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Curse of Anubis - CoA - Prefabs


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Thats cool. maybe ill look into Nitrogen in the future





Since i dont have a 7dtd Server i could not test things on an mutliplayer environment but i will talk to SphereII. Maybe its something wrong with his scripts.

I know that custom entity Attacks just got fixed a few days ago. Before they did not attack on servers. This should work now.

so..ill look into this but for now i cant help with quests not refering to the position on servers.


I do not own a server either so I just start one on same PC using the 7 days dedicated server tool on steam. :) Maybe something else need to be added in the quest.xml or something. The command

<objective type="GotoPOISDX, Mods" value="500-10500" phase="1">

<property name="completion_distance" value="50" />

<property name="PrefabName" value="EgyptSphinx" />


works perfect in singleplayer, so maybe something else need to be done to get it to work on dedi. I am noob on this, so I cannot really understand why it even should be a problem when it works so well on SP.
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works perfect in singleplayer, so maybe something else need to be done to get it to work on dedi. I am noob on this, so I cannot really understand why it even should be a problem when it works so well on SP.


As far as i understand SP and MP dont share the same map seed. could be that there´s sth wrong and the prefabs havent spawned?


i´ve talked to SphereII and the "GOtoPOISDX" should work in MP too now. Is your 0-SphereIIcore up to date?

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As far as i understand SP and MP dont share the same map seed. could be that there´s sth wrong and the prefabs havent spawned?


i´ve talked to SphereII and the "GOtoPOISDX" should work in MP too now. Is your 0-SphereIIcore up to date?


Oh, cool! I dunno if I have the newest. I downloaded it some day ago for 18.3. So I can test if this works, maybe tomorrow!


Edit: Tested yesterday! And now it works on dedicated! That's very nice! :)

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  • 2 months later...
Its all up to you and your imagination!


While I don't plan on running a fantasy-genre 7 Days to Die server any time soon, I am certain there are those out there who are doing it now. Appreciate all the work you've put into this mod. My imagination is suggesting you should check out this other mod that just arrived on Nexus today, and maybe include it into your spawn lists?


Shiny Zombies by Guccimarsh


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

just a quick update for A19.

I started converting both Prefabs to be compatible with EAC .     (Pyramid / Sphinx)
So in the Future there is no need to extra compile or use DMT for this to work.

Right now im working on all the Entity and make them Vanilla compatible. All the Entity can then be found in Xyth´s Creature Pack too.

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  • Andyjoki changed the title to Curse of Anubis - CoA - Prefabs

thanks will look into it. No clue how and when the whole entityclass dissapeared..

thats what you need to add to entityclasses in order to function. I also updated the DL-link.

		<entity_class name="EgyptAnubisVanilla" extends="EgyptVanillaMaleEntityTemplate">
			<property name="Tags" value="entity,cp,male,human,melee,egyptboss"/>
			<property name="Mesh" value="#@modfolder:Resources/CoAVanillaEntity.unity3d?Anubis"/>
			<property name="HideInSpawnMenu" value="false"/>
			<property name="Faction" value="bandits"/>
			<property name="IsEnemyEntity" value="false"/>
			<property name="Class" value="EntityZombie"/>
			<property name="WalkType" value="6"/> 
	<property name="AITask-2" value="RangedAttackTarget" data="itemType=1;cooldown=4;duration=5"/>
	<property name="HandItem" value="EgyptmeleeHandAnubis"/>
	<property name="HandItemCrawler" value="EgyptmeleeHandAnubis"/>
	<property name="LootDropEntityClass" value="EgyptLootContainerBossAnubis"/>	
	<property name="PainResistPerHit" value=".9"/>
	<property name="ExperienceGain" value="7000"/>
	<property name="LootDropProb" value="1"/>
	<!-- <property name="LootListOnDeath" value="45"/> -->		
			<effect_group name="Base Effects">
		<passive_effect name="DistractionResistance" operation="base_set" value="0,0"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfFirstSpawn" action="ModifyCVar" target="self" cvar="EntityBoss" operation="set" value="1"/>
		<passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="1500"/>
		<passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="perc_set" value="1"/> <!-- Zombie HP scale -->
		<passive_effect name="StaminaMax" operation="base_set" value="550"/>
		<passive_effect name="StaminaMax" operation="perc_set" value="1"/> <!-- Zombie Stamina scale -->
		<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="0"/> <!-- Feral damage -->
		<passive_effect name="PhysicalDamageResist" operation="base_set" value="25"/>
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDamagedOther" action="AddBuff" target="otherAOE" range="10" buff="EgyptbuffZombieEffect" />
		<triggered_effect trigger="onOtherDamagedSelf" action="AddBuff" target="otherAOE" range="10" buff="EgyptbuffFireCurse0" />


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  • 4 weeks later...

I really want to use this in my dedicated server that is running wasteland and the “0-“ creature packs 


I think it’s causing a conflict in that I’m getting an XML load error for physicsbodies.XML

and I think this is due to edits to the same zombie bodies


I can’t imagine those are rare mods so would anyone advise me as to what to change? 


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I’ve confirmed I get the XML conflict from xynth creature pack - zombies and the curse of Anubis :)


I wonder if the fix is just to remove the offending physicsbodies body entries that are covered in his? Like behemoth and so on?

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Can try to do that. I'd remove whichever one loads second and see if it will work. Worst case, go in and add a 2 on the end of the name. Have to change it for every entity in entityclasses.xml as well. That way there aren't any duplicate entries. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/3/2021 at 2:01 AM, DEDantiSocial said:

Is Anubis meant to be immortal? Are we not supposed to kill him? Even with Dev Tools?

i forgot to put colliders in Unity. It is fixed now.


On 4/11/2021 at 3:39 AM, Nerhesi said:

I’ve confirmed I get the XML conflict from xynth creature pack - zombies and the curse of Anubis :)


I wonder if the fix is just to remove the offending physicsbodies body entries that are covered in his? Like behemoth and so on?

i´ve renamed my physicsbodies and removed unused XML. There should be no conflict anymore.



Updated to A20


- added ~ 9 new Entity

- revised Loot and Drops

- added new Weapons

- optimised File Size of the Mod from ~900MB  to  ~ 250MB

- reduced Texture sizes and deleted unused stuff

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12 hours ago, Andyjoki said:

i forgot to put colliders in Unity. It is fixed now.


i´ve renamed my physicsbodies and removed unused XML. There should be no conflict anymore.



Updated to A20


- added ~ 9 new Entity

- revised Loot and Drops

- added new Weapons

- optimised File Size of the Mod from ~900MB  to  ~ 250MB

- reduced Texture sizes and deleted unused stuff

Awesome job Andyjoki! Can't wait to try this out on A20.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Gomen'nasai. Tatemono dake o nōmaru kankyō de purei wa damedesu ka? Tatemono dake o tsukaitakattadesuga dokuji burokku shiyō no tame damede@%$#a.





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