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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I think if you modify the POI list and remove the traders before doing a rwg map, they should not be placed. However I never did it personally so not up to speed on the details.
  2. Another option would be entityclasses file so everyone has the buff regardless of reading the book. I played around with it before, adding a small do buff at the start for electric trap kills
  3. Never against fixes in the game, nor have I told people that they should not ask for fixes or balance changes to the game. I just said it is possible to play this way, even without mods. In A19, I started that way in pure vanilla. No fixes were available as I didn't learn to mod back then and I figured I would see what I can do with the vanilla game itself. Since you couldn't craft non-perk gear higher than Q1 at the time, I made an exception of purchasing off-perk gear from the traders but I know I hacked the file to make everything more expensive. In A20, I started to mod the game. I removed trader quest rewards (so I didn't have to drop the items all the time), removed recipe unlocks from perks (so you could only unlock them via schematics), removed the ability to repair equipment, and added a new perk so you can craft non-attribute equipment higher than Q1. But the principle was the same, pushing myself to use crafting more and more. I have talked over the years how I play the game and what I do, but I just haven't been as vocal as others are about things they want or don't want. Heck, I am still waiting on TFP to relook at bulk stone arrow crafting because once you unlock the ability to do so in vanilla, you are already at iron arrows if not steel arrows. I know I mentioned that awhile back, but it isn't something I keep bringing up as I understand that in the end this is their game that they are developing (and I fixed it myself in A20 once I started to learn how to mod). But the question I have for you is this...Have you seriously tried to play that way in vanilla? Have you pushed yourself to see how far you can survive that way? I have, and that is why I am talking about my experience. I have also stated in the past that I understand my way of playing is not the baseline, nor that it should be. But I didn't know it was possible to play that way until I tried it...and didn't realize how much fun I had doing it that way until I tried.
  4. I never said it was balanced if you play this way compared to vanilla, and I know as I do play vanilla, most of my hours playing the game from A16 to A21 are vanilla game with mostly default settings (just survivor and more BM zombies, loot respawn turned off, feral sense on). But my point still stands, you can play this way; it just is not going to be as easy as playing the game as it is today in its vanilla form. Balance is subjective. Everyone has a different opinion on how the game should be balanced. Some people like where it is today, some want it to be easier, some want it to be harder. We have seen some changes to the traders and looting, but you can force rush through progression if you desire - via trader quest spamming or inflating your loot stage via harder biomes. So the game allows a player to speed their progression while at the same time, you can slow down your progression by the choices you make in game - only using crafted items, no trader awards, staying in the forest biome. Playing those ways (per your post) are a valuable way of looking at how the game plays out in different scenarios. If you only use the equipment you craft yourself, you can see how the game reacts to your playing, and know what works and what doesn't. If you play with no traders, then you can get a feel on how the game plays without them.
  5. Yes, not only am I serious with that suggestion, I actually play that way. Started playing that way back in Alpha 19. Only using equipment that I could craft myself. I allowed myself to use equipment from looting in A20, but since I couldn't repair it, I still had to use equipment I crafted myself as finding something that had more than half durability was hard to find.. Will be doing that in A21 now that the game is stable and I mod it so you don't see a lot of equipment above Q3 and traders don't give out quest rewards anymore. But hey, not everyone is up for the challenge.
  6. +/- 20% is a large random variation range. Entity damage was change to only +/- 2% random variation in order to minimize the overlap between the quality levels. And the effect gets larger as the Q level increases 20% of durability at Q1 is +/- 60 while 20% at Q6 is +/- 130. When the quality levels are only around 70 difference as you increase quality levels, you are going to see this occurring. Range has the same +/- 20% variation in it.
  7. You can do all that and still craft everything you want to. Nobody is saying use that shiny new weapon you found while looting or doing a quest. Instead, turn it into scrap parts to use for crafting, or sell it to a trader to get dukes so you can buy those weapon or tool parts you need to craft those items.
  8. I deal with motion sickness, to the point that I get sick in a car if I am not driving or medicated. But I haven’t had any issue with 7D2D with the video settings at default.
  9. This error can be tied to multiple issues so do as Star69 posted and link your logfile
  10. I might have something for you, but it needs updating to A21. I modded the game where crafting became essential. weapon drops are reduced, and you can’t repair equipment so crafting gear to start full durability becomes very important. I also added new mods that increases durability, especially for firearms.
  11. Not a bug, but how the loot tables are setup for those quests. Pipe weapons are geared towards a low loot stage. A T3 buried supplies quest will give you higher tier weapons as you lootstage increases.
  12. Websites where you can post projects so others can contribute. I use GitHub for people to download my modlets.
  13. I did one where I changed snakes to coyotes back in Alpha 20. On vacation now, but I can look at it and update for A21 so you can use it as a baseline when I get back. It might work as is, but can’t be 100% certain
  14. I got so,ething like this already, but right now as a WIP as I didn’t have time to test prior to going on vacation
  15. Did you clean your files from the game launcher? If the game is not placing trader POIs, that will be causing your issues. Instructions should be in the pinned topic Read First
  16. I can’t verify, but I thought shotgun shell crafting required scrap polymers
  17. From what you posted, it reads like you were not perking into any weapon classes. Easy mistake if something is written in broken English. What I would have written is “Even though I have perked into knives and pistols, I am seeing mostly rifles and shotguns.” Sometimes people, including me, can misread something when the structure is off. Mistakes happen
  18. Fix whatever is causing the red and yellow errors and that might fix your issue.
  19. They overhauled the crafting system based on player feedback for those that enjoy that part of the game. That implies that they want people to craft if they so choose. Balancing is always going to be a challenge as players who always want crafting levels to be higher than looted /trader items will be in conflict of those that wants to find it in loot. You also pointed out that you have no weapon perks, which will slow progression even further. I have perks in archery, knives, and pistols, and I been finding those weapons, parts, and magazines more in loot than the other weapons. That is how the game knows how you are playing and increasing the odds of you finding those types of items geared towards your playstyle. you also don’t have to use weapons and equipment you find in loot or traders. Nothing is preventing you from only using gear you craft yourself. I do that all the time and it makes the game play exciting.
  20. Which players? All players or just the ones that want similar things that you want? Yes, this has been asked and discussed many times. Both that crafting needed a major overhaul and that water was a joke in the game. Just because you didn’t want these things doesn’t mean everyone else was the same. You don’t think crafting was broken, but others did. Please don’t act like you speak for all players. It’s fine for you to post your thoughts and opinions, but don’t imply you speak for others. Maybe I am making too much of a big deal about these types of posts, but when posters claim the nobody wanted this or everyone wanted that, you are basically saying anyone that disagrees differently doesn’t matter.
  21. No log files make it very difficult to see what is going on with your server. Something on your server is wonky which is why you can't do anything.
  22. Your progression path is wrong You are putting the unlock entry in the display entry section. path should be "//crafting_skill[@name='craftingFood']/effect_group/passive_effect[@tags='foodCornOnTheCob,foodBakedPotato']" Would recommend using insertBefore if you want it to start unlock. Also the correct code for setting it up to unlock is not unlock_entry but <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="1,100" value="1" tags="foodCornDogs,resourceAnimalFat"/> where the first number in level would be the number of magazines to unlock Also why do you have resourceAnimalFat there? Are you able to make it now (didn't see an example of the recipe)? If not, it doesn't have to be unlocked.
  23. BFT2020


    First should be in the General Support section, and once it gets moved there, read the Pinned topic that states Read before posting. The reason I am suggesting that is it tells you the information to collect and post in this thread so other forum members can look at the information and start to troubleshoot your issue...because to be frank, nothing in your first post will help anyone to figure out your problem and start posting possible solutions.
  24. If you got stainless steel, you are not playing vanilla (or playing a much previous version before it was removed).
  25. I found them actually to be quite easy to interact with. I have them near my farm plots and in the path from the trader to the front door. When I am coming back, I simply go to each one and quickly loot them. When I go up to check on my crops, I quickly loot them. And as I am also a SP, I only have 3 of them at once so it is just very quick to unload and throw in my seed chest in the same area until I need to take any back with me inside. I like having to deal with the screamers, it makes it so I actually have to be on my toes all the time to defend my base; not making it as an afterthought.
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