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Everything posted by arramus

  1. It really depends on your current level and weapon. Both of these characters, and the other Snufkin Zombies, have pretty high health levels and health regeneration ability. Attacking in their head region as with other zombies is the quickest way to eliminate them. If you have access to debug mode, using 'dm' in the console command area from 'F1', and then 'q' key to go into god mode you will be able to see their health bar to double check that you are at able to cause damage. I can confirm the Geist and Scarecrow can be eliminated in A19.5.
  2. Both CSMM and Botman offer a 'Cloud' type interface which does away with needing to install the database by yourself. It will be able to interact with your server on a server host if set up to allow them access. By providing them a 'permissions token', they can interact with your server through their own database. They both support Linux and Windows game servers although they will have their database on Linux. When you send a command such a teleport, it will be sent to their server and bounce back to yours to move the player to a preset location. Basically it is: 1. Your server sends the action request. 2. The action request arrives at the externally hosted Botman or CSMM server. 3. The action request is registered and initiated on the return command to you server. The small mods that you need to install on your server will be the interface between your server and the CSMM/Botman 'Cloud' command centre. ^^ Both have instructions and introductory guides but CSMM seems to have that one step further. Both CSMM and Botman are very well maintained and updated from my experience.
  3. Yes, Botman offers player movement logging and inventory logging. I believe Admin will follow the footsteps of a selected player for their gaming session in a replay type of action at which point inventory activities can be analysed. Alternatively, and it'll also cost as with Botman, unless you can install the prerequisite database and files, CSSM also offers a player tracking option with inventory checker for deeper analysis, and may bring some relief as the evidence will be what it is. This is more of a map based analysis and the documents present a scenario and detection flow. All the best with this. https://docs.csmm.app/en/csmm/catching-dupers.html Are all of your players setting up their landclaims properly to ensure their property is protected? If server admin set the serverconfig file to '0' in such areas related to protection it will give infinite protection rather than limited.
  4. Very nice updates, and the suspension for the LMTV and Old Semi are very responsive.
  5. I'd recommend updating your version to the Snufkin Zombies PLUS version which I can confirm is working in A19.5. NullReferenceException errors can be widespread and typically relate to something missing or something that shouldn't be there. It has its own dedicated thread and if the issue persists, it seems to be a little more active in there for responsiveness and support.
  6. They will need to download the player (client) files and install them in exactly the same manner as you install on the server. This means they have to add the Darkness Falls files into the equivalent area in their 7D2D game. Alternatively, they can use the Mod Launcher application which can do this for them since Darkness Falls has been integrated. http://7d2dmodlauncher.org/ And when you have played Darkness Falls to as far as you like, there are many other great DLC/Overhaul type mods out there as well such as bdubyah's 'The Wasteland' and Vehicles which can add further custom buildings and vehicles to the World. All the best with DF as it can be quite the challenge.
  7. We are spoiled once again. Checking out the jeep color contrasts in the differing biomes is going to be the first thing I try out. Thank you for the new toys.
  8. It sounds like what you did was exactly what you needed to do. Just for good measure, could you paste what you did and also double check that the server is not showing an error when loading up such as entitygroups.xml did not apply?
  9. Here is the Darkness Falls Mod on Gitlab for the server files. It allows you to see the hierarchy very easily in the way it's presented. https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darknessfallsa19server The hierarchy needs to be matched within the Frag server files. For example: 7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed (Everything in this folder needs to be placed in the equivalent server files on Frag) The same applies for the items within the Data folder. There are two folders of data within there. You can bring the whole Mods folder into the Frag main directory folder or make your own Mods folder and manually add the contents into your Mods folder. The darknessfalls.ico can be added to the main directory. The serverconfig.xml can replace the original unless the original has been set up a specific script format associated with Frag. As long as you back up the original while tested, you can always amend it. And yes, once you join the server, and as long as all players have installed the client files for Darkness Falls, it will automatically start the Darkness Falls mod. Your in game screen will change over to the Darkness Falls screen and that will be a positive sign.
  10. Yes, the Creature Packs are a lot of fun and run very smoothly and I have a particular 'soft spot' for the Behemoth. These will also require clients to download and I don't know if you are running the Snufkin Zombies as a way to keep things server side. If your intention is to remain server side, I can provide a buffs.xml which will remove the majority of attachments for the Snufkin Zombies PLUS pack, which I assume is the version you are using, to see if that increases performance. The Snufkin Zombies will still be recognisable based on how they look and what they do but just lose the attachments that are added to their mesh. For some, it will barely be noticable, while for others like the Scorcher there will be a loss of 'flame thrower turrets' on each shoulder as well as any other attachments. It'll be a possible compromise.
  11. I have come across this on 2 occasions. On one occasion, the server was running two custom zombie server mods and they were not working well together during horde night. Once the smaller mod was integrated into the bigger mod, it improved game play during horde night. On another occasion, the server was just sluggish with more than 6 players. It was possibly linked to a slow HDD. The server host switched to a new host with SSD and horde night sluggishness only started to appears from 16+ players. After 22 players, there is a noticeable delay and things are being pushed too hard.
  12. A little late in responding as I was experiencing the same issue. Attempting to realign everything was not something I wanted to tackle and it was easier to remove it. Commenting out the final entry at the very bottom of the windows.xml allows the box to be removed in its entirety. <!--sprite depth="-10" color="0,0,0,255" pos="500,0" type="sliced" width="800" height="1036" globalopacity="true" globalopacitymod="1.2" /-->
  13. The Snufkin's Community Pack Server Side Vehicles have received no updates since Feb 21, which saw the Shark Blimp attach to the 4x4 to give it more stability.
  14. That sound does indeed come from the Siren and is but one of her very many announcements. Very eerie at night as well. You don't need to install the Party Plus Starter Kit but it's helpful where the server is set up to be a challenge. It's purely a weapon bag with a few useful items that unpack in the player's inventory when they first enter the World. It was aimed at the regular PLUS challenge and contains a minibike to help players escape from the Drones, Shark and other flying entities until they are ready to face them. Players can simply drop it for a greater challenge or take what if offers.
  15. Based on those numbers, it looks like you are using the entitygroup lite version. The <append entry on 319 will look like this <!--append to open the 'comment out' command. And the closing </append> on line 640 will look like this </append-->. You would comment out all of the other ones from the eight groupings that you don't want for now. Best to comment each one out individually if you aren't familiar with doing it for chunks as it you comment out a whole section and it already contains a 'comment out' for a description, it will cause issues. <!--entity name="ZombieArchon" prob="0.05"/--> <!--entity name="zombieBanshee" prob="0.1"/--> and so on.
  16. Here is a download link to an updated and revised version of the Auto Miner and Auto Ammo Maker combined into one mod, but still with the two separate 'automation' units, called AutoBots (full credit to Snufkin who offered one of the most recent builds for the Auto Miner, but also to the modders down the line who have introduced similar features throughout multiple previous Alpha releases). https://github.com/arramus/AutoBots-A19-2021May29 This is a server side only mod and only needs to be placed in the server Mods folder. Players are not required to install it in their Mods folder. Pictures follow the outline and description: The AutoBot Mod is certainly not made to replace existing Auto Production options as some players really appreciate what is already out there because it provides more time to spend on other activities. This AutoBot Mod is simply made to bring Automation up to date and offer a little more balance for players who prefer an experience closer to Vanilla presets. Automated Mining Bot The Automated Mining Bot only went through minimal updates primarily as follows: - Converting 10000 Gas into 1000 shale is no longer possible as this was exploited through a constant Chemistry Table to Auto Miner loop that saw 800 shale to 10000 stacked Gas build up a very tidy resource profit but ended player's mining/wrenching careers. - The Gas icon disappeared from some releases out there due to recipe tagging features. This restores the icon. - The Workstation for the Automated Mining Bot has a different inventory color (gray) and is a different model from the Automated Ammunition Bot to better tell them apart. - Localization has been added. - It takes 10 seconds to 'pick up' the Bot for moving elsewhere. - Hit damage has been increased to 1200 - The Automated Mining Bot unlocks at Advanced Engineering Level 4 - It is compliant with A19 updates - Making the Automated Mining Bot requires a slightly different recipe Automated Ammunition Bot The Automated Ammunition Bot went through some fundamental recipe changes as follows: - It became easy to create HUGE quantities of ammunition by using the exploit in the Auto Miner and rather large quantities without it, to the degree that players were casually sharing 5K+ of AP ammo without putting the slightest dent into their own personal stocks. One player could realistically supply the needs of every player on a populated server. Recipes have changed to bring in a different style of game play for those who prefer more of a challenge and are based on a simple formula: 1. Half of each individual projectile's Gunpowder requirement + / or replaced with 2. Half of each projectile's Secondary/Primary Resource where needed to maintain balance or in place of Gunpowder where Gunpowder was not required + 3. One third of the Coin cost based on the projectile's Player Vending Machine cost. With ammo stacking providing a potential 20% discount on resources, the above formula exceeds that discount to 50% for Gunpowder or Secondary/Primary Resource but also brings in the extra requirement to use coin. This will give coin a greater purpose for latter Game Stage and reduce money hording as well as offer some greater context to the brass requirement of many types of ammo. The formula is not perfect, and may need to be tweaked, but makes this update a Quality of Life feature for those bringing in the coin and resources without it becoming a free hand out. - Icons disappeared from some releases out there due to recipe tagging and format. This restores the icons. - The Workstation for the Automated Ammunition Bot has a different inventory color (green) and is a different model from the Automated Mining Bot to better tell them apart. - Localization has been added. - It takes 10 seconds to 'pick up' the Bot for moving elsewhere. - Hit damage has been increased to 1200 - The Automated Ammunition Bot unlocks at Advanced Engineering Level 4 The Automated Miner with icon color and recipe. The Automated Ammunition Bot with description and a different icon and color. Placement on the Automated Mining Bot on the left and Automated Ammunition Bot on the right. My way of remembering which is which is simply that Data 'Mining' typically requires an keyboard which the Mining Bot has, while those big yellow and red buttons on the Auto Ammunition Bot are clearly the product of Shotgun shell casings. You'll find your way, for sure. As with standard, a full array of mining options minus the shale to stop the dog chasing its own tail which gets longer with each nip. And standard mining speed increases with attached augers that reflect their level. As for the ammo, a Gunpowder and Coin requirement that gives batches of 500 for rounds. 500 for turrets ammo with calculations based on Player Vending Machine and Primary Resource costings. 100 for arrows and bolts. And again, the Primary Resource at the previously mentioned formula. The AutoBot Mod is compatible with existing Auto Miner/Ammo Mods because they have their own names and will not conflict. However, as with introducing any new mods to your server, this will add two new items and due diligence on a test server is prudent.
  17. I believe these are only accessible using Creative Mode. If you aren't familiar with Creative Mode, turn on Cheats in SP and hit the 'u' key in game to bring up the Creative Menu. Type painting in the search field and they will appear. Drag into your inventory and place in a fitting location.
  18. Here is an update, primarily for the Loot Box with associated updates for the Xpansion Weapons for compliance (typos). https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Weapons-Xpansion-A19-2021May25 The Loot Box Add On was a late addition for the Snufkin Weapons, and based on the empty slots awaiting new weapons, a work in progress. It saw some tentative updates to make it a more viable game feature beyond regular custom weapon looting and this update builds on that. New Worlds come and go rather rapidly during the Alpha process and the odds of finding tickets and converting them into higher Tier weapons was a little low for some Server Admin and their communities, even though a lower Tier Snufkin weapon can be very effective. In particular, saving 100's of green tickets, along with lucky finds of other colors, to upgrade to a purple ticket only to be 'stung' with a Tier 1 weapon that wasn't really the one that was wanted got some 'concerned' feedback. As such, many server Admin were tweaking the chances more in the players favor. This update recognises this feedback and this release is the first to see how it balances as described below. The probability to get a Tier 3-6 weapon is more than that of Tier 1-2 so all that hard looting won't go to waste. To offset this gain, Tier 1 was given its own dedicated probability (as it used to be bundled with Tier 2) but at a lower rate than Tier 2. Tier 1-2 should be the exception and not the norm. In addition, finding a purple ticket will now be possible in Buried Treasure chests, Gun Safes, Wall/Desk Safes, and Hardened Metal Chests. Probability will be low (1 in 100-250 depending on the location but this will also be weighted against other items placed in these containers as well as their limits. In addition, there are an extra 8 weapons added to the Loot Box Machine. Two are from the original Snufkin Weapons (Balrog Ix and Polearm) and the remainder are from the Xpansion. The images in the Loot Box Machine are simply in game screenshots but the color coded text keeps classification simple enough. The opening page brings updates to the images based on player feedback. The two additional Snufkin weapons and Xpansion weapons are added to the next page in no particular order. All images have been moved to a different hosting location as the code uses an 'efficiency' template that requires images to be with the same host site. The new images lack Snufkin's artistic flair but are functional and color coded. And new weapons also have their own descriptions, which have also been added to the descriptions in the Weapons Xpansion Mod. In summary, Green Tickets - PP-19 Bizon - Quad Shotgun - Turret Auger - Balrog IX - Dre X3 (5 weapons) Yellow Tickets - Newcomen - Savery - Thor Hammer - Polearm - arramus Fire - Brainsaw (6 weapons) Red Tickets - Crossbow Mag - HyperBlaster - Railgun - Vampire Gauntlets - DCLXVI Zeus - Black Widow (6 weapons) Purple Tickets - Gamma Gun - Kronos XII - Vulcan - Crimson Hunter - oakraven X11 (5 weapons) And filling up an inventory with Green Ticket items based on the new Tier probability settings weighted to higher levels still brings up more than enough lower Tiers, too many in fact based on the probability values... which may infer Vanilla requires a little tweaking as well. Overall, we shall see how this update fares for the extra variety and opportunity.
  19. This mod is installed in exactly the same way as other mods in the Mods folder in the game's main directory. Github has a habit of creating an extra folder surrounding mods and you may need to take the mod folder outside of that extra folder layer before you place it in the Mods folder. You will know which folder is at the correct top hierarchical level because there will be a ModInfo.xml file within it.
  20. Here is another update for all Localization which was long overdue and updates to Thor's Hammer to incorporate the Repulsor Mod and Nerd Tats Buff. In addition, Localization was added for the Loot Box Machine as well as a few typos and corrections to description. https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Weapons-Xpansion-A19-2021May22 Localization simply provides each weapon with a detailed description. This was based on details taken directly from the Loot Box Machine and new additions based on the Snufkin Xpansion Weapons. Localization. Thor's Hammer updates. Primary action with repulsor. Secondary action with repulsor and tats.
  21. This red line of text tells us that a collision mesh that surrounds both vehicles is no longer used for the Unity Game Engine that 7D2D is built on. Unfortunately, this is something already built into both vehicles in the Vanilla game and not something that can be changed unless a deeper level of recoding was introduced should the model allow it. We reported this to the game developers and they have acknowledged it but it is not a priority issue. This is understandable because it is only used as a static lootable/scavengable prop. They were incredibly difficult to place at all but oakraven used a method which attached a different model and allowed them to be placed just like any other vehicle. The same applies for the Army Truck as well. Beyond this one warning when placed, there haven't appeared to be any performance issues related to it.
  22. Here is a small update for the Snufkin Weapons Xpansion Mod. https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Weapons-Xpansion-A19-2021May21 The Wagon Wheel Hat Mod has been reduced to +10/-10% for selling and buying to offset the excessive gain potential when buffs are stacked. In addition, the Black Widow arrows have been localized as it is not always intuitive what they are used for when there are multiple weapon mods running together. +/-10% applied Localization
  23. Correct, and sounds sensible. In some cases and for some items and with some combinations the player gets paid to take things. Changing to 10% sounds like a good update for this mod as well as adding a couple of Localization updates for the Black Widow Ammo which still has its code name displayed. Thank you for testing at 10%.
  24. The good thing with entities is that they are dynamic and do not get attached to anything like a vehicle or weapon and pretty much get deleted if an entity mod is removed. I could continue my own current save after introducing this new version to my World without any compatibility or inventory issues. There is no guarantee with how 7 Days will react but I have tested this on 3 dedicated servers as an upgrade and all were successful.
  25. Here is a small update for the Snufkin Custom Zombies PLUS. https://github.com/arramus/SnufkinCustomZombiesPLUS-A19-2021May20 This update introduces a new Custom Zombie Tipsy Squatch The Tipsy Squatch is a Sasquatch/Bigfoot type entity that roams in all Biomes but has a higher probability to appear in the Forest at night. It holds a Glass in one hand and a Bone Knife in the other hand. The Tipsy Squatch is named after its propensity to collect and consume forest honey 'mead' from fermented pools. This leaves the Tipsy Squatch in a permanent state of mild inebriation. The Tipsy Squatch with his mead glass and bone knife. The Tipsy Squatch melee action is a mix of swings, lunges, and grabs. On contact, the Tipsy Squatch buff will put the Player into a drunken state which will blur vision and potentially increase player physical attributes. This is cumulative with each hit. You'll win some. And lose some. The Tipsy Squatch joins all entity groups at comparable values beyond the Night Forest which is slightly higher probability. Cheers.
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