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Everything posted by SylenThunder

  1. Yeah, don't use GLCore renderer. Your system supports DirectX. Lets see a normal log with DirectX, and next time use Pastebin. Oh and don't edit the log either. It's missing a lot of useful information.
  2. GeForce Experience is just bloatware, and using it to adjust settings is extremely bad for a game actively in development like this one. Short answer, don't use it. Disable V-sync. It's crap. Limit the frame rate in Nvidia's settings if you need to. (I would strongly advise this with your hardware anyway.) Disable reflections completely. Your CPU is a bit low to handle it, and that feature still hasn't had a proper optimization pass. Every option with the word reflection should be turned off. Same for motion blur. It's just adding extra processing to your GPU that isn't necessary. SSAO is also pretty heavy on the GPU. If you're still having a bit of an issue, disabling this should help a lot.
  3. Pinned thread.... Personally our group uses CSMM/CPM, though I also greatly enjoy Server Tools. Botman is an excellent choice as well. IMHO, it all comes down to what level of tools you want to have available for you to manage the server, and options for players. Go though each one and compare setup options, and features.
  4. Posted in the wrong section. Moving to the correct location. Try reading the Pinned threads before you reply again.
  5. Never saw this because you posted in the wrong forum section. Moving it to the correct section. You might want to start by reading the Pinned threads. Like this one.
  6. 1. Post in the correct forum. 2. Learn how to use pastebin so you aren't posting an entire wall in the forum. I'll start by moving this to the correct forum. You can continue by reading the Pinned threads in that section.
  7. Players, NPC's, enemies, animals, vehicles, drones. Those are all the ones I can think of off the top of my head. The old gore block was an entity, but it's been removed.
  8. It helps to read the Pinned threads before posting. Would want the log from before the error ocurred, and the log with the error. You can delete the region file, and that will get you going again with some loss of data. However we will need the log files to assist in developing a real solution.
  9. It is primarily single threaded, but sets a lot of smaller worker jobs on all of the other available threads. Yes core clock speed will make a big difference in performance.
  10. Issue is most likely a failure to exclude the client from security software.
  11. Also note that 20-30 isn't the ideal area for server FPS. a14-a19 it was 30-40 is idea. Over 40 is wasted CPU cycles, under 25 is where you'll start to see things lagging out. (a14 is an estimate, might have been ideal since a10, but I can't recall offhand that far back atm.) a20 ideal is more like 40-50FPS, and I've had servers running up to 53FPS under peak performance. 30-40 still seems to be "ok" territory as long as you're within supported values. Below 30 and you'll start to see a lot of lag/latency. Oh, and 6GB RAM is below min spec. Pagefile/Swap needs to be a minimum of 8GB as well. CPU is a bit on the low-end in terms of base clock speed, doesn't multithread well, and has low memory bandwidth. The saving grace for you would be to have a decent storage array, but given the rest of the lineup, I'm inclined to think it's something like a 10k SAS drive at best. Running a VM is just adding another layer of slow, and you're already working with Windows. Final note, FPS for server clock cycles is probably older than the FPS term for monitors and games. It's used in another computing task that pre-dates gaming, and in networking as well. Kind of like "Lag" was primarily used to describe high network latency, and over the past 20 years has been used by gamers to describe low FPS or a bottlenecked system.
  12. How long was the server online before that happened?
  13. Ahh, your previous image didn't come through, so I thought the output you were getting was literally similar to "Day 99, 15:56". If I had to guess I would think that value is based on ticks, but it could also be the current uptime, and doesn't have anything to do with the day count. Or maybe it's just a String value for the A2S_INFO or A2S_RULES response. https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Server_queries
  14. I'm curious what isn't readable. Are you not familiar with how a 24-hour clock works? Ingame: Day 99 (Monday), 15:56 Ingame: Day 99 (Monday), 3:56 p.m. Same difference. Both are perfectly readable.
  15. My personal favorites in order are Host Havoc, BlueFang, and Ping Perfect. TFP uses Ping Perfect for their internal test servers, however their entry-level plan may not have enough power for a20. I've heard good things about GTX Gaming as well, but don't have much personal experience with them.
  16. Wrong hash on Data/Config/buffs.xml Made some edits? Aside from that, I'm not seeing any issues. Server FPS is about where it should be. Not seeing a bottleneck, and not seeing any issues.
  17. Yeah, those can be ignored. There's a bunch. And that parent/child one can be ignored too. Personally, I'd go with nitrado over G-Portal, but neither are in my good graces atm.
  18. Try that again. Except this time use Pastebin like you're instructed to. And put the whole log up.
  19. Based on the data in the log, one of the connection ports was closed while the server was running. Hopefully them migrating to a different server fixes the issue.
  20. Might want to remove the mod. Just nuke the Mods folder. It fails to load because you installed it wrong, but still... Your log also looks like it shows normal exit. Just loaded it up and went back out again.
  21. Might want to remove the mod. Just nuke the Mods folder. It fails to load because you installed it wrong, but still... Your log also looks like it shows normal exit. Just loaded it up and went back out again.
  22. Could you post a full log on Pastebin? Instructions are Pinned.
  23. Yeah, I wrote a mod for this ages ago. Less Tree Seeds Reduces the chance to 20% for one seed. Has code inside for respawning trees as well if you want to enable that.
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