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Everything posted by arramus

  1. This is a new one on me and it took a bit of learning through trial and error. As a prerequisite it will require unlocking the seed crafting skills and it appears that farming is going to be quite an advanced stage feature. Players who have Spifsal in Living off the Land should get access to the seed crafting skill books quicker to unlock some requirements. 1. Unlock water pipes and place them next to your Farm Plots. One of them is a valve and acts as a 'sprinkler'. This is required to tell the Farm Plots to switch to active state. 2. Run the water pipes to a water source. In this image, it is a hole with water poured in with buckets of water. 3. This has the middle pipe with the junction piece which the valve or sprinkler can sit on (purely decorative and can just float above any water pipe). 4. Seeds can now be placed. It appears there is about a 7 block max from the valve. The instruction are behind the water pipe description but pointed in the right direction. Maybe trader Rekt is also selling such items to make them accessible before unlock.
  2. @Riamus noticed that Bony Xpress was duplicated in the POI list for localising to their new names rather than file names. A small update removes one instance. It causes no issues if you don't update since the last entry takes precedence but it's there for the taking and for any new downloads. Thank you Riamus for noticing and sharing privately.
  3. Pushed a fix: The Junk Turret, Sledge, and Drone were showing as craftable to Level 10 on the Workbench. Preppocalypse had made a small custom change to allow players to have 2 Junk Turrets at Perk Skill 4 and 3 and Perk Skill 5. Unfortunately, the game had some mistaken xml code in here and was double Levelling up; once with Crafting Skill and once with Perk Skill. This was patched for 7 Days but I never saw it in any patch notes and it possibly got added as a quiet fix. I could see the code had changed in A21.1 and am now using that updated version for Preppocalypse. This has restored the crafting level to a Max of 5 even with all Perk Skills unlocked. Existing Junk Turrets above level 6 are junk, Drones above level 6 are just droning on and on, and Sledges above level 6 are best used as hedges... Please dump them if possible are get an appropriate replacement from Creative Menu. Perk Skill 5 in Robotics Inventor. This shows as Crafting Level 5 when all Crafting Skill Books are read and not Level 10, which was non functional anyways... Another small update adds some new entities that will appear at 50GS intervals early on, which will increase to 100GS intervals and higher as the Prepper armed zombies appear... You'll understand when you see them. Zombie mini Squad of 8 with a regular Demolition Soldier and Soldier for perspective.
  4. In the top right of the black screen there is a small message that suggests 'Spend your SPIFSAL points'. This is a requirement. Once all 21 SPIFSAL points have been applied to the Perk Skills Choices in the Attributes tracks, the black screen will fade back to normal view.
  5. Adventure Quest uses a .dll Harmony Patch. It appears to be searching for all available quests, and that will include from this mod. Contact the Adventure Quest creator and explain the issue. Maybe they can filter quests to not include from other quest mod packs. This mod cannot fix your issue as it's a simple, although sophisticated, xml mod that just adds new things to the game on top of what exists. Adventure Quest makes deeper changes to the game code, and that is where help should be sought.
  6. Pushed a small update for 3 POIs - Oldwest Apper (Stinky Strip) was updated to Infested to expand the T3 options. - Bony Xpress required some light updates. The automatic A21 update reversed the red and white industrial lights and this fixes them. It was also updated to Infested while in there. - School Fix also required some industrial light updates due to the automatic A21 update.
  7. Ooo it's really looking good. I could join the last testing session and was very impressed with the updates for A21 with weapons, Crafting Skills, Perks, and everything a player could ever want. The loot progression feels a lot more like A19 but with that extra random chance depending on what kind of books are found or perked into. A21 is looking like my favorite. I particularly like how we can find/craft some Wasteland specific weapons beyond pipe type from the very beginning. Yep, it has been well worth the wait.
  8. I was holding off a little on taking things further with expanding, as each experimental so far is releasing some pretty overhauling updates. The vehicles were overhauled with their turbo/torque settings, and the entities lost their material overlay ability. These happened after initial A21 release even though they are incredibly fundamental and far beyond simple updates/patching. It doesn't hurt to share ideas at any time though.
  9. Oxide Gaming has switched from District Zero, which was awesome and had 2 play through opportunities on 2 separate worlds, to Preppocalypse for September. The first post has been updated to share any changes.
  10. This is the final update for this batch: 1. Radiated Zombies with Weapons and Quest An enhanced class of weapon zombies will appear in the Wasteland/Burnt Forest. They have +25% HP and XP gain compared to the +10% for regular weapon zombies. They will not be found outside of this Biome area. Their addition also brings a new elimination Quest with 50 Kills of any of the 15 types with any weapon to receive rewards. The Quest Note can be found in Safe type loot. 2. HP and XP have been rebalanced, since recent updates to A21 have also updates HP and XP for Radiation compared to A20. This slightly increases weapon zombie health but also increases XP. Preppocalypse attempts to expand and enhance mid/latter GS gameplay, while still introducing features from the beginning. This addition of Radiated Zombies with Weapons further provides latter Game Stage interactions with a Quest that forces a visit to the Wasteland/Burnt biome area for completion. A few images to show the Radiated types in the Wasteland/Burnt combo.
  11. Here is a small update to Preppocalypse: 1. POI Expansions Carl's Cars and the Car Crash Bookshop have received an additional alternative version of each with a bit more challenge and Restore Power. Carl's Cars remains a T3 and Car Crash Bookshop has been upgraded from T2 to T3. The original versions will still appear as will these updates. This helps to ensure any car and book POIs are not being pushed out by Preppocalypse POIs as the intention is to enhance and not replace. Prepper Carl's Cars has been reinforced with crushed cars and barricades to make it look like a stand off was prolonged. Preppo Crack-A-Book has been beefed up by 'Preppo Survival Company' but still received a visit from the local infectious disease unit.
  12. Here's a small Quality of Life update for Preppocalypse. 1. Functional Deco Crafting It's possible to make some of the wire linked fencing in the wire fence helper, but it's somewhat limit with some having full rotation and others on in one direction. This adds the same wire linked fencing in POIs that is more flexible. To better match corrugated iron values, and its recipe demands, health points are increased from 300 to 1000. This allows it to take a little extra zombie clawing but won't leave it feeling overpowered. All good with the birdies too. The Barbed Wire Spindle (6 types), and the Bear deco has also been added. The Barbed Wire Spindle is pretty comparable to the Barbed Wire we can already make to retain balance.
  13. Server Tools will provide that feature among many others. https://github.com/dmustanger/7dtd-ServerTools/ Any specific usage questions are welcome in their Discord channel which is in the above link.
  14. Here is a small update for Preppocalypse. Good Neighbor POI This is a T3 POI with T4 Infested option and supports all Quest types. The POI is inhabited by a 'good neighbor' who is the first to run to during a preppocalypse disaster. ^^ This POI is located in the country residential area which is typically on the outskirts near rural and leads into more business areas. On the surface is an aged looking bungalow, but it is deep underground where there is additional property. Here are a few images to demonstrate without giving away too many spoilers. It has been given a survivalist make over by the Preppo Survival Company. In the back is a hint of something extra. It is not possible to access via this route unless demolition is involved. And just as a subtle taster so there are no spoilers. A mix of dark/lighter/wide/narrow areas to coordinate. Takes you back up. As a Tier 3 POI on a 42 x 42 space it isn't huge, but it will add to the collection and possibly make a reasonable player base for anyone needing a place to hunker down...once clear out that is. [img]https://i.imgur.com/hwL2oEZ.jpg[/img]
  15. Preppocalypse uses only regular POIs, apart from the Old West which has a few custom ones, and some new 'Preppo' types. However, those are very very few at the moment (4) until more are made. This mod makes no changes at all to Quests for those regular POIs. There are only Clear, Fetch, Restore Power, and Infested. No changes have been made to the POIs or the Quests for them. A Fetch Quest will only require Fetch and no clearing is required from inside or outside. Once the Quest Marker is activated for the Quest, the POI should instantly refresh for you. As you know, all damage should repair and it becomes original just like new again. That will include the zombies. I am able to see POIs fully refresh when I activate the Quest Marker. Sometimes the POIs will have zombies outside. This is the same for regular POIs and custom POIs. If they are in the POI boundaries, they are counted as Quest zombies and must be eliminated for the Quest to be completed. I'm not sure I could answer your question properly, and add more information if needed.
  16. arramus

    District Zero

    It is fortunate the RWG allows us to set our very own parameters for Biomes, and it'll be interesting to get your feedback on how a Wasteland only play through plays out with the current setup. Beware those spawn rates and radiated rainfall though if you give it a try.
  17. There has always been the intention to add Preppocalypse specific POIs to give a more custom environment that matches the theme. Here is another addition to the earlier 'Preppo' POI, but on a grander scale. Preppo Bunkerlands This is a T5 POI with T6 upgrade for Infested. It is located in the 'Industrial' area on a 42 x 42 block. Not too many pictures will be shared as it's primarily a bunker based POI with the bulk of activity underground, and that can remain as a surprise. It's pretty gloomy down there in some places and gives a sense of being in standby. Preppo Bunkerlands is a showcase POI for the 'Preppo Survival Company'. Each room is thematic with sleeping area, kitchen, study area, etc.
  18. The Sledgehammer Tourist is the second strongest of them all for regeneration, along with a few others. Visit entityclasses.xml and look for RadiatedRegenAmount. Lowering the number from 9, in the case of Sledgehammer Tourist to 1 or 2 will give him very low Regen amount and allow you to keep up with damage before he recovers. Consider this though: - These entities appear quite rarely in the biomes and should not really be challenged until ready. They are there to show they exist. - They do not appear in POIs until a players' Gamestage is appropriate so there will be no issue when questing unless they come inside from outside. - They can drop better loot than usual. - These special zombies use exactly the regeneration as the Radiated versions since they appear around the same time in POIs and Horde Night. - Using negligible regeneration will make them similar to stronger feral than radiated. - Using wooden spikes and a weapon is an effective way for a lower GS player to take them down.
  19. arramus

    District Zero

    I was reading about this exact same issue in the DZ Discord channel. It appears that while the person was using the most up to date V1.2.4 of Disctrict Zero, they were not using the most up to date A21.1(b16). Since revisions in DZ are specific to the 7D2D version, this was an important step. Can you confirm you are fully up to date with 7D2D?
  20. Are you sure there are no other mods being used; in particular UI mods? The UI for food, water, and other features is neither Vanilla default nor Preppocalypse.
  21. It is possible to use the texture/model in the zombie mod. It is not yet possible to use the model in a vehicle mod because the model will not attach to a vehicle. It may be possible in the future. The game developers have received a bug report about vehicles not allowing attachments. It is their choice from here.
  22. Try replacing 0, .7, 1, .1, -9, .12, .1, Sounds/Misc/underwater_lp, with 0, .7, 1, .1, -9, .12, .1, Vehicles/Minibike/minibike_idle_lp_, for vehicles.xml / <vehicle name="vehicleSharkBlimp"> or even nothing 0, .7, 1, .1, -9, .12, .1, ,
  23. These are sensible comments with compatibility expansion options. Now they are posted here, players can consider them for themselves based on what additional food recipe mods they install as the discussion shares adding new recipes to the OaksCooker, switching OaksCooker back to campfire, having both options listed as the same time, and anything else players wish to do with it. In time these posts will get lost a little but anyone doing a search in this specific thread will find the hits they need. Overhauls such as the Wild West Mod, AOO, and Preppocalypse make use of Oak Mods and customise them in their own way. I believe the intention was to release the tools and let modders/players enhance them as they see fit since many of the xml files are pretty self explanatory, and trial and error can do the rest. Responses are always very forthcoming here as well for specific requests.
  24. Since download links have been provided directly in this thread, I am posting here to ensure other players/server admin, and the original creator, if they read this thread, are aware of the current progress and considerations. I won't be joining the Project through Discord, but will provide a little feedback and some pointers to consider directly here: 1. There are currently 41 load out errors. These are related to AssetBundle and just require updated pathing. I am sharing this here to save any pain for players that are downloading directly from the link provided because they will inevitably post here with bug reports. For example: <property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Melee/Knives/machetePrefab.prefab"/> has been updated to: <property name="Meshfile" value="@:Other/Items/Weapons/Melee/Knives/machetePrefab.prefab"/> This appears to be something to assist Xbox users. This will change (bb code is not embedding appropriately): https://i.imgur.com/mwTcmVv.jpg To: https://i.imgur.com/pecEuO1.jpg Fortunately, the log will give some hints on this such as Items or Vehicles. However, it will require manually searching as well. 2. Quests containing ZombieUMA such as Amelia's Gyrocopter and Spirit of Vengence have unfortunately lost their main entities because ZombieUMA is no longer functional for A21. A replacement default entity is certainly very possible. 3. Consider updating ModInfo to A21 standard. For example, for A20: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <xml> <ModInfo> <Name value="White River Tools of Citizenship - Molino Bulletproof Glass(Rebuilded)" /> <Description value="Bring a supply of Bulletproof glass to the trader to receive a Clear Bulletproof Glass recipe or assets." /> <Author value="arramus, with full credit to those who laid template foundations (Requested by Fuzzy Pug)(Rebuilded by 7DaystoDie.JP)" /> <Version value="A21_1.0j" /> <Website value="https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/12269-white-river-tools-of-citizenship-quests-a20-with-df-multiple-languages/" /> </ModInfo> </xml> becomes for A21: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <xml> <Name value="7-WhiteRiverToC_Molino_Glass" /> <DisplayName value="White River Tools of Citizenship - Molino Bulletproof Glass (Rebuilt)" /> <Description value="Bring a supply of Bulletproof glass to the trader to receive a Clear Bulletproof Glass recipe or assets." /> <Author value="arramus, with full credit to those who laid template foundations (Requested by Fuzzy Pug)(Rebuilt by 7DaystoDie.JP)" /> <Version value="" /> <Website value="https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/12269-white-river-tools-of-citizenship-quests-a20-with-df-multiple-languages/" /> 4. Change Rebuilded to Rebuilt or Restored. 5. Vehicle buffs are not currently functional for adding decorative attachments. I'm sure there will be others, and all the best to the Project Team.
  25. <xui> <append xpath="/xui/ruleset"> <window_group name="workstation_scholarDeskFap" controller="XUiC_WorkstationWindowGroup" open_backpack_on_open="true" close_compass_on_open="true"> <window name="windowCraftingList"/> <window name="craftingInfoPanel"/> <window name="windowCraftingQueue"/> <window name="windowToolsScholarDeskFap" /> <window name="windowOutput" /> <window name="windowNonPagingHeader" /> </window_group> </append> </xui> See if that is functional for the xui.xml As for the windows.xml, if you want to use that, it will need to be referenced in the xui.xml, right? In the same way <window name="windowToolsForge" /> is used with workstation_forge. This is not really an area of the game I am very familiar with but these are possibilities to amend.
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