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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. Please note that you are also not required to use the gear you find from Traders or during loot.  I did a playthrough (I think it was A19) where the only gear I was able to use were items I crafted myself.  I didn't even sell anything I found while looting (scrapped it down or melted it in the forge) - I could only sell things I made myself.  This was for anything that I could make myself (trader only things were okay to purchase).  Traders ended up being just for basic supplies.


    In A20, I got into modding and removed the ability to repair equipment and removed the quest reward items from traders (so only dukes).  So I ended up using items I found from looting until it broke or used items I crafted myself.


    There are options, you just got to be willing to explore.

  2. 23 hours ago, tman0001 said:

    While I'm aware the alpha just released a few days ago is there a timeframe on when these mods will support the new alpha?


    I know for a fact that he is busy working on updating his mods.  Just talked to him last week about his mods that he is working on.  And he is not just simply updating them from A20 to A21, he is improving on the work he has done so far.

  3. 53 minutes ago, Sum Ting Wong said:

    So, we have been playing the game since 2014.    It was released in 2013, so is it common for projects like this to stay in Alpha for almost 10 years?


    It depends on the several factors - the development studio, the staff, the complexity of the game, etc.


    TFP are an independent game developer whose first game is 7D2D.  This has been a learning experience for them, and as they have stated in past, they have made mistakes that added time to the development of this game.  They also started with a much smaller staff that they have been able to expand over time.  Throw in that this game is complex and design choices they made early on made a huge impact on development, it doesn't surprise me that this game took this long to get to this point.


    If this was their second game and they had the staffing they have today from the start, development time most likely would have been much shorter.


    Even AAA developers are not immune to long development times.  Most AAA developers can get games out in about 4-6 years, but they are staffed at the beginning to take on such a huge project (and a lot of time they are expanding on games they already created).  But even then, we get situations like Diablo III which was in development for about 11 years.  This for a game that came from an AAA game developer and based on two previous games in the series.


    The main difference though that I see is a lot of Indie game developers allow early access early in the development process.  Most AAA game developers don't have access to the game until it gets released, and those that do, the game is already pretty far along the development path.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    They said they'd all be craftable but they are not.  You have to use the creative menu to add in most of the new doors.  I don't understand why they won't just let us use them.


    Is this including the doors that have the shape menu option to change it?  I haven't gotten far into my games yet to craft any special doors, I just crafted a wooden door for my base to replace the one that the zombies destroyed.


    The reason all of them are not yet craftable might be a very simple reason.  Each door or variant door block has to have a recipe to craft.   With all the other things going on, it might not have been a priority to get them all done for Alpha 21 released.  If my count is right, they have 9 recipes for specific doors and 13 recipes for door blocks variant in the current iteration.


  5. 42 minutes ago, CastleBuilder83 said:

    3.  Dew collectors are a necessity now.  Save up the money to buy the water filter.  Build two of them if you can.  I check my dew collectors at the end of day, right before dark, and in the morning.  You'll get like 8 waters per day.  You will only need half that to drink, so the rest you can use to make glue or food.


    Something I been doing and I seen others do it also is to place it along a route that you travel back and forth to your base.  I got mine setup near where I have my farm plots as I go over there every night to harvest what is ready (I don't push my crops to be able to harvest on the same day as it really only takes a few minutes to do it) and grab the water from the dew collector.


    Also you should add #6


    6. Drinks are very valuable now.  Not only do they provide more hydration than boiled water (Mineral water provides 60 compared to 20 from boiled water), they also provide additional status buffs that can reduce water / food usage.


    Your list does a great job of combining what a lot of people have been saying about the new water mechanic.  Nice to have a lot of those things in the same spot.  Great job.

  6. 3 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

    I remember Temreki (GN&S) explained in one of his recent content about A21, that there are a few things to consider to choose the right car/wreck for an engine.

    Don't know exactly what he said, but there was a difference between the new A21 models and the older ones,

    somewhat about their "initial state of destruction".

    There were some of them with just no chance to give you an engine.

    Must rewatch one or two, maybe I find it again.


    Yes, the ones in the game that are called burnt or abandoned are the ones without a chance for an engine to drop.  That would similar to the ones we came across in A20 that were frame only.

  7. Remember in Alpha 20, cars had 3 transitions (from a full car to the bare bones).  You wouldn't get an engine on the full model or the bare bones model, just the transition block between a full car and the frame.


    spoiler - details


    No, chances haven't really changed much, though they have some cases were you have a 50% chance of harvesting an engine, but the count is 0,1.  So even if you get lucky and roll for the engine, the count can be 0.


    25% chance was the normal.  Buses in A20 had a 75% chance, but were reduced to 50% with a count of 0,1 in A21.


    Based on what I see, it doesn't look like the chances have changed that much.  You might just be unlucky

  8. 5 hours ago, meganoth said:

    I think the q6 weapons are just the placeholders for the legendary weapons. Until they are in the game this is all just talk about a temporary measure. And the drop chance of q6 tier3 weapons is probably still much too high (at least it was in A20, not idea if they changed that)


    Everything is a balancing act right now, which is probably why TFP made Q6 gear uncraftable (waiting to see if legendary gear actually occurs).


    @Archael You can implement T6 crafting just by modding a few lines in the progression file.  The recipes are already setup for T6 crafting (based on increasing material costs for higher quality gear).  However, just because you can do something doesn't necessary mean you should unless you take other things in consideration.  I did incorporate Q6 crafting in my mod, but at the same time, I also reduced loot drops for Q4 and higher, I removed the ability to repair equipment, and jacked up the price modifier for the traders.  So now I, as the player, have the ability to craft Q6 gear, but it is to offset the fact that any Q6 gear I find in loot is already damaged and the traders gear is expensive.


    And if Legendary gear comes into play, I will then remove the ability to craft Q6 gear to rebalance the game.

    5 hours ago, meganoth said:

    When I can find a lvl6 pipe machine gun, but have the option to craft a q3-q5 AK47 I will craft and take the AK with me. The lvl6 pipe machine gun is the joke then.


    Some weapons though you will instantly go to a Q1 when it comes available - thinking of the pistol and double barrel shotgun.  Even if the Q6 pipe pistol or pipe shotgun has higher damage, the versatility of the 9mm pistol and double barrel trump the pipe weapons.

  9. 16 hours ago, Cosian said:

    I see a lot of folks really trying to be forthcoming here and cave to the devs saying well we will try to keep an open mind and try it.  That said, it just doesn't make any sense.  Your trying to sell it as a quality of life thing because you don't have to deal with containers??  It just does not make logical sense that you drink something out of a jar and then you cannot fill the jar back up.  Part of any survival game is obtaining purified water.  But here you cannot collect water and boil it. Hmmmm.  Look, there are a plethora of settings people can use if they want to make their game more challenging all ready.  Why mess with this realistic approach to hydrating yourself.  It's like an anti-quality of life thing.


    Let me be clear .... I don't like it ... :)


    I embraced it when it was announced during A21 development that I modded out glass jars (and tin cans) from A20 just to experience it before hand.  Haven't miss them since.


    Why does logic only apply to glass jars but nobody had an issue with magical gas cans or oil bottles?  Where did all those plates and bowls go after we eat our food and where are they when we make them?


    The thing is, you can make this game as complex or simple as you want through modding.  You can make it as realistically possible if you want to.


    But if we are going to argue that something is not logical or realistic, then shouldn't it apply across the board?  How many people really want to plant corn seeds in Spring in game and then turn around and harvest it in the Fall? 

  10. Just because you were able to do something in previous builds without any modification on your part, doesn't mean it will change in future builds or that TFP are obligated to balance the game around your playstyle if it goes against their development plan for the game.


    We all agreed to this when we purchased the game in Early Access



    First of all, look for games that are interesting, exciting, and that you want to play. Then, there are a couple things you should consider before making your purchase:

    What is the game like to play right now?

    When you buy an Early Access game, you should consider what the game is like to play right now. Look at the screenshots and videos to see what the game looks like in its current state. There are a lot of ways a game can go as it develops over time, so if you aren't excited to play the game in its current state, then hold off and wait until the next update--it shouldn't be far off.

  11. 5 hours ago, Scyris said:

    What are the thresholds for when they get another weapon in stock? Also anyone else notice that at level 1 all traders of the same type generally have the exact same stuff for sale? like Hugh ALWAYS seems to have a Bellows for sale on a new game, and Jen usually always has anvil's and med supplies.


    For weapons and tools (spoiler):

    • Tier 0 - From level 1 to level 20
    • Tier 1 - From level 15 to level 40
    • Tier 2 - From level 50 on
    • Tier 3 - From level 100 on

    So after you reach Level 21 with a particular trader, you won't see stone or pipe weapons in their stock.  But if you go to another new trader and your level is less than 20, they have the possibility of having stone weapons in them.



    Traders have two stock lists that they pull from - a general list that each trader has and a specialty list that is unique for each trader.


    Jen will always have medical items as that is part of her specialty list.  I would be more surprised if she had no medical items in her stock.


    Hugh doesn't always have bellows and Jen doesn't always have anvils.  Using Jen as an example:

    Jen's Tools (spoiler)


    • For her specialty list, each group is pulled from.  For tools, that means 4 counts, all unique.
    • For her general list, each group is pulled from.  For tools that means 1-2 items, all unique.
      • This is speculation on my part, but I don't think unique apply to both lists.  Meaning you can't get two of the same items from the specialty list, but can get two items if they were picked from the specialty list and the general list.
    • If you are at the T0 level, then that means:
      • Stone Axe
      • Stone Shovel
      • Repair kits
      • Anvil
      • Bellows
      • Forged Iron
      • Forged Steel
      • Paint Tool
      • Wire Tool
    • For T1 level, the same list but you replace the stone axe / shovel with
      • Iron Pickaxe
      • Iron Shovel
      • Iron Axe
      • Hammer
      • Wrench
      • Sledgehammer
    • T2 and above tools are considered rare tools:
      • Bob is the only trader that will always have rare tools when you are high enough level
      • The other traders have a chance via one of the general lists
        • Note there are 23 subgroups in that list so the odds are stacked against you to have another trader with those items


  12. <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='DamageModifier' and @operation='perc_set']/@value">100</set>



    DamageModifier, not damagemodifier.


    And it looks like I doubled up on the /@value at the end.

  13. 2 hours ago, Evil_Geoff said:

    The Xbox version was ported from PC by Telltale Games.  Telltale Games went bankrupt and is no longer supporting the console ports of 7D2D.

    The Fun Pimps have ownership of the console IP again after the bankruptcy, but have stated several times that console ports and support will wait until the PC version is ready to go gold.  They don't have the time or resources to do PC and console development at the same time.


    This is not the Console version, this is the version through GamePass (Windows XBox)

  14. All your warnings are tied to your player profile.




    Select game launcher




    Select Tools tab, click on Clean game data, and Select all options, then hit Clean.


    Make sure you get all the files and you are not leaving any old files elsewhere.  Ultimately, you need to get rid of any of these files tied to 7D2D





    1 hour ago, Star69 said:

    I honestly don’t know. I typed them in my response so that someone more knowledgeable than me could comment on them because I’ve never seen them after reading countless log files. I’m hoping for your sake they are meaningless entries that are new to A21 log files.


    Don't think they matter because I have both of those warning messages in my logfile and I just recently got done playing.  Also warnings are probably not too much to worry about as a lot of them are in there as part of the development process.

  15. 51 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    In earlier alphas you would have simply eaten lots of burned meat and drank as much water as needed to offset the water drain. Now water is limited and suddenly burned meat's supposed downside is actually one.


    It's not the worst though.


    Boiled meat uses up one water and only gives you 10 hydration.   Charred meat with boiled water gives you 15 hydration (20 from boiled water and -5 from charred meat).  The only benefit that boiled water has over charred meat is additional HP recovery (15 vs 5).

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