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Everything posted by SylenThunder

  1. There is. It's in a massive red banner at the top of these forum sections. There are also a number of posts discussing it over the past few months that it looks like you missed reading.
  2. Also note that if you have any data from previous Alpha builds, you need to wipe all the things. Cleanup tools are in the launcher.
  3. I have a 3900x with a 1060 and don't have a problem with a stable 60FPS at 1080p. The game really doesn't do well at higher resolutions, and this isn't the type of game that's going to get a benefit from a higher framerate. Also note that options with the word "Reflection" in them will absolutely tank FPS because this feature is not optimized.
  4. Nitrogen takes a lot of shortcuts. It's not nearly as complex as the built-in tool. This has both plusses and minuses. Terrain generally isn't as smooth as stock RWG, though stock does have some areas that are pretty rough as well. You can customize the map a lot more with Nitrogen, especially in regards to POI and biome layout, but it's more likely to have placement bugs than the stock mixer. Also keep in mind that Nitrogen has not been updated for a19.0 stable, much less up to a19.3. As a result, the process it's using is a few versions behind the default RWG mixer, and this creates some major compatibility issues. Right now it's basically "use at your own risk" tool, that may cause game-breaking bugs, and may not ever be updated again. The community is pretty handy though, and if you've got questions or issues, they are very open to assisting.
  5. Personally they will most likely go with Iron Galaxy again, since IG is already familiar with the code. As you stated, the big issue is cost. There is also the fact that TFP is not a console publisher, and they would need to find one. Then there's the lawyers, and more money, ect. ect. ect. And as stated already in the big red banner most of you don't bother to read, If anything happens, it won't be until after the PC game is finished.
  6. Instruction for why, and how to exclude the client, are in the Support FAQ stickied in General Support.
  7. First log no notable issues found. Second log the same. If your friend is 'Austin The King Duck', then this is the section where they try to connect to the server. It would appear that the disconnection is external from the server. So it's most likely a problem with their connection, or with something like security software blocking it. I cover both of these in detail in the Sticky FAQ thread.
  8. Not sure why the link isn't working for some of yall. Worked just fine for me. I edited the first post to attach the file. That should make it easier for you.
  9. There is a reason the min spec for the client is 8GB RAM. That looks perfectly normal.
  10. That literally narrows it down to about a million possibilities. Would need a log to narrow it down further. Instructions are in the Stickied thread in the General Support section.
  11. Pretty sure none of these are things you can do on the Playstation.
  12. TLDR - It's not likely to ever happen. This is from the Blog post. As for the PS5 and Series_X, you can take the excerpt from the quote above. "We are exploring all options that would eventually deliver a new version of 7 Days to consoles but this would likely happen after the PC version has gone gold and could end up being an entirely new product or on the next console."
  13. I just tested it, and did not have an issue. NitroGen_WorldGenerator_v0501.zip
  14. From what I have heard, he has moved on to other projects. Which means that this is not likely to see another update. With each Stable release it gets further and further away from being compatible with the client.
  15. When you install Java using the default install, it only installs the 32-bit version. You need to click the button to "See all Java downloads" and then download the 64-bit version from there. Do note that you must first install the standard 32-bit version before you install the 64-bit version.
  16. Copy the map folder into the client Worlds folder. /home/sdtd/engine/Data/Worlds Then in the Config you will want to change line 25 from "RWG" to the name of the folder. This is how we've been doing ours since a18 due to the server taking forever to make the maps. This is something that is being worked on, and reminds me I need to go try a few gens in a20.
  17. The date on the last entry in your log is 2020-11-29T03:07:30. So since that time it's not doing anything. Either the process is a zombie, or it's frozen. Personally, just make the map on your local client and then copy it to the server.
  18. The log is incomplete. It started world generation, looks like it ran for a couple of hours, and after that the log just ends. Either it was an external crash, or the process was terminated abruptly. The CPU you are using is similar to mine, but with less cores. Mine will take about 2 and a half hours to make the map. Based on this information, I'd say your server was still generating the map when it was terminated.
  19. Check your NAT. Common issue with the Microshaft gaming consoles, and may require specific forwarding on your modem/router to accomidate.
  20. There is this big red bar at the top of every page. I suggest you read it. It would also be helpful if you actually looked at existing posts too, because there are literally like two or three pages worth of posts in this very section discussing just that already. Mostly because people can't be bothered to read.
  21. EAC feature that isn't used. Can be ignored.
  22. If you're talking about ghost LCB's on the webmap, I believe that's Alloc's mod not updating the information properly.
  23. It's a big red banner straight across the top of every page in the Console section of the forum.
  24. Profile has been restored. Servers are currently online, though we still have a tech coming to check the line tomorrow.
  25. Yes, we take full backups once an hour. All I need is the last time you know you were connected without an issue, and we can restore the data from that time. Currently our ISP is having a problem, but I can get everything set up for you ahead of time.
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