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Everything posted by arramus

  1. Once I installed the Base AOI files, all was fine. This was purely an oversight and user error. This image shows all base vehicles placed in the preinstalled DF Navezgane in an appropriate area in the World. The steps I took to install were (based on only a Vanilla Darkness Falls and Bbub's Vehicles): These were linked from 7daystodiemods (Like them or loathe them, they typically link directly to source and are quick about it) 1. Download Darkness Falls and follow the installation instructions or use the installer app. 2. Download a) Bdubs Vehicles AOI AND b) Darkness Falls Compatability Patch - Both Mods need to be installed. (Ensure you get both as the 'Darkness Falls Compatability' link is only for the patch and does not include the base files. My initial oversight) Upon launching I received 9 yellow warnings as follows: 3x loot, 4x progression and 2x trader. These are all intended warnings and a message above the warnings from Mythix will state that. I could place all base vehicle manually and also checked that all of their storage areas were causing no container errors. This is the most common type of error I have experienced with mods that are utilising identical properties as there can occasionally be conflicts in IDs. Launching Vanilla DF and the vehicles was clean and placing and accessing the vehicles was also problem free from this experience.
  2. Just for double checking, I did a manual install of DF (Gitlab) and the vehicles (Gitlab compatible for DF version) linked from 7daystodiemods. I believe I installed correctly. Copied Vanilla files Added requisite DF files to their appropriate folders. Brought the DF vehicles over to the Mods folder. And launched DF. And won't show a picture of the command line output for fear of causing a seizure. But here is the log showing a few issues with items/loot. It may be my end but I purposely kept DF to vanilla with just the vehicles as the only mod.
  3. This hasn't been an issue for players using the Vanilla version of the game based on feedback, up to now. I wonder if there are any other mods or overhauls running alongside the vehicles. One change we made helped reduce errors a lot for players running other mods because all of the vehicle storage containers went back to default sizes and stopped conflict there.
  4. They will show in 2 places; weapons/ammo tab (rarely) and Secret area tab at the end (more often).
  5. It will work. You can choose weaponsGunT1, weaponsGunT2, or weaponsGunT3 for the Game Stage you prefer. Brainsaw is a new weapon in the mod. It is a chainsaw melee weapon. You can add to the bottom. <item name="Brainsaw" prob="0.8" quality="1,6"/>
  6. @Szynsz Based on this being added inside the Config folder for Snufkin Weapons Xpansion: 1. Add </append> to the end just above the </config> to close the code request. 2. Remove <item name="Green Ticket" count="5,10" prob="0.05"/> / <item name="Yellow Ticket" count="1,5" prob="0.05"/> / <item name="Red Ticket" count="1" prob="0.01"/> because they are handled in the Loot Box Add On or you'll get errors. 3. Increase the probability because this is a bit low as they are competing with some much higher probability items from Tier 1 - 3 and QL5. Even then they will still have a lot of competition. They will mostly appear in the Secret Stash area that is unlocked by skill. I added this to the T1 group and at .8 probability and it still took a long time to show any Snufkin weapon. But the Secret Stash area will appear much more often. And please don't forget the <item name="Brainsaw"> from your list of items for the Trader to display. It was added as an update and it is possible you have an older version.
  7. Excellent, in that case, all I'll share is a NitroGen POI list for just Vanilla POIs and The Wasteland Mod files (with the mechanic trader from bdubyah's vehicles which is easily removed) and the connect configPrefablists that has them added to the custom area of NitroGen interface when choosing which list to build a World from. This took me a good hour and will save your buddy the groundwork. The rest will be second nature if this is their thing. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zkn7rgeo2rb1i90/The_Wasteland_and_Mechanic.zip?dl=0 If you aren't using this vehicles mod, your buddy just needs to delete 'Trader_Mechanic,ANY,2,-4,47,22,49,custom_town_size_25' from the list so the generator doesn't try to look for it. This helps reduce the special POI locations but as with CtnCrunck and Slickster, ensures you'll get the Book HQ added. Your bud will see how it works and customise appropriately for sure.
  8. Ya, I hope we can get you set up with a NitroGen so you don't miss out on these. Those And those. And thems. And of course, that.
  9. Agreed, as long as you have placed the custom Prefabs in the Vanilla game Prefab folder, the RWG will use them as you generate an RWG World. You can also check the prefab list inside the Worlds folder map you make to see exactly what Prefabs were generated (\7 Days To Die\Data\Worlds\'NameOfYourWorld'\Prefabs.xml). As long as you have a Vault 101, some UFOs, and things from the NitroGenPOI_list added into the mod (just for reference and NitroGen is not needed) then you'll know the important ones were there. If you prefer to use a generator that is not NitroGen, it all depends on how they read the Prefabs. If they can natively look in the Vanilla Prefabs folder and use the custom Wasteland POIs that you add, great. If not, they will require that you add them to their Prefab list manually so they know exactly what to use. We were also experimenting with using an interesting feature with NitroGen where you can cluster POIs together to make customised 'towns' or small compounds with just 2 or 3 strictly grouped POIs and can share that file if you want to try NitroGen. I just checked CptKrunck's 4 RWG and it will only have preset POIs selected by CptKrunck without any Wasteland POIs. The Wasteland POIs consist of Vanilla POIs that have been modified in special ways to accommodate custom features or totally unique POIs such as the Vault. It is possibly to manually place them all in CptKrunck's 4k but it is very time consuming considering how many there are and the results are not always great due to terrain corruption. The same applies for Slickster43's Modified RWG. They have both created some beautiful generated and manually placed POIs in their Worlds but will not support Wasteland assets beyond a few free roaming Raiders and Mutants. I would certainly recommend NitroGen in this instance and I can certainly assist you in matching any specifications you prefer for the World.
  10. @BasicallyACat The Raider faction, hmmmmm. I think we can blame their irregular behaviour on their addicition to Nuka and its secret ingredients. I've had some easier moments with the NPC Raiders, particularly lone wanderers and those moments have helped me understand behaviour patterns, but also some very unexpected moments that were quite deadly. I really go for the questing side of 7D2D in Vanilla and the custom POIs have not disappointed at all. In fact, they have been the highlights and I appreciate those Raider encounters a lot. I met my first batch of Raiders from a Tier 2 quest and naturally the intensity increased with the Tier Level. I think as you move into Tier 3 the experience will change. In addition, the environment itself can either bring out the best in the Raider behaviour or cause them to lose the plot. Their pathing and decision making leaves much to be desired but that is intrinsic to the current Alpha build and I can only see improvements from hereon. Its good to see TFP are hiring programmers with specific a AI and pathing background. Raider inhabited quest POIs, will offer a greater challenge and require more planning and caution. Those sole wandering Raiders will seem like it's just one being sent out on an errand to pick up some Nuka beverages. If a POI has 30 Raiders (which can increase/decrease based on the random spawning system) you'll never know for sure exactly where they are or how they'll behave regardless of how conditioned you become to the POI. One Raider that ran around like a headless chicken may soon get it together and suddenly become a crack shot. With Raider volume increase comes more probability that at least a few of them become more 'elite' and a Health Pack supply becomes essential as any memories of easy pickings have to go on hold. It seems that if a Raider cannot path to your location it can get a little confused which shares some traits with the Zs who will ultimately claw at a wall. Without adding too many spoilers, some of my favourite Raider confrontations have occurred in confined quest houses and more open but restricted areas such as the Prison. The Raiders are pretty sharp on their toes and if we miss a room or a dark corner where they are resting, it's not long until there's a rear attack which really throws off aim if you're tackling something in front. As for the prison, you can encounter both distance firing and close encounters in quick succession. Another decent feature is that as your level increases, the gunfire will also attract higher level Zs into the POIs. The Raiders will also attack the Zs and of course the Zs will attack you so it becomes a free for all. Throw a screamer into the mix and bedlam can ensue. A couple of radiated Zs clawing at you when you're trying to concentrate elsewhere makes all the difference a can tip any balance. The Raiders can act as potty as they are potty mouthed and there can be some 'meh' moments, but when they get it together it gets intense. Some things to beef it up a little: - Install the WalkerSim Mod (I believe this is the correct one that bdubyah installed and can really change the dynamics). It's customisable, but the Zs can become hyper sensitive to gunfire and I got sandwiched halfway down a ladder heading to a Bombshelter quest POI with Raiders below, Wandering WalkerSim Zombies above wanting to get in on the action, followed by some Screamers due to my heavy use of ammo. It didn't end well, and with backpack set to stay where I fell, it took a few attempts to retrieve everything. - Check the names of the Prefabs in the Wasteland Mod package and focus more on those for Quest selection. The loot is decent too ^^. And when you want a little change, look out for some of the 'Remnant' Quests (business and wasteland) where the mutants are waiting. I'm sure you've noticed the Mutants have both brawn and brain and having a squad of those intent on your destruction around a small quest POI, where you don't want to leave the quest zone, is heavy regardless of what weapons you are packing. A few tweaks here and there, with a few more conscious choices of where to go as you become familiar with the abundance of custom POIs, and I think the experience will become a lot more rewarding.
  11. Just for the fun of it, try changing setattribute xpath to just set xpath. I have very limited experience and may have misunderstood, but recall this reduced prompt is appropriate for amending existing properties instead of giving something it never had. I'm sure the regulars will wake up soon enough or take a break from their own bits to check in.
  12. Here is a small update to the Snufkin Weapons Xpansion Mod for A19. https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Weapons-Xpansion-A19-2021April23 @OwlWolfe received feedback from players within his community that the Savery (an existing weapon from Snufkin's original weapon mod) was lacking stopping power. This issue had been reported in the past and a revisit to the Savery was certainly long overdue. @shae122 had been experimenting with adding tags to weapons and suggested giving the Savery a 'revolver' tag which also reflects how the Savery is constructed as well as the ammo type. This suggestion worked very well and we appreciate the testing groundwork. The following changes updated the Savery from a rather blunt tool to a weapon with real stopping power. 1. Addition of 'revolver' tag. 2. Changing entity damage "base_add" value="10" to "base_add" value="6" (because adding the revolver tag made a fundamental change to entity HP loss per hit and needed bringing down a little). This update gives the Savery a +20% HP hit over the Sniper Rifle at their reflected Weapon Tier Levels. The Savery and the Sniper Rifle share a similar magazine size and sniper benefits from greater scope and range features. Snufkin clearly balanced all of the the weapons for A18 but with updates to A19 came unexpected changes. We shall see how this changes the dynamics from hereon and will listen out for community feedback in case a further revisit is required.
  13. Here's the Savery with the 'revolver' tag. A level 1 savery with 82 damage. A body shot provides 123 damage. And a second body shot is a further consistent 123 damage. A level 6 savery with 120 damage. A body shot provides 175 damage. And a second body shot is showing 143 damage but Zombie Yo had self healed (quite rapidly) and the consistency remains. Changing the current default of <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_add" value="10"/> to <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_add" value="6"/> brings the Level 6 Savery from 120 to 114 and Level 1 from 82 to 78. A level 6 sniper rifle offers 94, and level 1 64; about a 20% reduction on the damage compared to a 'special' weapon that holds a similar amount of rounds. The damage suggested and the damage they actually do is not accurate but this is the same for stock weapons as well with the level 1 sniper at 64 actually doing 96 damage to an entity. Snufkin Weapons are quite rare and can be as rare as the Server Admin wants them to be simply by changing the lootbox probabilities. Adding the 'revolver' tag suggested by @shae122 and dropping the base_add value from 10 to 6 keeps it similar to a sniper rifle for capacity but about 20% up in damage which will help with those more HP boosted Snufkin Zombies that often get added to the same server loadouts. I was a level 4 player at this stage with no skill on anything and no mods in any of the weapons. @OwlWolfe Can you see if adding the 'revolver' tag and decreasing from 10 to 6 allows your players to feel the Savery has got its bit back but keeps it within the realms of balance? I am good to test on your server with your regulars for a couple of hours as well if you want to share your server details.
  14. Thank you @shae122. I just cross checked another mod setting for 'The Wasteland' for the Lever Action Rifle which is very similar in build and your solution shares the same parameter with the 'revolver' tag. Thanks for working on the tags and finding the exact tag we all need. I'm going to test the Savery a little with this tag and see how it fares with the current settings to make sure it won't be too overpowered since it can fire 12 rounds in very rapid succession. It's possible things changed a little from A18 to A19 as Snufkin would have checked the Savery beforehand in A18 to make sure it had the power expected of a 'low' tier 'special' weapon and this could have been part of it.
  15. Very early into a World and spotted the first UFO. It had already been raided but another one a bit further down the beaten track still held its bounty. Luckily the UFOs were not populated as my pipe gun is a very decent low level find against the Zs but the raiders and mutants will not even flinch. It's only a level 1 Alien Blaster but they are still powerful at any level and 104 ammo is a decent stash. This will help a lot as Quests start to include mutants and raiders. A greater challenge but also decent rewards.
  16. I had a tester of 3 Worlds at 8K. The eclectic transitions between biomes was superb and a World will never get dull. This is a very decent plus. The terrain is also very smooth and offers a pretty gentle meander. The option to add a little bit more noise would be nice. I also wonder if it would be possible to reduce the impact of roads creating raised banks. Some of them are pretty long and requires driving to a flatter area to get onto a road. It's early days, and I won't even ask if we can tag selective POIs into selective groups or assign set limits for specific POIs. Maybe in the future. All in all, another treasure for the community in the making.
  17. Greetings to all 7D2D players, server admin, and modders. This Wasteland Mod Server List thread is to publicise servers running the recently released mod 'The Wasteland' by @bdubyah. Full details about this mod can be found here. It is much more than a modlet but cannot be classed as an overhaul because it still retains all Vanilla game traits. It would be fair to describe 'The Wasteland' as a DLC expansion. Once installed, you will be able to join regular servers and 'The Wasteland' modded servers without needing to restart your game. The most recent release has been updated to reflect community feedback based on some pretty intensive game testing performed after the initial tentative release. Thank you to all forum and Discord members for quality feedback and technical support which bdubyah has carefully incorporated. As such, this latest build offers a very stable and refined experience. This mod requires players to manually download it (client side download as opposed to server side only) as it can't be fetched directly from the server due to custom content. It is added inside the player's local 7D2D files in a 'Mods' folder (which needs to be added by players manually unless it's built into a Mod Launcher Application) in a location similar to this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods Servers running 'The Wasteland' may also be running other custom content which the server hosts will need to publicise so players can also download them as well. Here are 2 servers currently running 'The Wasteland' mod as well as the popular 'bdubyah's Vehicles' (a collection of vehicles that add quality of life to a server setup). SERVER 1 - US Bdub's Wasteland Server (Connect to IP...) 8k RWG World 75 minute days 100% XP 100% Loot The Wasteland Mod Bdub's Vehicles AIO Additional Quality of Life Server Side Only Mods SERVER 2 - ASIA PACIFIC Wasteland Mod / Bdub's Vehicles AIO - 6K World (Dynamic IP and changeable but on a non shared dedicated server) 6K NitroGen World 66 minute days 200% XP 200% Loot The Wasteland Mod Bdub's Vehicles AIO Additional Quality of Life Server Side Only Mods Mods running on both of these servers can be downloaded as follows: The Wasteland The Wasteland can be downloaded from: GitLab - https://gitlab.com/bdubyah/Mods---A19/-/tree/master/The Wasteland Nexus Mods - https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/1043 Bdubyah's Vehicles bdubyah's vehicles can be downloaded from: GitLab - https://gitlab.com/bdubyah/Mods---A19/-/tree/master/Bdubs Vehicles Nexus Mods - https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/342 (Details about this mod can be found here) If you are running 'The Wasteland' mod, and would like some potential visitors, feel free to share your server details and specifications for this list.
  18. Thank you @xyth. Just in time for the latest public release which is spot on timing.
  19. I've just spent a decent amount of time trying to recreate issues with the Katana and what I could see so far is as follows: 1. When attempting to join a server with the Katana already selected as the load out weapon, it disappears almost instantly. This has happened on every occasion so far when testing this. 2. When using the Katana in 3rd person and freecam mode it can bug out if you revert back to 1st person while still in freecam mode. In regular game play on a server I specifically selected as it can possibly offer some netcode challenge due to 150 ping, I slashed 600+ times in a mixture of regular and power slash to eliminate 400 entities. I didn't witness any issues at this time but will make an effort to use the Katana more in the next few sessions. Hit registry has actually been very good and it feels very balanced overall.
  20. Yes, I've heard similar but left it as it was to retain its original settings. However, it is a glorious weapon and well worth a revisit. I've been using a lever action rifle version using Magnum ammo in The Wasteland Mod which has been a most worthy weapon and shares many common features with the Savery. There's no reason this Xpansion Mod version can't be tweaked. I'm not sure how Snufkin calibrated the damage for this weapon because it is practically identical to other weapons and default values are abundant and very similar. The magnum does a lot more damage with very little difference and it may be tied to magazine capacity as well. Anyways, I tried a level 6 with a magazine capacity of 12. One of the default values is: <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_add" value="10"/> which gave about 20-25 damage per hit with 200% + for headshots depending on Skill. I changed it to: <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_add" value="25"/> which gave about 50-60 damage per hit and a headshot could eliminate lower level entities instantly and will further increase in damage with dismember potential as skills improves. 25 felt reasonably balanced with no skill because players do have 12 rounds to fire in very rapid succession. I hope your players can try 25 to start with and see how it goes with skill points added to its branch and then we can tweak up or down if needed. Once that sweetspot is found, we can set it as the default value for the Xpansion version of the Savery to give it that punch players feel it lacks and bring it back into the game.
  21. Yes, nice work around. Other server tweaks have seen them added to low tier, mid tier, and boss tier loot bags as per preference, and possibly increasing weapon find probability in the reinforced trunks. Snufkin set them up when those reinforced trunks were a little rarer back in A18 but A19 new POIs made sure they are much more of a common feature and that shows with these custom weapons.
  22. Can I confirm it's the SMX UI and possibly others by Sirillion? If so, it may well be worth asking Sirillion directly if they wouldn't mind taking a look at the lootbox mod itself and possibly customising it to fit into SMX rather than the other way around. It may well be less coding to implement things that way. Snufkin has been very open to other modders supporting his work and actively encouraged modders to utilise his assets which has been done for expanded version of his mods.
  23. It should not spawn at all with 0. I tend to use a comment out command so that it is totally disregarded and removes any load from the server with similar action for the horde settings. <!--entity name="SharkWFLB" prob="0.2"/-->
  24. Still working just great, and really seeing the benefit in bdubyah's 'The Wasteland' where tackling custom questable POIs with some heavy custom characters gives this extra skill expanded context.
  25. Unedited with fast playback where appropriate showed many things which can often get missed in edited form and gave the whole story. Liked it.
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