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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 3 minutes ago, issa said:


    The weird part in my following is, if I set the count="all" in my loot group, it always drops something from each container. Is it likely because I do not have force_prob?


    That's my thought process.  Try adding the force probability attribute to your groups and see if that straightens it out.

  2. 16 hours ago, theFlu said:

    There are several rooms in especially larger POIs that are specifically designated "outside of the quests". Things like "out of path" garages, backyards etc.


    Sounds like they're mostly meant to be a way to avoid the frustration of having to clear every little bit, including secret areas, but they work as a surprise for the quest complete as well.


    EDIT: Mostly for @BFT2020 I guess, I'm talking about "SleeperIsQuestExclude" tags.


    I tend to clear those out first, so probably wasn't aware they were not counting towards the quest.

  3. Look at the crates as reference:


    Working stiffs crate

    <lootgroup name="groupWorkingStiffsCrate" count="all">
        <item group="groupWorkingStiffs01" count="1"/>
        <item group="groupWorkingStiffs02" loot_prob_template="medHigh" force_prob="true"/>
        <item group="groupWorkingStiffs03" loot_prob_template="low" force_prob="true"/>
        <item group="groupWorkingStiffs04" loot_prob_template="low" force_prob="true"/>


    So when you loot the crate, the following is going to happen:


    the lootgrooup is set to count="all".  This means each group has a chance to spawn something in.

    • groupWorkingStiffs01 is guaranteed to spawn in (no probability set, count="1")
    • groupWorkingStiffs02 is medHigh (63%)
    • groupWorkingStiffs03 and 04 are low (20%)
  4. On 6/20/2023 at 9:37 PM, jamie7399 said:

    OK i need help still new to this and doing my best to fix this mod for the server i admin.. old line of code was

    <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkAdvancedEngineering']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='RecipeTagUnlocked'][@level='5']/@tags">,DmAuger</append >


    new line that i edited


    <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkAdvancedEngineering']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='CraftingTier'][@level='5']/@tags=DmAuger']"></append>


    I can not get this recipe to unlock at all .. i can see it when i load the mod in, i got the item loading in and working pulling from Creative Menu

    Are you running A21?  If so, crafting tiers and recipe unlocks are not part of perks anymore but part of crafting skills

  5. 5 hours ago, issa said:

    Any help would be appreciated!


    Also, 1 is not a guarantee.  prob = # / total.  So for RegularPack your probability is 1 / (1+0.15) = 0.87


    And look how you set your probability numbers.  The regular pack has the prob=1 while the specialized nurse pack is set at 0.15

  6. 14 hours ago, Lokeus said:

    This is expensive, absolutely right, but in my oppinion everybody should divorce from thinking to reach maxed leveled out end game asap.

    Progression is really slow by now, i also noted it when looking for cloth bags e.g. I like it very very much how slow it progresses now, but also it is hard to accept after playing so much A20.


    This is probably why I haven't had much of an issue from A20 to A21.  I modded A20 to be slower and scrambling for resources.

  7. I think it might just be RNG.  I checked the files and they don't seem to be more rare than any other candy in the group of 11.  Unless the game is not doing a good job of being random which would be a bug then.

  8. 9 hours ago, meganoth said:

    If you want to use the gun for normal POI clearance, then yes, you might even have to make multiple guns to use all types of ammo.

    But early ammo is scarce and pipe weapons use ammo very inefficiently, so many players mainly use them as "oh-@%$#" weapons. And then damage and magazine size are the only important characteristics.


    I typically have 3 on my tool belt at the beginning until I get T1 firearms.  Pistol, shotgun, and the machine gun.  And exactly for the reason you stated above.  Not to clear out any POIs, but in moments I know my bone or hunting knife won't get me out of trouble.

  9. 4 hours ago, Neminsis said:

    I'm sorry but I do find that fundamentally misstating my position and therefore impugning my intentions and character after I've repeatedly explained otherwise is offensive, and that my sarcasm is warranted after literally everyone that's brought up balance issues here has been treated poorly for it and since I've dutifully answered every reply I've caught more of it than is anywhere near necessary. To be clear, I didn't start this conversation in a hostile manner, but yes, I have been aggravated by the hostile responses I've gotten since then. 


    Please point out where I been hostile to you to warrant that response?  I fail to see anything other than I disagreeing with points that people have made.


    I do see that you quoted me, but only parts of what I said.  And when you only quote part, it changes how something appears.


    What you quoted




    but expect the game to be balanced towards those playstyles.


    it is not up to TFP to change the game to meet your playstyle,



    What you quoted from



    My comment was geared towards those that ignore game mechanics (i.e. removing POIs or just staying home building a base) but expect the game to be balanced towards those playstyles.  Learning by Reading, you have multiple options to get the various crafting magazines to progress - loot POIs, purchase from traders, quest rewards, air drops.  But if you remove most or all of those options while you are playing, it is not up to TFP to change the game to meet your playstyle, that is up to the player to mod the game.


    See how different that is?  In this case, you does not mean YOU, it's a general you.  So really, who is impugning who? 

  10. I get a lot of broken glass when I loot a POI.  Some areas you can get it - Open medicine cabinets with glass, decorations on the wall, some of the noise piles on the floor, mirrors


    Sorry I hit save instead of cancel by mistake.  Some windows still give broken glass but not the wooden ones that did in the past.  Pictures give wood (and have for some time).  Some of the new decorations do break down to glass when you destroy them.

  11. 14 hours ago, ElDiabloV said:

    I would like to know if someone can make a mod to remove firearms and vehicles as well as item, recipe and sale to make the game more difficult, since previously in the A18 there was a mod that did the above but it no longer works Currently, I hope someone can create it, I would really appreciate it.


    So basically, you want a modlet to remove all existance of firearms and vehicles from the game?  Only leaving melee weapons and bows?  What about bicycles?

  12. So something I was planning on doing once A21 stable comes out was to incorporate the other recipes in magazine unlocks, including all the mods.  So thinking along the same line of thought you had (so scope unlocks tied to rifle crafting and clip extender / drum magazine to assault rifle crafting as an example).


    I also do another thing that incentives me to move from lower tier gear to higher tier gear is removing mod slots from the lower gear equipment (so T0 has none, T1 is reduced to 2, T2 has 3 slots, and T3/T4 have all 4 slots).

  13. On 6/17/2023 at 4:21 PM, Neminsis said:

    It's not about leveling quickly on crafting magazines but being able to level at all. What exactly do you find extreme about miner 69er and Motherload given that you really don't need them at all since you're just going to be out constantly looting and will be able loot or buy more than enough resources to build the bare minimum base on top of some roof somewhere? Are those perks there just for RPing or some late game vanity project? Why even bother putting them into the game at all?

    What exactly do you find so extreme about allowing primary resource gatherers the ability to buy books from the trader without having to take time away from their chosen profession to go do gopher jobs for a trader that's going to make the necessity of those books moot by offering to sell you what you want regardless?

    This isn't about extremes, this is a basic economic balance issue given that crafting books, exp, and dukes are all part of the game's economy, and heavily favors one tree in particular. 


    My comment was geared towards those that ignore game mechanics (i.e. removing POIs or just staying home building a base) but expect the game to be balanced towards those playstyles.  Learning by Reading, you have multiple options to get the various crafting magazines to progress - loot POIs, purchase from traders, quest rewards, air drops.  But if you remove most or all of those options while you are playing, it is not up to TFP to change the game to meet your playstyle, that is up to the player to mod the game.


    I have not once perked into Daring Adventure or Better Barter in both of my playthroughs (and really not planning to).  I spec into both combat perks (knives, bows, pistols, stealth, etc) and first level utility perks (cooking, LoTL, salvage, mining, physician, etc) to survive as a lone player.  And I haven't spent one minute thinking about Int players being strong with traders or Str players being strong with mining and melee combat.  I work with the strengths of my build playstyle and counter any weaknesses that I have compared to other builds.


    People play all the time without traders and have a great time doing so.  They might have to change things because of that choice (for example, making solar panels a loot item or crafting recipe).  You can choose not to visit any trader at all or just use them for basic supplies.  Nobody is forcing anyone to use traders in this game.  Heck, some people have removed all POIs from the game - but in those cases, if you removed those elements, you reduced where you can find crafting magazines; and it is up to you to figure out how to bring those elements back into the game.


    7D2D is a great game where you have different ways you can play the game, but no game out there allows for infinite ways to play it.  Every game has restrictions in it, no matter where they are on the Sandbox scale.

  14. 18 hours ago, Dragonchampion said:

    Sweet, I can't wait! Does he have a discord to chat, or where did you talk? I'm curious what he's going to do with his Vanilla-Like mod with balance.


    We chatted through direct messages about the code changes and what needs to be done

  15. All plants require 5 plants to make seeds (no special flowers).  The only thing different is mushrooms which also requires clay.


    I checked the progression file and nothing in it is tied to changing the amount of plants to create one seed.  The only thing affected by LotL is the cost to make farm plots.

  16. Please note that you are also not required to use the gear you find from Traders or during loot.  I did a playthrough (I think it was A19) where the only gear I was able to use were items I crafted myself.  I didn't even sell anything I found while looting (scrapped it down or melted it in the forge) - I could only sell things I made myself.  This was for anything that I could make myself (trader only things were okay to purchase).  Traders ended up being just for basic supplies.


    In A20, I got into modding and removed the ability to repair equipment and removed the quest reward items from traders (so only dukes).  So I ended up using items I found from looting until it broke or used items I crafted myself.


    There are options, you just got to be willing to explore.

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