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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Added a fix for Izayo's weapon mod packs - 9mm, 5.56mm, and shotgun - Fixed the crafting display to indicate how many magazines to unlock
  2. Here is the fix for crafting displays - I will also post the link in my mods thread in case someone searches that way https://github.com/BFT2020/A21IzayoProgFix.git There are 3 files in there, one for each of Izayo's weapon mods (762 mod already has the fixes in it and doesn't need my help). Install one or more of the mod files based on which one of Izayo's awesome weapon mods you have installed. I don't think it will hurt if you install all 3, but I can't make any guarantees. I also cannot guarantee that this will work with an existing save file so use at your own risk. And in case anyone asks, no I will not make Izayo's mods work with other weapon mods or overhaul mods - Not going down that rabbit hole.
  3. Here is the fix for crafting displays - I will also post the link in my mods thread in case someone searches that way https://github.com/BFT2020/A21IzayoProgFix.git There are 3 files in there, one for each of Izayo's weapon mods (762 mod already has the fixes in it and doesn't need my help). Install one or more of the mod files based on which one of Izayo's awesome weapon mods you have installed. I don't think it will hurt if you install all 3, but I can't make any guarantees. I also cannot guarantee that this will work with an existing save file so use at your own risk. And in case anyone asks, no I will not make Izayo's mods work with other weapon mods or overhaul mods - Not going down that rabbit hole.
  4. Here is the fix - I will also post the link in my mods thread in case someone searches that way https://github.com/BFT2020/A21IzayoProgFix.git There are 3 files in there, one for each of Izayo's weapon mods (762 mod already has the fixes in it and doesn't need my help). Install one or more of the mod files based on which one of Izayo's awesome weapon mods you have installed. I don't think it will hurt if you install all 3, but I can't make any guarantees. I also cannot guarantee that this will work with an existing save file so use at your own risk. And in case anyone asks, no I will not make Izayo's mods work with other weapon mods or overhaul mods - Not going down that rabbit hole.
  5. I got it to work, but it will take some time this weekend to make all the changes and clean it up
  6. Did you place additional land claim blocks down? 0 HP sounds like that is what happened. Depending on your server settings, you can only place so many blocks down before it destroys a previous block that was placed.
  7. There is an issue with the progression file. I am going to try and assist Izayo with some updates this weekend so expect to see some patches rollout over the weekend. I meant to do it earlier, but the boss at home had me working on furniture so I spent all day Sunday keeping her happy 😁
  8. The displayed value should include the quality damage boost
  9. That's a steam update, not a 7 Days to Die update. I think those are called shader cache updates. I just ignore them since they are usually small in size (kb) and happen frequently. When I see a larger file size download, then I know it was a game patch. I think you can turn them off in Settings.
  10. What is your game difficulty setting? Scavenger doubles player damage while Adventurer is 150%. Nomad would be just a simple 100% of player damage.
  11. Yes, they would need to have their drones in their inventory so they won't be deleted. Any drones deployed would be deleted (based on my limited knowledge on this subject)
  12. The log file or the console is great for troubleshooting issues. Even if it can't tell you exactly what is going on, it gives you clues on where to look. Oh and as I tell anyone that I train at work - There are no stupid or silly questions. Those questions inform others what you know and what you don't know. Without those questions, one cannot help you on the right path.
  13. Just because one or more games out there give a partial set bonus for a few items (and not the complete set) doesn't mean that TFP need to do the same thing with their armor sets. Comparing the two games so far: 7 Days to Die has 5 armor spots - Head, Chest, Arms, Legs, and Feet Torchlight 2 has 10 spots - Helmets, Chest Armor, Shoulders, Gloves, Leggings, Boots, Shields, Belts, Necklaces, Rings Throw in the fact that Torchlight 2 has a wide variety of sets ranging from unique and rare to common items with tiers. The common items don't contribute to the set bonuses themselves. It is very complex system that they have setup for armor pieces which is based on the type of the game which is to consistently upgrade your gear to push your numbers higher. Since 7 days to die looks like it's armor system is going to be simpler than Torchlight's system is, having all the items equipped to get a set bonus seems fair. You will get the same bonus if you have a lower quality T1 boot compared to the Q6 boot. And you only have to obtain 5 pieces (compared to 10 if Torchlight 2 had the same requirement). In addition, 7 days to die has a higher chance that you can complete the entire set compared to Torchlight 2. Even if you can't find the item in loot or at the trader, you can also craft the missing pieces of the set to complete it. If you don't want to wear that part of the armor set because you don't like flip flops or how it looks, then you decided that it is better for how your characters appears in game rather than any full set bonus you might get if you equipped all of the items. I think choices like that are fine in the game.
  14. If you are unable to search containers, that is probably because something caused the loot.xml file to not load correctly. When it doesn't load up correctly, it doesn't set the containers as lootable. Your log file would indicated why that occurred. If a mod changed a loot item but it wasn't loaded up correctly in the items file, that would kick out an error (likely to happen if you use overhaul mods with other mods as the overhaul mod would either override the other mod or prevent it from loading correctly - then when the loot file it updated, it can't find the new item being referenced and kicks out an error and fails to update the loot files correctly).
  15. The reason that it is doing this is based on lootgroup for that container. if you look at it, it states count="all". Since it states all for count, that means when the game is trying to determine what goes into that container, it is going to pull at least once for each group (unless the individual group as a varied count). With the way you have it structured in your code, everything you added to the chest is a separate group...so even though you have lower percentages, it has to pull at least once item from each group. There are two ways of addressing that. One is putting all these items into a new group with a percentage of pulling from it. For example, <lootgroup name="groupCustomRareItems"> <item name="meleeToolPickT3Auger" count="1" prob="0.02"/> <item name="meleeToolAxeT3Chainsaw" count="1" prob="0.02"/> <item name="apparelCoatJacketLetterZU" count="1" prob="0.3"/> <item name="apparelRunningShoesHP" count="1" prob="0.3"/> <item name="casinoCoin" count="50,100" prob="0.6"/> </lootgroup> If this group was added to the lootcontainer group, then when it pulls one item from it, it will be based on the probability chances for each item (so rarely getting the Auger or Chainsaw, likely to get the jacket or shoes, and best chance of just getting coins). A simpler way is to force the game to use the probability. Add this to each item you added to the loot group and it should not be a guaranteed pick: force_prob="true" So now this is what you should have <item name="meleeToolPickT3Auger" count="1" prob="0.02" force_prob="true"/>
  16. Sometimes the BS is piled so high even he has to comment on it.
  17. Sorry, you want to change the value in the file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xml> <Name value="BFT2020_CraftingModQ6" /><!-- Unique name for your modlet --> <DisplayName value="Crafting changes for A21" /> <Version value="" compat="A21"/><!-- versioning number compat optional --> <Description value="Various crafting changes" /> <!-- (Optional) More text to show on UIs --> <Author value="BFT2020" /> <Website value=""/> </xml> In this case change where it says Name value
  18. Take the mod that modifies ammo stack sizes and make a copy. Rename it so that it is Alphabetically after Izayo's mod - I would do something like ZZZZ_Izayo_AmmoStacks. Rename the modinfo file for the new name of the mod. Remove all files except for items.xml and the modinfo file. In items.xml file, remove all code and put in the following: <config> <set xpath="//item[contains(@name,'IZYammo')]/property[@name='Stacknumber']/@value">X</set> </config> Change X in the second line to the value you want. Any ammo in the game that contains IZYammo will update the stack size to your number. If you want to only change specific ones, then you just need to change the following item[contains(@name,IZYammo')] to item(@name='IZYammo556mmBulletBall'] Black_Wolf's method works also, but if you download any updates to the mod, you will lose those changes. If you make a small modlet patch, it should always work as long as TFP don't change the variable names or code structure, or Izayo change's the name of the ammo.
  19. You got a lot of mods failing to load properly and I am seeing instances where models / codes trying to load in assets already loaded. You need to go through your mods list and do some pruning.
  20. Started the process of making another version of the MCGA mod, one where you can repair broken items - 2 versions - 1 limited to Q3 max and 1 with no quality limit
  21. Bottom of my first post, new modlet - removes the starter quests but keeps the 4 free skill points and trader starter quest
  22. This is better than when it is done it is done Or sometime this decade.
  23. Sometimes you have to use a lower tier item to get by. You don't have enough parts for a steel axe, make an iron axe. Or with the new crafting system, you can either use an iron axe until you have enough parts to make a new steel axe at the highest quality you can craft - or you craft a lower quality steel axe based on the # of parts you have.
  24. God I hope I get my A21 mod done prior to A22 being released. At the rate I am going, I will get it done the day before A22 experimental drops 😄
  25. Something else too is that Izayo has learned a lot about xpath modding over the course of the various weapon projects. Some of the earlier versions may have older code that hasn't been updated yet (Izayo is concentrating on the models and animation which is very nice IMHO) or things I might not have passed on properly while I was giving advice. I can download all the latest packs and see if there is something I can support on my end.
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