBaker was trying to break the door into a POI I wanted him to help me loot and when I came close behind him, I noticed the door was unlocked lol it was funny. :p But I do believe they used to be able to open unlocked doors?


Man, thanks for doing so much testing on the mod really appreciate it as im sure the authors xyth and sphere do. I havent been testing it as much as i would like but seems as though youre hitting all the major issues. As far as them breaking blocks and doors etc, thats hit or miss as far as ive noticed. A solution to them wrecking your base could be to decrease the amt of block damage they do drastically.

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Yeah, door code was a one-shot-and-never-revisited-but-is-on-the-radar.


The MoveHelper, when stuck, will either jump or start breaking things. The cows won't break through a fence anymore, but I haven't ported the changes to the NPCs.

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Yeah, door code was a one-shot-and-never-revisited-but-is-on-the-radar.


The MoveHelper, when stuck, will either jump or start breaking things. The cows won't break through a fence anymore, but I haven't ported the changes to the NPCs.


Speaking of cows, I've never seen a single animal I could tame with Animal husbandry installed. If it works, they are probably very rare to spawn.

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Speaking of cows, I've never seen a single animal I could tame with Animal husbandry installed. If it works, they are probably very rare to spawn.


They probably arn't set to spawn; Khaine has been testing animal husbandry in his Darkness Falls' Experimental.


I'll look into adding them to spawning.

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They probably arn't set to spawn; Khaine has been testing animal husbandry in his Darkness Falls' Experimental.


I'll look into adding them to spawning.


That's because you have to kill females and see if they drop a baby item, which then spawns the animal. ;)

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Got a newly equipped npc for ya devolver:



Looks good, the more survivors, the better. The game looks much better with all kinds of different people roaming through the game world, trying to survive.


Yesterday I just started new game, singleplayer, and I heard shooting, saw BanditBoss in distance, shooting at zombies around me. I knew that if I stayed there for too long, he would shoot them all and then he would go after me, so I had get out of there asap. I had a pistol and couple of bullets, so when I got far enough, I tried to shoot BanditBoss while he was fighting. In the meantime, a trader and NPCBaker showed up and they both attacked him. NPCBaker actually also attacked that trader (probably because the trader accidentally shot him while he tried to shoot BanditBoss), but before that happened, they actually caused him a major damage, so I could finish him easily, but I ran out of ammo so I had to finish him with a torch lol. Pretty messed up, but yeah, that's one of the interesting situations you could never experience in vanilla. :p

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Added in some code today to make the NPCs immune to trap damage. I couldn't get them to path around it, so I just took out the damage for it. We can fine tune it further if we need too, like only take damage if you have a player as a leader, so that bandits could still get injured.


An NPC that does not have a leader isn't really any dumber, so to me, tonight, it makes sense not to injure them at all. maybe they are moving carefully through them.


Also, I gave a UMA a try:




With the right changes to their XML, they can use EntityAliveSDX, and can follow orders. Animations are still zombie like, but might work for tweakers? Pet zombies?

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Once the NPC code is ... "stable" .. I'll port the bandits and traders over to the NPC codebase so factions will apply across all of those types.


good news


- - - Updated - - -


Added in some code today to make the NPCs immune to trap damage. I couldn't get them to path around it, so I just took out the damage for it. We can fine tune it further if we need too, like only take damage if you have a player as a leader, so that bandits could still get injured.


An NPC that does not have a leader isn't really any dumber, so to me, tonight, it makes sense not to injure them at all. maybe they are moving carefully through them.


Also, I gave a UMA a try:




With the right changes to their XML, they can use EntityAliveSDX, and can follow orders. Animations are still zombie like, but might work for tweakers? Pet zombies?


i agree with the no damage from traps if they arent pathing to avoid them

and hows that fix for no friendly fire coming?

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Added in some code today to make the NPCs immune to trap damage. I couldn't get them to path around it, so I just took out the damage for it. We can fine tune it further if we need too, like only take damage if you have a player as a leader, so that bandits could still get injured.


An NPC that does not have a leader isn't really any dumber, so to me, tonight, it makes sense not to injure them at all. maybe they are moving carefully through them.


Also, I gave a UMA a try:




With the right changes to their XML, they can use EntityAliveSDX, and can follow orders. Animations are still zombie like, but might work for tweakers? Pet zombies?


Sounds promising. Sorry, I wasn't able to test much lately. Did you release that update or it's still in testing stage? I opened Mod Launcher and I can't see any update button.


I thought those UMA characters could use the same animations like NPCs? I guess I was wrong. But there are also non-zombie UMA characters in the pack. Maybe those could be still used. And who knows, if they ever add the official bandits, maybe they will make it easier for this mod?

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Sounds promising. Sorry, I wasn't able to test much lately. Did you release that update or it's still in testing stage? I opened Mod Launcher and I can't see any update button.


I thought those UMA characters could use the same animations like NPCs? I guess I was wrong. But there are also non-zombie UMA characters in the pack. Maybe those could be still used. And who knows, if they ever add the official bandits, maybe they will make it easier for this mod?


Animations are tied to their animation avatar, which basically defines their skeleton and where all the bones connect to the animation itself. We don't have the UMA avatar, so we can't apply custom animations to it.


No release yet to the SDXMods release; I was testing some of the Loot AI task, but will hold off on that. I'll push an update for the traps in a bit

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