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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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Believe me, I'm not happy about it. Lol. I tried everything I could think of. Even imported a vanilla weapon into Unity, simply swapped meshes to one of mine, and exported it. They wouldn't shoot still. I'll definitely take another look at some point. Hopefully we see some new TFP Bandit code soon. Should help with some of these issues.


And believe me, the Fat Man was one of the first ones I was trying. Lol.

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16 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

Believe me, I'm not happy about it. Lol. I tried everything I could think of. Even imported a vanilla weapon into Unity, simply swapped meshes to one of mine, and exported it. They wouldn't shoot still. I'll definitely take another look at some point. Hopefully we see some new TFP Bandit code soon. Should help with some of these issues.


And believe me, the Fat Man was one of the first ones I was trying. Lol.

I can imagine, small guns won't just cut it. We need supermutants with their big clumsy hands shooting some big guns too lol


Some random funny quotes would be cool too!


Strong not afraid of shadows. Go away things in shadows!


Edited by mr.devolver (see edit history)
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Doing the old way, usually by mostly knowing where to place the children in Unity to get it close, then a lot of testing and tweaking in the xml.


The new way they are all pre-attached to the weapon in Unity, and just toggled on and off by installing the mods in game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
21 hours ago, NobleMatrix said:

The controls for the duster bi-plane are absolutely miserable! Or am I missing something? It is possible Im an idiot😉

nah i noticed it! it seams to vear to the left... or right, so taking off is a bit of a issue. 😧


side note! a mr dub, you taken a break from this mod or there a update coming soon? you been a bit quiet over the past couple weeks, making sure your still alive n breathin. 😛 

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On 8/22/2020 at 5:08 PM, bdubyah said:

@mr.devolver Np. :)

I almost kind of want to not tell you the problem and see if you can figure it out...Lol.


Here's a hint...you're running the collection mod which contains all of the vehicles...and then also trying to run all the separate modlets.....

LOL i had that same problem when i used the pingperfect mod installer, it just added the whole filelist from your github. made a quick archive folder in mods and dropped all the extras in it, problem solved. should probably go back and delete those now.

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Currently working on a Vault 101 POI. Just not much to show at the moment. Probably be a bit before an update.


And about the Duster. One, this game doesn't have a plane I can just copy, so it's what I managed to come up with. Don't like it, don't use it. Two, it's an old, crappy plane. How well would it fly at this point? Some people just gotta complain...

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Hi Folks, trying out the vehicle pack mod and encountering something I cant figure out, the vehicles work perfectly (Really nice work!), but I cannot get the mechanic trader POI to load in as it is using a block named "spawnTJ2" which is unknown.


Cant find anything googling this, and I am not long back to the game so figured it may be something that changed between 19.0 and 19.1?


If anyone has an idea, let me know, the POI looks like fun but this one is over my head ^_^

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57 minutes ago, Ananais said:

Hi Folks, trying out the vehicle pack mod and encountering something I cant figure out, the vehicles work perfectly (Really nice work!), but I cannot get the mechanic trader POI to load in as it is using a block named "spawnTJ2" which is unknown.


Cant find anything googling this, and I am not long back to the game so figured it may be something that changed between 19.0 and 19.1?


If anyone has an idea, let me know, the POI looks like fun but this one is over my head ^_^

The block named "spawnTJ2" has been removed from this mod, most likely you need a new save and the latest update of the mod


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10 hours ago, bdubyah said:

No, that is my bad. I commented out the entity stuff as I couldn't make it work correctly, but I forgot about the custom mini trader I made so that the POI works correctly. The fixed version is on Git now and will be on Nexus soon.

Nice one! Thanks for the quick fix 😁

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@bdubyah Sorry if this has been covered before, but I am experiencing (as well as all of the players on my server) a couple of bugs with the vehicles mod pack.

1. bug with the audio on the Hotrod. it sounds like it is Idling the whole time it is being driven. Is there a fix for this?

2. if you pick up the hostess truck it deletes the gas it has in the tank.

Running an alpha 19 dedicated server on g-portal

Thanks for your time on this.


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I can't reproduce either of those in my SP game. The new vehicle sounds did give me some problems sometimes when I would spam W or something like that, but even when I tried that the revving sound came back after a second.


And I placed a Box Truck, fueled it up, drove it a bit then hopped out and picked it back up. Placed it down again and it still had fuel. I haven't really ever tested my mods on a server, but I know a lot of people use them and I've never heard any complaints about this. So I'm really not sure what is causing it.

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10 hours ago, Dr. VonDuck said:

@bdubyah Sorry if this has been covered before, but I am experiencing (as well as all of the players on my server) a couple of bugs with the vehicles mod pack.

1. bug with the audio on the Hotrod. it sounds like it is Idling the whole time it is being driven. Is there a fix for this?

2. if you pick up the hostess truck it deletes the gas it has in the tank.

Running an alpha 19 dedicated server on g-portal

Thanks for your time on this.


What other mods do you still have installed?

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Alright, pushed a fix to Git that should resolve the AK and MR10 issues. Please let me know if there are any issues still. I'm not pushing this to Nexus as I always upload the whole mod each time there and that takes me ages. So it'll come whenever I push out the vault POI.

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2 hours ago, CrazyAluminum said:

What other mods do you still have installed?

i have a few server sided mods

Vedui42's Expanded Decorative blocks and Wireless PowerBox

Ana Vehicle Respawner (for scrap vehicles)

and Trader Refresh 1day


all server sided except the BDubs Vehicles Pack, getting consistent results for all my players, playing on PREGEN03 on a 10k size

Also happening wit the stallion i just found out

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21 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

I don't see any of those causing issues.


I might have to setup a server on my PC and try it out. But I have no idea what would cause it, or how I could fix it.

if it helps youre welcome on my server but not sure if that will provide the info you need

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The only thing I could think to try with the sounds is to go back to the same settings the vanilla 4x4 uses as far as the pitch, fades, and stuff like that. Other than that, I think it's just server weirdness.


The fuel I honestly have no idea about. The vehicles are using the same xml as vanilla with just tweaks to capacity and whatnot. But I'm not really too concerned with this one as I'd disable vehicle pickup in a heartbeat if I could do it with xml. Lol.

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Hi everyone, I´m a newbie. Just wondering if there´s any fix to the moddlet? I used nitrogen to generate the map, and patch it with Darkness Falls, then added the vehicles mod but it always displays an error that says "loading and parsing "traders.xml" failed. Also many yellow messages saying that the patch for traders.xml from mod "Bdub vehicles" did not apply. 

I´d appreciate a helping hand since I´ve been troubleshooting for 6 hours straight on my own lol

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My modlets won't work with DF as they come. DF changes a lot of things from vanilla that my mods use. I gave Khaine permission to make a patch for the vehicles on his side, but I'm not sure what the status of that is. There is an included progression.xml to use with DF that I think should fix the Grease Monkey problems(literally just updated this on Git as I noticed a mistake with it). But I don't know what all he changed in traders.xml that makes it fail. I'm guessing loot groups or something, but I don't know. Might ask him where he's at on it. If someone gets it all sorted out I would be glad to include DF versions of the necessary files for people to use when running DF as well.

Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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