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Everything posted by arramus

  1. There are 2 things at play with the nests for sound; looting or breaking. Here are two things you can do for the customisations you would like to have: 1. Sound Looting - Go to Zed-A21-OakravenChickenCoops\Config\loot.xml in the mods folder. Change the entries for: sound_open="UseActions/open_pill_case" sound_close="UseActions/close_pill_case" to something more to your liking. The sounds.xml or other open/close sounds in the loot.xml shows some alternatives. Actually A21 uses UseActions/open_garbage to open and UseActions/close_garbage to close with the 'garbage' sound as the sound choice. Oakraven already changed the loot sound for the pill case option instead, but find something you like. 2. Sound Breaking As for physically destroying them without looting, it appears to be based on their block type and Gazz changed the blocks.xml for the birds nest to <property name="Material" value="Mcorn"/> as it was using another sound of weak wood. That mod is still very acceptable to use, but change its name from Gazz-A21BirdNestSound to ZGazz-A21BirdNestSound so it loads after Zed-A21-OakravenChickenCoops Oakraven chose open_pill_case and close_pill_case as an alternative for the looting part of things. However, the weak wood sound didn't change... Instead of installing the Birds' Nest break sound mod, consider going to the Zed-A21-OakravenChickenCoops\Config\blocks.xml and where it says: <property name="Material" value="Mwood_weak"/> change it to <property name="Material" value="Mcorn"/> Make a space underneath and add for good courtesy if you are sharing this update with community members, etc. Gazz has already given permission to do things like this with his mods. <!-- Courtesy of Gazz Birds Nest Mod --> 3. Destroying Nest Once Looted and Updating to A21 Values In blocks.xml for the Coops, find the cntBirdnest Remove the line <property name="DowngradeBlock" value="birdnestEmpty"/> and it won't down grade back to an empty nest once looted. It should just break and disappear forever or until chunkreset is performed where another may appear in that area if that is being used. However, manually breaking it will not give any feathers and goodies. This is the A21 version <!-- *** BIRDNESTS --> <block name="cntBirdnest"> <property name="Class" value="Loot"/> <property name="LootList" value="birdNest"/> <property name="IndexName" value="quest_feather"/> <property name="Material" value="Mwood_weak"/> <property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/> <property name="Model" value="@:Entities/LootContainers/birdnestPrefab.prefab"/> <property name="ModelOffset" value="0,0,0"/> <property name="GndAlign" value="1"/> <property name="WaterFlow" value="permitted"/> <property name="OnlySimpleRotations" value="true"/> <property name="Collide" value="melee,bullet,arrow,rocket"/> <property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true"/> <property name="StabilitySupport" value="false"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceCloth" count="1" prob="0.3" tag="allHarvest"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceFeather" count="3" prob="0.35" tag="allHarvest"/> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceFeather" count="2" prob="0.6" tag="allHarvest"/> <drop event="Destroy" name="resourceYuccaFibers" count="2,8"/> <property name="SortOrder1" value="B267"/> <property name="SortOrder2" value="0000"/> <property name="FilterTags" value="MC_building,SC_loot"/> </block> And the Oakraven replacement <block name="cntBirdnest"> <property name="Extends" value="cntAmmoPileSmall"/> <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/> <property name="Material" value="Mwood_weak"/> <property name="Collide" value="movement,melee,bullet,arrow,rocket"/> <property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/> <property name="Model" value="#@modfolder:Resources/birdnest.unity3d?birdnestEggs" /> <property name="LootList" value="birdNest"/> <property name="ModelOffset" value="0,0.5,0"/> <property name="GndAlign" value="0"/> <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/> <property name="DowngradeBlock" value="birdnestEmpty"/> <property name="IndexName" value="quest_feather"/> </block> You should simply be able to replace it with the A21 version BUT use the "Model" from Oakraven's to keep showing the eggies in the nest. The ModelOffset is also different and needs to use the Oakraven version value, although that is going to be changed in the near future to support that 'snap to ground' feature just like other loot that can be attached to strange places and angles. These are all experimental suggestions and needs to be tried and tested to verify if it's working out. ^^ Best to test privately first before making any changes to a server or something like that, at which point a backup save is also appropriate just in case a roll back is needed.
  2. The spiders appear in the Wasteland and Desert. The Colony Expansion spiders also have their own POIs once generated in a RWG World and they can appear anywhere.
  3. These were made and released in A20 for the Collection and then carried over into a small Mod Pack. This is not working for A21 due to how much A21 overhauled the A20 system on pretty much every level. I'm not aware of where it heads next, if at all, since the Collection will be updated first.
  4. Just verifying and confirming on a new World in Nevezgane with just Score and XNPCCore. A counting issue it seems... ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index
  5. The player profiles area is potentially the fastest route to check archetype updates from a front on view, and in most cases that is enough until reaching finalisation checks.
  6. I took the liberty of updating the Muffler for just the Auger version, or as a Helmet Mod version for both the Auger and Chainsaw for A21 since I am using the Mod version in a Modpack. https://github.com/arramus/Gazz-Auger-Muffler
  7. Here is an update for Preppocalypse. Simple Cooking Pot and High Grade Steel Pan These melee weapons are hooked up to Clubs crafting and come just after the Baseball Bat and Steel Club for their progression order. They provide about 10% extra across the range with the High Grade Steel Pan using 5% less stamina. These will allow players to interact with Radiated and Special types one on one most comfortably. It is still easy to get surrounded and overwhelmed when a mass comes after you though so they remain balanced and much better for one on one interactions or 'dominoes'. A few images that speak for themselves really. These additions are courtesy of Oakraven, the creator of the Oakraven Collection and numerous other community sharings. Always very much appreciated. One other nice feature is that when we add the Spike, Chain, or Wire Mod, these weapons will show them connected.
  8. On a new World in Navezgane, I check under the Science tab on the Workbench to show the Automated Mining Bot and Automated Ammunition Bot. They appropriately show as locked under Workstations for Level 50. The next step is consuming the Forge Ahead magazine to reach that level. Under the Workbench Science tab without searching, they appear as unlocked and ready to be used. The posts prior to this show there was an update to rectify an issue with Progression reported by BigHeadRR. It may be that reinstalling this mod will clear the issue you are having. The only thing that has changed is the Progression and that did not hurt a World save when testing it.
  9. The archetypes are a mixture of trial and error, and past knowledge of how they were used many Alphas ago. There really is no magic to those beyond making incremental changes in the archetypes.xml.
  10. arramus

    District Zero

    Installation and load out were totally problem free and seamless. Seeing those bots come out of a Tier 1 Quest trailer park POI was a real eye opener. What an adventure you've shared with us. ^^
  11. Consider updating your NPC Mod Add On Packs (for Darkstardragon's offerings) if they were downloaded a few days ago as they were updated to balance their spawn rates and spawn locations. They were inappropriately spawning in those Downtown type areas as well. They were released a touch too early and still had their higher value spawn rates for testing, as well as being allowed to spawn in places they shouldn't. The updates will be a different experience. It is horrifying to think of how things were faring with the cumulative effect of them spawning Downtown at higher rates alongside the Dangerous Cities Mod pumping them out even more!! Your description is very accurate. It's probably a good idea to download everything (including Score and XNPCCore) again as some nice fixes and optimisations have been put in place. A21 requires a lot of 'overhauling' and just getting to this stage has been nothing short of a splendid achievement for those in the background putting the time in to balance things out.
  12. Here is a somewhat small update: 1. Preppocalypse Starter Kit After putting in a couple of play throughs for A21 and reaching level 100, there appears to be quite a change in progression flow compared to A20 due to the predominant need to find magazines. It appears to be very much left to luck based on what trader you'll start at, the type of surrounding POIs, and so on. As such, some can say the 'grind' is real. I'm all up for a 'challenge' but these two play throughs have surpassed that. As such here is a small Starter Kit that players will join the World with. It is optional and can be discarded based on personal preferences. For hardcore players, simply disposing of the Starter Kit allows a scenario with no food or water to begin with. For everyone else the contents may be helpful. The Starter Kit is found in the toolbelt. It provides a few basic essentials and nothing game changing. Weapons and Tools are restricted to Q1-3. 2. Motorcycle The motorcycle sees a slightly stronger hop to give better clearance on low obstacles. The increase is less than 10% but assists with 1 block objects. 3. Trader Bob has his own Trader allowance for Vehicle Magazines of 1 - 3 each cycle. After reaching level 75+ on 2 play throughs and still being far from getting higher Tier vehicles, it felt like such magazines were trickling in a touch too slowly regardless of maxing out on Grease Monkey Skills and putting in a lot of looting and questing. Trader Bob's allowance has been increased to a possible 2 - 6 to assist with busy servers with many players all competing for this valued item. On this occasion 4 appeared, not that I could afford them.
  13. I recall you pulled me into a Discord group chat and shared an excel breakdown of how the weapons had been listed based on a multitude of determining factors. Since a lot of these weapons were created by Snufkin, it was not my place to change any features or comment in too much detail since I agreed to maintain the mod as close to its original form as possible. It is an eclectic mix of weapons and I don't think too much detail went into balancing them. In fact Snufkin clearly outlined their experimental nature. As such, how they are customised individually for each community is very much within the scope of how Snufkin wanted them used and I'm sure he would be all for it. As for progress on this mod, only 3 weapons (Brainsaw, Zeus, and Savery) are in a fully functional state since A21 has removed or changed a lot of assets from the previous build.
  14. @Purple Yam Jam I explored the District Zero files, and since it is an overhaul, it is rewriting all of the spawning group activity and removing all of them for the NPC Mod. This is because it loads after the NPC Mod and wipes over the top of parts of it. Rename District Zero to 0-District Zero. This will allow it to load before 0-Score and 0-XNPCCore since they load in alphabetical order. This should allow the soldiers and bandits to begin spawning again. However, there may be additional unintended changes since the NPC Mod will now be overwriting things in District Zero.
  15. This works client side for Single Player mode very well. All of the assets are already in 7D2D which is why it can work for Server Side Only on a dedicated server, but SP is also very acceptable.
  16. It really depends on how the Better Vanilla Pack is changing things. NPC Mod things generally load before other mods because of the 'alphabetical' loading order. If a mod loading after the NPC Mod and Add On packs makes some fundamental resets, it will wipe out all of the NPC Mod actions.
  17. I just double checked with Zilox that he doesn't mind me sharing that the NPC Mod and the Soldiers Add On Pack (I didn't test any Bandits/Raiders) showed functionality for the NPC Mod fundamentals even though some features may not be totally compatible. This is because it may not be his intention for District Zero Mod to be played this way. He is OK about that but reported that someone mentioned it was not working for them. This limited test was more successful to this stage, but any feedback you can share for long term play throughs will help to verify if they can be a good pairing.
  18. There was never a mini mosquito in the predecessor to this pack, and there isn't one in this pack. I believe you are referring to Robeloto's Custom Zombies. It contained an Electric Fly, Firefly, and Fly. I believe it may have been the fly which could cause irritation due to its speed and size.
  19. District Zero replaces all the zombies with bots, and from preliminary testing with the NPC Mod and the Soldiers Add On Pack added in the Mods folder, there are no console errors with loading and the UI for the soldiers remains functional. It's going to need a lot more testing for sure, but the signs look pretty good on that. Soldiers hired wasn't showing with the custom interface and there are certainly other things to check, but the Soldiers team up readily enough and carry out their commands.
  20. Oak's Pet Animals and Guards have been updated to A21... https://github.com/arramus/ServerSideOnly-Oaks-Pets-and-Guards However, and this could be a game changer for some servers. Human Guard Mesh Collision The Human Guards do not have a surrounding mesh collision. This means they are impervious to attack and are pretty much immortal. A21 removed a number of features related to how the guards are made and this is one of them. If this is a problem for your server or play through, the Human Guards can be removed from the loot.xml to allow only the Animal Guards to be accessible. Unfortunate, but this is a TFP asset and one that keeps it Server Side Only.
  21. This image relates to a post on April 19, 2022. It was actually addressed directly to you in order for us to discuss the probabilities that were shared. However, I was informed you had 'left the building'. As such, any attempt for discussion, amending things slightly, and moving forward ended there. It shows entering a sleeper volume and being faced with 4 fall back entities for Harley, as well as a single instance of a Gypsy entity tucked behind a screen. Since there were 2 other Bandit Add on Packs being tested with the probabilities that were shared, there was clearly something not working out as these fall back entities were taking precedent and the Add on Pack entities were hardly getting a showing. I was very willing to discuss this issue at that time and even made an approach. Please don't start raising things again now when I was unable to approach at that very time and left to go with a solution that resolve this. Feel free to continue in the Guppy's Discord where this kind of discussion best serves the creative side of things. Discussing it here will simply cause confusion for others.
  22. I shall share 3 new entitygroups.xml files with you in private for the 1-DarksRaiderz, 1-DarksSoldierz, and 1-DarksCleanerz. Simply replace the existing ones with the mod Config folder with the ones I provide. The goal is very simple, to ensure you don't die without good and fair reason, see the Add On Pack characters as the exception rather than the rule, and to only see the rocket dude very rarely. This will ensure the zombie based feature remains prevalent and the Add On Pack is complementary and game enhancing.
  23. With all due respect, please raise this discussion in a separate thread just for now and invite people to join it. At this time the key goals are: - Add On Pack parity - Some kind of balance for existing zombies since the Bandits, NPC Helpers, and Survivors occupy the same groups. I appreciate what you are saying, and you have explained how it all works on a code level numerous times. However, we also have to consider individual packs on a case by case basis since some users may only add one. The previous poster has an issue where the Add On Packs are spawning at the same rate as zombies because they appear with identical probability. That is the issue at hand for the moment. The remainder can come later, and I will certainly read your own thread and the way you intend to assign values depending on weapon type and spawning balance.
  24. Thank you for reporting. It is worth at least 60 Zombie cookies. I have just pushed an update to fix that. The progression.xml had a reference to craftingVehicles and it has been changed to craftingWorkstations for the unlock. And from level 60 to 50 to match the Chemistry Workstation. It was an oversight due to copy/paste from another reference. To manually update, simply changing those to craftingWorkstations and 50,100 will be appropriate.
  25. This is something we were starting to build a compliance setting for in A20, and can be further developed for A21. For example: - Add On Pack creators were encouraged to set spawn rates to 0.025 to 0.1 for biomes to reflect the regular zombie spawns. For example, in the Pine Forest the lowest rate for Zombies is 0.2 for the stronger types. As such, 0.1 was the recommendation for Add On Packs to ensure they will spawn at a regulated rate to complement the biomes rather than take over. At present it is: Zombies All for most Biomes: Zombie Janitor .2 and we recommended .1 Zombies Night for most Biomes: .05 for Zombie Dog and we recommended .025 This ensure the Add On Pack entities that carry weapons are the exception and not the rule. This is something we can start enforcing to ensure there is greater parity across the board for Zombie to Add On Pack interactions, as well as Add On Pack to Add On Pack interactions to keep the 'pond life' balanced and stable. A uniform set of rates can ensure compliance across the board and let the Zombies do their thing without getting pushed out. A descriptive sentence for each Add On Pack will assist with letting down loaders know exactly what is to be expected without taking up to much space. Things are just getting to that stage where these can be addressed again, as just getting things out there was a priority and now it can be more about polishing the experience.
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