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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I don't understand why people need to say things like "your idea is garbage". Sure you may not like the idea, but it is just a difference of an opinion. I for one would like tools and equipment to have a limited durability. If the TFPs have the same vision, Great! If not, that is fine. But we should always agree to disagree in a civil manner rather than calling someone's ideas garbage just because we disagree. / quietly checks to make sure I didn't call someone's idea garbage in the past instead of just disagreeing with them I like this idea really. I started out initially removing the ability to repair T0 equipment, but lately been thinking of expanding it to all tiers of equipment. Having your equipment break in your hands if you use it too much adds a lot more excitement in a fight for your life; and makes you have to plan ahead - Do I use a spot to take a backup weapon or risk my weapon having enough durability to last me until I get back to my base?
  2. That's the PC support section. Consoles has the last 3 sections at the bottom. The current 7D2D console version is probably going to be stuck where it is at today since TellTale Games went bankrupt back in 2018.
  3. There is a very helpful modding community around that will assist other players in making adjustments to the game to make it aligned more with the way they want to play. Sometimes we get what we want in a game, sometimes the vision from the development team is different. Some people choose to complain about those changes; I prefer to figure out if I can modify the game to get it more aligned with what I want to see.
  4. T0 weapons don't have randomized stats. So that pipe machine gun you found on Day 1 will have the same stats as all the pipe machine guns you find at the same quality level. The only difference on T0 weapons are based on the Quality level. The only issue becomes at T1 or higher level; though the upside is that you have to keep searching / looting / crafting to keep having those weapons.
  5. Learn by Doing is not coming back.
  6. WHAT????? Worse Alpha Ever 🤬 /s
  7. If you already got a corrupted game prior to the update, the update won't fix it.
  8. Not the same based on the description. DF brought back LBD, while this system is setup where you have to find and read magazines to increase the crafting skills. So this is the way the TFP have introduced crafting skills but limiting it so you can't just craft the highest tier equipment at the same quality level as your lower tier. Very interested in seeing this in A21 myself.
  9. Did you read the path notes: If you read the notes, you would have noted A) why TFP have to make the changes to the default game folder location and B) you can specify the location of the mod folder. So you can specify that the folder is located on your D (or whatever) drive.....
  10. Did you look at the first page in this thread and the third post down?
  11. Being a bug though is not the right terminology (I know, I am nitpicking here again). Probably the best description of it is that their selection criteria for the initial Go To Trader quest would be a tad restrictive in non-standard generated maps or that the notification message is lacking details for the user. I think it would be more overzealous to say a fix is not needed at all (which is not my position), but like I said - I was just being nitpicking since I have experience in troubleshooting mechanical / electrical equipment so a good description of what you are seeing and what you expect to see helps to figure out what needs to be fixed. 😉 I changed that bit of code myself when I was changing my spawn locations to include non-pine forest biomes so I agree that some resolution needs to be done (and because I played this so often and know the underlining code, I already knew what the message actually means so I didn't have the communication misunderstanding that others are having with less background knowledge of the code).
  12. Sorry, going to nitpick here. That is not a bug. If you look at the vanilla xml code, it only looks for traders in the pine forest for that quest. So the game is running correctly in regards to the trader quest. It would only be a bug if there was a nearby trader in the pine forest and it could not find it. If you are running maps with little to no pine forests, then you have to modify the vanilla xml code for that quest for it to find a trader outside of the pine forest biome. It's a feature that the TFP developers added to the game based on how they think the Find Trader quest should work. This feature might have to be changed based on personal choices in map generation (and TFP might adjust it in the future also), but it is not a bug.
  13. Some of us don’t want to admit how old we are getting
  14. I mean, it is suspicious that he is kuosimodo's follower....you still got that for your theory
  15. I think it is you actually. Obviously trying to hide it now, since n2n1 responded before kuosimodo reacted to the posts in this thread. Why else would you be giving out false information other than hiding the fact that you are indeed kuosimodo! I'm watching you 🤔 Seriously though, most interesting thread I have seen in awhile that has nothing to do with 7D2D.
  16. "Where is kuosimodo?" "Who is kuosimodo?" "Why is kuosimodo?" Sorry just had to do it
  17. You are not going to be able to make a stable game that can support 200+ players online with the current fully destructible world that makes up the 7D2D game. I can't wrap my head around how much computing power would be required to do it for this game. To provide the game that TFP visualized meant that trade offs were going to have to be made. One of those trade offs is not being to support a large player base server like COD or Rust can do. You are confusing bandits with roving gangs of bikers.
  18. Not everyone is comfortable voicing their opinions on topics, kuosimodo may just be comfortable using emojis to express their thoughts on the post. You are also assuming that they have a 2nd account, but no information out there confirms that this is the case. Sure n2n1 stated that they know who kuosimodo is, but that is hardly confirmation that this is an user with a second account. If you don't like their reactions, just simply ignore it. As for the coward comment, why do you need to know who they are? Do you want to fight them behind school at 3 pm to teach them a lesson on posting negative reactions to your posts? JUST IGNORE IT. If you think they are in the wrong, take the high road. Just ignore their reactions. Trying to track down who kuosimodo is just to harshly judge their posts to get back at them seems petty to me.
  19. As Roland mentioned, there are a lot of things we can do that the Z's can't do. The only difference is, I haven't heard them complain once that I can build reinforced walls that they can't get through, or shoot them with a gun, or place a landmine on the ground for them to step on, or...... 😄
  20. @doughphunghusexplained it pretty well. faatal had the AI ready to start testing in Alpha 20, but the animation was still a work in progress. faatal then decided to go ahead and include it in Alpha 20 so they can start bug testing this new feature. In order to do that, he had to utilize the current animation in the game which is what we are seeing in Alpha 20. I believe this was discussed during one of the Alpha 20 development streams (if I am not mistaken).
  21. My guess is that you would need to limit the number of decimel points in the cvar variable you are reporting out. I looked at the same location as you looked, and health (for example) doesn't add anything special to the variables it is reporting out. <player_stats_entry backgroundcolor="[darkestGrey]" textcontent="{playerhealthtitle|once}" valuecontent="{playerhealth}/{playermaxhealth}" /> I bet that where playerhealth variable is defined, limits were placed on how many numbers after the decimal was set. However, that is far outside of what I have done so far in this game so I am really not much help here.
  22. Not true in this case. Vitamins are in groupMedicalUncommon just like First Aid bandages, painkillers, Herbal antibiotics, Plaster Cast, Steroids, and blood bags (though the antibiotics and cast probabilities are set to very low and low). Most of the container groups that I found that have this group in them are set to med or high probability which is not tied at all to lootstage. So as an example, the small medical piles you find: <lootgroup name="groupMedicalPileSmall" count="all"> <item group="groupMedicalSmall01" count ="1"/> <item group="groupMedicalSmall02" loot_prob_template="med" force_prob="true"/> <item group="groupMedicalSmall03" loot_prob_template="low" force_prob="true"/> </lootgroup> So you will definitely pull something from Small01 which has 3 groups (Common - high, Uncommon - med, Rare - veryLow), 50% chance of pulling something from Small02 group (same groups and probs as Small01), and a 20% chance of pulling something from group Small03 (again same as the other two). You find aloe cream because it is one of 4 items in the CommonMedical group (two of which are set to low probability in the Common group) which has a higher chance (75%) of pulling from in all 3 cases. Putting the lucky googles on might make you feel like you are more lucky, but the universe is just laughing at you 🙂 You have the same chance of finding vitamins in a small medical pile at level 1 with no gear in the pine forest as you do at level 60 with all ranks of lucky looter, goggles, and searching the pile in the Wasteland.
  23. Dogs I could see doing that, when the boar climbed the ladder to get me, I was like 😲
  24. A suggestion for #6. You could add them to the character display information tab rather than having them on the HUD, to avoid cluttering it up.
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