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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. To add onto Izayo's reply, the way to add (or remove) the item modifiers is based on the tags system: <item_modifier name="modGunMagazineExtender" installable_tags="magazine,turretRanged" modifier_tags="magazine" blocked_tags="noMods" type="attachment"> <item_modifier name="modGunDrumMagazineExtender" installable_tags="drumMagazine" modifier_tags="magazine" blocked_tags="noMods" type="attachment"> So based on the tags, the clip extender mod can apply to any item that has magazine or turretRanged in its tags, while the drum extender can only apply to drumMagazine <item name="gunHandgunT3DesertVulture"> <property name="Tags" value="weapon,ranged,revolver,holdBreathAiming,reloadPenalty,gun,shortRange,pistol,barrelAttachments,sideAttachments,smallTopAttachments,magazine,firingMode,attAgility,perkGunslinger,attachmentsIncluded,canHaveCosmetic,handgunSkill"/> <item name="gunHandgunT3SMG5"> <property name="Tags" value="weapon,ranged,holdBreathAiming,reloadPenalty,gun,shortRange,barrelAttachments,sideAttachments,smallTopAttachments,magazine,drumMagazine,firingMode,bottomAttachments,attAgility,perkGunslinger,9mmGun,attachmentsIncluded,canHaveCosmetic,handgunSkill"/> So based on these two examples, the Desert Vulture can use the the clip extender only while the SMG can use either. Assuming this code still works, you can add the capability of adding the drum magazine to the Desert Vulture by <append xpath="/items/item[@name='gunHandgunT3DesertVulture']/property[@name='Tags']/@value">,drumMagazine</append>
  2. @The_Great_Sephiroth Have you tried the shapes.xml file? <shape name="cubeHalf1mHole"> <property name="Path" value="solid" /> <property name="Model" value="cube_half_1m_hole" /> <property name="CustomIcon" value="shapeCubeHalf1mHole" /> <property name="ShapeCategories" value="Square,Round" /> <property name="Collide" value="movement,melee,bullet,arrow,rocket" /> <property name="UseGlobalUV" value="G,L,G,G,G,G" /> <property name="LightOpacity" value="0" /> <property name="WaterFlow" value="permitted" /> </shape>
  3. It was not a case of weaponization. The MM mod was generating money to MM through the use of a game modification (twitch bits with 20% of those donated going to the mod creator) - which in the EULA (even before the recent one in 2023) was policy that creators were not allowed to monetize modifications to the game MM and content creators using the MM mod were legally notified first from TFP that use of the MM mod was illegal per the EULA. Anyone that ignore those legal notifications were then escalated to the next step in the legal process.
  4. Does it still allow you to apply dyes though? Another thing you can try is remove the vehicle tab for the dyes in the item_modifiers file <item_modifier name="modDyeWhite" installable_tags="clothing,armor,weapon,tool,vehicle,drone" modifier_tags="dye" type="attachment" cosmetic_install_chance="0"> If you are simply looking to remove it from the window itself, you would have to start looking at the xui files then, and the windows one in the XUI folder is where I would start.
  5. One thing you can do is change the counts for specific items with a simple modlet For example, this is what Bob has in his stock for weapons <item group="groupMeleeAll" count="3,5"/> <item group="groupRangedAll" count="3,5"/> Another thing, which I have done, is increase the time between restocks. I might change the counts myself, but I haven't gotten all my mods updated to A21 yet so haven't had the chance to playtest them to see if I like the new balance or not. So quest rewards are in the loot file, and tied to a specific probability that mimics the quest level <!-- *** Quest_Loot_Probability_Templates --> <lootprobtemplate name="QuestT1Prob"> <loot level="0,1" prob="0.05"/> <loot level="2" prob="0.25"/> <loot level="3" prob="0.65"/> <loot level="4,7" prob="0"/> </lootprobtemplate> <lootprobtemplate name="QuestT2Prob"> <loot level="1,2" prob="0"/> <loot level="3" prob="0.35"/> <loot level="4" prob="0.65"/> <loot level="5,7" prob="0"/> </lootprobtemplate> <lootprobtemplate name="QuestT3Prob"> <loot level="1,4" prob="0"/> <loot level="5" prob="0.75"/> <loot level="6,7" prob="0.25"/> </lootprobtemplate> You could change it to reflect loot stage easily (by using ProbT1 to ProbT3). Not sure if you could easily tie it to the new trader stage system as you would need to change the reward item from a lootitem to a trader item Currently <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestWeapons" ischosen="true" value="6"/>
  6. For the cosmetic part, you should just need to remove the following tag <property name="Tags" value="vehicle,canHaveCosmetic"/> Remove canHaveCosmetic and it should prevent the use of dyes
  7. I am not sure if this is the best way, but one way to do the probability is to first remove the zombie entity and then re-add it back with the new add commands <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesAll']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" > zombieFatHawaiian2, .3 zombieFatHawaiian3, .3 zombieFatHawaiian4, .3 zombieFatHawaiian5, .3 </csv>
  8. The structure in entitygroups has changed: A21 entitygroups example <!-- *** BIOME_ZOMBIES_FOREST_DOWNTOWN_NIGHT_GROUP --> <entitygroup name="ZombiesForestDowntownNight"> zombieSpider zombieSpiderFeral, .3 zombieBoe zombieBoeFeral, .3 zombieJoe zombieJoeFeral, .3 zombieSteve zombieSteveFeral, .3 zombieTomClark zombieTomClarkFeral, .3 zombieMoe zombieMoeFeral, .3 zombieYo zombieYoFeral, .3 zombieBusinessMan, 1.5 zombieBusinessManFeral, .5 zombieArlene zombieArleneFeral, .3 zombieDarlene zombieDarleneFeral, .3 zombieMarlene zombieMarleneFeral, .3 zombieNurse zombieNurseFeral, .3 zombiePartyGirl zombiePartyGirlFeral, .3 zombieFatHawaiian zombieFatHawaiianFeral, .3 zombieSteveCrawlerFeral, .3 zombieFatCop, .4 zombieFatCopFeral, .15 zombieSoldier, .4 zombieSoldierFeral, .15 animalZombieDog, .3 animalWolf, .3 </entitygroup> You need to use the new method shown here
  9. Oh the irony in this statement.... 🤨 and yet, in 2 minutes I can create a modlet that gives you 10 full stacks of dukes at startup, and an item that gives you enough XP to max out your levels. Change what the traders give you, or just give you OP gear at the start. Again, mods can change it from Trader-centric to sandbox or whatever you want it to be, and the game will be released with Steam workshop support. But it doesn't matter what anyone will say as you are absolutely positive that they are out to get you. Did you give one of the owners a swirlie when they were in middle school or something
  10. It is apparent that you don't understand the issue. TFP are not going after content creators, they are going after the MM modification. Content creators can post all the videos and gameplay they want to in regards to 7 Days to Die, they just can't use the MM mod that was sending 20% cut back to MM. But don't just take my word about it, this is from TFP themselves https://7daystodie.com/news/ Anyone who streams through Twitch using the illegal Mischief Maker Extension will be risking a DMCA takedown as well. The Fun Pimps have always welcomed Mods to 7 Days to Die that do not illegally monetize the game and will continue to permit streaming or video creation on any platform that does not violate our EULA.
  11. Probably more than MM understood EULA
  12. Figured they were still there, but the format changed
  13. The secured wooden chests in the favorites build menu is a go to for me. Usually craft one up and place it outside the POI next to the road and drop anything in it that I am not taking back with me; then putting a simple X on my map waypoints (with something simple like LC) on it. Since they don't exist outside normally, they are easy to notice as I am making my way back to my base (and a quick check to see if I can anything to my existing stacks). When I clear a chest, I remove it from my map waypoints so I know it is not filled with anything. Learn by Dying, the originally LBD
  14. Sure, a game where you can just enable Creative Menu and give yourself Dukes.....they are going to offer you in-game items for a price.....
  15. You need to create a modlet to do it. If you just edit the actual data file, Steam will notice that the file is not the same as vanilla and will download the "right" version. Here is an example of one where I replaced snakes with wolves coyotes for someone that didn't want snakes in the game
  16. I have seen mods with these requests. Don't think it will happen in vanilla 7D2D as the devs have stated in the past of not wanting to introduce more materials to the game.
  17. That's my theory. I believe I did a modlet for someone back in A20 where I just changed the mesh, but that was before dismemberment became a big thing in A21. All of this, even the code I just posted, is not verified in game yet as I can't test it at work.
  18. Yes, In A20 at least, stumps in the wild had a 20% honey drop chance while POI stumps had 40% chance. Trees had 0% unless you found the book and then you got a 5% chance. In A21, it has remained the same, except now POI stumps are the same as stumps in the wild (20% chance)
  19. Sorry I forgot about the new gore / dismemberment changes. Probably what I would do would be the following: <remove xpath ="//entity_class[contains(@name,'zombiePartyGirl')]"/> <insertAfter xpath ="//entity_class[@name='zombieMarleneRadiated']"> <entity_class name="zombiePartyGirl" extends="zombieTemplateShort"> <property name="UserSpawnType" value="Menu"/> <property name="Tags" value="entity,zombie,walker"/> <property name="Mesh" value="@:Entities/Zombies/Prefabs/ZNurse.prefab"/> <property name="SoundRandom" value="Enemies/Base_Zombie_Female/zombiefemaleroam"/> <property name="SoundAlert" value="Enemies/Base_Zombie_Female/zombiefemalealert"/> <property name="SoundAttack" value="Enemies/Base_Zombie_Female/zombiefemaleattack"/> <property name="SoundHurt" value="Enemies/Base_Zombie_Female/zombiefemalepain"/> <property name="SoundDeath" value="Enemies/Base_Zombie_Female/zombiefemaledeath"/> <property name="SoundSense" value="Enemies/Base_Zombie_Female/zombiefemalesense"/> <property name="ModelType" value="Standard"/> <property name="WalkType" value="7"/> <property name="Mass" value="130"/> <property name="RootMotion" value="true"/> <property name="HasDeathAnim" value="true"/> <property name="AIPathCostScale" value=".5, .65"/> <property name="DanceType" value="2" /> <property name="DismemberTag_L_HeadGore" value=" Nurse/Blunt/Head; Nurse/Blade/Head" data=" target=Neck+scale=0,0,0+atp=true+type=blunt+detach=true+atb=true; target=Neck+scale=0,0,0+atp=true+type=blade+detach=true+atb=true "/> <property name="DismemberTag_L_LeftUpperLegGore" value=" Nurse/Blunt/LeftUpperLeg; Nurse/Blade/LeftUpperLeg" data=" target=LeftUpLeg+scale=1,0.5,1+type=blunt+detach=true; target=LeftUpLeg+scale=1,0.5,1+type=blade+detach=true "/> <property name="DismemberTag_L_LeftLowerLegGore" value=" Nurse/Blunt/LeftLowerLeg; Nurse/Blade/LeftLowerLeg" data=" target=LeftLeg+scale=0,0,0+atp=true+type=blunt+detach=true; target=LeftLeg+scale=0,0,0+atp=true+type=blade+detach=true "/> <property name="DismemberTag_L_RightUpperLegGore" value=" Nurse/Blunt/RightUpperLeg; Nurse/Blade/RightUpperLeg" data=" target=RightUpLeg+scale=1,0.4,1+type=blunt+detach=true; target=RightUpLeg+scale=1,0.4,1+type=blade+detach=true "/> <property name="DismemberTag_L_RightLowerLegGore" value=" Nurse/Blunt/RightLowerLeg; Nurse/Blade/RightLowerLeg" data=" target=RightLeg+scale=0,0,0+atp=true+type=blunt+detach=true; target=RightLeg+scale=0,0,0+atp=true+type=blade+detach=true "/> <property name="DismemberTag_L_LeftUpperArmGore" value=" Nurse/Blunt/LeftUpperArm; Nurse/Blade/LeftUpperArm" data=" target=LeftArmRoll+scale=.5,1,1+type=blunt+detach=true; target=LeftArmRoll+scale=.5,1,1+type=blade+detach=true "/> <property name="DismemberTag_L_LeftLowerArmGore" value=" Nurse/Blunt/LeftLowerArm; Nurse/Blade/LeftLowerArm" data=" target=LeftForeArmRoll+scale=0,1,1+atp=true+type=blunt+detach=true; target=LeftForeArmRoll+scale=0,1,1+atp=true+type=blade+detach=true "/> <property name="DismemberTag_L_RightUpperArmGore" value=" Nurse/Blunt/RightUpperArm; Nurse/Blade/RightUpperArm" data=" target=RightArmRoll+scale=.5,1,1+type=blunt+detach=true; target=RightArmRoll+scale=.5,1,1+type=blade+detach=true "/> <property name="DismemberTag_L_RightLowerArmGore" value=" Nurse/Blunt/RightLowerArm; Nurse/Blade/RightLowerArm" data=" target=RightForeArmRoll+scale=0,1,1+atp=true+type=blunt+detach=true; target=RightForeArmRoll+scale=0,1,1+atp=true+type=blade+detach=true "/> <!-- Gameplay zombieNurse --> <property name="MoveSpeedAggro" value="0.3, 1.35"/> <!-- slim, regular --> <effect_group name="Base Effects"> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="125"/> </effect_group> </entity_class> <entity_class name="zombiePartyGirlFeral" extends="zombiePartyGirl"> <property name="UserSpawnType" value="Menu"/> <property name="Tags" value="entity,zombie,walker,feral"/> <property name="Mesh" value="@:Entities/Zombies/Prefabs/ZNurseFeral.prefab"/> <!-- Gameplay zombieNurseFeral --> <property name="DismemberMultiplierHead" value=".7"/><property name="DismemberMultiplierArms" value=".7"/><property name="DismemberMultiplierLegs" value=".7"/><!-- Feral --> <property name="PainResistPerHit" value=".7"/><!-- Feral --> <property name="MoveSpeedAggro" value="0.6, 1.45"/> <!-- slim, feral --> <property name="JumpMaxDistance" value="4.6, 5"/> <property name="HandItem" value="meleeHandZombieShortFeral"/> <property name="ExperienceGain" value="750"/><!-- XP grunt feral --> <property name="LootDropProb" value=".03"/> <!-- Feral --> <effect_group name="Base Effects"> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="300"/> <!--<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="0"/>--> <!-- Feral damage --> </effect_group> </entity_class> <entity_class name="zombiePartyGirlRadiated" extends="zombiePartyGirlFeral"> <property name="UserSpawnType" value="Menu"/> <property name="Tags" value="entity,zombie,walker,feral,radiated"/> <property name="Mesh" value="@:Entities/Zombies/Prefabs/ZNurseRadiated.prefab"/> <!-- Gameplay zombieNurseRadiated --> <property name="DismemberMultiplierHead" value=".4"/><property name="DismemberMultiplierArms" value=".4"/><property name="DismemberMultiplierLegs" value=".4"/><!-- Radiated --> <property name="PainResistPerHit" value=".9"/><!-- Radiated --> <property name="ExperienceGain" value="1200"/><!-- XP grunt radiated --> <effect_group name="Base Effects"> <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="550"/> <!--<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="0"/>--><!-- Feral damage --> <triggered_effect trigger="onOtherDamagedSelf" action="ModifyCVar" target="self" cvar="RadiatedRegenAmount" operation="set" value="4"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onOtherDamagedSelf" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="buffRadiatedRegen"/> </effect_group> </entity_class> </insertAfter> So what I did there was remove the party girl entities completely, and the new ones are the Zombie nurse variants copied but with the name and extend tags change to reflect the party girl variants.
  20. There are a lot of objects in the game that are not craftable. Just because you can't craft something in the game, it isn't because the developers are being "super lazy".
  21. How is the damage output on average when facing zombies that are moving and not stationary? Are you still outmatching the slugs or with a moving zombie, are you missing more with pellets so your overall damage output is decreasing while the slugs are being more consistent? I also noticed your mod selection. Your picked mods specifically to improve the spread of shots so you will get a tighter cluster all the time. This favors the min-max approach where you are picking the upgrades on your weapon to maximize the damage output from a specific ammo type. Would you see the same damage output comparison if you went a different route in regards to mod selection, like: Pump - tube extender, choke, rad remover, cripple em Auto - same setup but Drum magazine in place of tube extender
  22. As much cotton plants are in the world, is obtaining cloth really an issue?
  23. Instead of removing the party girl spawning, just modify the entry using an existing model instead. In Entityclasses, change the mesh to one you want. For example, <entity_class name="zombiePartyGirl" extends="zombieTemplateSlimFemale"> <property name="Mesh" value="@:Entities/Zombies/Prefabs/ZCocktailWaitress.prefab"/> change to: <entity_class name="zombiePartyGirl" extends="zombieTemplateSlimFemale"> <property name="Mesh" value="@:Entities/Zombies/Prefabs/ZNurse.prefab"/> So any time the Party Girl would spawn, it would use the Nurse zombie model. Would need to do the same thing with the Feral and Radiated versions.
  24. You can probably remove the option to play those lines in the sounds.xml file For example <SoundDataNode name="traderdislikegreeting"> <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_VO"/> <Noise ID="1" noise="7" time="3" muffled_when_crouched="0.5"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_01"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_02"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_03"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_04"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_05"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_06"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_07"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_08"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_09"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_10"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_11"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_12"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_13"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_14"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_15"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_16"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_15"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_16"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_17"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_18"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_19"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_20"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_21"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_22"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_23"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_24"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_25"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_26"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_27"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_28"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_29"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_30"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_31"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_32"/> <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_33"/> <LocalCrouchVolumeScale value="1.0"/> <CrouchNoiseScale value="0.5"/> <NoiseScale value="1"/> <MaxVoices value="10"/> <MaxRepeatRate value="1.111"/> </SoundDataNode> If you know which greeting has the object able words for you, you can just write up a small modlet to strip that audio clip from the list. Thing is, would take a lot of time and effort to figure out which one is which. Easiest way is to do each one at a time (as in strip all of them and keep only one). Then check it in game. Though someone might have an easier way of sorting through the various sound clips?
  25. Why should the developers do such a thing? If the developers want a game with traders and trader quests, then they are not obligated to add an option. They can if they want, but there is no requirement for them to do so, especially if modders can do the same thing. To add to this, I don't think it is possible today to do what you are suggesting. I don't think the game / code is setup to where you can simply select an option (disable traders) and it changes the code in the loot / recipe files to now allow those items to be crafted or looted. I could be wrong, but I think that would take additional work that probably won't be on their priority list to do prior to final release. They do have options to change loot respawn period and loot quantities, but those things are already baked into the code today.
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