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Everything posted by arramus

  1. There have been some interesting discussions about updates for this mod and all of the other mods Oakraven and others have supported. There are a lot of ideas being thrown around for sure. The hold up has been current AI capability and how A20 will change things. This will also greatly benefit The Wasteland Mod, Community Creatures, and other mods of that nature. TFP were hiring some new devs recently and it looks like some of that skill and experience has already made it into the A19.5 experimental build with soooo many fundamental optimizations for POIs, terrain, and general draw distance/level of detail/culling. Once potential A20 changes are in place, modders will be able to update their mods and also introduce many new concepts with what new features are provided. It really is a 'time will tell' on this at the moment as investing too much time now, and then more to amend with what may be fundamental changes, is possibly a bit too taxing.
  2. Here is a small server side only standalone modlet that allows players to attach a Parachute Hat Mod and Drone Hat Mod to the dye area of headware. Credit to @oakraven for the concept and code used for the Hat Mods in the Snufkin Weapons Xpansion Mod. https://github.com/arramus/Parachute-and-Drone-Hat-Mod-2021May17 Parachute Hat Mod Once attached, it provides the player with 60 seconds of fall damage protection which can be used to launch from a high building. This fall damage protection is courtesy of TFP's 'Oh @%$#z Drops' and the requisite edited buff code. In addition, if you depart a vehicle such as the gyro, it will trigger the buff to reset and players will be given another 60 seconds of fall damage protection. And should you not be wearing the Parachute Hat Mod on your player at the time you depart from an airborne vehicle, you will be able to quickly put it on to avoid an unpleasant landing. The Parachute Hat Mod can also be made on the Workbench using a variety of resources, including Oh @%$#z Drops to give it some context. A few images of it in action. Making Description Attaching Today's tester friend is from The Wasteland Mod by @bdubyah. He is using the machete purely for direction purposes. ^^ Taking Off Put on the helmet with the parachute attached. You can see the countdown has reached 25 seconds remaining. The counter has reset to 60 seconds and it is clearly sufficient time to land. And here comes the gyro. I was unable to remove part of the parachute model using a trigger within the xml. Something to consider for the future. Drone Hat Mod And the second hat mod is for the Drone Hat Mod. This mod is purely cosmetic and has no real functional use beyond providing context to a Server Admin in God Mode performing their Godly duties. This mod cannot be crafted and will only be accessible through Creative Mode.
  3. Dre had success integrating this mod and other Snufkin Mods into the Darkness Falls overhaul. I believe the integration went as far as bringing in the Sorcery overhaul as well. However, there is nothing confirmed that says these mods are compatible because there has been no attempt to formally integrate them and check the results. Any integration method postings will probably be best handled directly within the Darkness Falls overhaul community since they will be more experienced with the unique coding dynamics that are not in Vanilla builds that Snufkin mods are made for.
  4. After a bit of tinkering, there is a way. It is totally separate from the vehicle but the vehicle indirectly supports this method very well. Here is how it works. 1. The player attaches a 'Parachute' Mod to the dye slot in their hat/helmet. This automatically starts a buff using the Oh @%$#z Drops. This gives the player 60 seconds of painless fall damage. 2. After entering a vehicle, it resets the buff and the counter returns to 60 seconds again. 3. Even if the counter hits zero, after exiting an airborne vehicle the counter returns to 60 seconds again. This is more than enough time to land safely. And in pictures: The initial countdown after putting on the Parachute Mod has almost run out. Exiting the vehicle restarted the countdown. And it's possible to attach the Parachute Mod while airborne so it's not necessary to wear it all the time. I kept a Parachute hat on my toolbelt and exited from high up. I had sufficient time to put the hat on while free falling and just made it safely. To summarise, - 60 seconds of use after putting your hat on. - Top up back to 60 seconds after entering a vehicle. - Another 60 seconds after exiting a vehicle and this is where it counts. And here is another simple hat dye Mod for Admin to use. It does nothing special beyond giving a cosmetic feature and is aimed at players using God Mode. Both are easy to detatch simply by removing the mod from the dye area or switching hats/helmets. In effect, an extra hat with the Parachute can be considered a mobile Parachute.
  5. The Mod remains compatible. I used it today and can verify that. The folder hierarchy needed is: Top Folder Layer - Snufkin_CommunityPack_ServerSideVehicles_A19_2021Feb25 Next Layer - Config / ModInfo / Readme and Revisions Some download sites can add another layer with an identical name to the Top Layer created an unnecessary layer which will not allow the mod to load. Can you confirm this is not the case?
  6. From my experience, and with editing the Mod to allow to allow higher Screamer spawn rates (which is exactly what the mod describes itself as and what it does), there are occasions where the Screamer calls in untold Zombies which in turn can lead to more Screamers appearing to create a Screamer loop supplemented with an abundance of Screamer minions. I just reinstalled to double check that this still applied. Oh yes, very much so. Within a few minutes in the Wasteland a Screamer spawned and that led to absolute mayhem. So much in fact that I had to sit down and eat Boeuf Bourguignon followed up with unrefined Raw Beast Milk just to recover. I believe the object of this Mod is to allow the Screamer to appear more often. In turn, she will attract more Zombies (dependent of Game Stage) if she is allowed to scream. If she is eliminated quickly peace is restored. However, the nature of this Mod is that there will be occasions where it is not possible to eliminate her which will allow her to scream for longer durations and in turn increase the volume and intensity of her minions. Maybe it would be better to call the Mod, Doughs-More-Screamers. All in all, this is a fun Mod when tweaked to your own specifications.
  7. The Snufkin modlets are not associated with inventory and there should be no conflicts.
  8. The top 3 work together. The bottom 2 require client side downloads and worked with the above 3 in previous tests.
  9. I wish whoever takes on this challenge all the best. It appears the old A16 version of the manux custom vehicles mod may be here. https://github.com/manux32/7dtdSdxMods Possibly a good time to start your own thread with this link and your concept.
  10. The Juggernaut seems to be a very special character with its own Archetype. In that regard it has partial entity features for action but not for appearance. There is a height setting in the Juggernaut's Archetype and maybe that is worth amending instead.
  11. This is far beyond my coding know how and it would have to be handled by a modder with more capability. As a simple work around it may be possible for servers who run the Snufkin Xpansion Weapons Mod and Vehicles Mod at the same time to utilise the hat mod system. For example, adding the parachute with a low fall velocity buff or zero impact damage bracing buff could act as a workaround. It may not be pretty though as the hat will show the parachute while in the vehicle and it is not detaching when removed as other hat mods do. As an example. Testing with @bdubyah's Vertibird from the Wasteland Mod. And as the parachute is already attached to the player's helmet, it simply hangs where it is manually located. I shall ask a more experienced Modder for advice on this one for sure. If it is not possible to hide the parachute while in a vehicle or detach it like with others, maybe another model can be added instead depending on what's available. I'm sure I saw a post where this was a thing in A16. Before my time with 7D2D and I wonder if the code is still out there or anyone remembers it.
  12. If anyone is still on the fence about trying out the Wasteland Mod, the Cryolator may help tip the scales. Lower level entities are pretty much wiped out and the high level entities are stopped in their tracks and encapsulated. A rather cool weapon indeed. Nice and sparkly too.
  13. Entities, both the original and PLUS, can accept their own customised SizeScale codes in the entityclasses.xml Animals can also accept SizeScale as well and Stallionsden has utilised the same code to change chickens to hens and stags to moose in the animal fix mod. As an example of one I am familiar with, the Motorhead entity is effectively using the Biker properties for model with those attachments applied as a buff.xml. A customised SizeScale was added to its properties to give it that extra height and mass: <entity_class name="zombieMotorhead" extends="zombieTemplateMale"> <property name="SizeScale" value="1.7"/> This SizeScale property can be added directly to each entity which doesn't currently have it to increase or decrease the scaling. All of the entities I introduced have scaling and it's very much personal choice for the other modders who added their own. It is something that can be done manually by anyone who downloads the mod and active forum users will certainly respond to any specific questions or requests.
  14. The Biker was scaled up to become the Motor Head entity and the Motor Head's hit box appears to remain closely connected to the scaled model and its collision boundaries. Even at it's rather gargantuan height, head shots will still decapitate. Based on that, the hitbox appears to remain proportional to the increase in scale size and if it does also 'thicken out', it is not noticeably intrusive.
  15. Here is a small but very important update for the Snufkin Weapons Xpansion Mod. https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Weapons-Xpansion-A19-2021May11 The Vulcan weapon is based on the M60 code and contained elements from A18 which were no longer functional for A19 and caused the server to bring up a warning every time the weapon was fired. And if you have fired the Vulcan before, especially with a magazine extender then you will appreciate that the warning list would be HUGE as it would trigger for each and every round fired. The following changes to the items.xml for the Vulcan brought it up to A19 standards. <property name="Particles_muzzle_fire" value="m60_fire"/> has been changed to <property name="Particles_muzzle_fire" value="gunfire_m60"/> And <property name="Particles_muzzle_fire_fpv" value="m60_fire"/> has been changed to <property name="Particles_muzzle_fire_fpv" value="gunfire_m60_fpv"/> This result of this change is accepted properties and no more warnings. While this was not causing servers to crash, it does add to server load and is not something Server Admin want to see. Thank you to @Evilspartan and the Tipsy Squatch Gaming Community for recently bringing this to our attention (I'm sure it wasn't the first time) so it could finally be acted on.
  16. I took the liberty of making a few amendments to the loot.xml file to update the item names an groups to match the change from A18 to A19. The two primary issues were: - Name of items had been changed. @Icekiss69 Thank you for the log error posting as it helped a lot. - Names of groups had been changed from A18 to A19. In the first instance, all of the gunToolNailgun and derivates were updated to match the A19 formatting of meleeToolRepairT3Nailgun (4 locations). A simple blanket update for Notepad++ and Reference to 'groupArmorT3_Light' changed to 'groupArmorScaledTPlus' (1 location) The Plus version was selected to reflect the T3 status of the original which may be the best match. Reference to 'groupWeaponsScaled' changed to 'groupWeaponsAllScaledTPlus' (1 location) Again, the Plus version was simply selected to comply with the above. However, the gunToolNailgun update required a little more, as not only had the name changed for 3 of the 4 items, but the groups had also been reshuffled or renamed to match the more efficient naming types for Tier groupings. Once name changes and group placements had been amended the Mod could launch without any warnings. As one of the changes related to rare loot, I levelled up to allow me to find rare loot and opened a Working Stiff box to make sure the updates had been applied regardless of not receiving any errors. Here is an image of a UVM tool which infers all is OK. The code shows that @DUST2DEATH has some future ideas planned and may well just be waiting for A20. I hope I haven't stepped on anyone's toes with the little update above but it stings to see such treasures fall by the wayside. Here is the updated loot.xml file. Unfortunately, I can no longer add it directly to the forum and placed it on Github instead. This one can replace the original one in the Config folder. https://github.com/arramus/UVM-loot.xml-Update-2021May10 And the code is as follows if you prefer to manually edit. <UVM_Configs> <!-- Adds the old heli and blimp storage sizes for use with new ids incase they do use them again in future no conflicts hopefully Plus two additional options--> <!--Heli Size--> <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='124']"> <lootcontainer id="581" count="0" size="9,8" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="0" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate"> </lootcontainer> </insertAfter> <!--Blimp Size --> <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='581']"> <lootcontainer id="582" count="0" size="10,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="0" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate"> </lootcontainer> </insertAfter> <!--New Truck --> <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='582']"> <lootcontainer id="583" count="0" size="9,6" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="0" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate"> </lootcontainer> </insertAfter> <!-- Upgrade MilitaryTruck --> <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='583']"> <lootcontainer id="584" count="0" size="9,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="0" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate"> </lootcontainer> </insertAfter> <!-- Add new UVM Military and medical groups --> <insertBefore xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='1']" > <lootgroup name="UVMMedical" count="1"> <item group="rareMedicine" count="1" prob=".4" /> <item group="medicine" count="1" prob=".3" /> <item group="cannedfood" count="1" prob=".1" /> </lootgroup> <lootgroup name="UVMmilitary" count="1,3"> <item group="groupAmmoRegular" count="3,5" prob="0.2" /> <item group="groupAmmoAdvanced" count="2,4" prob="0.2"/> <item group="groupArmorScaledTPlus" prob="0.2"/> <item group="groupModAllScaled" prob="0.2"/> <item group="groupWeaponsAllScaledTPlus" prob="0.2"/> </lootgroup> </insertBefore> <!-- Add new UVM Military Loot container --> <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='584']"> <lootcontainer id="590" count="1,3" size="9,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="4" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate"> <item group="UVMmilitary" prob=".4" /> <item group="automotive+tools+junk" prob=".3" /> <item group="cannedfood" prob="0.1"/> <item name="resourceRepairKit" count="2,3" prob="0.1"/> </lootcontainer> </insertAfter> <!-- Add new UVM Ambulance Loot container --> <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='590']"> <lootcontainer id="591" count="1,3" size="9,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="2" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate"> <item group="UVMMedical" prob=".5" /> <item group="automotive+tools+junk" /> <item name="medicalFirstAidKitSchematic" prob=".005"/> </lootcontainer> </insertAfter> <!-- Add new UVM Armoured Truck Loot container --> <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='591']"> <lootcontainer id="592" count="1,2" size="9,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="4" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate"> <item name="oldCash" count="50,700" prob=".45"/> <item name="casinoCoin" count="10,3000" prob=".25"/> <item group="rareOres" prob=".1" /> <item group="automotive+tools+junk" prob="0.2" /> </lootcontainer> </insertAfter> <!-- Add new UVM Tanker Truck Loot container --> <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='592']"> <lootcontainer id="593" count="1,2" size="9,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_shopping_basket" open_time="4" sound_close="UseActions/close_shopping_basket" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate"> <item name="ammoGasCan" count="100,6000" prob=".5" /> <item group="automotive+tools+junk" /> </lootcontainer> </insertAfter> <!-- Add schematics and items for UVM additions --> <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='schematicsToolsRare']/item[@group='schematicsToolsT2']"> <item name="UVM_ImpactwrenchSchematic"/> </insertAfter> <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupRareToolsTiered']/item[@group='groupToolsT3']"> <item name="UVM_Impactwrench" loot_prob_template="probTemplate1.0" /> </insertAfter> <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupQuestToolsT3']/item[@name='meleeToolSalvageT3ImpactDriver']"> <item name="UVM_Impactwrench" loot_prob_template="probTemplate0.5" /> </insertAfter> <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='workingStiffsBox']/item[@group='workingStiffsSub']"> <item name="UVM_Impactwrench" loot_prob_template="probTemplate1.0" /> </insertAfter> <insertBefore xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='schematicsVehiclesRare']/item[@group='schematicsVehiclesT2']"> <item name="UVM_vehicleAccessoriesSchematic" /> </insertBefore> <insertBefore xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='4x4Parts']/item[@name='vehicle4x4TruckChassis']"> <item name="UVM_vehicleAccessories" /> </insertBefore> </UVM_Configs> Feel free to offer better alternatives or update any errors you find because my xml coding is simply from what I have learned in this forum by modelling on those more capable. One more small point, if you're running UMV and Bdubyah's vehicles at the same time, they both share the truck sound file and a warning will appear. It looks like the localisation may need tinkering with at some point as well.
  17. I agree with bdubyah's comment that these items that do not show a picture icon are related to DF features. The easiest way I found to show all of the vehicles closer together was to just scroll through everything in CM. It is because the IDs for Bdubyah's vehicles are assigned pretty much in sequence so they will be listed in some kind of order. The reason that these items do not show an item it often because they have not been assigned one. This is because they are something the player will never see or have access to for their backpack or toolbelt as they may be a hidden asset such as a buff item that only appears when you've fired 10 shots and then activates as a bonus. Something we can't make or find. Alternatively, here is the list of individual vehicles from the localisation file which is a very easy way to find the exact model you are looking for. And the best way to search for bdubyah's or any vehicles in CM, in Vanilla or other overhaul, is to use 'vehicle' as the search parameter because this tag is connected to every form of transport.
  18. Hello adrian, All of the Snufkin Zombies were created through xml coding. Some of it edited existing entities, while other are totally unique and practically built from the bottom up. The creator Snufkin led the way and a growing number of modders could copy/paste/edit and create their very own unique entities from the ground up as well based on their own specifications. Here is a link to the Snufkin Zombies PLUS thread which has all of the Zombies and further ones created by modders who were motivated in exactly the same way you are and was updated only this week to include a few more entities. All the best in your journey and I hope you can stick at it and add to the mix.
  19. It can be possible but it's very much trial and error. Sometimes a server side only mod will instantly be accepted to an overhaul and fit in well. Sometimes it will partially take and work but not be fully functional in some regards. Sometimes it will not load at all. Sometimes it will cause untold issues within the server with players receiving errors and locking up. You can find a lot of server side only mods in the Mods area of the forum which is the same area you posted. However, it is possible your post may get moved to another area of the forum which more specifically relates to support. If that's the case, they are listed here. Modders are typically very good at detailing if there mods are server side only or also require client side downloads. Two places which list the mods in a more catergorised approach are 7daystodiemods.com and Nexus. In addition, the more prolific modders on this forum will have their own thread which lists all of their creations, typically including server side mods as well as client side mods. For example, Doughs modlets, and Stalliondens' modlets. This posting lists a lot of Modders' creations in alphabetical order and is also a very good resource for tracking. In summary, with 7 Days to Die being a labor of love over many years, there is a huge amount of server side only content out there but it's rather spread out over multiple portals. It may be best to ask your question directly in the DF thread as well because that is where the experience will be.
  20. Here is another update to the Snufkin Custom Zombies PLUS Mod: Download here: https://github.com/arramus/SnufkinCustomZombiesPLUS-A19-2021May05 It servers two purposes: 1. Offers an alternative to the Geist, in the form of the Geist Archer, for some Server Admin/Hosts who have seen the Geist cause server crashes due to the electical particles. 2. Introduces the Hisser; a translucent snake that is buffed up and will add to the eclectic PLUS mix. The Geist Archer There have been numerous reports from Server Admin/Hosts that when too many Geist entities spawn, a server crash can soon follow. Some servers have reduced the frequency to accommodate but miss the airborne attacks. As an alternative the Geist Archer has been added to the PLUS Mod pack. The Geist Archer is simply a forest version of the Geist that fires 2 flaming arrow projectiles instead of the 3 bolts of plasma. The flaming arrows have naturally received the burning buff and will require a beverage or other water source to extinguish the burn. We hope this alternative provides a similar feel as the Geist but without the server load issues. The Hisser, as with the Golden Juggernaut, came about through discussions with the Tipsy Squatch Gaming Community. They were looking for something that looked similar to the Banshee but had the traits of the Mantis attack, and no screams. Here is the result. The Hisser: - 25% bigger than a regular snake - Has a translucent texture which will make it more challenging to see at any time of the day - Noticably more slithery than a regular snake and will close in on your location quicker and more so when upset - Gives 700 XP - Has 700 HP - Spits venomous acid which can burn and cause a poison effect similar to the Mantis (Half the time and half the intensity to offset the higher spit frequency) - Bites harder than a regular snake and will cause a little block damage I believe the Hisser has even raised up for this attack The Hisser will offer a different level of stealth to your Snufkin PLUS Worlds, and as always, Server Admin can tweak the settings to remove/increase/decrease the likelihood of the Hisser of appearing.
  21. I understand about the concern for sure, as that can be a server breaker and all that work goes down the drain. One good thing about these entity type mods is that they are removed from the World if the mod is removed whereas other assets like vehicles cause big update issues if an ID is still tagged to a player's backpack/toolkit or parking area and it is removed. So far, we haven't seen any issues when introducing new Z's to a World and the Tipsy Gaming Community took the chance to add this update and haven't reported any console errors or conflicts; and it has been about 28 game days since the initial introduction. The same can be said for all previous updates with new additions to the PLUS version. Naturally, there can be no guarantee but after 6 months with multiple new entities added it's good to see no issues with updating so far.
  22. Can you also confirm that you don't have both the a19 25th feb 2021 version and the regular 'Snufkin Custom Vehicles A19 Stable 2020Oct27' also tucked away in your Mods folder as well?
  23. Ah yes, these ones. I wonder if you are using the most up to date versions of the Snufkin Community Pack Server Side Vehicles Mod. In fact, I wonder if you are using the original Snufkin Custom Vehicles Mod with just the original base vehicles. Those two issues are related to Snufkin's original mod which were removed for this community pack version. The first one is caused by an outdated collision asset which the devs have already confirmed they will not touch and it is not something that can be resolved through xml editing for server side only settings. As such, Oakraven made some amendments to stabilise it. The residual message may appear but the vehicle can be placed without issue. The second one relates to the Xui folder which this version does not possess. It has some bearing on the original storage containers which were restored to default values. These were both amended about 4-5 months ago as part of the restoration from A18 to A19.
  24. Here is an update to the Snufkin Custom Zombies PLUS mod. Download: https://github.com/arramus/SnufkinCustomZombiesPLUS-A19-2021May03 @Evilspartan runs a server side only custom mods server Tipsy Zombies | A19 | PvE (link here to the introduction page in the server area) that incorporates a multitude of mods for the Tipsy Squatch Gaming Community and 7D2D players at large. Evilspartan shared the concept of creating a new Juggernaut that had pretty much all of the traits of the regular Juggernaut except for some unique characteristics; namely: - No rocket launcher but a tougher auger attachment (Removed rocket weapon and attachment and increased block damage from 500 to 800) - A glow similar to that of the Elite Mod created by Lo-X (This was not possible as the Juggernaut is created by Archetype and not a default model) - Greater Health (Health has been increased from 12K to 15K) Run speed has also been very slightly increased but will barely be noticeable. Here is the result: The Golden Juggernaut This entity doesn't have any head protection beyond the face 'mask' as there will be dust from the auger but no rocket blast risk. The armor has patches of gold which is probably caused by oxidization but who knows how much real gold dust will be picked up with that auger. The rocket has been removed from the left shoulder but the auger is diamond tipped to 800 block damage (up from 500 for the Juggernaut). The regular Juggernaut spawns at a potential rate of about 1 in 500 during Horde Night. The Golden Juggernaut spawns at a potential rate of about 1 in 750. Both entities can also spawn in the Wasteland at night using Snufkin's Hard Wasteland Night custom group setting. This was a simple test on 2 layers of cobblestone followed by 3 layers of cobblestone. Naturally, this is no match for the Juggernaut, let alone the Golden Juggernaut, but we would like you to find out the potential on concrete and steel for yourselves. ^^ At 17:09 the test began. This 'safe' area is a simple box with 3 layers or 2 layers of cobblestone for Golden Juggernaut to select from. The Golden Juggernaut was just breaking through at 17:29 which based on a 60 minute day cycle is about 50 seconds... At 18:06 the Golden Juggernaut was 'suspended' inside 3 layers of cobblestone block and then reactivated. At 18:44 a fully open pathway was established. Again, this took as little time as it would take to jump on your bicycle to get some distance between you. The Golden Juggernaut will spawn very rarely, and less so than the regular Juggernaut unless server Admin tweak the spawn rates to their own specifications. The Golden Juggernaut will also be easier to keep at bay with constant fire trained on him, which also allows time for reloads as you will not have a torrent of rockets heading your way. But, given the chance, it will eat any base in front of it. Cobblestone is clearly not a viable defense against the Juggernaut unless built very strategically in a Tower Defense format and the above images are simply to show the potential. A lot of servers are running the Steel Polish mod and it is with those in mind that this update can offer greater challenge. As always. Server Admin can tweak the xml to remove or reduce/increase the challenge. Thank you to Evilspartan and the Tipsy Squatch Gaming Community for facing multiple Golden Juggernauts in differing types of structure as this provided great feedback to ensure this release was balanced.
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