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Everything posted by Subquake

  1. yes, all download links are for the latest current version, there is no public archive with older versions/iterations
  2. New update is ready for Stable! 2020.11.09 - 2.2.12 Stable - Increased Oil Pump yields - Increased EXP gain speed for actionPerkResistHeat and actionPerkResistCold - Fixed sledge turrets not being sellable to the trader (causes a console error) - Fixed sledge turrets not being moddable (causes a console error) - Fixed blockplaceholders having a chance to spawn old forge instead of new furnace (Introduced in 2.2.08) - Adjusted all drivable vehicle stats and item info entries - Optimized encumbrance calculations code - Increased Trading Skill xp gain by 25% - Branches can now be burned at workstations - Changed SUV Police decal - Removed Bone Saw from loot/trader lists (obsolete item) - Removed debug recipe for meleeToolSalvageT3ImpactDriver (Introduced in 2.2.09) - Removed meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe from meleeWpnBladeT0BoneKnife recipe ingredients list - Removed consumable properties for meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe - Fixed meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe not giving itself back when canceling scrapping it - Fixed respawn blocks when destroyed giving themselves as a drop - Fixed some classic sedans not being assigned the correct item value - Fixed reloading gasoline powered tools not giving back empty gas cans on reload - Fixed ammo change in inventory not updating ammo count on the HUD - Added Raven Helicopter - Added DH-800 Helicopter with 7 variants - Adjusted vehicle4x4Truck stats, recipe, item info - Cement mixers (broken ones too) have a chance to give a small engine when dismantled - Changed Dune Runner stats, traders will sell one time use deployable versions of it - Changed Dune Runner recipe to one time use deployable version - Updated XUiC_PowerSourceStats UI Controller - Moved XUiC_PowerSourceStats BtnRefuel_OnPress method handling to Harmony - Improved SUVs Physics Colliders - Fixed XUiC_PowerSourceStats causing NRE when trying to refuel a generator in multiplayer - Fixed brass radiator description - Fixed when boiling water it takes murky water and gives an empty container, doubling jars/bottles - Fixed drinkJarPureMineralWater recipe - Fixed dedicated servers not taking into account quality research when closing and reopening workstations - Fixed world spawned workstations sometimes giving NREs (Bug introduced in 2.2.07) - Fixed weapons giving back broken stacks of ammo with 0 count - Augers and chainsaws can be refilled with higher fuel efficiency per fuel unit - World locations, that spawn workbenches/chem stations can now spawn a variety of other stations - Custom workstations can no longer give themselves when destroyed - Changed cntBeerCooler carry weight from 0.25 to 1.5 - Fixed refueling vehicles from radial menu not working in multiplayer - Adjusted ulmToolFryingPan hit/graze sounds - Adjusted resourceDoorKnob Carry and Material weights - Adjusted Item Info Panel Price prefix to work on all localizations as intended - Added Known/Unknown Schematic backgrounds to Item Info and Craft Info Panels - Reduced Vault craft time to 30 min - Removed ulmResourceDuneRunnerWheel from trader list (legacy item) - Fixed Journal Entry for Furnace having outdated vanilla information - Fixed Animal harvesting triggering on damaging zombies - Fixed window03WoodFrame giving glass, should have been scrap wood
  3. firing a shotgun causes lag even in vanilla, not my problem to solve, I can't fix every TFP bug, that they might fix themselves eventually, pointless work for me, remember, the game is still in early access and TFP are working very hard to make it better with every alpha! as for the recipe filter, it's not a bug, the game is just slow processing all the recipes, it also depends on the first letter you type, the more recipes have that letter, the longer the "lag", it's just processing recipes try typing A and yes there is a delay, try typing x, then there's very little delay
  4. 2.2.09 is still not out yet, make sure to read my discord experimental discussions as to why, but hopefully soon it will be live and I notify about that in experimental sections Lockpicks - vanilla since a few alphas back, not for doors. Bedroll prevents enemies to spawn near it, was it 15 blocks by default? Don't remember. Farming was changed a few alphas back, you need a farm plot block.
  5. It's a known multiplayer issue, if one uses the faucets, the other doesn't see the correct value. Not sure when it will be fixed, no promises.
  6. Will be fixed in next stable version, glad you spotted that! You should never install mods over the steam copy of the game. Always make a copy of vanilla, then apply the mod to the copy of the game. Sounds like you need a PC upgrade, I and majority of UL players don't experience that. To reduce lag, you might want to check out Undead Legacy custom game option: Recipe Filter.
  7. Not yet, no, but it is planned, however I can't say when. Problems start with sorting buttons, the UI must understand to move locked tag along with the item wherever it gets sorted in, also it has to be persistent between exiting save/reloading or logging out of a server then logging back in.
  8. you can make dirt blocks in your backpack, you can run it with compo pack, but I can't guarantee anything
  9. Only way to speed up load times is to install the copy of the mod on an SSD Also here's a treat for ya all:
  10. If you pay attention to what the user interface is showing, you shouldn't need a wiki, listing all recipes and items, because the item info panel is more advanced than vanilla or any other mod out there for 7 days to die, it shows what ammo a gun uses, what you need to repair something, what material it is made out of, recipe list if you hover over a recipe will show where something is crafted if you are not in the right workstation.
  11. Ok, Experimental 2.2.08 is out and should fix the ammo issue
  12. Standby for a hotfix. I needed some sleep
  13. 2.2.04 Update made it possible to make the handle in the Carpenter's Table Tier 1, make sure to keep the mod updated
  14. Well hopefully TFP are improving random world generation speeds with A20 based on their first A20 developer stream vod. Also 2.2.04 update is live for UL
  15. They aren't compatible, no plans to make it so any time soon or maybe never. I try to avoid using other people code, but nothing set in stone, just don't want to get your hopes up
  16. No, UI won't work without the mod. It's technically impossible, it was designed to complement Undead Legacy mod and has been deeply integrated in the game files to offer you all the quality of life features it has. It's not just XMLs and images, there's a lot of backend C# code making it all work and come to life!
  17. Mod is officially launched! Huge thanks for all the QA-Test team members, that suffered through and help me find all the bugs! @KinaUndead Some testers had success running mod with Nitrogen, mod currently doesn't have any RWG changes, but it has changes in biomes.xml
  18. Next week will be testing dedicated servers for the mod, if no major issues crop up, I've set up a release date: 30th October, 2020 for A19.2 Undead Legacy 2.2
  19. This looks quite cool
  20. Problem is, they changed how custom assets are loaded into memory, before it was on demand - as you equip an item/block, the game checked the bundle and fetched the file, if the bundle and asset was small, you barely noticed it. Now however assets are all loaded into memory as you load up the save file or join a server, even though you might not even see the bulk of the custom assets within a play session. They did that because if an asset bundle was heavy (50mb+), the game basically froze until the bundle was loaded into memory upon equipping said item/block. It's a quick fix, but it didn't really solve the problem with RAM usage for bigger mods like DF.
  21. @Gamer_62 pretty much what others have said. Reason for this release was to test some critical bugs, that may result in corrupted character file, corrupted chunks etc. It's because the core features are messing around with the games primary C# code, it's not some simple XML edits that were done here. Besides 2.0 experimental release doesn't have any custom weapons, resource items, changes to perks/skills, no custom blocks, none of that (only a handful of 10 or so items for testing). It's primary to test how good my programming skills are in changing major aspects of the game - how vehicle fuel systems work, how ammo works, how crafting works and how encumbrance changes to inventory work, etc. Those are all under the hood things, that you wouldn't normally see or appreciate as a regular player, but if something breaks and you have to reinstall the whole game, wipe configuration data in windows registry or simply delete save files, you wouldn't like it no single bit. As for pandemic stuff with covid, i'm jobless and people on patreon are the only income for me right now and I'm grateful for their support, some of those people have been supporting me through thick and thing over 2 years, sorry if that makes you feel salty, that they got the chance to test it a bit earlier than others.
  22. At the moment I'm using vanilla silencer sounds for those guns, that can have one, for meaty guns I assigned some of the rifle silencer sounds.
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