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Everything posted by arramus

  1. Here is a link to download the A21 Server Side Weapons: https://github.com/arramus/A21-ServerSideWeapons (This is a Server Side Only Modlet and it is not necessary for players who join your server to install it) Holding the PP-19 Bizon and wearing a Hat Mod to assist players taking on more challenging entities such as the A21 Server Side Zombies. Background In April 2020, Snufkin shared Snufkin's Server Side WeaponS with the community for A18. He mentioned the influence came from a Borderlands type setup where players are treasure hunters. In A19 and A20, the community was able to update and expand to the Snufkin Weapons Xpansion with a variety of additional weapons while retaining the originals. These weapons were/are pretty experimental and use only existing 7 Days assets to ensure they remain Server Side Only. With each update, change has been required with replacements where deprecated assets have been totally removed. A21 sees a lot of removal and this tentative first release reflects that. This pack currently contains the following: 12 Weapons Melee Weapons - Thor's Hammer (Snufkin with A21 updates by arramus) - Brainsaw (arramus) - Polearm (Snufkin with A21 updates by arramus) - Vampire Gauntlets (Snufkin with A21 updates by arramus) Close to Mid Ranged Weapons - PP-19 Bizon (Snufkin with A21 updates by arramus) - Kronos XII (Snufkin with A21 updates by arramus) - Newcomen (Snufkin with A21 updates by arramus) - Quad Shotgun (Snufkin with A21 updates by arramus) Long Ranged Weapons - Savery (Snufkin with A21 updates by arramus) - DCLXVI Zeus (Oakraven with A21 updates by arramus) - Black Widow (Oakraven with A21 updates by arramus) - Vulcan (Snufkin with A21 updates by arramus) Some of these weapons have required some intensive care to get them in some kind of working order. The removal of decorative attachments has seen replacements and overhauls. For example, the Kronos now uses the Auto Shotgun Model as base. The PP-19 Bizon had to be switched to the SMG since the MP5 has gone. This was a similar measure that the Savery saw in A20. There remains a LOT left to do if other weapons are to be resurrected. In some cases, it is necessary to start all over again, but still incorporate the remnants of what made them special. This will require community input as it's a rather large undertaking. Loot Box In addition to these weapons, the Loot Box has gone from Add On to being bundled directly in the Mod. The Loot Box can be crafted on the Workbench and does not require unlocking. Collect Green, Yellow, Red, or Purple Tickets and use them on the Loot Box to get a Loot Box Container with a weapon. Craft 10 Green into 1 Yellow Ticket, and so on to get those higher Tier opportunities. Other than that feature from the beginning, it works a little differently now. In the past, players could only get what were considered to be higher Tiered weapons if they had a Red or Purple Ticket from the Green, Yellow, Red, and Purple hierarchy. That now changes. For example, a Green Ticket has a higher probability to get something considered lower Tier such as Thor's Hammer. However, there is still a slim chance to pick up a higher Tiered weapon with reducing chance as the Tier increases. In contrast, and as a trade off, the opposite applies for the Purple Ticket. You have a very strong chance to get the highest Tiered Weapon, but there is also a chance it may not work out for you on that occasion. ^^ The ratios for what was traditionally considered 'Low - Medium - High' Tier Weapons from the Loot Box Tickets are currently: Green - 80% Low / 16% Medium / 4% High Yellow - 60% Low / 30% Medium / 10% High Red - 10% Low / 50% Medium / 40% High Purple - 4% Low / 16% Medium / 80% High It looks a bit like that: There is no exact balance on what can be considered 'Low - Medium - High' Tier Weapons as there is overlap and subjectivity. A traditional consensus considers stopping power, special features, capacity, player risk. But there are also economic considerations such as maintenance requirements, ammunition drain, learning curve, and traits. However, for the purpose of some kind of explanation: - The Kronos is a High Tier Weapon and will have a better chance to be found with Red and Purple Tickets. It is a High Tier Weapon because of its 30 Shotgun Shell Drum, High Rate of Fire, Special Weapon Feature when eliminating 20 entities. Other weapons in this Tier are considered to be Brainsaw, Vampire Gauntlets, and Polearm. - The Savery is a Medium Tier Weapon and will have a better chance to be found with Yellow and Red Tickets. It is a Medium Tier Weapon because of its 12 Round Capacity, Good Range, and Good Damage. It has no Special Weapon Feature. Other weapons in this Tier are considered to be PP-19 Bizon, Newcomen, and Quad Shotgun. - Thor's Hammer is a Low Tier Weapon and will have a better chance to be found with Green and Yellow Tickets. It is a Low Tier Weapon because it requires being in Very Close Proximity, Requires Stamina, and Relatively Slow Hits Per Minute. It is still a devastating weapon when used in one on one situations and will be hard to be bettered for its best case use. It does accept the Repulsor Mod and Candy for additional destruction. Other weapons in this Tier are considered to be Vulcan, Black Widow, and Zeus DCLXVI. Again, these descriptions and evaluations are relative and subjective. Find something that suits your style and you'll be comfortably meeting your preferences regardless. Loot weightings and balance will take time but these 12 weapons are good for now and no more updates will be required beyond bug checking and clear imbalances. Opening 20 Green Loot Boxes shows that most will return what is considered a lower Tier Weapons... but not always. Crafting Tier and Quality Players can craft all weapons on the Workbench to Quality Tier 6. However, this will be from the final 6 levels for its crafting magazine. Feel free to edit the levels for your own preference in the progression.xml file. The Loot Box will rarely drop a Quality Tier 1 weapon. There is a much greater weighting on Quality Tier 4 - 6. This reflects the time and effort players put in to looting Tickets. Loot will contain from Quality Tier 1 to 6 based on luck. There is no difference in chance. In summary: Craft to Quality 6b but only at the very end of the crafting skills levels Loot Box with greater weighting on Quality 4 - 6 Looting weapons directly is very random Looting Weapons and Tickets can be found in a loot that can be considered higher end. For example, Tickets can be found in: - Zombie Loot Bags for Boss, Strong, and Regular types. Higher Tier Tickets are found in the most difficult entities. This encourages installing the A21 Server Side Zombies, and is something Snufkin considered when making the entities, weapons, and vehicles as a package. - Safes and ATMs. Tickets can be found in these secure locations with a weighting on lower Tier Tickets to match the collection and upgrading features of converting 10 Green into 1 Yellow Ticket, and so on. Weapons can be found in: - Safes and Buried Treasure. Weapons are found with a weighting on lower Tier to ensure players aren't flooded with high end goods too quickly. Helmet Mod Additions A feature kindly added by Oakraven was the Mod Hats that could be attached to Helmets in the Dye Slot. These have all returned expect for the speaker hat since it no longer has a purpose. There is one 'bug' in that the large bag that increases inventory will not remove from the player. This bug carries over from A20 and the buff to remove it is simply non functional in the way it works for everything else. A few images to demonstrate: Thor's Hammer already gives a shock but can also accept the Repulsor Mod Charge the Zeus to full capacity to benefit from its potency. It will have longer range and much greater stopping power. The trade off is costly ammo. Eliminate 20 entities and then use the 'F' key to enter advanced mode for a limited time as a reward. In this mode you will have closer crosshairs, and shooting speed... as if this weapon needed it. It is much more comparable to the Auto Shotgun for A21 as it was rather beastly in the past. It may still need a tweak here and there. The Savery was a Winchester/Revolver Rifle before the Lever Action arrived but is still incredibly viable. It has twin chambers for 12 shots. A little damned cabin in the woods with possibly a shotgun and this. It has decent one on one potential and will go straight through the tree and the zombie bashing at it from behind. It can decapitate quite nicely and will have players seeing red. A21 decapitations are something special. Adventures await... ^^
  2. In the first list in the entitygroups.xml you can see how it governs a group called ZombieAll. This is a very general group which spawns out in the Biomes. Original <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesAll']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" > animalZombieBunnyPLUS, .1 animalZombieSnakePLUS, .1 animalZombieChickenPLUS, .1 zombieSMGArlenePLUS, .1 zombieTARifleSoldierPLUS, .1 zombieBatonHazmatPLUS, .1 zombieSteelAxeLumberjackPLUS, .1 zombieMachetePartyGirlPLUS, .1 zombiePistolBusinessManPLUS, .1 zombieNailgunUtilityWorkerPLUS, .1 zombieSniperBoePLUS, .1 zombieChainsawMoePLUS, .1 zombieDesertVultureTomClarkPLUS, .1 zombiePumpShotgunBikerPLUS, .1 zombieBatonFatCopPLUS, .1 zombieSteelClubFemaleFatPLUS, .1 zombieBoltNursePLUS, .1 zombieSteelSledgehammerFatHawaiianPLUS, .1 animalZombieLargePlasmaVulturePLUS, .05 zombieSpiderFeralBomberPLUS, .05 zombieSpiderFeralGliderPLUS, .05 zombieM60DemolitionPLUS, .05 animalBossZombieGracePLUS, .05 zombieWightRadiationShowerPLUS, .05 zombieBogeymanPLUS, .05 zombieCrispyPLUS, .05 zombieScorcherPLUS, .05 </csv> Edited to remove shooters, not flyers. <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesAll']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" > animalZombieBunnyPLUS, .1 animalZombieSnakePLUS, .1 animalZombieChickenPLUS, .1 zombieSteelAxeLumberjackPLUS, .1 zombieChainsawMoePLUS, .1 zombieBatonFatCopPLUS, .1 zombieSteelClubFemaleFatPLUS, .1 zombieSteelSledgehammerFatHawaiianPLUS, .1 animalZombieLargePlasmaVulturePLUS, .05 zombieSpiderFeralBomberPLUS, .05 zombieSpiderFeralGliderPLUS, .05 animalBossZombieGracePLUS, .05 zombieWightRadiationShowerPLUS, .05 zombieBogeymanPLUS, .05 zombieCrispyPLUS, .05 </csv>
  3. I don't know exactly which Add On Packs you installed @Kogg but the Darkstardragon ones were uploaded again recently, as their spawning rates were using an old testing file by mistake. The update calms things down a lot but can be further decreased if needed. The file with over 5800 lines is for 0-XNPCCore. This isn't the one you need to be looking at. The ones to check have a 1- in front of them such as 1-NPCXSpiderPack and 1-DarksRaiderz.
  4. It looks like you've posted in the NPC Mod forum and I'll respond in there.
  5. Tricksy... From postings related to the NPCMod, it does some long lasting things to a World and the recommendation is typically to start afresh. If there is a particular reason for removing them (too many appearing, etc) that can often be worked out to match your preferences.
  6. I reckon the Config/Xui/xui.xml is a good place to start with the default being: <window_group name="dewcollector" left_panel_valign_top="false" controller="XUiC_DewCollectorWindowGroup" close_compass_on_open="true"> <window name="windowDewCollector"/> <window name="windowNonPagingHeader" /> </window_group> and that hooking up to the localization.txt for: xuiDewCollector,UI,XUI,,,Dew Collector,,............... Since your plan is to have 3 stages, that'll be 3 custom ones with different names and matching block name hooked up directly so far for window_group name and other locations using the above as a template. xuiDewCollectorWE1,UI,XUI,,,Slow Dew Collector,,............... xuiDewCollectorWE2,UI,XUI,,,Medium Dew Collector,,............... xuiDewCollectorWE3,UI,XUI,,,Fast Dew Collector,,............... and so on depending on how you want to do it. I did something similar for the Wild West Mod but just wanted a variable helper so players could choose from two types. The Window name was just 'Water Collector' and their blocks had the customised title instead. It depends to what level of customisation you want.
  7. Here's a small update for Preppocalypse. - Recipes now include a Large Wood Gate and Large Walls Helper with multiple selection choices to enhance base aesthetics and provide some reasonable level of defense. - Coops and Hives can down broken down to drop into the inventory for reallocation when in laying/producing stage. - Oakraven kindly shared a burning shaft mod update for the pot and pan with a nice glowing flambé effect for those special moments. ^^ Recipes requirements are very reasonable since they offer limited defense and are more for player bases than Horde Night. HP is 2500 for Gates and repairable. The Large Wood Walls are even more reasonable since they will potentially used in mass. HP is 1500 for Walls and repairable.
  8. Posting this on behalf of Oxide Gaming as they assist overhaul creators with great feedback. This group is located in Oceania and have their own (whole) server in a Sydney, Australia data centre. It's an active and mature gaming community and best serves players in that region, although if you don't mind a higher ping all good. Current Rotation: Oxide Gaming - Preppocalypse Using Server Tools with /lobby and other well known features. Discord for anyone wanting to team up: https://discord.gg/AnFeeR6h6Q
  9. It's really harsh, but I would consider it to be an 'issue' with the underlying vehicle code, rather than the mod itself. I experienced the exact same thing when driving down a mountain and put it down to the way the motorcycle interacted with the terrain. It was an explosive puff of smoke and the motorcycle was gone... I was still 2 km from destination and got a new one from Creative Menu which is clearly needed at times like this. And to be clear, it was a regular motorcycle on this occasion, simply because the parts were the first ones available.
  10. Each Add On Pack creator pretty much releases their Add On Packs as they like. This level of brightness, and night glow, was mentioned during testing with some accepting it as a unique features and others feeling it may be a bit too bright in comparison. Thanks for mentioning it though as such feedback helps Add On Pack creators when reconsidering things during updates.
  11. Here's a small update for the NPC Mod Prefabs pack. https://github.com/arramus/A21-NPCMod-Prefabs - It has been converted to a modlet and called '1-NPCMod-Prefabs'. This can be installed just in the same way as the Add On Pack Modlets in the Mods folder. When creating a new RWG World, these Prefabs will be added in the World. - Mesa has been converted to a Bandit version to provide the regular and NPC Mod types in a World. It has been set to only appear once on anything 10K and smaller. Any Bandit Addon Packs in the Mods folder that are hooked up for POIs will appear there. If there are no Bandit Addon Packs set up for that feature, it will fall back to only Harley types and become a Harley Cloning Factory. ^^ This POI is a T5 and supports the infestation Quest type as well.
  12. Deleting entries in the entitygroups.xml allows them to be removed from their specific biomes, and/or the Horde Night Groups. Using an application such as Notepad ++ will allow batch deletion since that file has grown from about 750 lines in A20 to just under 10,000 in A21 based on how things are now handled.
  13. The spiders, when using the Colony Expansion Add On Pack, can now be found in all Biomes. They are tagged to existing hostile animal groups and at a balanced and regulated rate. They'll be seen but it won't be an infestation.
  14. Harley is bundled directly into the 0-XNPCCore and will remain as a hostile bandit even with the Friendly Raider Girl Add On Pack installed.
  15. I think you're going to have a conflict free experience since entity mods are typically the most forgiving because of their dynamic nature. Even if it is removed from a server at a later date, server restart may show a warning in the log for a missing entity but they get purged from play. The only potential issue is if another mod overwrites the entity groups in a big way, and wipes all of these out. In such a circumstance, renaming this mod by adding the letter Z at the front can allow it to load last based on numerical and alphabetical order and bring them back. This mod was made to be additive and simply add on to existing default features. Because of that, it is quite harmless to other mods as well. It's been a few years now and the only major posts have been identical to what you have implemented, and how to mellow things a little.
  16. I see. That's a clear statement of preference and is very much something you and @RAGE PVE could collaborate on in their community dedicated server. It will be interesting to see how things respond during a Horde Night event with 10+ players and a host of other mods running in the background. Favourable results could warrant a post loading mod to append such additions. The Rage community is certainly dedicated to testing where the boundaries lie with experimental features and customsations specific for their servers.
  17. Horde night does have progression and that will be regulated for player Game Stage level which is one help. Unfortunately, the biomes do not have Game Stage progression for the biome groups they are added to. It has always been a thing where the first few days can be pretty rough, especially on smaller Worlds or where not so many regions have been opened up. Even though the spawning rate is low, spawning continues to be higher than they are listed. It does calm down in time but that's no consolation for a new World. It is possible to edit the entitygroups.xml to reduce the rate they appear compared to the regular zombies. ZombiesAll, ZombiesNight, ZombiesForestDowntown, ZombiesForestDowntownNight, ZombiesDowntown, ZombiesWasteland, ZombiesWastelandNight, ZombiesBurntForest, and SnowZombies show something like: animalZombieBunnyPLUS, .1 Changing that to a lower value such as animalZombieBunnyPLUS, .05 can impact how often it will appear. Doing that for the most challenging, or even all, of the PLUS zombies can help to contain them. There is an entity in this PLUS pack called Radiation Shower Wight. His name in the entityclasses.xml file is zombieWightRadiationShowerPLUS. He uses a property called: <property name="ParticleOnSpawn" value="ParticleEffects/RadiatedParticlesOnMesh" param1="SetShapeToMesh0"/> This is an asset that appears to be experimental and may have been intended for Radiated or a Radiated Plus entity from the game developers. Adding this same line to other entities can give them the same green light particle effect. It is a very clear aesthetic and easy to spot from afar. However, such particle effects can be quite resource heavy and not for every graphics card and set up out there. It's a case by case basis but is there to be tested and used for systems that can handle it. Simply adding this same property line to other entities in the list can get them glowing in the same way. It is the same method used in the Elite Zombies mod and based on an existing 'experimental' asset.
  18. Download the updated version. You are running an older testing build for testers. The Wild West Mod A21 has not been shared in this forum yet. Please do not post problems in here.
  19. To delete all guards from loot, and they are only appearing on air supply drop containers, delete all of this in the loot.xml <insertBefore xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupApparelSuit']"> <lootgroup name="petanimals"> <item name="PetPig1"/> <item name="PetStag1"/> <item name="PetBoar1"/> <item name="PetBear1"/> <item name="PetWolf1"/> <item name="PetCoyote1"/> <item name="PetDoe1"/> </lootgroup> <lootgroup name="turretguards"> <item name="TurretGuardSim1"/> <item name="GuardTurretDre1"/> <item name="GuardTurretFox1"/> <item name="GuardTurretLizzy1"/> <item name="GuardTurretBandit1"/> <item name="GuardTurretBanditFoxy1"/> <item name="TurretGuardLeader1"/> <item name="TurretGuardCompoundBowMan1"/> <item name="TurretGuardDarkstardragon1"/> <item name="TurretGuardJoJo1"/> <item name="TurretGuardLezabel1"/> <item name="TurretGuardOakraven1"/> </lootgroup> </insertBefore> <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@name='airDrop']"> <!-- Supply Crate General, the normal airdrop --> <item group="petanimals" count="1,3" loot_prob_template="medLow"/> <item group="turretguards" count="1,3" loot_prob_template="medLow"/> </append> To delete only the Human Guards but leave the Animal Guards, change it to look like this. <insertBefore xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupApparelSuit']"> <lootgroup name="petanimals"> <item name="PetPig1"/> <item name="PetStag1"/> <item name="PetBoar1"/> <item name="PetBear1"/> <item name="PetWolf1"/> <item name="PetCoyote1"/> <item name="PetDoe1"/> </lootgroup> </insertBefore> <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@name='airDrop']"> <!-- Supply Crate General, the normal airdrop --> <item group="petanimals" count="1,3" loot_prob_template="medLow"/> </append> Since the Animal Guards are also appearing in the Trader loot... Change traders.xml to remove them. <insertBefore xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='groupMeleeMods']"> <trader_item_group name="petanimals"> <item name="PetPig1"/> <item name="PetStag1"/> <item name="PetBoar1"/> <item name="PetBear1"/> <item name="PetWolf1"/> <item name="PetCoyote1"/> <item name="PetDoe1"/> </trader_item_group> </insertBefore> <append xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='traderAlways']"> <item group="petanimals" count="1,5"/> </append>
  20. Go to the vehicles.xml for the Shark Blimp. Change <property class="fuelTank"> <property name="class" value="FuelTank"/> <property name="capacity" value="400"/> </property> to <!--property class="fuelTank"> <property name="class" value="FuelTank"/> <property name="capacity" value="400"/> </property--> The Shark Blimp does not need fuel. Adding fuel makes the sound. Removing the ability to add fuel with stop the sound. This removes the ability.
  21. Excellent. For anyone who is not so familiar with mods, and how to use the 'Mods' folder and hierarchy, this has been added to the first post. The whole mod (A21-OldWestMigration) can be placed in the 'Mods' folder. 7 Days will be able to read and use the Prefabs from directly within the mod. Ensure that the mod is not nested with other folders. The hierarchy will be 'Mods / A21-OldWestMigration / Config, Prefabs, ModInfo.xml, and Old West Migration Tiling.txt' If it is something like Mods / A21-OldWestMigration-main / A21-OldWestMigration... it will not load as the ModInfo.xml file must be where the game can see it. ^^
  22. Here is a small quality of life update for Preppocalypse. 1. Helipad recipe. The Helipad from the Trader Compounds has been added to the player recipes on the Workbench for use in bases and landing areas. It is quite chunky but this isn't actually a bad thing as it provides some clearance from outer protective rails. Make on the Workbench with simple and accessible items. It has been given 5000 health, up from its default 2500 and can be repaired with Concrete Mix when required.
  23. Here is a small update for Wild West Bob Trader to bring it up to A21 standards. Vending machines provide the drink and food type separately. The new format for keeping players out of the Trader area when it is closed it a teleport volume which allows for high precision on where it takes effect. The lower part of the trader will allow players to walk up to the outer walls even at night when it is closed. However, if a player attempts to jump over the wall or climb up, the teleport lip is protruding outward into the street to keep it 'safe'. All types of mostly broken but potentially working workstations have been added to match regular traders. There may or may not be a lootable construction box and car parts box somewhere around the compound.
  24. The whole point of Preppocalypse is the modded zombies with weapons. The pain is the zombies with weapons. The gain is the expanded inventory, lockable slots, enhanced vehicles and weapons, and a host of other quality of life benefits. By deleting the entitygroups.xml in its entirety from with the A21-Preppocalypse / Config folder, it will return the environment to purely regular zombies.
  25. Bravo. The location is very appropriate and anything from Doughs collection is enhancing. It was very scorching for much of the video stream. ^^ Thank you for sharing. I shall add it to the first post.
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