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Posts posted by arramus

  1. 9 minutes ago, bowiesenpai said:

    I do have the folder in there. The owner of the server had it there before so I just assumed it needed to go in the same place. 


    To successfully launch the Snufkins, the installation looks like this for the current release:


    Mods folder with SnufkinCustomZombiesPLUS_A20_2022Aug16 folder inside.



    Inside SnufkinCustomZombiesPLUS_A20_2022Aug16 folder.

    Notice the ModInfo file that the game will be looking for as it attempts to load the mods.




  2. 7 hours ago, bowiesenpai said:

    Renaming the file seemed to do the trick. Do I need to do anything else after restarting the server to have the new zombies start spawning?


    Spawning will be instant and noticeable using the default entitygroups.xml.


    Can you confirm that you do not have a folder called 'Snufkin-Custom-Zombies-Plus-A20-2022August16-main' in your server Mods folder?

  3. 29 minutes ago, bowiesenpai said:

    I am updating my server right now to the most current release of the Snufkins mod and I am encountering this error while uploading. 


    FTP server returned invalid response 'The system cannot find the file specified.'.
    Copying files to remote side failed.
    entitygroups_lite_no_horde_night_version (rename to entitygroups and place in Config to reduce spawning).xml: Could not find a part of the path '/ Admin Spawning Options/entitygroups_lite_no_horde_night_version (rename to entitygroups and place in Config to reduce spawning).xml'.


    I have checked the Entitygroups config file and cant find reference to this line item. Maybe I am just being an idiot and am missing something simple.  I would appreciate any insight you can provide on how to resolve this issue.


    This is a file in the 'Server Admin Spawning Options' folder that server admin can switchout with the default entitygroups.xml if they want a different style of gameplay. It is possible the name is simply too long depending on the server directories. If you rename it from:


    entitygroups_lite_no_horde_night_version (rename to entitygroups and place in Config to reduce spawning).xml






    it may allow it to upload. Saying that, the whole Server Admin Spawning Options folder can be deleted and disregarded if your server is running the regular default version.

    Ooh one more thing.




    This looks like a double nested file. The server only needs this folder as the top folder:

    SnufkinCustomZombiesPLUS_A20_2022August16 (there has to be a ModInfo file inside the top folder layer or the mod won't load).


    The zipped version was added based on a server admin who was having this trouble as Github creates a holding folder when it's download.

  4. Pushed the above POI and a new World to the Github and Dev build. The tiles in each town was increased for A20.6 and this adds another Tier 2 Quest to the collection.


    Apart from a second level to the building in the distance and a few cosmetic additions, it's good to go.

    There are a variety of water sources in the cracks and also a well in there somewhere since the Fungus entities are going to be there to ignite pretty much everything.




  5. Pushed updates to the Github Development Build and Moddb Stable Build as follows:


    1. Score required an update to reflect periodic patching and features.

    2. The Worlds prior to A20.6 have been deleted and replaced with NMM7K01. This is because the RWG algorithm changed. It can be downloaded here.


    The layout appears as the download image so beware of that Spoiler if you prefer not to know what to expect.

    3. NMM has been hooked up to the 'tiny' World RWG feature that allows 4K Worlds.

    4. Numerous POIs have been given a Well or Water Source to provide access to water while on a Quest. Using the default NMM build will certainly require putting out fires.

    5. Two new POIs have been added to the collection. A T4 from Wild Pig that is in the tiling system and wilderness. The last few updates have gradually increased T4 questing opportunities.

    6. The Masai Rifle now holds 4 shots for one 'magazine'. This is to balance with the increase in 'Boss' type entities that will appear in the Biomes and Horde Night.


    Oakraven Trading is like a tinderbox and has a Well in the garden for those special moments.


  6. NMM Development Build received two new POIs as follows:


    Wild Pig Castle by WildPig. ^^

    This is a Tier 4 Castle both in the tiling system and Wilderness to provide expansion on T4 Questing opportunities. This brings T4 into a good state with a decent variety to choose from. This is a Wilderness version and hooked up to the gravel pathways.



    Domo Medieval by PapyKeros. This is PapyKeros' second POI being used in NMM and it looks and plays well for a T1 offering.



    Even though it is pretty well protected against fire, the garden has a well for an easy to reach water source just in case the wooden roof catches alight.



    The Worlds have been added to the Archives for now because A20.6 changed the algorithm for Seeds and they are no longer compatible with the custom Biome.

    For now, please remove your Vanilla POIs and use your own RWG versions. The new 4K size has also been added to the RWG for NMM just in case that appeals.

    We'll add a new World soon enough.

  7. 1 hour ago, 7daystofly said:

    Does this still work?  I was going to add the other day until I found it saying client download required and with us also being only server sided we can’t use the client version 

    Ooo, this version goes way back to the end of A18 or close to that. I really haven't tested it since this version was added as an attachment and am surprised you found it. This was when we could add attachments directly into the forum. It's well worth testing and is server side only so clients don't need it as it contains no custom content.

    10 minutes ago, RAGE PVE said:

    Some of the weapons still don't accept scopes correctly, like Savery for example, the models don't sit on the weapon, if you add a rod dot for example that wont take but if you add a scope you model is missing.  Were just at the point of looking to introduce but thought I'd mentioned before we go fixing them all up in case it would something you would be reviewing at some point.

    Feel free to fix them up through their item modifiers, prefab attachments, or any other means. All the best with it as it can get tricky.

  8. I've always like Skyscraper 2 over the Alphas but A20 seemed to push things a bit too hard. Just looking up at the building before even entering was causing render issues, and then once the zombies are active........ Sure, I can change graphics settings every time I go into the city for looting or questing, but what a way to have to play.


    From low 50s



    To 75 max. Can't complain about that. Not like I'm going to strip the building of window frames on Bulletproof glass.




  9. 48 minutes ago, BourbonBeefcake said:

    Ok found the following while my server is booting up 

    snufkin prob.png

    I tested the Snufkin Weapons Xpansion for the perkTurrets weapon, the Turret Auger.

    I also tested the Brainsaw which is governed by perkMiner69r.







    I didn't receive any warnings when loading and the since that progression.xml file loaded, these weapons were craftable.


    I recommend starting with the Snufkin Weapons Mod and see if it fails to load. If it is successful, keep adding mods until the error happens and that may be a mod conflict.


  10. 1 hour ago, raymondbarberjr said:

    I have several of our players having issues with the Hellbeast Quest.  We are running 20.6 and the issues are the player kills the demon but gets no credit or when they open the red bag there is no paper to progress the quest.  Is this a mod issue or a 20.6 issue?

    It's been a while since I did this particular quest and just tested it again.


    After the player kills the demon, they should receive a 'note' called the +Elite Writ of Spirit of Vengeance.
    Ensure the player who started the quest makes the last hit to cause the kill just to ensure there are no 'Party' issues if they are in a group.


    Once they 'open' this 'note' it activates and they can visit a trader for their rewards, one of which is the Hell Beast.






    In the buffs.xml for the Spirit of Vegence Mod, change onSelfRangedBurstShot to onSelfRangedBurstShotEnd for 20.6.

  11. A small update to the Modpack.


    Clear Bulletproof Glass. This addition allows players to craft clear bulletproof glass in the forge just as we can with regular bulletproof glass.

    It provides a better view of the garden area to make sure we can keep an eye on the expanded Wandering Hordes.



    As with all types of glass, if you want a smooth join, they must all be placed when you are facing the same direction and with no block rotation.

    Otherwise, it will show the joins.



  12. 5 minutes ago, Janarah said:

    Man that's a real shame. I'm checking some other sources, like a radio mod which seems to do basically the same thing, by Xynth I think.

    Ah yes, Xyth's mods bring quality of life in many ways, and the NPC Mod has certainly done that for NPC Mod game play and the overhauls like Wasteland and NMM, which wouldn't have been what they are for A20 without it.

  13. Here is a small and basic Quality of Life mod that simply allows 'Clear Bulletproof Glass' to be crafted in the Forge in the same way as regular Bulletproof Glass is crafted.
    It has appeared from time to time over the Alphas in different guises, and this particular one was submitted to the 'White River - Tools of Citizenship Quest' for A19 but is also quite useful by itself. It will also be bundled in the Oakraven Forest Modpack to allow players to check up on their gardens more easily but here is the standalone version as well. It is 'Server Side Only' and the client does not need to install it.




    It is exactly the same as regular 'Bulletproof Glass' but with two small changes:


    1. It is clear. ^^

    2. It can be repaired with broken glass instead of a whole new block.


    While it should be self explanatory and intuitive for players who make regular Bulletproof Glass, here are a few pictures.


    Craft in the forge with the same requirements as Bulletproof Glass.



    When crafted, select the type of glass using the variable helper block.



    Place as a usual block.



    Enjoy the clear view.



    Repair as and when needed.


  14. 9 hours ago, Janarah said:

    Does this still work snufkin? I want to use it in an overhaul me and a friend are trying to mash up together, of course with our own musical play lists. 
    And of course there is a lock for permission on the download.


    7 hours ago, Colin248 said:

    oh hell didnt know this was a thing! sheeet, does it work in multi? id imagine everyone needs the same songs in order to hear the same tracks, or is it based on the host? (somehow) 

    The last time I downloaded the Jukebox was about 8 months ago when A20 arrived. The Jukebox was no longer compatible with A20 updates and it seemed some fundamental xml code was no longer permitted/functional. It was clearly in need of an update. At some point since then, the Google Drive has locked downloads. This includes Snufkin's other downloads as well for the Battle Royale, original Snufkin Zombies, etc. Snufkin last shared a custom paintings mod about 18 months ago and that was about the last time we saw any activity.

  15. 1 hour ago, Kalnazzar said:

    Got a question I love this MOD is there a way to get the crafting stations to work with SMX? I use this MOD for my UI. But none of your crafting stations work with it. Also the copper oven I think is what it's called has no picture. 

    Maybe best to download the most recent version of this Modpack as the most recent version had some icons renamed to match the type of alphabet used by TFP. It seems some PCs could accept non regular text but some cannot. Renaming to the default alphabet should solve any icon issues.

    Naturally, this is best done on a new World though as there is always risk when a mod changes something on an existing World.


    It is possible the crafting stations are not working because SMX is loading after the Modpack and the game is using the SMX crafting code.

    The Modpack crafting tables are added to 1-OakModpack. Try renaming SMX to 0-SMX. This will allow SMX to load up first followed by 1-OakModpack. This may allow the Modpack crafting stations to become functional again.

  16. 5 hours ago, BourbonBeefcake said:

    Awesome, updated and downloaded Snuff's zombies and weapons from your github, latest versions. Also you had a20 vehicles, I added that also. 
    One question please, I am getting what seems to be an Xui error when selecting an item in the crafting menu. Attached image below.

    Can you help me with this please? :) 


    It's difficult to understand the reason for some console errors unless we can see the original warning error that usually comes before this type of error goes into a cycle. For that reason, it is helpful to look in the log for a more specific error that links to a specific file.

    Adding in new mods to an existing World that already has other mods has been known to upset existing items/blocks that exist in the World. It is possible to give more help with the log details or more understanding of what has been happening in the World, beyond the attached image.


  17. 18 minutes ago, BourbonBeefcake said:


    Thank you so much!

    Do I have to change this in the mod files or the game files? 

    Choice 1. Update your version of 7D2D to the latest Stable version. There will be no requirement to change the mod files.

    Choice 2. Keep your current version of 7D2D and downgrade the Snufkin mod to an earlier build.


    Choice 3. Keep your current version of 7D2D and Snufkin mod but change anywhere that has onSelfRangedBurstShot to onSelfRangedBurstShotEnd.

    This is changed in the Configs / buffs.xml file.

  18. 9 minutes ago, BourbonBeefcake said:

    Hi there!

    Seems like I am getting an exception upon Initializing Configs when logging in. 

    Seems to be on event of onSelfRangedBurstShotEnd.

    Has anyone else experienced this? I have ITAV mod installed but shouldn't conflict with this mod. 

    Thank you in advance!

    The current version is compatible with A20.6(b9), the most recent Stable release.


    If your version of 7D2D for A20 is before A20.6(b8), this version is not compatible.


    From the experimental A20.6(b8) 'onSelfRangedBurstShot' was upgraded to either onSelfRangedBurstShotStart or onSelfRangedBurstShotEnd.

    If your version is before that, it is necessary to change any instances of these back to onSelfRangedBurstShot.

  19. Notepad++ is a very useful editor for xml files.



    buffNarcoticsMantis Lines 131-136

    				<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="1" effect_name="Distortion"/>
    				<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="1" fade="4" effect_name="VibrantDeSat"/>
    				<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="0" fade="4"  effect_name="VibrantDeSat"/>
    				<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="0" fade="4"  effect_name="Distortion"/>


    buffBanshee Line 287-301

                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="2" fade="1" effect_name="Blur"/>
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity=".5" fade="1" effect_name="Radiation" />
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="1" effect_name="Drunk" fade="1"/>
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="0" fade="1" effect_name="Blur"/>
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="0" fade="1" effect_name="Radiation" />
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="0" effect_name="Drunk" fade="1"/>
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="0" fade="1" effect_name="Blur"/>
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="0" fade="1" effect_name="Radiation" />
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="ModifyScreenEffect" intensity="0" effect_name="Drunk" fade="1"/>
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="PlaySound" sound="bansheebuff0" play_in_head="true">
                        <requirement name="EntityTagCompare" tags="player"/>
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="PlaySound" sound="bansheebuff1" play_in_head="true">
                        <requirement name="EntityTagCompare" tags="player"/>
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