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Everything posted by Doomofman

  1. Excellent So is this what that Sharp Sticks artwork was all about?
  2. So would I be reading those screens right in saying that once you hit level 3 in Shotgun crafting you'll then be able to make a Quality 2 Pipe Shotgun and then when you hit level 11 you'll be able to make a Quality 1 Double Barrel? Also, related to this. Will there still be the overlap in Weapon Tier vs Quality. Where a quality 6 stone axe could be better than a quality 1 iron axe? Edit: Also... Nice build....
  3. 9700K currently, though upgrading to a 12700k soon. And just as I've seen it mentioned, it's not that the game is unplayable or anything for me, was just curious if my CPU upgrade or any other upgrade for that matter) would yield me any improvement in 7 Day and it looks like I'm already past the point where I can make it run any better with hardware
  4. I'm upgrading my CPU soon (not for 7D2D :P) and it got me thinking if I would see any performance improvement in 7D2D as a side effect from the upgrade. I'm often below 60FPS with maybe 50% GPU and 5/10% CPU usage. So my question is, is there a certain level of PC hardware where you just wont see any performance improvement in 7D2D from upgrades? As in, is it that once you have say maybe like a recent gen i5 or i7 (or AMD equivalent) where we're just at the mercy of the games optimization and/or settings changes?
  5. In a weird way I think I'd almost miss the terrible performance if it ever gets fixed
  6. Just to temper expectations, I'd imagine that Sharp Sticks thing could just be a book cover on a bookshelf rather than anything like a book series that effects gameplay etc
  7. I notice the vulture got a new animation in 20.4... Might we be seeing the new vulture model soon?
  8. Outside of the stuff already mentioned by others (bandits, water etc) I'd love to see a bit of love given to making the world outside of the tiled towns/cities feel more real to match the level of detail we see in cities now. Particularly the the transition between tiled sections and the RWG biomes is quite jarring (the difference in the roads is a good example) and, aside from the current wilderness POIs, the biome stuff outside of towns is very empty/repetitive. Maybe some sort of sub-biomes are needed like sections of pine forest with less trees or something similar to the old plains for the desert and so on
  9. Don't have much to suggest in a way of fix, just wanted to add that I have experienced this (was suggested to me that maybe it's a frame drop that's quick enough to not register on the FPS counter) and I've also seen a couple of streamers/content creators run into it as well. Haven't found a way to recreate it either, it's not like certain POIs or certain numbers of zombies cause it
  10. Anyone else run into an issue using the Lockable Inventory modlet resulting in you not being able to click/move anything in the inventory/recipes menu and not being able to use the Esc key to exit the inventory menu? I thought it was a vanilla bug and reported it but they just said it was an issue with the mod
  11. Summary: On random occasions I am getting stuck in the inventory/menus and am unable to left click to move items or to click any of the recipes. If I rightclick to split a stack it causes errors. I can't use Esc to get out of the menus, I have to use Tab (I can also use shortcuts like N etc to switch to other menus) Game Version: A20 B238 Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows 11 Dev Build 22523.1000 CPU Model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU System Memory: 32GB GPU Model and VRAM: RTX 2060 Mobile 6GB VRAM Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Video Settings: Medium with High Textures Game mode: Single Player - Private Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? Yes - Khaine's Lockable Inventory mod EAC on or off? EAC is off Status: NEW Bug Description: On random occasions I am getting stuck in the inventory/menus and am unable to left click to move items or to click any of the recipes, I can also not use the Esc key to get out of the menu and must use Tab or one of the shortcuts (like N, M etc). If I right click to split a stack it causes 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' errors. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Use game as normal 2) ??? 3) Menus break Actual result: Unable to left click on items in inventory/recipes, can't use Esc to exit, right clicking to split stack causes errors Expected result: Being able to move items and click recipes in menu and being able to exit menu using Esc key Logs in Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/ZK5Utn2R Player Stats CSV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17R5e8lSLPJsOm0sjonx7VNUKBUiUDloF/view?usp=sharing Screenshot: Attached Video of issue: https://youtu.be/AhkCmpE8RB0
  12. Yeah I think someone panicked about a discord post saying it'll likely be 2-4 hours after CST so they considered that a delay
  13. I think it's only Steve (yellow shirt) and Tom Clarke (the artist formally known as Spider Zombie) that have the new dismemberment tech enabled. So your "tests" will have to wait
  14. So UK time we're talking between 8-10pm
  15. Already seeing rumors of a delay... Though not sure anyone at TFP would be awake to be talking about that at the moment. Would suck if that's the case
  16. That would be nice. Would like to get a couple of hours play in before I turn in for the night
  17. At the end of the day, aren't we all just POI spawns?
  18. Wow, I thought things had gotten a little heated when I mentioned the Twitch stuff a while back but boy, this is on another level It's just a game... It's not life or death
  19. 1:35:12 in the YouTube VOD just after they show off the Spider Zombie design and the new regular zombie based on the old spider appearance. hopefully the below should bring you to the right moment
  20. There was a glimpse of the Feral Wight in the recent stream... He has pants now
  21. Looks like all the stuff TFP haven't shown off officially yet has been removed from that link
  22. That artstation link has shown up a few times. They all appear to be legit designs but not necessarily finished designs (Tourists shirt didn't end up that colour for example)
  23. My understanding of it (and I could very well be wrong) is that what you call the burnt zombie is a regular zombie and the burning one is the feral version. So if that's the case they would both likely only spawn in burnt biome, hordes and the few remnants they appear in
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