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Everything posted by Scyris

  1. If I seen that bug i'd know its a bug but i'd also probally laugh my butt off at the same time because of how cartoony it looks. Thats some looney toons acme brand level shenaigans there.
  2. Any info on changes specific to a17 version of the mod?
  3. I don't get why people don't go to windows 10, its far more stable and such than windows 7 ever was. Least in my experence, if your worried about being force fed ads/the telemetry stuff, there are many programs that can easly disable most or all of that stuff.
  4. This looks great, I only have 8gb ram though, but my videocard has 8gb (Geforce 1070) wonder if I'd be alright.
  5. If this is about the life bar, I hope they do this, even better if they make it a options in the standard options thats client side, whether to show the hp bar for zombies or not.
  6. I think one of the TFP staff in a streams chat said that its still there in the xml just commented out currently, so you just have remove the comment out notations to enable it. Possible in windows.xml maybe?
  7. So I just ran into the bandits in the wasteland... the ones with guns, yeaaaah I think they need to be toned down quite a bit for a17. They have perfect accuarcy and with full 550+ qual armor they kill me in 3 hits on warrior diffculty. Can't even aim at one fast enough before they kill me. Did find traider Caitlin though, awesome stuff in there, but I died 3 times in a row trying to get my backpack back so I just gave up due to bandits 2-3 shoting me XD. Deleted the save too I was so mad. Day 17 90 min days 0 deaths then killed 3 times in 10 mins by the same bandit, or well it had an AK47 or some sort of rifle which ever it was. First time I died to him I got off my minibike to try to kill one to see what they drop. Dead before I could aim at em. Somehow he seen me from that far away. This is going to be intersting in a17.
  8. Its hard to say which is better, Are you going to convert the mod for a17e? or wait till a17 stable before you do? Mind you I don't think the core is going to change much between experemental to stable, it hasn't really in previous alphas afaik.
  9. Yeah when he's idle the head hitbox is in the proper spot, but second he moves, the headshot hitbox like disappears, and even halfway down his torso when he is moving results in no hits, I had to aim my sledge for his legs to actually hit him once he is active. Female one is a bit wonky too but not on the same level as the male version. I also looted that pop-n-pills, 3 beakers, 3 blood draw kits, 2 antibiotics and 2 anti-rad pills. at 25% chance to get the rare medicine group in a pill case i'd say this was a lucky run. Back when it was 50% chance I usually didn't do this good so rng really was on my side. Didn't test cabinets yet as they are more spread around, should be 2 in this popnpills but 2 is not much of a sample size.
  10. Alright I plugged those in, time to loot this pop-n-pills and see how it is. I hope for a good haul considering I looted 4-5 pop-n-pills and that 8 floor hospital when they had 0 chance to drop anything in the rare medicine loot group. There is a story behind that too. Saw zombie male researcher, stupidly tried to melee it had a sledgehammer but the male researcher zombies hitbox is wonky as hell when hes moving, got stage 3 infection instantly, spent the next 2+ hours hopped up on grain booze as I had no beer, looting any med/pill cabinet i could find, no antibiotics, cue stage 4 infection, 40 mins still nothing (as they had no chance to drop at the time), air drop arrives, and it takes me about 5 min to run to it, and thankfully there was 3 antibiotics in there. I usually play dead is dead and i've never ever came this close to dying from a infection XD. Did I mention this was on day 2 or 3 of my game with 90 min days? Worst thing is I knew about the researchers and their ability to land stage 2/3 infections instantly like the hazmat zombies, but I tried it anyway.
  11. You could also just add the raremed probchance to container 51 which is the pillcases, which would probally be easier than making an entire new loot list.
  12. 0.5 is 50% I believe or at least I think thats what it is. Might be too high, maybe 25% for pillcases, and 15% for those cabinets? Med cabinets you find in most poi's so it should have a lower drop rate IMO than pill cases which are only in specific poi's, and much rarer. But ahh the mystery is solved, was a simple case of just forgetting to put it there. If u wanna set a number to the pill cases in my current game I am literally right smack outside of a unlooted pop-n-pills.
  13. It seems Antibiotics DON'T drop from pillcases anymore in your mod, I checked the medicine group, as you can see below the rare medicine item group is listed under the medicine loot list in vanilla, so this explains why I haven't found any antibiotics in any medical container. <lootgroup name="medicine" count="1"> <item name="painkillers"/> <item name="firstAidBandage"/> <item name="bandage"/> <item name="emptyJar"/> <item name="bloodBag"/> <item name="vitamins"/> <item name="grainAlcohol"/> <item name="splint"/> </lootgroup> Here is the Vanilla medicine loot group <lootgroup name="medicine" count="1"> <item name="painkillers"/> <item name="firstAidBandage"/> <item name="bandage"/> <item name="emptyJar"/> <item name="bloodBag"/> <item name="vitamins"/> <item name="grainAlcohol"/> <item name="splint"/> <item group="rareMedicine"/> </lootgroup> Seems either you removed the rare med item group from them, or it somehow got removed on its own.
  14. Feral zombies always run no matter what the run setting is set to. You will eventually start getting them during the day in later game stages. If your killing sleepers in a poi and it doesn't go down in 1 shot, its most likely a feral, they seem to have about double the health, most zombies I can 1 shot with the xbow from stealth, but not most ferals.
  15. By any chance did you remove Antibiotics from Pill case and Medicine cabinet loot lists? I've looted 5 pop-n-pills and that huge 8-10 floor hospital and I haven't found one Antibiotic yet.
  16. I am worried about the wasteland how balanced are the bandits guns? I am worried because those npcs guarding the traders seem to have infinite ammo and never seem to ever need to reload, not to mention they are super accurite like a aimbot. They also seem to hit like trucks. I've actually gotten killed by said trader guards in earlier games when I first started the mod to try it as they don't check if a player is in the way before they shoot. Either that or I got clipped by stray shots, needless to say I died before I even knew wth hit me.
  17. I'm not the mod creator nor did I work on it, but did you by any chance modify anything in either of the xui directories? or using another modified dll for example? As I tried to use simple UI with Darkness Falls for a bigger backpack and i'd get a init error at launch due to custom codeing the .dll in Darkness Falls has that is not present in the vanilla dll so it errors out. If you've edited the xui's, or used a diffrent assembly_csharp.dll that could be causing it. Thats my stab at the issue anyway.
  18. Any reason why? I'm just curious. Pretty sure the creator of said code allows it to be used in other mods, you could just not build the custom vechicles.
  19. Yeah I tried that but the lower right corner plant wouldn't stick, it'd fall off, until I put a block of dirt beside it, then removed it, and it seems to have stuck, unsure if it'll stay that way after I have to replant it. Also how does one get a second class book if your continue from a old game? Like the one that you get from single player? I'm on day 15 90 min days and still don't got enough skill papers to make a second class manual, so I kinda want this lol. I may just start a new game actually. Since it spawns in new stuff, and I've explore a fair amount so i'd have to go like 5 km out from my base for the new stuff to spawn. Now I gotta decide what second class to take, I usually take Civilian first, as those skill points are useful early game, lets me max weapon/tool craft very early. then need lv 30 to lv them to 5.
  20. Yeah I have no idea whats going on either, there are just some spots where the plants just won't stick/plant, yet other spots right beside them as you can see in my image I put there are perfectly fine. Like this is what happens when I try to plant on that spot, notice how the plant like falls off and slides down the side?
  21. So I made a Farm right, it looks like this: w=water d=dirt b=wood block bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bwddwddwddwddwddwddwddwddwb bwddwddwddwddwddwddwddwddwb bwddwddwddwddwddwddwddwddwb bwddwddwddwddwddwddwddwddwb bwddwddwddwddwddwddwddwddwb bwddwddwddwddwddwddwddwddwb bwddwddwddwddwddwddwddwddwb bwddwddwddwddwddwddwddwddwb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb till 30 rows down. The issue I am having is, some places on it cannot seem to hold seeds (or any plant/tree for that matter i've tried with both), like second I plant on the spot it explodes and either turns back into a seed or disappears. Not even the grass from forest ground can grow on these spots, it explodes and poofs second it grows. Any idea whats causing this? Also am I the only one who never takes scrap tools, and just waits till level 30 to get iron? I usually pick Civilian as my 1st class, as I like the bonus skill points they help alot early game. Edit: Added a picture, the 2 green spots as well as the one right smack in front of my character for some reason is unable to hold a plant at all, second I put it there it has a 50/50 chance of poofing or turning back into a seed. It seems to be random.
  22. About 8 yeah its funny, the crossbow and bow always shoot to the same spot, bow is near the bottom of the crosshair, xbow is the lower right corner. They never have fixed it (TFP I mean). I'd understand if it had accuarcy variance, but it always goes to the same spot every shot. Also the male research zombie needs fixing, he has no hitbox for his head, so you cannot headshot it.
  23. To: Answer 1: Check military camps, I find them often in the ones with 2 tents that are out in the wilderness, and less often in the small bases with like 4 tents. I just ran into one on day 2 on 90 min days game I started recently, thankfully I bought that 580 qual sledgehammer at the trader or else i'd have been in some real trouble. You've gotten alot farther in the mod than I have, but I agree with number 3: those guns are way to strong for the ammo-type they use, to the point I literally refuse to use them as they are op as hell. 6: hoeScrap doesn't fertilize the ground with fertilizer, this is intended you need the Iron Hoe to do it. It even says right on it that the scrap hoe won't allow you to use fertilizer to increase crop yeilds more.
  24. Ahh I think i'll wait till that patch hits. Be nice to have something to drive other than the minibike. Also there a ver with a even bigger backpack/minibike out there?
  25. Thankfully in a17 everything is bascally mp so it should be easier for modders like yourself. I was about to start a game in darkness falls, but, if there is going to be a patch soon it might be better if I wait till after it. Don't wanna have to restart again after just starting.
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