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Posts posted by arramus

  1. 3 hours ago, arvay5 said:

    Is this the mod that adds the green fire effect to radiated zombies? Because my god, it absolutely destroys my fps when there's more than like one or two on my screen. If it is, can you please remove the radiated fire or at least tell me how to. Thank you

    This mod and one character in the Snufkins uses this green particle effect. However, it's used in moderation and there shouldn't be more than one or two appearing at a time.

    If you're seeing a lot, then it sounds like the Elite Zombies Mod https://7daystodiemods.com/elitezombies/ which specialises in them and has its own Discord channel. Search for 'RadiatedParticlesOnMesh' in the entityclasses.xml and remove/comment out the whole related line.

  2. 37 minutes ago, KronGaming said:


    Yes, vanilla setup works just fine (I should have mentioned that already, my bad!).  I also wiped all saves to test vanilla, then wiped all saves to test just the NPCMod, and then just SCore.


    I've noticed, and that's a bit strange, since I'm pretty sure a large portion of hosted servers are all Linux-based.  Or maybe they no longer are (I haven't gotten a hosted server for... too many years, because I just ended up building my own).

    Thanks for confirming, as it makes pinpointing it down to when you have Score installed as the common/only feature.
    I saw your post has already been passed onto the Score creator and it was acknowledged the new fire feature may need a revisit with Linux builds in mind.
    And yes, there are plenty of commercially hosted Linux servers out there so it may be that your message was the first to arrive unless slightly different Linux builds are responding differently.

  3. First warning:
    Caught fatal signal - signo:11 code:2 errno:0 addr:0x7f2a9551cc5e

    Current warning:
    Caught fatal signal - signo:11 code:1 errno:0 addr:0x4f5c2529
    Obtained 4 stack frames.
    #0 0x007fb33f907520 in __sigaction
    #1 0x0000004f5c2529 in (Unknown)
    #2 0x007fb268036dc4 in (wrapper dynamic-method) EntityAlive:DMD<EntityAlive::updateCurrentBlockPosAndValue> (EntityAlive)

    #3 0x007fb337f4580b in (wrapper dynamic-method) EntityAlive:DMD<EntityAlive::OnUpdateLive> (EntityAlive)

    The general consensus on this type of error relates to stack overflows, coding issues, or irregularities in setup.

    Can you confirm that players can join with nothing in the Mods folder at all, just to rule out any typos/mismatches/routing issues related to the serverconfig/set up?

  4. 4 hours ago, KronGaming said:

    I get a server crash every time I enter my linux dedicated server running this mod;  I was originally setting it up to run The Wasteland mod, but I've narrowed it down to SCore/NPCMod that seems to be the issue.


    Error log: https://pastebin.com/8Q9GA8HE



    Caught fatal signal - signo:11 code:2 errno:0 addr:0x7f2a9551cc5e


    It's been a couple of years since I ran 7D2D using Linux, and Linux specific posts are very rare if at all.

    It appears this type of error can range from hardware conflicts, to data overflow going out of bounds, to something in the code which other OSs may allow through but Linux does not.


    Can you try just Score on its own, without 0-XNPCCore, just to further reduce pinpointing?

  5. 13 minutes ago, RAGE PVE said:

    I have been using the 50% enzombie BM file so have now switched to the 10%.  On the previous file it actually spawned 75% EnZombies and players at BM find this too easy so will checkout how the new ratio fares.

    If you couldn't make some further additions I could look at requests, but I wouldn't know how to add custom zombies into your pack. 

    I quite liked that glowing red buff you made for the Derby, applying that and making 'RAGE Archon, RAGE Demolition, RAGE Hellflyer' would be fun!

    Yes. And that is something the Die Hard community, mentioned above, added to their server. They took a Snufkin zombie from the code, pasted it below with DH added at the end, and increased its HP, XP, and damage by about +20%. And with that Juggernaut, gave it the Archon flying feature. It suits their community player base as they set up a group BM base for parties with a teleport function.

    Once hooked up to the spawn lists, they soon become a regular feature.

  6. 1 hour ago, Ru Melin said:

    Ahh... it was Invalid layer index "1

    This appears with the mushroom and plants spawning for Hydroponic Mod, and bee log spawning for Bee Hives.


    Here is what happens:


    1. A snake spawns.

    2. The snake dies.

    3. The dead snake turns into a Bee Log or Mushroom/Fire Fly, or vegetable for harvesting.


    The snake can spawn anywhere. However it cannot change into a new thing on concrete, gravel, or other non 'soft ground' type locations.

    It is possible this warning appears when the item is trying to be placed on the wrong area.


    It doesn't need a warning because it is intended. However, the Unity game engine likes to give a warning about these things.

    We also see it for normal game things for animals and other blocks.


    I shall see if we can block these warnings from appearing because it is an intended safety check. We don't want plants growing in the middle of a road.

  7. It should be OK. There are a few kinds of warnings we can often ignore.



    Invalid Layer Index '1'

    or an animal is missing something.

    or a particle is repeating.

    or a 'cnt' or block has a problem with a surface.

  8. 37 minutes ago, Galaktus said:

    if I wanted fewer Friendly NPC's that I would edit the entitygroups.xml in NPCCore/Packs

    Based on where the Friendly NPCs have been added to, typically the same groups as regular zombies, the orthodox method used by TFP to balanced spawning rate is shared as the most appropriate suggestion.


    Simply reduce the prob value of each entity.


    For example, the SoldierPack. There are two kinds of 'NPC'; a hireable version such as npcSoldier4TRifle with a probability of 0.1, and a non hireable survivor version such as survivorSoldier4TRifle also at 0.1. Drop these values to 0.065. This will be higher than the Baker and other NPCs bundled into the NPCMod but decrease their chance of appearing related to other entities they are competing with.


    The default entitygroups.xml values do not use maxcount value. Based on using a custom spawning.xml group, the connected entitygroups.xml spawning appears to be considered based on a distance of about 40 blocks or so. And the maxcount is governed by the overall World spawning such as the one set by Server Admin: <property name="MaxSpawnedZombies" value="64" />.


    For example, zombie/NPC spawning in the Forest Biome in the day time is governed by an entity group called ZombiesAll.


    In the default entitygroups.xml, Zombie Boe has no probability added, and for the sake of calculating appearance, we can consider that to be a 100% chance. We have been informed the calculation is based on the combination of all entities added to the list, but sometimes real game play does not totally match due to double spawning or other inconsistencies. But using that base value helps to consider proportional appearances.

    Against Zombie Boe, <entity name="npcBakerEmptyHand" prob="0.05" /> at 0.05 will only have a 5% / 1 in 20 chance of spawning in relation to Zombie Boe. In practice, we do not see a great deal of this Baker entity these days. As there are a few types of the Baker, it can give the appearance he appears more than the 5% based as he is in the list a lot more under his various roles.


    For the friendly NPCs, such as the soldiers, since there are so many types of them and since they double with a Hireable kind and a non hireable Survivor kind, their chance to appear is much more noticeable. See how that 0.065 impacts the Biomes. And if you only wanted the hireable kind, reduce the Survivor kind to only 0.05 or less, or even remove them from the list so they no longer appear.

    And yes, the NPCs can gradually wipe out the zombies in their spawn region which further gives the impression there are more. The moment one of those zombies is replaced by the next NPC, their strength can double. Balancing the NPC spawns can be tricky depending on how many packs are added and what their individual prob chance is. It's very delicate out there but going low (0.065) to start seems prudent.

  9. Added an update to the Modpack based on request.


    1. Wandering Hordes

    The Undead Skeleton type zombies have been added to Wandering Hordes for their grunt, feral, and radiated type.


    In addition JaxTeller718's Bigger Wandering Hordes Mod has been added to the Modpack.

    It has been customised a little as follows:

    - All Game Stages where zombie entities spawn sees +10 added to the total amount.

    - All Games Stages where animals spawn sees +1 added to the total amount.


    This increase will give your Fish Stick a good work out.


    2. Quests

    After much play testing, the amount of entities to complete regular elimination quests has been changed from:

    10 > 25 > 50 > 100 > 250 to 10 > 20 > 30 > 50 > 100.


    Due to the large variety of entities, it was hard to reach the total of 435. This now decreases to a total of 210 which is similar to the 222 total for Undead entities during a Blood Moon (and some from Wandering Hordes) which while infrequent are abundant when you see them.

  10. My math/algebra is poor.


    Out of desperation I used to use this accumulator calculator for a while to calculate the XP 1.05 as 1/20 odds on with



    And then found https://github.com/Sonata26/7d2d-xp-calc which ultimately led back to here and has been very helpful.




    I look forward to seeing where this gets taken as this creator is quite prolific based on the Steam Communities guides.

  11. 4 hours ago, swmeek said:

    Here's hoping the Tatarin Forge icon shows in my inventory as before it wasn't showing except as a blank square.

    Actually... this is quite a common issue for some installations, but not all. It appears to be linked to some non English text and some computers may not have all the appropriate language packs available.


    The Work Stations mod was uploaded again with as much as possible put into the English format. There is non English text in the localisation but that will not be an issue. The unity resource which holds the actual model is not in the English format but that would have to be an Oakraven thing. The icon, and everything else has changed.


    It means you'll need to remove your current Tatarin Forge before installing this one and then adding this new version.

    I tried it without removing mine first and it just disappeared. However, it was only that mod on Navezgane so I can't be sure of the impact on multiple mods.

  12. 3 hours ago, swmeek said:

    Here's hoping the Tatarin Forge icon shows in my inventory as before it wasn't showing except as a blank square.

    If the icon isn't showing up with the latest build, I shall talk with Oakraven about doing some renaming to remove some characters which may not be compatible with everyone's setup.

  13. The Oakraven Collection updated the Work Stations with an Oakraven Ammo Bench. It has been added to the Modpack.


    It can be crafted from Advanced Engineering Skill 1 and offers a stand alone ammo crafting tool that will be compact and free up the Workbench.



    It has no power requirements beyond a battery in its crafting recipe.



    The range of Oakraven Work Stations covers an abundance of resource management features.


  14. An additional Work Station crafting table joins the Work Station mod.


    Ammo Bench. It can be crafted from Skill 1 Advanced Engineering and provides a standalone compact ammo crafting device.



    It requires no fuel/power to operate but does need a battery to craft.




  15. The Sign Cupboards (Storage Boxes) mod has been an update.


    Since they require 2 forged iron to make, their material has been upgrades from Reinforced Wood to Metal. This should give them invulnerability in mods which use the new 'Score fire' that can burn many types of material and ultimately destroy them.

  16. The Oakraven Modpack was updated, and using the new build will require a whole new World.

    This is because Fabbersville has been removed by default since it restricts players/communities from adding other CP 48 packs since Fabbersville hogs the World. ^^


    The first post outlines the current build status. There is a new 6K custom World which brings in default commercial, industrial, and residential buildings. The downtown city area remains as it was, not included. This is because the render hit when bringing NPCs can be overly disruptive.


    CP 48 is still very compatible for the Oakraven Forest Modpack and encouraged.


    A few additional updates include:


    - Disc ammo damage is reduced. It is still does +10% damage of Steel Bolts along with its buffs.

    - Quad Shot damage is reduced. It still does +20% damage of Shotgun AP Shells and is still a beast. The trade off hasn't changed and still requires extra resources compared to regular shells.

    - Horde Night brings in all mythical beasts, at regulated levels linked to Game Stage. Early Horde Nights will be calm but as level increase or party Game Stage goes over the threshold, the beasts will visit.


    A gentle beast that is more of a harrassment than any real danger.



    A bit stingy.



    Ah the Radiated Demolition dude.



    Acid/Fire Breathers



    Tallon ticklers.


  17. For the future, here is an alternative.


    'Comment out' the recipes so they are easy to restore at a later date. Commenting out is a little xml code that instructs the game to skip the code contained within it, but allow it to remain for potential future use. Here is an example in the TFP recipes.xml for a farm tool no longer used.


    <recipe name="meleeToolFarmT1IronHoe" count="1" tags="learnable,perkLivingOffTheLand">
        <ingredient name="resourceForgedIron" count="16"/>
        <ingredient name="resourceWood" count="10"/>
        <ingredient name="resourceLeather" count="2"/>
        <ingredient name="resourceDuctTape" count="2"/>


    Adding <!-- at the start and --> at the end will allow it to be skipped.





  18. 10 minutes ago, Galaktus said:

    not having to wait too long after they are killed to spawn again.

    Overall probability to spawn compared to other entities is governed by entitygroups.xml

    Overall decrease in respawn time or amount allowed to respawn in the same area is governed by spawning.xml values.

    Comparing the default spawning.xml values, which the NPC are governed by unless specifically customised in their Add-On pack, against War3zuk's AIO Overhaul values, may help to find that middle ground for the intensity you are looking for.

  19. I'll post this here with a bit of explanation as a point of reference because these questions are going to come up again and again.


    Purposely burning down a POI before the sleepers activate is truly a lesson in patience. The burning process can take a bit of time as the blocks see periodic drops in health and then break/drop. The flames are very damaging to players and it's all about patiently waiting it out. It seems to be a very inefficient trade off for players who want to reach new quest tiers. And then comes triggering the sleeper volumes which can require building new 'staircases' to activate them. I didn't quest this one but tested the burn down and sleeper activation. It takes up a huge chunk of the day and requires a more sedate pace. For regular looting though, it can be viable, although loot can also burn or be destroyed with surrounding collapse.




    On this occasion, I did quest it. I ran through the POI to wake them all up and then blocked the front door with a cobblestone block. A Fungus entity set things ablaze and pretty much finished off 90% of the entities so no XP for that. Only a ground floor one survived because the property was 2 blocks cobblestone and then wood above. It was a fetch POI and I went into God Mode to pick up the satchel as the waiting would have been quite lengthy. I had two water buckets but it was too far gone. Had I gone to get more water, I would not have stayed within the POI boundaries to complete the quest.


    It was the Oakraven house.



    Full Fire Mode

    If you wake up any of the Fungus entities and they get the chance to release their globules/vomit, the property (especially an early stage wooden one) is pretty much a lost cause unless you are prepared. If you bring 2-3 full water buckets it may be saved, and if there is a well/standpipe in close proximity, it will be very easy to save. Higher Tier property from cobblestone can be more forgiving, but that's not always the case.


    Semi Fire Mode

    An OPTIONS folder has been bundled into the mod that allows players to 'turn off' the Fungus entity's ability to cause fire with their acid. This is useful for players who want to keep questing as almost standard. The player always has the capability to burn the property by themselves by using explosive/fire type of weapons if they want.


    No Fire Mode

    The OPTIONS folder also offers this version where the fire feature is totally deactivated.


    Having full fire mode, even with the chance of Fungus setting off their flames, is now better managed with a relatively new Score feature for the Sleeper Volumes. By default, NMM Sleeper Volumes are now set with 'SleeperInstantAwake' set to 'false'. This noticably changes POI dynamics. Whereas before, the entities governed by the NPCMod would be triggered about 9 blocks before the player even reached and activated the volumes they are in, and then enter a hyper aroused state which could see them flood to the player's location, this new 'false' setting calms things down a lot.


    This shows that Stealth features are being observed and I could get very close to these spiders before they started attacking. This was never possible before.



    Strength attribute will remain an NMM feature but the stealth skills also have a place now for Full Fire Mode to take out a Fungus or two as priority as a safeguard for the property.


    I'll be trying out Full Fire Mode and Semi Fire Mode in more detail to look at different strategies. It may be that each POI has to be given a well or standpipe in the future to keep questing viable on Full Fire Mode. Feedback will definitely be helpful for this addition for sure.


  20. 1 hour ago, RAGE PVE said:

    what tweak did you do out of interest?

    Or just edit all of them in groups instead using Notepad ++ all in one hit! :D

    Sooooo well my players are butchering them tbh....instead of your 2:1 XP/HP ratio I've made it 1:1 so 2500 xp = 2500 hp for starters.  Juggernaut now has 50k hp for example as there gloating how easy it is atm, which 12k hp maybe a little low.  He shoots rockets but his big bro doesn't?  Where can we see the rocket damage or details on this?

    The Archon, seems to shoot something like rockets, can the block damage be altered for this one, would love to see some higher DMG caused

    Also as for you saying earlier about not having too many hard zombies, well why not add them in but impossible odds so that we can chose to include them, I wouldn't try to aim your pack to suit the majority as that may stifle some innovations you may have.

    Its a terrific pack and now we have just flowed them into the game fully now too so their mixed in the EnZombies and they are well received....the shark had to go sorry! :D

    But yeah, would love to see more, I know our players would too, its really created a buzz around the place since we adding them in full time instead of just BM...


    items.xml governs the damage of melee 'hand' and 'projectiles' for entity and block damage either directly in the mod or linking back to the main game items.xml depending on entity.


    The Golden Juggernaut has no rocket attachment and was added for block damage capability.

    What I said earlier specifically related to flyers.

    In addition to posting a request in here, a post in the Discussion and Requests area may get some creator's interest.

  21. 18 hours ago, Kilroy5150 said:


    For giveto or modding, this guy's codes are short and can crash the system because he's using short code





    Some of his code may work but a great deal of it doesn't. Just wanna keep people from running into the problems i did.



    Does anyone have a really nice code site for IDs that are constantly updated and well structured? Most of the places i get them from are grouped together and i had to use their sites to validate the one above being bad.


    It's like he uses: giveself armyPants  for BDU pants and it's the wrong code. It should be giveself apparelArmyPants

    I gave up on that quest to find such a site some time ago and became resigned to the fact that Creative Menu provides the most up to date offerings. Fortunately, it gets more user friendly and intuitive with each update it receives.


    Maybe see if the dwarfmaster1974 is willing to create a Mod which performs a similar task directly through the game's user interface.

    A recent release is in effect a visual database of all the icons in the game. And these can then be cross checked directly through the mod xml to find their current name. This is useful for Modders who need to cross reference icons should they make a customised HUD/UI. You'll see my like on the initial posting as this really rocks my boat.

    If your post is not where you left it the last time you looked, it is because it may well be moved to the Game Modding Discussion area, instead of this Modding area. Posting it here is a bit like preaching to the fully converted, and not really the congregation you may be looking for.


    And if the dwarfmaster1974 takes you up on your request, and you are willing to assist by plowing through the items.xml to pull out all of the current item names (TFP have made some pretty good notes to categorise them which will help a lot), it will be a service to everyone.

  22. Here are some updates for the NMM Github and Moddb releases.


    1. Biome balancing for hostile animals (Mythical Beasts and Land Based Animals)

    After an intensive test session, we could observe that the Mythical Beasts and land based hostile 'animals' would benefit from a small increase in probability for the Biomes. In comparison to regular hostile animals, their spawn rate is quite low. For example:


    Enemy Animals Wasteland

    Snake is given a spawn probability value of 20

    Zombie Vulture is given a spawn probability value of 30

    Zombie Dog is given a spawn probability value of 30

    Zombie Bear is given a spawn probability value of 20


    whereas the Mythical Beasts, Rats, Spiders, and Troll range from 0.25 - 0.5.
    While these entities certainly appear from time to time they are quite an exception.

    As such, they will see increases from 1 - 2 (5% - 10% chance of the Zombie Bear as opposed to only 1.25% - 2.5%)

    These values have been set for all Biomes, except the specific 'Burnt Forest' as that is for Navezgane which is outside the scope of NMM.


    In addition, the Demon Lord has been added to the Wasteland (Orc Land) at a rate of 3 (15% chance of the Zombie Bear) to help players complete the Demon Lord Quest since the POI version is using the Blood Moon type to collaborate with the Undead zombies.


    Feedback on these changes will be much appreciated.


    2. NMM Gameplay OPTIONS

    For this update, the fire option will be functional for both builds by default.

    However, it is understandable that not everyone wants to use this feature.

    As such, the NMM download for both builds now incorporates a new folder called NMM Gameplay OPTIONS.

    This folder contains 3 small mods which allow players/communities to customise their NMM gaming experience. Here are the details, which are included within the folder as a Readme text file:


    NMM Gameplay OPTIONS Readme

    This folder contains separate mod folders.
    The mods can allow you to customise your NMM experience depending on your game style.
    To use any of them, copy directly into the Mods folder.
    They will activate as you launch the game.
    Simply remove them from the Mods folder to deactivate them if they are no longer appropriate.


    A) 1-NMMCore Food Spoilage
    This mod activates food spoilage for NMM.
    This allows any food you have (except for fish and honeycomb) to degrade over time.


    B) 1-NMMCore No Fire
    This mod turns off all fire features for NMM.
    This means entities and selective ammo cannot burn wooden buildings, etc.


    C) 1-NMMCore No Fungus Fire
    This mod turns off the fire feature for the 3 Fungus entities.
    This means the acid vomit and globules cannot burn wooden buildings, etc.
    All other fire features will remain active, such as Fire Breathing Dragon attacks.


    The burning structure in the background was ignited by Crispy.

    The structure in the foreground can be damaged by Fungus but no longer burned.




    Players/Communities can use B) or C) for full or reduced activation. C) is useful is you want to have the fire experience but not during Quests where the Fungus entities can burn the building down and delay fetching a satchel as that fire will burn players and can be very hard to put out if there is no water supply in the local vicinity.


    For players who prefer the full experience, and they are out there, there is nothing to add.


  23. Pushed an update to the Github Development Build and Moddb.


    There are a few changes as follows:


    1. 60 Slot Backpack
    While the number of regular resources has decreased since they have been removed from NMM game play, custom resources have increased and continue to do so. Multiple types of new ammo, an expanded weapons line up, and an assortment of extra food items, on top of additional harvest opportunities in the Biomes can leave a 45 Slot Backpack wanting for space. This addition incorporate Khaine's 60 Slot Backpack as default.



    2. Reworking of Biome Spawning

    The Biome spawning has been rebalanced as follows:


    Basic zombies/bandit type NPCs have a 100% chance to spawn in the Biomes as default.

    Hireable NPCs have reduced from 50% to 25%.

    Survivor NPCs have reduced from 50% to 33%.

    Ranged Bandit types have reduced from 25% to 17.5%

    Special Hireable NPCs have reduced from 25% to 17.5%


    These changes mean there will be less hostile interactions with ranged bandit types but also less opportunity to meet Hireable NPCs or get assistance from Survivor NPCs. Since the Basic zombies/bandit type NPCs remain at 100% they will proportionally spawn more often since all of the others have dropped. Players can choose to fight or steer clear of Basic zombies/bandit types with greater ease than the Orc crossbow and archer types.


    The flying Mythical Beasts have not seen any changes to their regular Biome spawning yet. They are on a separate spawning system to the zombies/NPCs.

    We shall monitor their spawns in more detail from hereon and see if they also need rebalancing to allow them to appear a little more often. However...


    3. Reworking of Blood Moon Spawning

    From about Game Stage 100 (approximately level 85 for a single player and lower for parties where calculations for Game Stage are formulated based on group values) players will see the Mythical Beasts and Boss type entities at a greater frequency.


    Regular zombies have a 100% chance to spawn.

    Feral have a 30% - 100% chance to spawn depending on type.

    Radiated (Chaos) have from 10% to 15% chance to spawn depending on type.


    And for the specials from Game Stage 100.
    Crispy has a 15% chance to spawn.

    Giant Bat has a 15% chance to spawn.

    Gargoyle has a 15% chance to spawn.

    Troll has a 10% chance to spawn.

    Harpy has a 5% chance to spawn.

    Griffon has a 5% chance to spawn.

    Manticore has a 2.5% chance to spawn.

    Demon Lord has a 2.5% chance to spawn.

    Fire Breathing Dragon has a 2% chance to spawn.

    Acid Breathing Dragon has a 2% chance to spawn.


    For a single player, a couple of tests showed:

    Test 1. About 4 Cripsy / 1 Troll / 1 Giant Bat / 2 Gargoyle / 1 Griffon

    Test 2. About 3 Crispy / 1 Harpy / 2 Giant Bat / 2 Gargoyle


    This was using 8 entities per player and with an accelerated day cycle speed. For a 60 minute day, these values should increase by about 40% or so. For a party of players getting 8 entities per player, there will most certainly be Manticores, Demon Lords, and Dragons because the increase in volume will create the environment to allow the lower spawn percentage entities a greater chance to appear.


    These tests were performed with the fire option turned on and Crispy and the spitting Fungus hostiles were burning up anything in the surrounding area that was flammable. It was a steel base wrapped up in wooden cladding. ^^



    We had fun but the bee hives and chicken coops did not.



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