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Everything posted by Subquake

  1. Undead Legacy Roadmap released: https://ul.subquake.com/wiki/Roadmap 2021.02.18 - 2.2.84 Stable update is ready: - Updated Red Mesa POI - Fixed sniper rifles being inaccurate (wide open reticle) while aiming - Fixed unlocked Door in Red Mesa where it should be locked - Fixed overlapping invisible UI elements in Perk Info screen over the toolbelt (SMiThaYe) - Fixed toolbelt not showing after disabling auto hide if it's hidden already - Fixed typo in perkAnimalTracker Localization - Possible fix for rare occurrence of disappearing ore and oil extractors - Possible fix for double looting with multiple people picking the same lock in multiplayer @zebras That's a vanilla bug you seeing weird textures, blocks, cubes etc. It's the game rendering distant terrain mock up blocks in close up. We can only hope TFP will resolve that issue in A20. As for things you can pick up, there's still quite a few missing, but yes, that's the latest addition to the mod. People requested being able to pick up containers for quite some time, because in Undead Legacy even crafting a chest or named storage crate is difficult and moving base location felt painful, being forced to leave storage behind, but I expanded the system a step further and made more blocks and things to use that system, which in my eyes makes a lot more sense. In a survival and scavenging game you most likely would scavenge containers instead of smashing them to bits, then using those components to make the said container, it would be more likely that you would instead pick them up and move them to your base. To balance it out, I will be increasing weight of container blocks, so that you can't carry around hundreds of refrigerators as an example.
  2. 2021.02.15 - 2.2.83 Stable is out! - Changed car and truck repair kit recipes to not need an additional spark plug - Salvage tool research now affects crafted battery quality - Higher quality car engine and battery crafting requires more resources - Most melee items will have better stamina performance with higher tiers - Increased power attack stamina cost for most melee items to balance out gained damage - Fixed Sexual Tyrannosaurus not being triggered by most rebalanced melee items
  3. More and stronger enemies are planned, including world bosses as well as storyline based bosses to give a more insight as to why the whole sci-fi aspect of the mod, but I can't get into specifics as to when that will happen, since now I'm still focusing on fleshing out the core features of the mod. For example, loot overhaul as well as a nutrition overhaul is still much needed things I want to do before even starting to think about what kind of monstrosities I want to add in the mod. Everything you see in the mod is very much work in progress and anything can be subject to change based on people feedback on what's good, what works and what doesn't and is bad.
  4. @pakrninja Server files are included in the archive, it needs the following folders: - 7DaysToDieServer_Data - Mods
  5. Yes, sometimes mod launcher is finicky and you need to pre-sync multiple times before it installs the update correctly
  6. Stable update 2.2.81 is finally ready! You can read more about all the changes in the patch notes on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/posts/47406586
  7. Either a quest would reset it to the new variant, going to an unexplored chunk of the map or yes a reset. Otherwise you'll see whatever you see now, without changes.
  8. Currently it doesn't matter, could be on the roof of a building... they will be reworked later, but as of now, it doesn't matter...
  9. Scrap dukes for brass, make ore extractors that mine zinc and copper ore, that can be turned into brass. As for polymers, blinds and many other blocks give them, can't remember from top of my head. 2.2.65 is latest stable version, the UI will tell if an update for stable is available in the main menu under the mods logo. 2.2.74 is experimental branch and will go to stable sometime next week, I hope.
  10. @ourbed, @chikorina Just released 2.2.73 update in Experimental branch, try switching back to your languages and tell me if the fix works or not
  11. Thank you for this crucial information, after closer examination of the issue, I was able to reproduce the issue and will be working on a fix for this!
  12. Did you install the mod correctly onto a A19.3 (b6) clean and vanilla version of the game? Also make sure when updating, that ALL Undead Legacy files are copied over correctly. I just today updated my server from 2.2.65 to 2.2.72 and I cannot reproduce what you are saying, for me inventory slot locking works flawlessly and no items are deleted when sorted using either of 4 sort buttons.
  13. You need to have 19.3 (b6) for the mod to work, it's version specific, you can't run it on A19.4, also disable EAC (Easy AntiCheat)
  14. Working on a QoL feature, that will show target active buffs under the health bar
  15. It takes damage just like the blade trap when it deals damage, ignition traps are planned
  16. Working on a completely new trap type
  17. If you mine Nitrate ore blocks, you'll also get Sulfur, that you can make into powder into the Mortar and Pestle
  18. also those table saws you sometimes see in some POIs along with cement mixers having a chance, other than that loot or trade
  19. @Retens those things are hard to debug, since most of my testing is done on single player, most people who would be willing to help me out usually are quite busy and hard to synchronize our times to get on the server and test the things together, but I'll try to check if they work or not when the possibility arises
  20. When it's finished harvesting, it will stop, then you can loot it Try installing copy of the mod onto an SSD, that might help. Generating new maps was never fast with random gen, I'd suggest looking up Nitrogen for that
  21. @Romerz yep, you need 7DaysToDieServerData and Mods folders installed to server, make sure all files were copied successfully (especially the files in 7DaysToDieServerData folder, sometimes hosts don't allow overwriting .dll files), and EAC must be off on the server.
  22. Not anymore, if I do that, it will instantly corrupt any existing save files, so that stays till A20 unchanged.
  23. That's a known multiplayer bug, you have to stay in the workstation UI for it to count the quest. It's out of my capability to fix the bug, it's how TFP have coded the quest system sadly. Haven't touched shootguns yet in my mod, they should work like in vanilla for now, so not sure about that question.
  24. New update ready! 2021.01.16 - 2.2.63 Stable - Lockpicking is now boosted by Jail Breakers and Great Heist - You can now rebind keys related to lockpicking and stack locking in inventory - Picked doors will now remember damage state before it was picked - Fixed Lockpicking minigame being triggering while trying to unlock player made storage/doors with set pass codes - Fixed Badger-38 missing critical item quality affecting stats - Fixed a typo for gamestage.xml, should be gamestages.xml
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