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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Yes, but the loot wouldn't be high level (which is what Fanatical_Meat was thinking). So looting Shotgun Messiah on Day 1 won't give you the same type of loot as looting it on Day 100. They would be great for building materials based on the amount of pallets there are in these locations.
  2. I used Nexus Mods a lot to download for my games. Boidster is correct. If the mod has a lot of traffic, you can read the comments and bugs section. If there are issues with the mod (safe or buggy), you will see feedback there. Any new mods, I won't download until it has been tested by a lot of others; unless the mod is from a creator I trust. Nexus Mods was hacked in the past, but they informed everyone right away and forced everyone to change their login information. They also have strengthen their login process. However, they can still be hacked or nefarious people can create an account to try to get people to download malware, but that is true on any website nowadays. Hell, we saw what happened with Equifax and their hacked data.
  3. Never tried that, but then again my looting strategy is probably significantly different. Early game I loot houses nearby to build up my items I need to survive or loot buildings as part of quest. After I am established and move into a more loot for resources to continue to expand phase, I start to loot every building going in a right to left or left to right pattern. At the end of my looting, I put a X on my map that states Start Here. Then I remove it when I restart looting to place it at the new location (I also been putting Xs for safes I find early game to come back to). Sometimes I may need something specific (for example car parts) so I may loot specific locations to find it (like car lots) but then I just make a note (or I check prior to clearing out the location again to see if already looted that location). My gameplay also puts an emphasis on using what I find, but I don't go out looking for specific POIs to raid (exception - food POIs in early game). I never felt the need to mark places I already looted.
  4. I still start with wood frames and upgrade from there. Maybe I could go to flagstone blocks, but lately I have been taking over the demolished buildings and rebuilding them for my base. I start out using wood frames / upgrade them to full wood blocks as I am building up the walls and ceilings. Then I upgrade to cobblestone (and then eventually to concrete / steel) as needed - typically outside walls and the roof of areas where vultures will try to get to me). I am also playing with a mod that significantly reduces resources gathered (so less clay, rock, wood, cobblestone from the pallets). From that it became an easy choice of building progression. Clay - need it for countless forge recipes along with farm plots Wood - besides a fuel source, not a lot of use outside of building material Stones - concrete and converting into sand, especially early game when I haven't located the desert yet My current playthrough, if I was going to build up my base with just flagstone blocks, it would have taken a long time to get it to the shape it is today. I am past day 67 and I still am not using the clay / stone I get to mass produce cobblestone, just sticking with pallets I come across. The clay I do get (either via auger or the plotted plants) goes into either my iron / steel furnace or my brass furnace while the stones are being used for concrete production.
  5. Yeah, I wasn't sure if he was talking about in the game or just the people playing the game ๐Ÿ˜‰
  6. I think you answered your own question. Honestly, if you don't want to spend the money, hold off for now. See what happens after the PC version goes Gold and see what the TFP do with a publisher to port the finished product to the next gen console stations.
  7. So basically, you are believing random people on the internet that are claiming the 7D2D game is going to be released as a new game in August (this month), but don't believe in the fact, that despite this being a big event if it was, there has been zero communication out from TFP about releasing a new console version this month, or even who the new publisher is going to be, that the official website forum that is used as a communication media from the company to its fans says no new game is being released in August....... Notice in the picture you shared that they response was check the manufacturer twitter account for updates? I don't see anything on TFP about a console version being released this month, and I searched all the way back to March of this year and nothing. Have you seen anything different in the TFP twitter account that I missed. You got 3 moderators here who have said it is not happening (I am not going to list myself since I am just a fan of the game and not an "official source") - Roland, Laz Man, and Meganoth, but keeping posting links to random people out there on the internet who is claiming otherwise.......but yet you want to hear from "official sources" I don't think anything that would be said here is going to change your mind. You want something to happen, and willing to ignore the fact that the company that is developing the game has said nothing about a game being released in August (they haven't even announced yet when Alpha 20 is going to drop for the PC version). In fact, the official response has been that a port of the game would not occur until the PC version has gone Gold. Good luck with that.
  8. I save the dog food cans for the Learning Elixir. I eat the cat food cans so my coat can be shiny.
  9. Which goes against the concept of this game. The intent of this game is a โ€œtower defenseโ€ game. Itโ€™s like asking the developers of Call of Duty that you want the game to be less FPS and more zombies. Like Katarynna mentioned, there are settings to adjust horde nights and even mods out there that change the whole feel. But I donโ€™t think the developers should change the Bloodmoon horde concept.
  10. Never lived there, so didnโ€™t include Ohio. I hav e driven through Ohio, but didnโ€™t think that counted. ๐Ÿ˜€
  11. My current rotation of games right now are 7D2D, MW5, Subnautica, Oxygen Not Included, and Darkest Dungeon. For some people, the extra pixels might be helpful, but not for me to justify the setup and cost of implementing one in place of my current monitor.
  12. Dogs donโ€™t make a lot of noise, even when they are single spawns. From my experience, harder settings tend to spawn the dog hordes at higher rates since they are considered a tougher fight and we do select the harder difficulty settings. Though I will admit this is based on playing and not looking at the code. At the harder settings, your head needs to be on a swivel, especially during the early days when you are weak and donโ€™t have much to protect yourself. You canโ€™t just travel from point A to point B and only look straight ahead. If you take it slow and constantly surveying around you, you will see the zombie dog horde before they get a sense of you. That will allow you to assess the situation and determine if you are going to fight or flight.
  13. Note that loading mods in Bethesda games is a lot different than mods for 7D2D today. Bethesda games are final games and the modders have that to work with. 7D2D is still in early development (Alpha) so changes to the base game are always occurring. That means the mods are not always constantly being updated as the game updates. It also means that a lot of modders have not taken the time to check compatibility between mods as just maintaining the mods can be a second full time job.
  14. Still doesn't change the fact that the game is not being re-released or updated from TFP this month.
  15. Lots of mods there, I stopped counting after 50โ€ฆ. Based on your post, your answer lies in what you said. It runs fine vanilla but you can not when you try with the mods you installed. Try only installing a few mods at a time (do it in bunches of 10 or so) to see if one bunch causes the issue. If nothing found, keep adding more mods to try out at the same time.
  16. How many mods are you playing with? Something you can do is to do it in steps. First, setup and join just in a vanilla game. Make sure it works vanilla. Then each of you install and load up one mod, join the game and see what happens. If you have a small amount of mods, should not be painful to do this. Eventually you will find your culprit. If you are using a ton of mods, then best would be to get the logs, put them in pastebin, and post them here so others like us can look them over to determine where your issue is probably at.
  17. It isn't a re-release from TFP or TellTale Games. It is the same game released back in 2016.
  18. Sounds like something is mismatched between your game and their game. First, everything is fine when either of you run a solo game. That means the mods loaded in correctly (assuming you are not getting any errors and just missing them when reporting out the issue). Then when you try to join their game, you get the errors. When they join your game, they get the errors. In each case, the host server is expecting a specific version of each file to be loaded. When the other client joins in, it doesn't have it so it starts to get the error messages. However, this is all speculation as we don't have the log files of both computers to look at. Information on how to report errors, should help you in this case This is from the General Support subforum, but best to continue in this area as that is more an area for vanilla issues and not mod specific issues
  19. Donโ€™t think it was meant to compete against GTA5. The price is what it is. If TFP wanted to sell it for $100, they are free to do so.
  20. Even spammers are lucky to do something right every now and then. He might even have a broken clock he wants to sell you ๐Ÿ˜‰
  21. And lets be honest, have any of you stopped and asked what the zombie's attentions are? Maybe they are just lonely and happen to be aggressive huggers ๐Ÿ˜‰ And magic already exists in the game. How do you explain the sheer amount of small rocks you can carry around and not be encumbered? ๐Ÿ˜
  22. So really depends on the type of games you are playing. Doesn't sound like much of an advantage for me and types of games I play.
  23. That is usually want happens. TFP mentions upcoming changes but not provide a lot of details. YouTubers start to theorize what those changes may be and then start putting out worst case scenarios (and never once have actually played under those conditions), then someone who actually has played it or more involved with the developers comes along and say - Hold up, it isn't planned like that ๐Ÿ™‚ Speculation run amok. ๐Ÿคซ
  24. Not sure why this topic has turned into a necrophilia one......๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  25. Have you tried running it vanilla to see if the same issue occurs? Another person was reporting crashes under the same conditions as you in the DF thread in the Mods subforum. They included a bit more of their log which showed the game was trying to load assets and not finding them. Also check to ensure everything is seated properly. I once accidently "nudged" my computer and started to have crashes. Turned out that my graphics card wasn't seated properly.
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