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Everything posted by arramus

  1. I wonder what day your World is on and if your World has reached maximum entity count which means they won't really spawn so much until slots are opened up by eliminating others in the World.
  2. I think you are onto something there. It is very possible gibbage effects are restricted to just limited models/classes/entity types and reinstating them would require further inclusions. I've never played PvP but the video I've seen shows Sunday family afternoon elimination scenes.
  3. It is linked to the Geist's own personal settings. Here is something you can try. a) Open the items.xml file and search for <item name="ammoProjectileGeist">. b) Change the <property name="DamageEntity" value="15"/> from 15 to a number closer to half. This will be much closer to a close melee attack amount for the Geist which is currently 8. I wonder what entityclass your own zombies are extending from such as <entity_class name="zombiePsycho" extends="Zombie_Template">.
  4. Greetings. This thread is only for the original zombies and not the Plus version for future reference. In response: Passing through things - Correct, the flying zombies are actually attached to vultures and use their collision. It means they can get to a lot more places than they should be able to. Adding collision causes some severe issues for servers and this was the best workaround. It has its issues with passing through too many things sometimes but the modders make the best of the tools they have. Too Common - There is a ‘lite’ version for the Plus mod which can replace the default one. New Worlds can be rough because the regions have not opened and density of zombies is very very high. Once regions have opened it becomes the opposite and they hardly appear. As such, there is a lite and regular version to choose from and you mention it is easy enough to regulate by yourself. Splendid. Gheist - Supposed to be an ephemeral type being and the first sign is usually electric bolts flying near you or hitting you. I’m sure Snufkin will smile at your comment. Removing Zombies - Very possible to do simply by removing them from the entitygroups.xml spawn groups. You shared that you are familiar with editing this area. Editing Zombies - It is always possible for server hosts to modify the Zombies health and XP settings as well. You are familiar with editing spawn rates and seem to understand the xml subtleties. Thank you for constructive feedback and all the best with customizing to your own specifications which is something you can see a lot from many server hosts that have posted in the threads.
  5. I got The Wasteland Mod installed and running, a custom Nitrogen World with The Wasteland POIs, Ztensity's Creature Renaming Modlet so I can learn all of the new character's names, and some decent mod beverages and explosives to help me along my way at such a low level. I have learned to be very very careful around the new custom POIs until I pick up some better weaponry. It runs buttery smooth and it's going to be a real adventure
  6. The Brainsaw has been added to the Xpansion weapons. The download remains as: https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Weapons-Xpansion-A19-2021Jan21 It has been added to the existing Github version since the forum is undergoing a maintenance review at the moment and attaching/direct images have been put on hold.
  7. Snufkin would appreciate that for sure.
  8. Hello, the HyperBlaster uses Energy Cells (Nicad battery icon). I can't upload an image at the moment because the forum seems to have an issue with adding them. Snufkin did match the colour of the weapon and ammo though. Be careful as it's a Screamer magnet and will bring 2 - 3 in rapid succession with a prolonged burst of fire.
  9. Apologies, I was mistaken. Go to this thread and download the Xpansion version. It has all of Snufkin's finest weapons and the Loot Box with some additional extras. I also recommend updating to the Xpansion version as the ammo (including for the railgun) and weapons are easier to locate in the Workbench. This version includes all of Snufkin's greats plus the Xpansion additions. Some of Snufkin's assets needed to be searched in the original version and now they have been added to their appropriate weapons/traps - ammo type areas.
  10. Unfortunately not. This one requires the client to install it as well because of the unique custom models. I like the new scrap tools a lot. I appreciate using duct tape for making them in the first instance and would prefer only needing scrap iron to repair them as duct tape is quite a rarity in the servers I play on. Maybe I'm just being lazy. They really do look the part though and have a nice medieval/cyberpunk feel about them. Roll on the day modded content can be downloaded.
  11. Here's a little something being implemented in the background called the 'Brainsaw'. As of yet, I haven't personally made any weapons for the Xpansion mod but this has been something developing in the background as I learned more about XML modding. It's coming together and beyond a buff effect has everything in place. I wanted to post the concept now as @NerdyHippie has just released a wonderful mod called Nerdy's Happy Little Chainsaw Mod which is all any Evil Dead/LIving Dead/Chainsaw minded fan has ever dreamed of and I wanted to make sure they are compatible. Fortunately, these mods won't conflict because the Brainsaw will be introduced separately as a new item which runs on customised chainsaw code and they can be used interchangeably. Cosmetics - The Brainsaw is tinted red to distinguish it and for more of a Berserk appeal. It also has the baton sparks and 'plasma' rings running along the blade teeth with the main power flux beginning in the engine area. Power- This is a level 6 version with 44 Melee Damage but the base entity damage is 30. Any lower lacked that Xpansion weapon kick and any higher could feel a touch too much when considering its place among other Xpansion weapons. It also has the ability to dismember but at a 50% chance. This was utilised from the Sledgehammer but had the perk dependence removed. Recipe- A simple recipe allows you to make a Level 1 version and you'll find higher levels in Loot as is standard for this mod. Effect - This is the feature that has not been fully implemented yet. My hope is that when you eliminate an entity, your screen will see a subtle red tint and this will fade back to normal when the spree ends. Using trigger="onSelfKilledOther" action="ModifyScreenEffect" is what I'm playing with and @oakraven's support and experience is always gladly welcome. The idea behind this is a Doom Berserk moment coupled with an Ash (Evil Dead) ego/adrenalin moment.
  12. It's a possibility. For previous issues where we've encountered console warnings, it was a case of starting with this mod and adding in others one by one to see when warnings would occur.
  13. Ouch! Sorry to hear that because one of the tests we do is to spawn in a batch of 25 identical zombies to check load. If that's OK, we increase it to 50, 75, 100, and so on. We've had 500+ at one point and seen a huge FPS hit but it didn't cause any NullReference or Interference errors. I wonder if you are using any other mods at the same time or tried to spawn in some non default zombies.
  14. I play in a variety of servers from pure Vanilla, gently/semi modded such as @saminal's own selection as they are within my area and give decent ping, and full on modded/overhaul servers such as @Catman's ZombieShack. The server setup and the communities are certainly what make it. My own server also runs a number of mods that @oakraven has really put some time into along with multiple Quality of Life mods such as increased backpack, forge expansion, stacking, vehicle respawn, and the like. The deco element has really been lacking and I have to go into creative mode to enhance that. And now we have the lights. I just started a new World map using CP47 on 6K NitroGen (CP47 is also good with RWG these days and can remain only server side albeit POIs loading dynamically with distance for clients who haven't installed the POI pack) with all sorts of mods in the mix on the latest 19.4 experimental build to check mod compatibility. I like to build a protected Safehouse with Trader protection boundaries where players can sit out a Blood Moon but still watch the action (as a Blood Moon battle box is often close by). This is the start of a Safehouse using the new deco lighting and some internal features. Just completed filling up a glass jar by right clicking on the faucet. Gotta love the ease of that. Testing the lumens as lights can sometimes be a touch overpowering. Without any headlight, it's comfortable beyond a little glare by the Wireless fuse box. Working wall ovens have been a feature in a number of mods, but with the combination of the working faucet and wireless fuse box, this mod version takes precedence as they are bundled into one. @Ti2xGr typically turns off the need to use any wood at all and it gives that nice gas effect which is a compromise to not having the electric version. With there being a skill requirement to unlock this oven, this additional modification can be justified. And naturally, working lights can be toggled. I wanted to check the lights for performance with a combination of static and dynamic lights as that can really put the load on clients. Here is @oakraven's drone flying around the Safehouse but I am crouching in Stealth mode and giving no reason for attack. 3 external lights plus the Trader Open sign and lighting from inside as well and all feels very comfortable. As it got darker, I turned on FPS to see how my mid range GPU would cope at a pretty standard 1920 x 1080. A simple drone fly past gives 70+ FPS And a more intense addition of a dynamic Turret Auger with light attachment rotating, dynamic fly past of the drone with lighting, outdoor standing lighting, the static Trader and 3 external lights, as well as internal light spilling outside still gives a very comfortable 60+ FPS. This area will not see any battles and viewing battles from the window will only have static light sources. All in all, this is a super addition for a server and doesn't appear to put major load on a client as long as they are not too heavily mixed into areas of intense bursts of action and the rendering demand that will require. Yep, a very decent mod, thank you.
  15. Decent, you found a workaround and shared it. This will now be a further option for other users to explore should it come to that.
  16. These are some really decent additions @saminal because they add real Quality of Life features that were not functional even within creative mode. I know somebody @Ti2xGr who has been very interested in the Trader Open sign for the longest time. The working gas grill is going to really get a really good glaze and colour on the meat as well rather than just a gentle saute. Quality.
  17. Hi Huie, I received some feedback that picking up the Loot Box (as long as you own it) and replacing it again made it work for another player. We just released a new version of the mod that allows you to pick up your Loot Box in your Land Claim Area with a 10 second timer and replace it just like you can with other things you own.
  18. Added a 10 second take delay to allow Land Claim Owners to pick up their Add On Loot Box. This is the same feature seen for the workbench, forge, etc. This has been updated to the latest upload and server hosts just need to replace it with this new build. Alternatively, go into your Loot Box Add On folder and change: <property name="TakeDelay" value="0"/> to <property name="TakeDelay" value="10"/> or another number you prefer in the blocks.xml for the loot book properties.
  19. Unfortunate, and this is reported from time to time. Snufkin designed the Loot Machine to display images hosted on external websites. The exact links can be found within the mod itself. It appears that when a client is not able to call on the images, this error appears. We tested this on the ZombieShack server where 20 players could use the Loot Machine but one player could not. This inferred a client side issue possibly linked to a firewall or not being able to access the images from their location.
  20. Remove all of these as they contain the same assets and will conflict. Go to the first post in this thread and you will find the most up to date version of the weapons/loot box. That is the only one you will need. It contains 2 mods; one for weapons and one for loot box add on.
  21. Good finds. That's correct, some modders have incorporated the same zombies into their mods without changing the assets and they will double up and conflict. I saw one server host add 1 letter to the names of the duplicate sets and slightly add a little customisation which added to the variety. Looks like you're all set and good. I have a dedicated server running next to my gaming rig and they share the same monitor. It's good for testing mods in a live environment. They are both almost 6 years old but I keep the graphics card as up to date as possible on the gaming one. The server was a compact used offering set up about 6 months ago that I got from a used business PC seller. It cost $200 all in and has an i7 4770, a simple SSD, and 16gb RAM. It's the SSD that makes all the difference for this game for sure. It's a chunk to pay up front if the money's not around but the possibility is there.
  22. This sounds very frustrating because it is a game breaker for sure. I wonder if you have any other mods running with the Snufkin Zombies. If you have this running on a server, feel free to send the IP address via private message and I can take a visit.
  23. Added a small update 'lite' version of the entitygroups.xml in the main folder so server hosts can utilise it where appropriate for new Worlds. https://github.com/arramus/SnufkinCustomZombiesPLUS-A19-2021Jan21 In a new World it appears to be common for a higher density of custom zombies to roam in the limited number of open regions, whereas in a developed World the custom zombies are typically more spread out in a lower density. The 'lite' version allows server hosts to begin their World without being overwhelmed and then switch to the regular entitygroups.xml when the World is more established. (Please make a back up if you rename the 'lite' version and replace the default) In addition, this update was tested with the latest 19.4(b3) experimental build and no issues were apparent.
  24. A small update based on a request from @Donmegawatt to counteract the effects of Mantis narcotics through wearing a mod hat. This hat also counteracts the effects of the Banshee scream, Parasite leach, and Archon self buff. Download here: https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Weapons-Xpansion-A19-2021Jan21 Speaker Hat Mod Impervious to Banshee scream Mantis narcotics And Parasite leach. They will most certainly continue to cause damage, just without their special attack. A meeting of heads. In addition, this was also a chance to tweak the loot boxes to reflect the additional hat and ensure everything remained functional in 19.4(b3)
  25. You are missing nothing and I can confirm that the railgun is producible with the suggested parts. I am using the Xpansion pack version which is also listed in this mods section and it is reproducible. This was performed on a dedicated server albeit with CM so I could access the parts.
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