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  1. hi! not a modder, but a poi creator. I have an idea I want to implement with speakers but the base game lacks functionality on speakers to add them as triggers with duration in the level editor. basically I want to have the loud speaker go off when a volume is triggered. Can anybody guide me?
  2. my channel gotten taken by you tube. so totally not worth. but thank you
  3. thanks! awesome channel from a South African content creator.
  4. So I come with a very sincere request, this morning my friend passed away who was our group builder and I was hoping that there was a sneaky way you could add him as a Easter egg, we played this game all time. He passed away at the age of 55 in a car accident. His IGN was Saintwulf. if need a photo or something, I can provide something.
  5. Yo Khaine, would ask on Discord, but I'm banned there. Evilracc0on#9004 if you feel like unbanning me. Vehicle repair kit not working on motorcycles? I tries, claw hammer, nail gun and even a multitool. is there suppose to be more than one kit per vehicle? playing on dfvsmall1pep. update: you gotta have multiple kits for it to work.🙃
  6. Yo Fun Pimps! Thank you so much for the amazing game. As a vivid world builder I'd like to make some suggestions to improve the current base game: 1. Trader missions have usually been go to location, wipe out zeds and or retrieve stash and activate generators. Building out on this I suggest: - Reputation with traders: Good, no missions failed. quest items returned. Bad failed missions or stash opened and stolen. (stash loot could be meds, ammo, resources, dukes or junk loot) - unique item quest rewards such as unique weapons, unique mods, unique armor sets or unique skill books. (non-craftable). - Build Reputation with traders: T1 quests unlocked after T0 quest (kill 10 zombies general) - Good Reputation unlocks T1 with neighboring traders - Bad Reputation forces dangerous quests like T3 to prove your worth it without rewards. - End T1 quest Activate radio tower(s), opens up traders in other towns. (Summons Horde, defend location until tower boots up) Variety options: - Search and destroy cache of weapons at rival outpost (Bandit faction or white river depending on choice) - Escort NPC to location (Guard NPC to location OR through specific POI) - Gather resource missions (Gather 6000 wood, etc ) - Radiation quests kill zombie nest in radiated zone (Players can buy a suit from trader for amount or use traders suit for halved rewards) - Acquire Bio samples from special infected (give player beakers to collect samples, right click on body with beaker) - Build missions, eg construct Radio tower at location, establish outpost. (construction crate supplied, projected image appears in location) - Rescue survivors from location (timed event, clear enemies or waves) - Retrieve body from location (Encumbered by body, takes a space in vehicle) 2. clothes need to remodeled, especially college jacket. Looks like a horrible mess. 3. the pipe baton isn't a robotic weapon, so it doesn't make sense to classify it as is. Perhaps make it it's own class with different tiers like 1. wooden Tonfa or a branch with handle, Pipe Baton and then a police stylized baton. 4. Gas masks are in the game but have no use. with the introduction of fire hazards, you could include a gas leak as additional environmental hazard, blurring players vision and invert their controls. the gas mask can negate that effect. 5. Apart from the base usual vehicles, perhaps T5- T6 offers special parts for vehicles that can be put together for a special vehicle. 6. Bring back behemoths and large threats.
  7. @bdubyah I wanna add your vehicle mod to the wasteland, how do I go about it?
  8. I seem to notice a missing asset from the shape menu: ramp gable 1m full block. there is a 1/2 block (737 wood) but no full block.
  9. trying mod launcher now
  10. never had issues before downloading from github. I'm apart of the RH test team so i download on the regular from git. lemme try from different browser no dice
  11. rar is corrupt. wont extract. C:\Users\Downloads\Winter-Project-A19-master.zip: Unexpected end of archive. downloaded twice and same thing
  12. @stallionsden Please rectify my name on CQC House. also add these please. Evilracc0on POIS.zip
  13. Hello! Mod looks interesting but my dumb ass is obviously doing something wrong. >downloaded mod from nexus >copied files into "Mods" >created new world >nothing works >reinstalled into files of said names in each directory >nothing Help please. I usually use the mod launcher but this is beyond me. I am using latest stable 19.2 and have used a fresh copy for install.
  14. so i lost my ink pen from the starter kit, is there a way to find one? best places to look?
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