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Everything posted by Doomofman

  1. I don't get that attitude of hating on it because it's still in alpha. Game is fun, game is good. Hell, each Alpha they put out feels like getting a new game all over again.
  2. I don't want to assume anything will/wont happen so figured I'd ask. Are we likely to see more older POIs updated with new assets in the patches / point releases? There's such a mix and match at the moment. For example, I didn't realise there was a new model for the stone pallets as all the ones I'd seen in game were the old model, but saw someone else playing in the Joe Bros construction site and saw the new model, same with things like the lockers and munitions crate. It's very inconsistent at the moment
  3. I think that all traders of the same type (Like Jen as you mentioned) share the quest tiers whereas any trader of a new type you find starts off on Tier 1
  4. I don't think he was referring to FPS drops, there are these other micro-stutters that aren't reflected on the FPS counter which I assume is what he was referring to.
  5. Are there no more working workstations in the wild? Yet to find one myself or see anyone else get one on streams
  6. Why has seemingly the entire world been throwing away fishing weights?
  7. Enjoying it so far. Seems to be a lot of hitches though, and I've not even really found a proper downtown area yet. Also noticed that the road markings in the middle of one of the road tiles are out of line with the others. But it's been an overwhelmingly positive experience in the first couple of hours for me
  8. I'm more concerned with why they're eating beagles....
  9. Yeah I think someone panicked about a discord post saying it'll likely be 2-4 hours after CST so they considered that a delay
  10. I think it's only Steve (yellow shirt) and Tom Clarke (the artist formally known as Spider Zombie) that have the new dismemberment tech enabled. So your "tests" will have to wait
  11. Something else I've noticed from watching streams over the weekend is that some of the models have a weird cell shaded look to them. The electronic consoles and the iron spikes are the really obvious examples
  12. So UK time we're talking between 8-10pm
  13. Already seeing rumors of a delay... Though not sure anyone at TFP would be awake to be talking about that at the moment. Would suck if that's the case
  14. I've seen some worrying performance drops in the cities from the streams/videos I've watched over the weekend. I know there's a trade off in performance for the complexity/density of the new city/town layout but I'm concerned that trade off has gone a little too far
  15. Thanks for this. I had only been able to find a clip of it being zoomed in and you cant see the animation from that perspective... Now if only they could make it use .44 instead
  16. That would be nice. Would like to get a couple of hours play in before I turn in for the night
  17. It's true. 9mm is kind of the same that it only has the pistol and SMG that use it but they are both far better weapons to use than the revolver and you generally don't get a desert vulture until much later in the game so not worth hording .44 ammo for. I feel like the pipe machine gun should have used .44 as it looks like a Tommy gun as well. Then you would have at least had 3 tiers of weapons using the ammo (or 4 if the lever action had have used .44)
  18. It's disappointing that the lever action rifle uses .762 and not .44 (which would be closer to the real life rounds they use). Was hoping it would give more of a reason for .44 to be a thing in the game Also, is it true that the lever action rifle doesn't actually have a lever action animation? I haven't seen enough of it during the streamer weekend to know for sure
  19. From what I've seen of A20 on the streamer weekend so far, it's looking really good. The one gripe I have with any of the new stuff is that the triggers for opening doors at the end of POIs are one and done, so once you open the door you can't close it again. I'd love to see that be an on and off switch, rather than a one use thing. Maybe that's not possible with however it's been done though
  20. It'll be quite late on the 6th for a lot of people. Maybe like 9/10pm for Europeans and it'd be the 7th for like Asia/Australia etc
  21. I don't think you need to empty out your saves/maps once you know which saves/maps are from what version, it's just cleaner for people playing A20 only to empty it out
  22. I think I prefer the way the mods/overhauls don't drop until much later than Stable. It means by the time Stable starts to get a bit samey, you can then start throwing on working mods to freshen things up
  23. The lab rat in me is excited by these newly colored treats 😝
  24. That would make sense and it will hopefully still increase the number of harvested crops you get back too
  25. As it is now, you punch a crop, you get your harvest and the seed stays planted. With this change, you punch the crop and the seed is no longer planted but you have a 50% chance of getting the seed back in your inventory I think...
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