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Ragsy' s A20 Modlets

Ragsy 2145

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Updated A21and V1.0 modlets will be in this thread moving forwards

----->     The A Team Modlets Page



All of the modlets made in A21 available here >>-- A Team Modlets A21--<<


All of my A20 Modlets available here >>--Ragsy's A20 Modlets on GitLab--<<



All of my A19 Modlets available here >>--Ragsy's A19 Modlets on GitLab--<<


All of my work is also available on the >>--7 Days Mod Launcher by Sphereii --<<


Some of the Vehicle related mods are also now available on Nexus  ...  My Mods on Nexus

**** Important Note  :

If you want to include any of my vehicle modlets or other modlets in a 'mod overhaul' please do me the courtesy of asking for permission first .... when given you must give the due credit to myself and any other modders that may be credited under the "Addition Credits" sections if any .  Also you are not allowed to extract any unity files without my permission either , if there has been an alpha change then wait and files will be updated for the new alpha version as soon as I possibly can .  Thank you !! ****




Also thank you to those that have helped or are helping support my modding endeavours via the Modding Discord

HaidrGna, Guppycur, DUST2DEATH, Xyth, sphereii, bdubyah, Tin, Telric and Khaine



Thanks to the great community here on the forums here for the feedback and support.


Ragsy !!




Find Vehicle Parts In Airdrops A20

zjzy7Qht.png      Information Here   

Adds probabilities of finding vehicle parts in Airdops  - Server Side mod       Mod abandoned in A21



Better Gyro Handling A20

 Information Here  Compatibilty : A17.4, A18.4, A19            Mod abandoned in A21

Numerous tweaks to the Gyro vehicle settings to improve take offs and landing and general maneuverability  - Server Side Mod .


Find Bicycles in Dumpsters A20

 Information Here      Compatibilty : A20   Mod abandoned in A21

9 million bicycles in Beijing and not one findable in game really ?  Server Side Mod


Find Bicycles Parts Dumpsters A20

Information Here     Compatibilty : A20  Mod abandoned in A21

Requested as alternative to the finding whole bicycles modlet , now you can find the various bicycle parts in the dumpsters and the possibility you can find a schematics for the bicycle - Server Side Mod


Take Out The Trash Version 4  A20

 Information Here  

Keep your local zombie infested neighbourhood clean without destroying it completely , only destroy the trash bags and not the bins and trash cans or tilt trucks - Server Side Mod

Additional Credits : KhaineGB

TFP added this fucntion in A21 so will no longer be needed unless you are playing older versions of the game  :)




Classic Style Zombies V3 A19

  Information Here    Compatibilty :  A18 A19   Mod retired in A20

A modlet that will send you back the classic style zombies. Note: In A18 the modlet stops 'Rage Zombies' .... AI is dumbed down and will walk into spikes more , making too much noise means hordes will form on your location.

Additional Credits : REV6-7-8, Spider,Tete1805, Khaine, Xyth,HaidrGna, HAL9000


Re Plant wild crops and plants A19

Info Here    Compatibilty : A17.4, A18.4, A19  Mod retired in A20

Allows replanting of all wild plants and even POI plants


Pickup_HDHQPlants A19

 Information Here   Compatibilty : A17.4, A18.4, A19   Mod retired in A20

Two modlet 'patch versions' for the old A16 Style press <E> to pick up HDHQ Plants used in DUST2DEATH's HDHQ Plants Modlets


Remove RH Stats Bar A19

Information Here      Compatibilty : A17.4, A18.4  A19.6    Mod Retired in A20

A modlet to fully hide the stats bar on the bottom right hand side of your screen hud display

Additional Credits : Numberz


Brighter Vehicle Headlights V2 A19

Information Here     Compatibilty : A17.4, A18.4, A19 Mod is now Retired in A20

Version 2 adds manux custom vehicles modlet and Guppycurs Vehicle Madness support, Along with normal vanilla vehicles .

Additional Credits : bdubyah


Vehicle First Person View V3 A19

wiX3Z6gt.jpg      Information Here   Compatibilty : A17.4, A18.4, A19  Mod retired in A20 as vehicle camera improved

A first person experience for vanilla vehicles (Except Gyrocopter)

Compatibilty : A17.4, A18.4, A19



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Ragsy's ladder control modlets

Ever thought hey how can zombies climb ladders ?


1. Ragsy_No_Ladder_Climb


A modlet that simply switches it so 'all zombies' can not climb ladders (Modlet tested with 'vanilla' zombies but also works with Khelldons Bad Company Modlet and with Mumpfy's New Zombies and so far all the Zombies added by the Community in the CreaturePackZombies pack ). --> Download


2. Ragsy_Ladder_Control

Full Ladder control modlet that allows you to stop certain types of zombies from climbing ladders or allow them if thats your thing. (Works with vanilla zombies only at present and may need modification if the fun pimps add new zombies).


This Modlet has no support for Mumpfy's additional texture zombies or Khelldons Bad Company zombies. --> Download




Ragsy's Older Modlets for A17 - 17.4

Are still available on the >>--7 Days Mod Launcher by Sphereii   under the A17 tab --<<


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They are all over the place but often get ignored as you can find polymers in blinds whilst looting buildings , this small modlet gives a small chance you may get a full tire (Not Full Wheel) when destroying it , more intersting though is consider this:


Real tires also have steel and traces of oils in them also kevlar, for the purpose of this I will stick to giving a possibilty of getting forged steel and oil from the tire when you destroy them for early game purpose ( if you want to add kevlar then feel free to do so and alter as you wish).


Early game theres not much steel to be found and traders sell but its expensive, so it is now worth looking for tires :) A full tire can be still be scrapped for polymers but this modlet now makes it worth hunting down tires ... have fun tire hunting.

Inspired by a small forum exchange with Guppycur in his modlet thread about tires ...... Guppycur Modlets


PLEASE NOTE : There is a 'new version' of this modlet for A19 and Beyond and the modlet is being maintained and updated by Gouki , the new version can be found here :


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Pickup_HDHQ_Plants          Modlet retired in A20 

A simple modlet patch that allows the A16 Style press <E> to pick up the beautiful HDHQ Plants used in DUST2DEATH's amazing texture, lighting and environment overhaul


** Note **

You must have the HDHQ Plants modlet installed for this modlet to work correctly!


HDHQ Plants Modlet is available in the link above or get it on the 7 Days Mod Launcher by Sphereii


A big thanks to DUST2DEATH for allowing me to post this modlet.







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Ragsy, I noticed that your mod also allows the pickup of the other crops. Will this interfere with the "living off the land" perk, which increases the yield based on that perk level?


Edit : Just realised the original file (blocks.xml) had the other crops as optional .. I will upload the original file sorry for any confusion caused.


If you only like to pickup HDHQ plants then you can comment out the other items if you wish that way you then harvest the crops instead of picking them up or re download the modlet.


Although you can still harvest A17 Style by hitting the plants or crops, but yes I see what you are saying on this . Pick up is 'Pick up' but harvest is by hitting the plants. If you harvest then no it should not affect the perk.





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9 million bicycles in Beijing and not one findable in game really ? .. a simple idea came to mind that allows the player to find complete bicycles in dumpster's so now at least there are some in the world from game start.


You may find more than one bike and that is intentional .. sharing is caring :)



A17 A18 and A19 compatible





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is it at all possible to mod in the function where harvesting a plant leaves behind a sapling or planted seed in its place ?


Auto placing a block where you have just removed a block as far as I know is not possible (plants and trees are blocks in the game and so are the seeds).


I may be wrong some and some of the more experienced modders in the community may be able to confirm this if you post in the discussion section or if they see this they may be able to answer here ?

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Auto placing a block where you have just removed a block as far as I know is not possible (plants and trees are blocks in the game and so are the seeds).


I may be wrong some and some of the more experienced modders in the community may be able to confirm this if you post in the discussion section or if they see this they may be able to answer here ?


I think there is or was an on destruct property that allowed you to replace it with the seed or you can have it downgrade into the seed block. I'm not sure of what was exactly done but some of the 16.4 mods did do this and you might want to look at them to see how they did it exactly and see if it is still possible.

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LionsDen said:
I think there is or was an on destruct property that allowed you to replace it with the seed or you can have it downgrade into the seed block. I'm not sure of what was exactly done but some of the 16.4 mods did do this and you might want to look at them to see how they did it exactly and see if it is still possible.


Thanks for the information LionsDen :)



** There are now 2 modlet versions for HDHQ Plants **


1. Pickup_HDHQPlants gives option to pick up only the HDHQ Plants

2. Pickup_HDHQPlants_Plus allows player to pick up all plants with A16 press<E>




This change is for Modlauncher compatibilty only.


Pick up the beautiful HDHQ Plants used in DUST2DEATH's amazing texture, lighting and environment overhaul which can be found here : HDHQ - Textures/Lighting/Environment


** Note **

You must have the HDHQ Plants modlet installed for this modlet to work correctly! ** There are now 2 versions for HDHQ Plants **


1. Pickup_HDHQPlants gives option to pick up only the HDHQ Plants --> Download

2. Pickup_HDHQPlants_Plus allows player to pick up all plants with A16 press<E> --> Download


The HDHQ Plants Modlets are available in the link above or get them on the 7 Days Mod Launcher by Sphereii


A big thanks to DUST2DEATH for allowing me to post this modlet.



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I ended up going a different route; the vanilla wheels are total wheels, the ones you find on the ground are tires, and the broken wheels are rims. So:


broken wheel (rim) + tire = wheel


- - - Updated - - -


...but yeh, as discussed, tires all over the place with no use towards actual wheels is a waste. :)

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I ended up going a different route; the vanilla wheels are total wheels, the ones you find on the ground are tires, and the broken wheels are rims. So:


broken wheel (rim) + tire = wheel


- - - Updated - - -


...but yeh, as discussed, tires all over the place with no use towards actual wheels is a waste. :)


yup no problem with that logic on wheels #perhaps I overthought wheels lol ... gonna be hitting your vehicle madness mod later Guppy :)

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Hi ragsy 2145


Just letting you know your pickup hdhq plants causes plants to all take on the coffee plant look. This one and Khaines pickup plants does to. I removed both these mods and it returned all plants to Normal look.



I don't mean the plants you find in the wild they are fine. I am talking bout the versions you plant on your farm. The first stage is fine. The second stage is fine but when it gets to the havesting stage it goes to a coffee plant model.

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Hi ragsy 2145


Just letting you know your pickup hdhq plants causes plants to all take on the coffee plant look. This one and Khaines pickup plants does to. I removed both these mods and it returned all plants to Normal look.



I don't mean the plants you find in the wild they are fine. I am talking bout the versions you plant on your farm. The first stage is fine. The second stage is fine but when it gets to the havesting stage it goes to a coffee plant model.


Ok thanks for letting me know :)

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Maybe a load order issue will let you know when I home in 2 days


I have been down on Ragsy's Farm and I so far can not replicate your issue with plants grown looking like coffeeplants, mine seem ok .

I will give it some more testing just to be on the safe side....


Edit: 3 game days later on my farm I had no issues show up ...

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2ndRecon said:
is it at all possible to mod in the function where harvesting a plant leaves behind a sapling or planted seed in its place ?


After the point in the right direction from LionsDen :smile-new:


LionsDen said:
I think there is or was an on destruct property that allowed you to replace it with the seed or you can have it downgrade into the seed block. I'm not sure of what was exactly done but some of the 16.4 mods did do this and you might want to look at them to see how they did it exactly and see if it is still possible.


Yes it is possible in A17 to auto-plant a seed when you harvest a wild crop ... After looking into Stallionsden's issue with Pickup Plants I followed Lionsden's info and have a made working A17 Modlet that re-plants seeds after harvest I am testing it at the moment so not 100% on the ins and outs of this yet but it replants wild plants or plants you harvest from poi's like corn and potatoes.


I dont do much farming in my games but the the final player harvest downgrades the block in A17 already under 'plantedGoldenrod3HarvestPlayer' will do some more farming now to check this out.


<property name="DowngradeBlock" value="plantedGoldenrod1"/>

for example.

You are welcome to try it out 2ndRecon ...this version allows pickup with <E> if you don't need to replant wild plants.


Ragsy !!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Modlet Retired in A21  This feature is now part of the A21 update :)


Ragsy_Take_Out The_Trash


This modlet will allow the destruction of all trash/garbage bags and also the foul trash/garbage piles after you loot them.


Keep your local zombie infested neighbourhood clean :)


A big thanks to KhaineGB for help on this modlet as I wanted a better version that would not destroy all the small waste bins you find in toilets/bathrooms and even more so in Zoe's Salon (as they used same lootlist id's).


Please be aware that you must start a new save if you install this modlet. --> Download









Still have the re-plant wild plants modlet that i did a few weeks ago if anyone is interested at all ?

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Modlet Retired in A20  !!!




This modlet came about from a request thread in the 'discussions and request forums' . Originally from FailFailWin asking to remove the XP pop ups, this is not a solution for that but it would be great to just remove the XP pop ups and hopefully one day we get that option from the funpimps.


For now thanks to Forum member Numberz who kept delving into this came up with a way to make the window transparent so we do not see notifications so full credit to Numberz for the method and code sample.


Numberz said:
I took another quick look at this.


This solution might be acceptable for some. It removes all popup notifications at the bottom right, including the repair/upgrade rejection popups. When the repair/upgrade is missing the resource, it still plays the rejected ding sound.


Vehicles and other notifications are unaffected.


Changes in red



<window name="HUDRightStatBars">

	<rect name="hud" pos="-90,31" side="right" controller="CollectedItemList" pivot="BottomLeft">
		<panel width="168" height="43" name="item" visible="false" pivot="right" disableautobackground="true" pos="70, 0" >
			<sprite depth="3" pos="0,0"  name="Background" sprite="ui_game_popup" [color="#FF0000"]color="[transparent]"[/color] height="43" width="162" pivot="center" />
			<sprite depth="4" name="Icon" atlas="ItemIconAtlas" [color="#FF0000"]size="0,0"[/color] pos="50,0" pivot="center" foregroundlayer="true"/>
			<label depth="6" name="TextContent" font_size="28" [color="#FF0000"]color="[transparent]"[/color] justify="center" height="30" pivot="center"/> 

			<sprite depth="6" pos="0,16" width="32" height="32" name="Negative" sprite="ui_game_symbol_x" [color="#FF0000"]color="[transparent]"[/color] />


If someone wants to make a modlet for it, please feel free...


Download Here



I have used it today and suprisingly after a while I got used to not seeing the stats window popping up.


This goes great with Guppycurs Random Getter upper modlet Guppycur-s-Modlets

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