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Everything posted by SylenThunder

  1. Thanks. That's what I figured. I tried looking into the code, but it's way beyond my capabilities. I have noticed that with my Linux dedi, if I do not re-copy the Mod folder fixes over to the server after I update the engine, it throws an error at startup and they don't function correctly. Next time it happens I'll post my logs. (Or I may force it later and post it, but I'm at work atm.)
  2. I find I just have to wait a minute or so for them to load. Also, you need to re-install the Mod after each client update.
  3. I went digging through my backups and found I still have rev. 250 (5_7_9), which was the version used in a12.5. You can download the Zip file here. I may have modded the web map background, but I can't recall offhand. Does anyone know if there is a way to make it center the map on the selected player and keep it centered? I'd like to select a player and have it "track", but it only moves the map when they are at the edge, and they just stay at the edge unless they turn around.
  4. No worries. Glad you got it figured out.
  5. stupid database error made me post 20 times >.< Do you have any mods? Also, could you upload your config and the full output log?
  6. @Follo What happens if you use a much lower port, like the default for the control panel? - - - Updated - - - @Follo What happens if you use a much lower port, like the default for the control panel? Also, did you update the mod files to the A13 version? - - - Updated - - - @Follo What happens if you use a much lower port, like the default for the control panel? Also, did you update the mod files to the A13 version? - - - Updated - - - @Follo What happens if you use a much lower port, like the default for the control panel? Also, did you update the mod files to the A13 version? - - - Updated - - - @Follo What happens if you use a much lower port, like the default for the control panel? Also, did you update the mod files to the A13 version? - - - Updated - - - @Follo What happens if you use a much lower port, like the default for the control panel? Also, did you update the mod files to the A13 version? - - - Updated - - - @Follo What happens if you use a much lower port, like the default for the control panel? Also, did you update the mod files to the A13 version? - - - Updated - - - @Follo What happens if you use a much lower port, like the default for the control panel? Also, did you update the mod files to the A13 version? - - - Updated - - - @Follo What happens if you use a much lower port, like the default for the control panel? Also, did you update the mod files to the A13 version? - - - Updated - - - @Follo What happens if you use a much lower port, like the default for the control panel? Also, did you update the mod files to the A13 version? - - - Updated - - - @Follo What happens if you use a much lower port, like the default for the control panel? Also, did you update the mod files to the A13 version?
  7. If it's a linux server, you should have "Engine" which is where pretty much everything for the game is. Config folder, 7DaysToDieServer_Data folder, ect. Inside Engine, you would make a folder called "Mods" and all of the files from inside the server_fixes.tar.gz go inside it. (Make certain you don't get a double mods folder. "Engine/mods/Mods") If you have that done, then the server fixes should run just fine. If you're on a Windows system, then it would just be in "7 Days to Die Server\Mods". I'm assuming you're running a Linux dedi since it's hosted though.
  8. Updating it is super easy. I don't even use the script anymore. Just download the file and extract it into the /engine/Mods folder. Start server, and it's good to go.
  9. Is anyone online when you run that, because they shouldn't be. Also, you should only run it if you had an existing map when you added the mods, or if you need to refresh it after removing a lot of region files.
  10. I managed to get it to "refresh" the tiles, but it won't actually reload them. basically it makes the map blink every 60 seconds. I added the code to map.js at line 128
  11. Your webpermissions.xml should look something like this... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><webpermissions> <admintokens> <!-- <token name="adminuser1" token="supersecrettoken" permission_level="0" /> --> </admintokens> <permissions> <!-- <permission module="webapi.executeconsolecommand" permission_level="0" /> --> <permission module="webapi.getplayersonline" permission_level="2000" /> <permission module="webapi.getstats" permission_level="1000" /> <permission module="web.map" permission_level="2000" /> <permission module="webapi.getlandclaims" permission_level="2000" /> </permissions> </webpermissions> It's not serveradmin, it's a completely different file.
  12. Actually, it would be better to use something in the js like we had before where it just reloads the blocks. It's on my "to-tinker-with" list.
  13. Straight answer..... Here's what I get from my console. >webpermission list Defined web function permissions: Level: Web function 2000: web.map 0: webapi.getlandclaims 0: webapi.getplayersonline 0: webapi.getplayerslocation 0: webapi.getplayersinventory 1000: webapi.getstats Alloc, the wiki page could really use a lot more detail.
  14. Hey, no problem. Glad you figured it out. =)
  15. Could you post the server log? The image you posted previously is barely legible, and the log will tell us if there's anything going wrong, along with your settings.
  16. If you're using 8080 for console, and 8081 for telnet, your map is on 8082. It's always going to be console +2.
  17. Those commands don't work on dedicated servers I'm running the Linux dedi with two RandomGen MP servers and giveself works fine as long as you set the permissions for it. I haven't tried the weather yet, mainly because there hasn't been a need to. We get quite a bit of it. Must have the following in your admins.xml <permission cmd="giveself" permission_level="1" /> <permission cmd="giveselfxp" permission_level="1" /> Then your admins and mods can use the command.
  18. It's taking forever to load the chunks again, or something similar. Every time I set coords, they end up falling forever and having to use the teleport twice. Either that or I set up a landing pad of Hay and raise the teleport point by 20-30 meters. It's causing an issue with the /home command from the server manager as well, although that seems to be double-edged. There's the issue loading the chunks, and when using /sethome, it's like it sets the altitude 2-4m below where you actually are. Also, at the quote of me saying "Does this mean it's possible? " was in response to you saying that 64-bit isn't "supported" on the Linux dedi. I was asking if it was possible to use 64-bit even if it's not technically supported. I might be interested in poking around with that if it is.
  19. He's stated recently that this is "a spare time project". It's not something he gets paid to maintain. The update will come when it comes. Until then, either stay on 11.2, or run without the mod.
  20. I downloaded the initial link, and was going through the code to make changes when I noticed this.... <recipe name="Ammunition Nation II Book" count="1" scrapable="False" craft_time="60" craft_exp_gain="2" learn_exp_gain="20" > <ingredient name="paper" count="100" grid="0, 0" /> <ingredient name="5.45x39mm_Bullet" count="1" grid="-2, -2" /> <ingredient name="5.56x45mm_NATO" count="1" grid="-1, -2" /> <ingredient name="5.7x28ذ¼ذ¼_Bullet" count="1" grid="0, -2" /> <ingredient name="7.62x51mm_NATO" count="1" grid="1, -2" /> <ingredient name="7.62x39mm_Bullet" count="1" grid="2, -2" /> <ingredient name="8.6أ—70mm_Bullet" count="1" grid="-2, -1" /> <ingredient name="bulletTipMold" count="1" grid="-1, -1" /> <ingredient name="bulletCasingMold" count="1" grid="0, -1" /> </recipe> I'm assuming that the code got corrupted while downloading or extracting, but that means I have to manually go through the rest of it to check it. From what I can see, I believe it should look like this.... <recipe name="Ammunition Nation II Book" count="1" scrapable="False" craft_time="60" craft_exp_gain="2" learn_exp_gain="20" > <ingredient name="paper" count="100" grid="0, 0" /> <ingredient name="5.45x39mm_Bullet" count="1" grid="-2, -2" /> <ingredient name="5.56x45mm_NATO" count="1" grid="-1, -2" /> <ingredient name="5.7x28mm_Bullet" count="1" grid="0, -2" /> <ingredient name="7.62x51mm_NATO" count="1" grid="1, -2" /> <ingredient name="7.62x39mm_Bullet" count="1" grid="2, -2" /> <ingredient name="8.6x70mm_Bullet" count="1" grid="-2, -1" /> <ingredient name="bulletTipMold" count="1" grid="-1, -1" /> <ingredient name="bulletCasingMold" count="1" grid="0, -1" /> </recipe> Can you verify this is true before I go tinkering around with the rest of it? Thanks.
  21. haha thanks. I keep all these threads open all the time and just grabbed the wrong tab I guess. LOL
  22. Just FYI, I ran updatescripts and it does exactly what I expect, and tells me I need to update the engine to build 576370. Unfortunately, when I run updateengine, it shows "Engine is already at the newest build (local:480993, remote: 1)." Going to try manually downloading it from Steam now.
  23. Yes it works, no it doesn't change your map. You may want to run the mapping script with no one on the server if you plan to use that feature though.
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