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Everything posted by Doomofman

  1. Don't have much to suggest in a way of fix, just wanted to add that I have experienced this (was suggested to me that maybe it's a frame drop that's quick enough to not register on the FPS counter) and I've also seen a couple of streamers/content creators run into it as well. Haven't found a way to recreate it either, it's not like certain POIs or certain numbers of zombies cause it
  2. I get it occasionally in singleplayer so not a server issue
  3. I've seen what Aero posted above as well. Driving down the street of a city and there's a random phantom wall in the middle of the street that you can just drive through
  4. Please fix the teleporting vehicle issue soon. Logged in and my minibike was in one of the traders, finish a quest and it's 100m away in the desert. I've had to retrieve my bicycle from under the world multiple times. It's so frustrating
  5. At the end of the day I should have been less of an @%$# towards TFP in my response to that user. I did follow the right avenues between the bug report and asking Khaine about any known issues and then subsequently reinstalling everything which seems to have done the trick for the time being. The lockable inventory slots are a QOL enhancement I just can't play the game without anymore
  6. The impression I got from the response to my bug was "You're using a mod, we're not going to look at this" rather than "it looks like this issue is caused by the mod" which is why I considered the response being fobbed off by QA, I have since done a fresh install of both 7D2D and the modlet and didn't run into the issue in a couple of long sessions. So maybe it was the mod? But if someone else got a similar situation without mods would suggest something else went wrong.
  7. I reported a bug for it too but because I was using that mod they basically told me to go **** myself. Kinda figured it wasn't the mod's fault though
  8. Do you use Khaine's Lockable Inventory slot mod by any chance?
  9. Is the Demo the only "boss" zombie in the game? As in, the only one that can drop a Red loot bag?
  10. Has something been changed recently to enable extra lines of dialogue for the traders? I feel like I've heard a few new/rare lines recently including Rekt threatening to shoot me at one point
  11. Anyone else run into an issue using the Lockable Inventory modlet resulting in you not being able to click/move anything in the inventory/recipes menu and not being able to use the Esc key to exit the inventory menu? I thought it was a vanilla bug and reported it but they just said it was an issue with the mod
  12. Now that I check, it was only 425kb so yeah must be just a Steam thing. Also, no A21 this year? I am outraged 😆
  13. It's still build 238 so I'm guessing it was either just Twitch Integration update or maybe just a Steam thing
  14. Yup, I have lost a horde base to this glitch. Super annoying
  15. Summary: On random occasions I am getting stuck in the inventory/menus and am unable to left click to move items or to click any of the recipes. If I rightclick to split a stack it causes errors. I can't use Esc to get out of the menus, I have to use Tab (I can also use shortcuts like N etc to switch to other menus) Game Version: A20 B238 Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows 11 Dev Build 22523.1000 CPU Model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU System Memory: 32GB GPU Model and VRAM: RTX 2060 Mobile 6GB VRAM Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Video Settings: Medium with High Textures Game mode: Single Player - Private Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? Yes - Khaine's Lockable Inventory mod EAC on or off? EAC is off Status: NEW Bug Description: On random occasions I am getting stuck in the inventory/menus and am unable to left click to move items or to click any of the recipes, I can also not use the Esc key to get out of the menu and must use Tab or one of the shortcuts (like N, M etc). If I right click to split a stack it causes 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' errors. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Use game as normal 2) ??? 3) Menus break Actual result: Unable to left click on items in inventory/recipes, can't use Esc to exit, right clicking to split stack causes errors Expected result: Being able to move items and click recipes in menu and being able to exit menu using Esc key Logs in Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/ZK5Utn2R Player Stats CSV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17R5e8lSLPJsOm0sjonx7VNUKBUiUDloF/view?usp=sharing Screenshot: Attached Video of issue: https://youtu.be/AhkCmpE8RB0
  16. On an unrelated note to what's currently being discussed in this thread... One thing I'm loving in A20 is that some POIs have zombies in them that aren't included in the Clear quests which can lead to some nice surprises/panic moments when you think you've killed all the zombies because the clear quest is complete. Can't remember all the ones I've run into so far but one of the farms has a hidden lumberjack, one of the factories has some surprise vultures and some other POI has a couple of Lois zombies (I forget her real name, I think she's Marlene or Darlene).
  17. Anyone else running into an issue with the latest build of getting stuck in the skills menu/inventory? As in the menus show up but you can't click anything. Sometimes opening a different menu will fix it
  18. How does one read that graph? I'm guessing red is bad... Is the yellow line 60fps?
  19. Anyone else getting occasional really bad stutter that doesn't manifest itself on the FPS counter? Was doing one of the Warehouse POIs just now and the game started stuttering like it was running at 20fps or something but the FPS counter (both Steam and built in) said the game was 60/70 fps
  20. It's an annoying little bug. Have your vehicle parked up nicely so you can drop some loot into it on a T4/T5 run and you come back outside to find it 100m away
  21. I want to see if this is intended behaviour or a bug. When you complete a tier of quests, do you get another 'tier completion' reward if you do another 7 of the same tier quest? So for example, you unlock Tier 4 quests, do 7 to unlock Tier 5, but you stay on Tier 4, would you get another reward after 7 more Tier 4 quests?
  22. Had this happen once so far since the latest build released. Is the world you're playing on generated on one of the older builds? I kinda figured that's why mine acted up
  23. Is modern_house_5 bugged for clear quests? It seems like there's some sleeper spawns that just don't appear. I've gone through the whole building both using the regular path and using DM flythrough and there's no hidden zombies that I can see but I never got the marker for the last sleeper groups and can't finish the quest now
  24. Is there more work being done on performance in cities and even performance in general?
  25. Is it just me or would it be better if the search term reset when you leave the Shape menu or if we had a button to clear the search? It's annoying when you need to switch back to all the blocks to have to click into the search box and delete the text
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