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Everything posted by Subquake

  1. Not at the moment, but I have plans to rewrite power code at some point. I don't mind wires, they are part of the "apocalyptic" setting. And you can hide them with a little bit of engineering and double walls and ceilings with a designated space for wires to go through.
  2. UI won't be released as a standalone thing, it's not compatible with vanilla/other mods. You must accept the fact, that it's an overhaul mod and not a mod pack, it's not modular and never was planned to be modular so that all the parts of the mod complement each other and work together in harmony.
  3. Yes and no, some stuff has been added, that would help me immensely with making my mod, such as block selection menu would clean up a lot of recipe clutter, ability to learn skill levels asynchronously (skill books) among some of the changes, and some new skill/item/buff triggers will be hooked up/fixed
  4. Not a fan of most changes in A17, looking forward to A18 very much, so that I can forget about A17
  5. A18 won't be that different from A17, not worried about that at all. Most of the custom code I've created should work for A18, maybe some parts would require some adjustments, but for the most part it theoretically should be compatible with A18, but for certain I will know only when I can get my hands on A18 release. It will most certainly not take me another year to update the code, because updating what's already written is much easier than figuring it out from 0.
  6. It was, wasn't it The things I coded in Undead Legacy during A17 are the things, that I have been wanting to see in the game for 3+ years, I just couldn't hold myself back of not doing it, since I'm a programmer by profession. With A16.4 I had to do all sorts of xml sorcery and workarounds just to get stuff to work and I was never truly happy about the results. I try to avoid to work on stuff, that TFP are working on as much as I can, but A17 dropped a big one on me, it's no longer the game I loved in A16 and before, it's completely different, so I had to do something about it. The two most annoying things, that were changed were lack of action skills and zombie loot with loot in general being even further simplified with A17, those things directly crossed paths with what UL was great for in A16 and I'm still in the process of addressing player progression and looting as I write this message. And something of note, that I don't want to talk much about is that even though I don't have a huge amount of support on my patreon for the development of this mod, I did decide to quit my job this summer in July, which is why you have seen massive burst of progress on the mod in the last months. Problem was, I was too busy with work all spring, I had barely any energy left after hard days at work and there was almost no major progress done during that time and I hated that so much, because of how much I love this game, my passion on improving it, learning about game programming and making in general with hopes of one day working on my own game at some point. Massive shoutout for all the wonderful people, that have been supporting me financially all this time and hopefully in the future, so that I can continue work on the mod and not worry about what I am going to eat or how to pay bills, but if you can't for whatever reason, as long as you are here, talking about the mod, rooting for it's development, spreading out the word, it means a lot to me as well, keeps my motivation up, especially at times when I feel like I'm fighting an upstream battle against the game developers and their radical changes/shift of where they want to move their game forward versus what I had it envisioned like in my head with Undead Legacy. Working as much as I humanly can, sometimes 10-16 hours per day, just to get this 2.0 version of the mod out, if it will be during A17 or A18, it's hard to tell, depends when exactly A18 drops, if it does drop before UL is released, then there won't be an A17 version of the mod.
  7. Modding an early access game has its drawbacks, having to readjust to constant changes is the biggest one of them.
  8. Optimized the torch models particles! Test parameters: CPU - Ryzen 7 2700X GPU - GTX 1080TI Default FPS (no torches): 60 Vanilla torch x32 - average 40FPS (from default 60FPS) Vanilla torch x100 - 12.5FPS average (from default 60FPS): Vanilla torch x200 - 8FPS average (from default 60FPS): Optimized torch x100 - 55 FPS average (from default 60FPS): Optimized torch x200 - average 37FPS (from default 60FPS) Conclusion: New torch has a 600% performance increase.
  9. You can't find titanium ore through digging, it was intentionally left as a find/trade item to make it more challenging to get as an end game, rare resource
  10. Added search feature for all the loot containers/storage similar to how it was added to the inventory:
  11. [video=youtube_share;zOrGVvIA9Og]
  12. Not in the first version, but I might work on a possibility that they might in the far future.
  13. Crafting recipes now support item durability consumption for recipe ingredients. In the above example it costs 5 Gasoline in the recipe to craft the item and it will reduce durability of gasoline cans when queued up. If a gasoline can is consumed while it's added to the crafting queue, it will be exchanged to an empty item, in this instance an empty jerry can. If you cancel the queue, it will fill the gasoline cans back up and use empty jerry cans as well, if no fillable items are in inventory when canceling queue, the stuff will spill on the floor (figuratively speaking) and you won't get them back. This change brings me one step closer to some other nicer features planned in the future
  14. Refined the visual representation of search results as well as perfected the backend code of search, now it will update results on inventory change event, meaning that when you move around items in your inventory, move them to and from containers, pick stuff up from the ground, it will update the search results and highlighted items.
  15. Tonight I added inventory search feature to further help with inventory management
  16. You'll be able to configure how fast the loot despawns from zombies through options from 5 min up to 6 hours:
  17. I would prefer it to be more like borderlands and color would represent loot quality (common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary etc), however for that I would need to shift my focus off content and again change C# code to support that, maybe later, but not in the immediate future.
  18. Color will be determined on what type of mob you kill, similar how it was in A16, Nurses would drop pink beams, Soldiers - green, Cops - blue, Construction workers - yellow, Normal zombies - white etc... Color will indicate what kind of loot you can find. Strength of the beam is determined by the mob: Normal - tier 1, Feral - tier 2, Radiated - tier 3.
  19. FPS style stat bars for item stats, represents deltas in color (green - the new item is better in that stat, red - new item is worse in that stat) When modifying weapons it will show in red/green any negative/positive effects, the item gets from any modifications attached to it.
  20. Recipes for which you don't have the required resources to craft will now be darkened, it was a very often requested feature for the mod back in A16.4 and I am happy, that I was able to do it now. And also improved the visuals of the crafting workstations.
  21. Yeah, well I am working as hard as I can to get the mod at a playable state, so that I can release an experimental version to poke around, find bugs etc. I have made so much progress on the mod this July and I am hoping that the release is not far away, if it's going to be before A18, I will release it, if not, then and only then I might hold onto the release, will see. Thanks, I really appreciate the support! I'm still sole maker of the mod and I am very, very excited to work on content stuff now when most C# code nightmare is more or less behind my back, still a lot of custom features could be added down the line, but they aren't essential to hold back the release so those will wait a later time to be added in.
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